We're all prone to indulging sometimes, so what can show that you will? Astrology can point out many different things in your life, so of course astrology can show you when you'll experience periods of indulgence! 3 influences on indulgence:
Venus and Jupiter are usually in play, so anytime you have any Venus or Jupiter aspects, you can be prone to overindulgence. Venus is the indulgent planet in general while Jupiter rules excess.
This can be the case with transit aspects by Venus or Jupiter to your natal chart, or with transit aspects to your natal Venus or Jupiter, and it can be the case with the easy aspects (sextiles and trines), but tends to play out most with conjunctions, squares, or oppositions, particularly oppositions. Oppositions can show out-of-control energy, so overindulgence becomes over the top. And when you have transit Venus opposite natal Jupiter or transit Jupiter opposite natal Venus? Oh boy, throw out the scale! You can also be prone to overindulgence with aspects to the 2nd house cusp or ruler, which is ruled by Venus naturally and governs the senses; as well as with transit Venus or Jupiter in the natal 1st house (of the self), 2nd house, 4th house (ruling comfort food), or 6th house (of health). The Moon can also show times when you may eat more, but it's usually as a way of comforting yourself emotionally since the Moon rules emotions, and you can be prone to "comfort foods". This can play out when the Moon is touring your 1st, 2nd, 4th, or 6th houses, or is aspecting your natal Venus, Jupiter, Moon, or 1st or 2nd house ruler or cusp. The moderator:
Transit Saturn aspects or aspects to your natal Saturn can have more moderating influence since Saturn rules restrictions and limitations, so you can be less inclined to indulge with transit Saturn aspecting your natal chart (especially your natal Venus, Jupiter, or Moon), or with aspects to your natal Saturn, or Saturn transiting your natal 1st, 2nd, 4th, or 6th houses.
Suggested Reading: Astrology of Laziness Chiron is currently technically a comet (that's changed a few times) but is usually reffered to as an asteroid in astrology, and it's dubbed the "Wounded Healer". In your natal chart, Chiron represents the biggest wounds you need to heal from, and the best ways for you to heal and grow. It can be a pain point in your chart, one that is difficult to focus on because of the trauma and emotional baggage that can be associated with it, but it also provides a tremendous potential for growth. How do you know if you have a strong natal Chiron?
You qualify if your natal Chiron is:
- conjunct a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) - conjunct one of the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th house cusps) - in the 1st house, is anaretic (at 29 degrees) - at a critical degree Any of these can make the energy of Chiron more prominent for you. What does it mean to have Chiron strong in the natal chart?
When you have a prominent natal Chiron, you can feel your wounds more strongly than others. This may play out subconsciously though, and you may not be fully aware consciously of just how much your wounds and emotional baggage are influencing your actions, decisions, and life. You need to work on becoming more consciously aware of this so you can work to take control of the energy instead of letting it control you.
Until you do that, it can be difficult for you to maneuver life, and you may feel like you're constantly being victimized. Some people can manifest this quite negatively, and play the victim card a lot, using it as a way of getting attention or of avoiding taking responsibility for their life. It's best to avoid doing that though, otherwise it can be a longer, harder road to using your Chiron energy for bettering your life. This tends to be more of a problem if you haven’t done the mental and emotional work yet required of your Chiron to utilize the energy better. Once you start to unlock the healing potential your strong Chiron possesses, you can unlock a lot of inner personal power. It can grow in a subtle way until you become stronger and stronger, and eventually, you can be seen as someone very wise, honorable, and inspiring. The power Chiron brings isn’t in-your-face or loud, but subtler and quieter. It’s a power that leads you to feel more confident and stable in life, better able to handle whatever is thrown at you. The greatest potential a strong Chiron native usually has is in the power to heal, not only yourself, but others as well (and actually, you may be a better healer of others than yourself!). You'll often find a strong Chiron in the charts of people who are in the medical field, whether in a traditional sense (like a doctor or nurse) or in an alternative practice (like a Reiki practitioner or energy healer). Suggested Reading: Prominent Uranus, Neptune, & Pluto in the Natal Chart; Prominent Natal Saturn, Prominent Natal Black Moon Lilith, and Prominent Natal Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries February 2018 Monthly Horoscope On February 10th, Venus enters water sign Pisces, and you can enjoy getting more time to yourself, focus on spiritual connections with loved ones, and you may keep your feelings to yourself, or only express them behind closed doors. In love, you can work on subconscious love issues, eliminate clutter in relationships spiritually, or walk away from someone that hasn’t been healthy for you. You can be more compassionate, understanding, empathic, and sacrificing with the people you care about. February has no full moon! Instead, we'll have one solar eclipse, coming midmonth on the 15th at 4:05PM in Aquarius, the first solar eclipse (of 3) for 2018. This eclipse can help us to focus on the future, our dreams for what it would be like, and what we hope for in our lives and for the world. We can work on coming together and trying to work together for a common cause and purpose, and try to have an impact on the world. It's not about one, it's about all, and finding our place in the world. We can work well with friends, and groups can accomplish a lot, and we can push for the causes that we're passionate about and believe in. We can be more independent, innovative, and focused on originality and uniqueness. We can be open to what's different and unconventional, step outside of our comfort zones and push boundaries that need to be challenged. We don't need to keep things as they've always been. Change can be a good thing, and we can embrace that. We can focus on the new, the different, the strange, and we can see the good that can come from that. We can unlock new possibilities by broadening our perspectives and being more objective. And we can be true to our individual selves while still finding a way to come together and leave room for other ways of being. The eclipse is sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus (in Aries), so that helps to amplify the energy and use it well. The eclipse is conjunct (aligned with) Mercury in Aquarius, stimulating our minds, increasing communication and ideas, helping us think more about the future and think outside of the box, and we can be more engaging and open. The eclipse is also square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) Jupiter in Scorpio, so we may be excessive at times, feel a little too good at times, and think a little too big at times, so we may need to keep ourselves from letting things expand too much too fast. The solar eclipse occurs at 27 degrees 7 minutes in Aquarius. The aspects for this solar eclipse are: Conjunction: 22 degrees 7 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Aquarius; 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 27 minutes Pisces Semisextile: 25 degrees 7 minutes - 29 degrees 7 minutes Capricorn or Pisces Sextile: 22 degrees 7 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Aries or Sagittarius; 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 27 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Square: 22 degrees 7 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Taurus or Scorpio; 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 27 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 22 degrees 7 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Gemini or Libra; 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 27 minutes Taurus or Virgo Quincunx: 25 degrees 7 minutes - 29 degrees 7 minutes Cancer or Virgo Opposition: 22 degrees 7 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Leo; 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 27 minutes Cancer *Note that eclipses have an impact of up to six months before and after. Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations When you're starting to analyze your natal chart more fully, one thing you may come across is a stellium. Stelliums aren't present in every person's chart, so this is something that can stand out in your own chart when you have it. What is a stellium in astrology?
A stellium occurs when you have 3 or more planets in your natal chart grouped closely together in one sign. A stellium represents a tremendous amount of potent energy available to you. It’s a strength in your chart, but the trick is learning how to use it properly.
This is usually focused on the sign your stellium falls in, and then on the house (or houses) the planets are located. Stelliums in the Signs:
With an Aries stellium, there’s a great deal of energy that you have - too much sometimes! So it’s important for you to find an outlet for it at all times, whether it’s a goal to work toward or just everyday hobbies and such. You need to find something that is fulfilling for YOU, not for other people, and where you can use your abundant energy.
With a Taurus stellium, you’re a super slow burner - takes time to get going, but once you do, you’re the epitome of “an object in motion stays in motion”. So it may be a good thing that it takes you time to pick what to take action with, because you won’t come off of it, and you don’t want to get stuck on something bad for you. You need to find something that makes you feel good about yourself and your life. With a Gemini stellium, you have the power of the mind, and this is largely where your energy is expressed. You’re an idea person, and ideas may come to you in abundance. You can work on plans for them, but you may have an issue with getting bored really easily and quickly moving on to the next exciting idea, so you can be a bit scattered and unfocused. You need to find something that allows your insatiable mind to constantly be challenged. With a Cancer stellium, you’re a super nurturer, a mother hen, and you can give a lot of yourself emotionally. But your emotions can bat you around at times, and you may feel at their mercy. It’s important for you to learn how to manage your emotions in healthy, positive ways and not go overboard with them or bottle them. You need to find something that allows you to channel your emotional energy into action. With a Leo stellium, you’re super creative, and this can be a great asset for you. You’re likely someone who is an artist in some way, and you can thrive in the spotlight and want attention (unless in the 8th or 12th houses). Wherever this stellium is situated, this is an area where the spotlight can find you, whether you want it or not. You need to find something that gives you an outlet for your creative energy and where you’re comfortable with attention. With a Virgo stellium, this can make you a great worker, super productive and efficient, and you want to feel productive and put to good use. You can have a great eye for the details and be very attentive to everything you work on. But you can also suffer from anxiety, worry, stress, and demand too much perfection of yourself, so you need to learn to relax. You need to find something that gives you lots to do but enough space to unwind. With a Libra stellium, your focus can be on others, and you may have great power when it comes to dealing with other people. You can be a great mediator, negotiator, judge, and defender, and all of your energy and passion can come out when you’re focused on others. You just need to make sure you don’t forget yourself in the process. You need to find something where you can work with or for other people but still maintain your own identity within it. With a Scorpio stellium, abundant Scorpio energy usually shows someone who has to undergo one or two big transformations or lots of smaller transformations throughout their life. Either way, transformation is the name of the game, and once you do that, you can use the unrelenting focused energy available to you. You can be strong, powerful, willful, and passionate. You need to find something to channel that passion into. With a Sagittarius stellium, there can be a tremendous amount of energy for you to expand, explore, and experience. You can be super optimistic, always seeing the brighter side of life, and come up with the biggest, boldest ideas possible, but sometimes you’re all talk and no walk. You need to learn to back up what you say with action so you’re not just hot air. You need to find something that gives you the freedom to spread your wings and fly. With a Capricorn stellium, you can be super ambitious and want something big for your life. You just need to figure out what exactly it is! Until you do, you can feel directionless. Once you do, you can go about it responsibly, with a practical approach, disciplined and focused, and doing your homework. You have the potential for great success and respect. You just need to find something to work toward. With an Aquarius stellium, you can be the inventor, the innovator, the original mind who drags us into the future, and this can make you feel misunderstood at times or not of this Earth, but we’re all just trying to catch up to you. There’s a great deal of potential to be an expert at something, and you can use your intellect in new ways. You need to find something that lets you be the independent thinker you’re capable of being and doesn’t box you in. With a Pisces stellium, you can be the softest and gentlest among us, someone super sensitive, sweet, compassionate, and caring. But this means you can also be easily taken for a ride, used, and controlled, so some barriers between you and people who would seek to use your vulnerability is necessary. You’re capable of being a super mystic, spiritual soul, or healer. You need to find something that allows you to be safe enough to open up your big heart. Suggested Reading: Prominent Natal Chiron There are a variety of ways you can focus on intuition in astrology, but the first place to focus on is Neptune. Neptune is the general ruler of intuition, so you can focus on Neptune in the natal chart to get more ideas for how to channel your intuition. Neptune is a slow-moving planet, so it’s in the same sign for some time, so for each of us, the house location of Neptune may be more personal than the sign. Natal Neptune in the Houses and Intuition:
With Neptune in the 1st house, your intuition can be strong, and you feel very much in touch with that part of you. You can seem like an intuitive person as well, coming across like a mystical creature, and it can be a part of who you are.
With Neptune in the 12th house, this house is naturally ruled by Neptune, so you can naturally be in tune with your intuitive side, but you may not be aware of it consciously. You seem to have excellent intuition, but it can be difficult for you to get a hold of it. The 12th house rules dreams, so keeping a dream journal can be helpful. With Neptune in the 2nd house, you can feel a little like an earth god/goddess, and have a more practical, earthy approach to intuition. You can become more in touch with your intuition when you feel grounded and confident. With Neptune in the 3rd house, you can merge your intuition with your mind, and you can have flashes of insight. This occur with Neptune in the 11th house as well. In both the 3rd and 11th houses, you can benefit from using something like astrology or numerology to help channel your intuition. With Neptune in the 4th house, your intuitive side may feel like it’s a part of your core, and when you have a stronger internal foundation, you can be more in touch with your intuition. With Neptune in the 5th house, you can channel your intuitive side into creative or artistic ventures and outlets (this can also be good for the 12th house). With Neptune in the 6th house, you may need to work on balancing your practical side with your intuitive side, and can take a more rational approach to intuition. Can you truly be intuitive when you put rules around it? That may be something you have to work on, but you can have excellent intuition for your work and daily life. With Neptune in the 7th house, you can surround yourself with intuitive types, and let your intuition guide you when dealing with others. You may need some balance, peace, and harmony in order to strengthen your intuition. With Neptune in the 8th house, you can have excellent intuition, and you can be passionate about it and let it lead you. With Neptune in the 9th house, being in tune with your intuitive side can be part of your life philosophy, and you can study lots of ways to strengthen your intuition. With Neptune in the 10th house, you can feel like being a highly intuitive person is something you’re constantly striving for, and it can be one of your ultimate goals in life. Neptune, Your Sun and Moon, and Intuition
You can also take a look at the relationship between your natal Neptune and your natal Sun and Moon.
If you have your natal Neptune at a hard aspect (square - 3 signs apart, or opposite - 6 signs apart) to your natal Sun or Moon, this can bring some difficulties with accessing your intuitive side, or some discomfort in some way, and this has to be worked on in order to be a truly intuitive person. If your natal Neptune is at a positive aspect (sextile - two signs apart, or trine - four signs apart) to your natal Sun and Moon, this can make it easier for you to access your intuition. If you have your natal Neptune conjunct (in the same spot as) your natal Sun or Moon, this can make your intuition much stronger, but it may be difficult for you to get control of and it may feel like it controls you or you’re not fully aware of the extent of your intuitive powers consciously. Transit Neptune and Intuition
Predictively, you can look at transit (moving) Neptune and see when he’ll be aspecting your natal planets and house cusps.
When Neptune is aspecting a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or the 1st house cusp or ruler, this can be the most important times for your intuition for better or worse. If Neptune is: - square or opposite, you may struggle with your intuition, and feel that you can’t hear it right at all, or it’s not pointing you in the right direction - sextile or trine, you can have a much easier time tapping into your intuitive side and strengthening your intuition - conjunct, it’s imperative you pay attention to the messages, but there may be a lot of them, so you have to learn which to listen to The same can also be said of aspects to your natal Neptune by the other transit planets. Suggested Reading: Strengthen Intuition With Emotional Security |