In astrology, Chiron is called the Wounded Healer, which means it rules our wounds and healing. It shows where we can have great wounds, but also how we can greatly heal. The Lunar Nodes are the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic. There are two Lunar Nodes, a North Node and a South Node, and they exactly oppose one another. The North Node connects to our potential, our purpose, and our greatest fulfillment in life, but is new, unfamiliar, uncomfortable, and something we have to learn. The South Node connects to our past, our baggage, the emotional crutches we fall back to during times of stress and upset, but is comfortable and familiar so we keep going back and have to learn to release the crutches. Transit Chiron Conjunct the North Node:
So what happens when transit Chiron conjunct one of your Lunar Nodes? We'll start with the North Node. When transit Chiron is conjunct your natal North Node, this can be an excellent time for healing and personal growth. Not only that, but you can benefit from it in so many ways, and the more you heal and grow, the more you can feel like you're on the right path and living your best life.
The issue, of course, is that this may be super uncomfortable at first. You may avoid it completely because of the discomfort. It may shine a light on issues you don't want to face, don't feel ready to deal with. It might scare you. You have to push through that. At some point, the discomfort and worry and fear goes away as you become more comfortable and experience some of the healing and growth. You can keep going forward, and embrace more growth. Chiron can link to a quiet personal power within, the kind of power that comes from feeling more whole and more like yourself rather than anything external, loud, or from others. As you heal and grow, you get more of that quiet power, and you can keep going to find more. The issues that you need to work on will depend on the sign and house location of your natal North Node, as well as any planets in your North Node sign. Currently, Chiron is in Aries until 2027, so you may experience this aspect at some point in the next 5 years unless your North Node is early in Aries. Aries North Nodes have to learn to be independent and autonomous, to be assertive and take initiative, and to embrace your true face and inner fire. Any issues around these things may be worked on with Chiron in Aries conjunct your North Node. If you've rejected who you are, if you've leaned too heavily on others, if you're been timid and avoidant, this would be the time to address it. Transit Chiron Conjunct the South Node:
Now to transit Chiron conjunct your natal South Node. During this transit, this is also a great period for healing, however you may be more focused on the past than the future. You can feel the weight of your baggage, from your early life, past life, or karmic, but you may be so used to it that you try to force yourself to just keep going with it. You may reach a point where you just can't anymore, a breaking point where you have to say, enough is enough.
We get too complacent with the South Node, too used to the way things are, even when they're terrible, so Chiron transiting the South Node kicks up all the bad things that you just got used to and accepted but shouldn't. Just because that's the way it's always been or the way it's been for a long time doesn't mean you have to resign yourself to it staying that way if it's not healthy for you. It can be difficult to do though. There can be fear associated with this transit too, just like with the North Node. With Chiron on the North Node, it's more fear of the unknown, while Chiron on the South Node is more fear of letting go. You may think you don't know who you are or what your purpose is without this baggage, these issues, this person, this circumstance. You're too tied up and you don't want to let it go, but Chiron is giving you a way out. You have to face the issues, face the baggage, and be willing to let it go. This can be a major process, but it can lead to deep, profound changes. This may not be super obvious externally, on the outside, but within, you can change in a huge way. The potential is for you to clear out that baggage so you're moving forward more freely, without all that weight. The issues that you need to work on will depend on the sign and house location of your natal South Node, as well as any planets in your South Node sign. As noted, currently Chiron is in Aries until 2027, so you may experience this aspect at some point in the next 5 years unless your South Node is early in Aries. Aries South Nodes are used to doing their own thing, going their own way, and relying on themselves for everything. This means you have to learn how to ask for help and rely on others in this life. You may put way too much on yourself, and end up in bad situations because you don't trust anyone enough to let them help you. You've likely been burned before, and fear it again. Baggage you may need to address can center around this. Suggested Reading: Transit Chiron Aspects Ceres is a dwarf planet that rules nourishment and support in astrology. A retrograde occurs when a planet or body appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth. When Ceres is retrograde, we can struggle with having the nourishment and support we need, having the resources we need or using resources we have well, and may experience lack in some way. We have to work through issues around lack, and find new ways of being abundant. Ceres Retrograde Aspects to the Natal Planets:
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Ceres
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Ceres, you can find support and feel nourished in different ways, and it can be easier for you to take a different approach to using resources or accessing new ones.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Ceres, there may be issues around lack, and you may find that old issues are exposed. This can be an opportunity to work on them, but there may be deep discomfort in the meantime.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Ceres, this means you're having three Ceres Returns, once before, during, and after the retrograde. This can be a huge time for you when it comes to feeling nourished, getting and giving support, the resources you have, and abundance in your life. You can experience major changes and see important developments in your life.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Ceres, there may be issues around lack, and you may find that old issues are exposed. This can be an opportunity to work on them, but there may be deep discomfort in the meantime.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Ceres, this means you're having three Ceres Returns, once before, during, and after the retrograde. This can be a huge time for you when it comes to feeling nourished, getting and giving support, the resources you have, and abundance in your life. You can experience major changes and see important developments in your life.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Jupiter
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Jupiter, you can find new, different ways of expanding your life, having new resources, and using resources you have. You can be more optimistic about abundance in your life.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Jupiter, you may have to work on controlling excess. You may go too far to get the support you need, or to give support to others. You may need to work on moderation.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Jupiter, this can be a big opportunity to increase abundance, resources, and your finances, in new, different ways. You can find more security and support.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Jupiter, you may have to work on controlling excess. You may go too far to get the support you need, or to give support to others. You may need to work on moderation.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Jupiter, this can be a big opportunity to increase abundance, resources, and your finances, in new, different ways. You can find more security and support.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Saturn
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Saturn, this can make it easier to maximize your resources in new, different ways. You can be more productive and responsible.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Saturn, you may feel extreme lack, and issues around lack, not having enough in some way, can feel much stronger and you feel more insecure about it. There may be lessons to learn that can help you down the road.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Saturn, you may feel you don't have enough, and old issues around lack can pop back up again. There may be something important for you to learn around having enough, or feeling like enough.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Saturn, you may feel extreme lack, and issues around lack, not having enough in some way, can feel much stronger and you feel more insecure about it. There may be lessons to learn that can help you down the road.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Saturn, you may feel you don't have enough, and old issues around lack can pop back up again. There may be something important for you to learn around having enough, or feeling like enough.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Uranus
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Uranus, you can find new, different ways of having the resources you need, and the resources you need may be different as well. Changes can prove to be beneficial in many ways.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Uranus, you may struggle with unexpected developments or changes that make you feel unsupported or like you don't have enough. You likely need to go about it in a different way from usual, and step outside of your comfort zone.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Uranus, you can focus on making important changes to getting and giving support, your resources, or financially. You can adapt to changes more easily, and take new, different approaches.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Uranus, you may struggle with unexpected developments or changes that make you feel unsupported or like you don't have enough. You likely need to go about it in a different way from usual, and step outside of your comfort zone.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Uranus, you can focus on making important changes to getting and giving support, your resources, or financially. You can adapt to changes more easily, and take new, different approaches.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Neptune
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Neptune, you can feel more spiritually abundant, and can take new, different approaches to getting and giving spiritual support to others. You may do so quietly, without wanting attention.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Neptune, you can see resources dissolve, and may feel karmic or spiritual baggage around abundance, lack, and having enough that needs to be worked on.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Neptune, you can feel spiritually abundant, but may also feel karmic issues around abundance that need to be addressed. You may have difficulty seeing this though, and there can be foggy energy that makes you more vulnerable.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Neptune, you can see resources dissolve, and may feel karmic or spiritual baggage around abundance, lack, and having enough that needs to be worked on.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Neptune, you can feel spiritually abundant, but may also feel karmic issues around abundance that need to be addressed. You may have difficulty seeing this though, and there can be foggy energy that makes you more vulnerable.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Pluto
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Pluto, this can help you find more power and control in new, different ways, which help you feel more secure. You can feel more at ease with intimacy, and able to get below the surface of matters.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Pluto, you may struggle with having what you need, experiencing power struggles and fights over control. You may need to hold your position, but also make sure you're seeing things clearly.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Pluto, you may embark on an important transformation with your resources, finances, how you get or give support, or feel abundant. You may need to take control, and this can be powerful and enlightening.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Pluto, you may struggle with having what you need, experiencing power struggles and fights over control. You may need to hold your position, but also make sure you're seeing things clearly.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Pluto, you may embark on an important transformation with your resources, finances, how you get or give support, or feel abundant. You may need to take control, and this can be powerful and enlightening.
Ceres Retrograde to Natal Chiron
When Ceres retrograde is sextile or trine natal Chiron, you can find new, different ways of healing, being in tune with your well being, and being spiritually connected. You can take new approaches, and you can feel at ease.
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Chiron, you may focus on deep, old wounds regarding not having or not feeling like enough, and this can make you feel insecure and unsupported. You likely need to address these issues now.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Chiron, you can find new, different ways of growing, healing abundance issues, and being at ease with yourself. You can be quietly powerful, and as you heal, you feel more confident and abundant.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Natal Ceres in the Houses
Natal Ceres Aspects
Transit Ceres in the Houses
Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres
Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres
Transit Ceres Aspects
The Ceres Return in Astrology
Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart
Ceres & Love Astrology
Ceres Retrograde Aspects
Progressed Ceres in the Houses
New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres
When Ceres retrograde is square or opposite natal Chiron, you may focus on deep, old wounds regarding not having or not feeling like enough, and this can make you feel insecure and unsupported. You likely need to address these issues now.
When Ceres retrograde is conjunct natal Chiron, you can find new, different ways of growing, healing abundance issues, and being at ease with yourself. You can be quietly powerful, and as you heal, you feel more confident and abundant.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Natal Ceres in the Houses
Natal Ceres Aspects
Transit Ceres in the Houses
Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres
Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres
Transit Ceres Aspects
The Ceres Return in Astrology
Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart
Ceres & Love Astrology
Ceres Retrograde Aspects
Progressed Ceres in the Houses
New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres
The month of September 2022 comes with a full moon in emotional Pisces and a new moon in mediating Libra, and both tie into the Mercury retrograde. What does this mean for us?
What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Full Moon in Pisces: September 10th 2022 (5:56AM ET/2:56AM PT)
Pisces is an emotional water sign, and full moons bring a lot of emotional energy, so Pisces full moons can be times when we're much more sensitive and easily stirred. But, Pisces doesn't like to show it too much, so we may keep this to ourselves, even though we're actually really soft and need a gentle touch now.
Pisces is the sign of compassion and empathy, so we can strive to be sweeter with others, and try to be more understanding. We may try to be more helpful, especially with those who have difficulty helping themselves, but we need to be careful of being taken advantage of.
Pisces rules imagination, so if we need a healthy outlet for anything, creativity can be the winner. We can channel what we're feeling into creative projects and hobbies, and this can help soothe us emotionally.
Pisces is the very last Zodiac sign, while full moons rule endings, so we may see some big things come to an end, literally or figuratively.
This full moon occurs about 6 1/2 hours after Mercury retrograde begins in Libra, so this can amplify emotional energy at the start of this retrograde, and we can be extra sensitive. We need to take care of ourselves, and others. If we're stressed, we may be extra drained.
This full moon is sextile (positive aspect, two signs away, transit (moving) Uranus in Taurus, and this can help us to come together, to be more objective so we're not lost in our emotions, and we can focus on our dreams.
This full moon occurs at 17 degrees 41 minutes Pisces. The aspects to this full moon are:
Conjunction: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Pisces
Sextile: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Taurus or Capricorn
Square: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius
Trine: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Cancer or Scorpio
Opposition: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Virgo
Pisces is the sign of compassion and empathy, so we can strive to be sweeter with others, and try to be more understanding. We may try to be more helpful, especially with those who have difficulty helping themselves, but we need to be careful of being taken advantage of.
Pisces rules imagination, so if we need a healthy outlet for anything, creativity can be the winner. We can channel what we're feeling into creative projects and hobbies, and this can help soothe us emotionally.
Pisces is the very last Zodiac sign, while full moons rule endings, so we may see some big things come to an end, literally or figuratively.
This full moon occurs about 6 1/2 hours after Mercury retrograde begins in Libra, so this can amplify emotional energy at the start of this retrograde, and we can be extra sensitive. We need to take care of ourselves, and others. If we're stressed, we may be extra drained.
This full moon is sextile (positive aspect, two signs away, transit (moving) Uranus in Taurus, and this can help us to come together, to be more objective so we're not lost in our emotions, and we can focus on our dreams.
This full moon occurs at 17 degrees 41 minutes Pisces. The aspects to this full moon are:
Conjunction: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Pisces
Sextile: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Taurus or Capricorn
Square: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius
Trine: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Cancer or Scorpio
Opposition: 15 degrees 41 minutes - 19 degrees 41 minutes Virgo
New Moon in Libra: September 25th 2022 (5:55PM ET/2:55PM PT)
The new moon in Libra can help us work on coming together, and we can pursue opportunities that have us working with or for others. We can be more optimistic about connecting and our dealings with others.
We may enter into new partnerships, new relationships, and new commitments, and we can be enthusiastic in our negotiations and diplomacy. We can be more comfortable in one-on-one settings, and we can be more charming and engaging.
Libra is the sign of balance, so we can strive to find more balance, and this can help us be more decisive. We can feel confident if we feel balanced, and are surrounded by peace and harmony.
This new moon comes 2 days after Mercury retrograde exits Libra, so Libra energy has been off for a couple of weeks while the retrograde was in Libra. This new moon, coupled with the Sun and Venus entering Libra, may help us get on the right path quickly with whatever has gone off the rails in our relationships and partnerships.
The new moon is opposite transit Jupiter in Aries, and this can bring a lot of excess. We can go overboard in many ways, and we need to get some control over that. It can be easy to let things slide until they go too far, so we need to make sure we're being mindful.
This new moon occurs at 2 degrees 49 minutes Virgo. The aspects to this new moon are:
Conjunction: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Libra
Sextile: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Leo or Sagittarius
Square: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Cancer or Capricorn
Trine: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Gemini or Aquarius
Opposition: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Aries
Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations
We may enter into new partnerships, new relationships, and new commitments, and we can be enthusiastic in our negotiations and diplomacy. We can be more comfortable in one-on-one settings, and we can be more charming and engaging.
Libra is the sign of balance, so we can strive to find more balance, and this can help us be more decisive. We can feel confident if we feel balanced, and are surrounded by peace and harmony.
This new moon comes 2 days after Mercury retrograde exits Libra, so Libra energy has been off for a couple of weeks while the retrograde was in Libra. This new moon, coupled with the Sun and Venus entering Libra, may help us get on the right path quickly with whatever has gone off the rails in our relationships and partnerships.
The new moon is opposite transit Jupiter in Aries, and this can bring a lot of excess. We can go overboard in many ways, and we need to get some control over that. It can be easy to let things slide until they go too far, so we need to make sure we're being mindful.
This new moon occurs at 2 degrees 49 minutes Virgo. The aspects to this new moon are:
Conjunction: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Libra
Sextile: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Leo or Sagittarius
Square: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Cancer or Capricorn
Trine: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Gemini or Aquarius
Opposition: 0 degrees 49 minutes - 4 degrees 49 minutes Aries
Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations
Imagine that you have just received an astrology reading and you are told that you have a twelfth house activation going on. That alone can be hard news to deal with because the twelfth house in astrology is mysterious and is related to self-undoing. It is one of the toughest houses to work with but we are always better for it.
Oftentimes, when people get astrology readings, the main mission becomes how to apply the astrology. That’s what I want to focus on today: how do you best work with the twelfth house if that is your current astrology? Other astrological aspects that are included are Neptune and Pisces house transits.
Hypnosis: A Key Tool For a Twelfth House Transit
When there is a twelfth or Pisces house or Neptune transit, I teach my clients that hypnosis is one of the key tools to use. This ancient tool and healing modality is so effective because it operates with the most powerful part of our make-up: the wonderful subconscious mind, represented by the twelfth house in astrology.
It is a great disservice that we are not taught about the subconscious or unconscious mind because it is this part of the mind that controls what we allow or don’t allow in our lives. Just like that twelfth house, the subconscious mind is unseen and often a blind spot that creates multiple outcomes in our lives-good or bad.
But thanks to the recent Pisces activation, use of hypnosis is on the rise, which means that people have access to a modality that works on creating change, ending self-sabotage and releasing limiting beliefs and unprocessed emotions.
It is a great disservice that we are not taught about the subconscious or unconscious mind because it is this part of the mind that controls what we allow or don’t allow in our lives. Just like that twelfth house, the subconscious mind is unseen and often a blind spot that creates multiple outcomes in our lives-good or bad.
But thanks to the recent Pisces activation, use of hypnosis is on the rise, which means that people have access to a modality that works on creating change, ending self-sabotage and releasing limiting beliefs and unprocessed emotions.
What are the Conscious Mind, the Subconscious and Critical Faculty?
Here’s a quick primer to help you understand the power of hypnosis:
We all have a conscious and a subconscious mind and a critical faculty.
It is important to note that the subconscious mind is unlimited, designed to protect you, keep you alive and thinks in pictures, sounds and feelings. A simple way of describing the unconscious mind is that it is a seven-year old child.
In contrast, the conscious mind, which uses the senses, is much more limited in awareness. Also, there is a filtering system set up to help keep your conscious mind from overloading.
What determines what your conscious mind can see is called the critical faculty, which is a gatekeeper. And what guides the critical faculty: the subconscious mind.
So if the unconscious mind is the ultimate determiner of what you experience, how do you get it to align with what you desire for your life? Hypnosis!
We all have a conscious and a subconscious mind and a critical faculty.
It is important to note that the subconscious mind is unlimited, designed to protect you, keep you alive and thinks in pictures, sounds and feelings. A simple way of describing the unconscious mind is that it is a seven-year old child.
In contrast, the conscious mind, which uses the senses, is much more limited in awareness. Also, there is a filtering system set up to help keep your conscious mind from overloading.
What determines what your conscious mind can see is called the critical faculty, which is a gatekeeper. And what guides the critical faculty: the subconscious mind.
So if the unconscious mind is the ultimate determiner of what you experience, how do you get it to align with what you desire for your life? Hypnosis!
What is Hypnosis and How Does It Work?
Hypnosis, which is a natural state that we all go in and out of daily, bypasses the critical faculty, and allows suggestions to be made to the subconscious mind using pictures, sounds and feelings. It can be used to release limiting beliefs, stuck emotions and anything that creates problems in your life, thereby decreasing the chance for sabotage.
Additionally, hypnosis can be used to suggest empowering beliefs and get the unconscious mind onboard with your goals.
In the hypnotherapy world we say that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so you can use hypnosis tracks or book sessions with a hypnotherapist. Both work and you feel refreshed afterwards. Hypnosis often feels like a getaway, just like the twelfth house requires, so it is a perfect remedy for those transits.
So be sure to get your hypnosis in with those twelfth and Pisces house and Neptune transits! It can help ease the harshness of the transit and lead to you feeling healthier and manifesting more of what you want deliberately.
Suggested Reading: Using Astrology to Understand Your Inner Oshun Goddess
Additionally, hypnosis can be used to suggest empowering beliefs and get the unconscious mind onboard with your goals.
In the hypnotherapy world we say that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, so you can use hypnosis tracks or book sessions with a hypnotherapist. Both work and you feel refreshed afterwards. Hypnosis often feels like a getaway, just like the twelfth house requires, so it is a perfect remedy for those transits.
So be sure to get your hypnosis in with those twelfth and Pisces house and Neptune transits! It can help ease the harshness of the transit and lead to you feeling healthier and manifesting more of what you want deliberately.
Suggested Reading: Using Astrology to Understand Your Inner Oshun Goddess
About the Guest Author:
Tirra-Omilade Hargrow is a spiritual guide, life coach, and twice initiated as a priestess into African and goddess spiritual traditions, a certified hypnotherapist, and an avid student of astrology. She loves helping women align with their life purpose using ancient wisdom.
She has spent the last 20 years reading for and mentoring women in their spirituality. Tirra realizes that when women are supported with wisdom, have a community, and connect to their feminine power, they take aligned action leading to a balanced, happy, and successful life. When Tirra is not sharing wisdom, she is laughing or walking with family and friends, dancing to the latest Afrobeats and belly dance jams, or volunteering in voter’s rights activism. Make sure to sign up for her free and awesome Mini Goddess Toolkit to craft or enhance your godess-centered life now! |
Tirra's website: Follow Tirra on: Youtube: TirraOmilade Instagram: goddessbms Facebook: GoddessBMS Pinterest: goddessguru |
As an energy healer, my approach has always been to look at the stars as a map that we can follow to heal ourselves. No matter what we see in our natal charts, we can lean on energy healing and a bit of psychology to help us get around issues.
Early on, this holistic view brought up a lot of questions. Where is the energy of the birth chart, is it in the physical body? How do we feel the effect of transits, and is there anything that we can do to soften the edge? And why were so many people focused on Mercury Retrograde? There are lots of planets that need integrating!
My answers to these questions are based on the 2-year healing course at the School of Intuition & Healing in London, as well as the natal charts of healing clients.
My feeling is that the energy of the birth chart is stored in the Aura and specifically in the transpersonal chakras, which take our attention beyond our individual lives, to the collective. These were covered in a previous post called Energy Healing, Chakras, and Planetary Magick, along with a guided meditation. You’ll find a summary below.
Let’s Reach for the Stars!
Before we reach for the stars, we need to ground ourselves. The Earth Star Chakra is situated about 12-18 inches below the feet, at the bottom of the Aura. It grounds us in Mother Nature’s energy and gives us an energetic escape valve that makes it easier to withstand the ups and downs that can be caused by planetary transits. The Earth Star Chakra comes alive with grounding meditations, crystal healing and nature walks. It also strengthens the Root Chakra, at the base of the spine.
Next we have the Soular (Soul Star) Chakra, which can be found about 6-12 inches above the head, in the Aura. It relates to the soul, past lives and astrology. This is where we develop an intuitive connection with the Solar System; activating the Soular Chakra makes it easier for us to process astrological transits consciously.
The energy of the astrology chart flows through the Soular Chakra, into the spiritual Aura (the outermost layer). If you are not familiar with the Aura, picture a sphere of light around your body. The Aura is an intuitive muscle; it reads your surroundings while projecting your energy and intentions into the world.
Next we have the Soular (Soul Star) Chakra, which can be found about 6-12 inches above the head, in the Aura. It relates to the soul, past lives and astrology. This is where we develop an intuitive connection with the Solar System; activating the Soular Chakra makes it easier for us to process astrological transits consciously.
The energy of the astrology chart flows through the Soular Chakra, into the spiritual Aura (the outermost layer). If you are not familiar with the Aura, picture a sphere of light around your body. The Aura is an intuitive muscle; it reads your surroundings while projecting your energy and intentions into the world.
Working with the Aura
In healing school, we learned that the Aura has many layers. It has one for each of the chakras along the central column (with estimates ranging from 7-12). To keep it simple, our teachers suggested that we divide the Aura into four thick layers:
The cosmic blueprint is in the spiritual Aura layer; it underpins the rest, as each Aura layer flows through all inner layers until it reaches the physical body. Based on intuitive healing sessions, these layers relate to the Elements & the Zodiac:
Physical Aura: Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Emotional Aura: Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Mental Aura: Air Signs - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini.
Spiritual Aura: Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
The energy of your birth chart is captured by your Soular Chakra, in the spiritual Aura layer, and filters through the inner layers according to your natal chart placements. Let’s say a person has Venus in Pisces (Water); that is felt in the Soular Chakra (the cosmic antenna), and it is also felt on a daily basis in the emotional Aura layer. If a person has lots of Water placements, they may need to address that with energy and vibrational healing – likewise if they don’t have many. Stimulating the emotional layer adds depth to relationships and bring happiness into our lives, while grounding brings balance. The same goes for the remaining Aura layers and their corresponding Elements and Zodiac Signs.
- The physical Aura layer is closest to the body. It relates to our experience of life in the physical world including health, vitality, productivity and grounding. It’s red and measures about 2-3 cm; the following layers are threaded into the physical layer. This layer relates to the material world and the physical body.
- Next is the emotional Aura layer, where we hold and experience feelings and emotions. This part of the energy body reads our surroundings and takes stock of how others feel. If a person is highly sensitive and attuned to feelings, they are likely to have an open emotional layer. It relates primarily to the Sacral Chakra.
- The mental Aura layer is where we hold thoughts, beliefs and opinions. These can be fluid and changing, or rigid and stubborn. It depends on the Zodiac signs that are active in a person. Thoughts on this level impact our self-esteem.
- The spiritual Aura layer stores information on past lives, ancestors, and the astrology chart. It is where intuition leads to mystical experiences. We become aware of angels, spirit guides and the guiding light of planets & stars.
The cosmic blueprint is in the spiritual Aura layer; it underpins the rest, as each Aura layer flows through all inner layers until it reaches the physical body. Based on intuitive healing sessions, these layers relate to the Elements & the Zodiac:
Physical Aura: Earth Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Emotional Aura: Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Mental Aura: Air Signs - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini.
Spiritual Aura: Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
The energy of your birth chart is captured by your Soular Chakra, in the spiritual Aura layer, and filters through the inner layers according to your natal chart placements. Let’s say a person has Venus in Pisces (Water); that is felt in the Soular Chakra (the cosmic antenna), and it is also felt on a daily basis in the emotional Aura layer. If a person has lots of Water placements, they may need to address that with energy and vibrational healing – likewise if they don’t have many. Stimulating the emotional layer adds depth to relationships and bring happiness into our lives, while grounding brings balance. The same goes for the remaining Aura layers and their corresponding Elements and Zodiac Signs.
Energy Healing Tips:
There are many ways to balance and integrate the energy of the natal chart:
Vibrational remedies can help us soften transits and natal placements. There were covered in a previous post: A Do-It-Yourself-Astrological Pharmacy.
- Grounding yourself in Nature and softening your metaphorical posture will help a ton; trees with deep roots and flexible trunks withstand storms & quakes. Try a simple grounding meditation; visualize tree roots beneath you and breathe deep.
- The softening happens when we work with our individual Elements to become less rigid; softening Earth with Water, and burning through rigid Mental (Air) structures with Fire. We can work with the whole Aura, or heal and integrate two layers at a time. Coincidentally, if we think of the Zodiac as six coins with two sides, Fire signs are always paired with Air, sitting opposite each other on the Zodiac wheel. Earth signs are always paired with Water Signs. For example, if a person has the Sun or Venus in Pisces, we’d ground it in Earth to balance it.
Vibrational remedies can help us soften transits and natal placements. There were covered in a previous post: A Do-It-Yourself-Astrological Pharmacy.
Ready to Get Started?
Join me on Instagram for meditation to heal and balance your planets (HERE). Ideally, you’d have knowledge of your natal chart, but it isn’t entirely necessary.
* Note: Energy healing is complementary to medical care, not alternative.
* Note: Energy healing is complementary to medical care, not alternative.
This post was also published on Regina's website HERE (go check her out!).
About the Guest Writer:
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.
You can also find her on: Amazon - Facebook - Instagram |
The ninth house in astrology is a happy house, and one of the more positive areas of your natal chart. This isn't a dark and depressing place, this is a light and happy one.
Ninth House Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Most astrology charts have 12 houses, and each rule different parts of life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and 12 houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at. Your natal houses each rule different parts of your life and personality.
The ninth house is naturally ruled by Jupiter, the happy planet ruling expansion. Jupiter wants to go big, and doesn't see the point in being serious or down about life when there are so many possibilities.
The ninth house is naturally ruled by Jupiter, the happy planet ruling expansion. Jupiter wants to go big, and doesn't see the point in being serious or down about life when there are so many possibilities.
At-a-Glance Ninth House Keywords:
- expansion
- higher learning
- long-distance travel
- beliefs
- the big picture
- optimism
- bold communications
Ninth House in Astrology: Expansion
The ninth house is a house of expansion since it's ruled by Jupiter. It can show how we expand, where we focus on expanding, and what we want to expand. We can be open and willing to pursue opportunities with the ninth house, and want to see what else there is out there.
Ninth House in Astrology: Higher Learning
The ninth house is the house of higher learning, so this is learning beyond your primary education. It can show where we gain a lot of knowledge, and this knowledge can come conventionally in school, but also through life experience. Life can be the best teacher according to the ninth house.
Ninth House in Astrology: Long-distance Travel
The ninth house rules long-distance travel, so these are places you can't get to by car or walking. Airplane travel is ruled by the ninth house, and this house can show your approach to long-distance travel, how you want to do it, where you want to go, and what you gain from it.
Ninth House in Astrology: Beliefs
The ninth house is the house of beliefs, and astrology differentiates between your values with the second house and spirituality with the twelfth house. The ninth house is political beliefs, but also religious ones (different from spirituality, which isn't necessarily religion-connected).
Ninth House in Astrology: Big Picture
The ninth house is a big picture house. It can show your approach to the big picture, where you need the big picture, and how you can also think bigger and brighter.
Ninth House in Astrology: Optimism
The ninth house in astrology is an optimistic house thanks to Jupiter, and it can show how we're optimistic, what we're optimistic about, and our approach to being optimistic. It's where we don't want to be serious, and instead are adventurous, daring, and bold.
Ninth House in Astrology: Bold Communications
The ninth house is a communication house (along with the third house), but this is big, bold communication. It's grand storytelling, and rules publishing, marketing, and publicity.
Where Your Ninth House Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign your ninth house falls in. The areas of life ruled by that sign are where you need space, think big, and are optimistic. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your ninth house (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your ninth house falls in) as this can also connect to the 9th house energy.
If you have any natal planets in your ninth house, this can make the ninth house energy a lot stronger for you. That planet can strongly connect with your expansion, learning, travel, and beliefs.
Transit (moving) planets touring your ninth house can bring some temporary energy for ninth house matters. It can be especially strong when it's transit Mars (drive for expansion), transit Saturn (lessons with beliefs), transit Uranus (unconventional beliefs), transit Pluto (powerful bold communications), or transit Chiron (focusing on healing wounds of expansion, optimism, or beliefs).
Transit planets aspecting your natal 9th house ruler can stimulate ninth house energy as well, and conjunctions, square, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging and require a lot of focus on your beliefs and expansion.
If you have any natal planets in your ninth house, this can make the ninth house energy a lot stronger for you. That planet can strongly connect with your expansion, learning, travel, and beliefs.
Transit (moving) planets touring your ninth house can bring some temporary energy for ninth house matters. It can be especially strong when it's transit Mars (drive for expansion), transit Saturn (lessons with beliefs), transit Uranus (unconventional beliefs), transit Pluto (powerful bold communications), or transit Chiron (focusing on healing wounds of expansion, optimism, or beliefs).
Transit planets aspecting your natal 9th house ruler can stimulate ninth house energy as well, and conjunctions, square, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging and require a lot of focus on your beliefs and expansion.
A Strong Ninth House in Astrology
Some may have a super strong natal ninth house. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) in the 9th house
- your Sun, Moon, or Chiron in the 9th house
- your North or South Node in your 9th house
- your 1st house ruler in the 9th house
- your 9th house cusp or ruler anaretic (at 29 degrees)
- retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 9th house or ruling the 9th house
When you have a strong 9th house, your beliefs can be super important for you, and you may be a staunch defender of the beliefs you have. You may struggle if the beliefs you grew up with aren't the ones you identify with as an adult, and have to work to be true to yourself.
You may be someone who needs a lot of space to expand and explore the world, and learning can best be done for you when you're experiencing life for yourself. This may lead to a lot of failures, but you end up lucking your way into something better.
You can see the bright side to most situations, and you can see the big picture relatively easily. This opens up opportunities to you all of the time.
Suggested Reading: The 9th House page for general interpretations, as well as the series of articles about the 12 houses:
All About the First House in Astrology
All About the Second House in Astrology
All About the Third House in Astrology
All About the Fourth House in Astrology
All About the Fifth House in Astrology
All About the Sixth House in Astrology
All About the Seventh House in Astrology
All About the Eighth House in Astrology
All About the Ninth House in Astrology
All About the Tenth House in Astrology
All About the Eleventh House in Astrology
All About the Twelfth House in Astrology
- a stellium (3+ planets) in the 9th house
- your Sun, Moon, or Chiron in the 9th house
- your North or South Node in your 9th house
- your 1st house ruler in the 9th house
- your 9th house cusp or ruler anaretic (at 29 degrees)
- retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 9th house or ruling the 9th house
When you have a strong 9th house, your beliefs can be super important for you, and you may be a staunch defender of the beliefs you have. You may struggle if the beliefs you grew up with aren't the ones you identify with as an adult, and have to work to be true to yourself.
You may be someone who needs a lot of space to expand and explore the world, and learning can best be done for you when you're experiencing life for yourself. This may lead to a lot of failures, but you end up lucking your way into something better.
You can see the bright side to most situations, and you can see the big picture relatively easily. This opens up opportunities to you all of the time.
Suggested Reading: The 9th House page for general interpretations, as well as the series of articles about the 12 houses:
All About the First House in Astrology
All About the Second House in Astrology
All About the Third House in Astrology
All About the Fourth House in Astrology
All About the Fifth House in Astrology
All About the Sixth House in Astrology
All About the Seventh House in Astrology
All About the Eighth House in Astrology
All About the Ninth House in Astrology
All About the Tenth House in Astrology
All About the Eleventh House in Astrology
All About the Twelfth House in Astrology