We all get lazy sometimes! It's inevitable, right? You just want to kick back and take a load off and not deal with all of the work and tasks and chores and responsibilities you have to do. So when do these periods of laziness occur astrologically? 6 astrology transits that can create laziness:
The first and most obvious occurs for all of us, and that's when the Moon is void-of-course. The Moon is called void-of-course when it makes its last major aspect to another transit (moving) planet in the sign it's currently traveling, and it ends when it enters the next sign.
Void-of-course periods can last for minutes to over a day, and during this time, we can all slow down and need time to rest and reflect. It's usually a good period to catch some zzz's! On a personal level, you can experience a lazy day when you have transit Sun, Mercury, or Venus conjunct, square, or opposite your natal Venus, 2nd house ruler or cusp, or natal Jupiter, or Venus conjunct, square, or opposite your natal Sun, Moon, 1st house cusp or ruler. The energy of Venus and the 2nd house is that of slowing down, enjoying the moment, and lazing the day away. Jupiter can have pretty lazy energy as well, and the 1st house and Sun rule the self in general while the Moon rules your emotional self. So any of these coupling can create a day when you'd rather stay in bed, in your pajamas, binge some ice cream, and get nothing done. When the transit Moon is in your 12th house, you may experience a 2-3 day period where you'd rather take a step back and get some rest. The 12th house rules sleep as well as the hidden, and the Moon in the 12th house often makes us feel a bit rundown and in need of a break from everything, so we can often feel lazier than usual. Transit Jupiter squares and oppositions can also produce laziness, but this can last a little longer, 1-2 weeks. During this period, it can be difficult to get anything done at all because you feel really good and really lazy, and may lack the motivation to get moving. Lazy Jupiter usually translates into a lack of motivation and drive. Long-term laziness can come with transit Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto square or opposite your natal Venus, Jupiter, or 2nd house ruler or cusp. Their aspects last for longer periods (a couple months to a few years), so we can really lack energy and motivation and be ultra lazy. These periods can be out least productive periods if we don't find some motivation. If you simultaneously have a Mars transit or a transit to one of the angles (1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house cusps), this can help to combat the lack of motivation. Progressions can also bring out laziness with the progressed Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Venus square or opposite your natal Venus, Jupiter, or 2nd house cusp or ruler, and these aspects will last for a few months. These aspects can traditionally show periods where the break is needed, so the laziness may be a manifestation of just needing the break. Suggested Reading: Astrology of Indulgence Comments are closed.