Asteroid Cupido moves from calm Taurus to active Gemini on August 1st 2024, and stays until March 30th 2025, an extended time thanks to a retrograde period in Gemini. What is the impact of this transit on us? What is Cupido in astrology?
Cupido is an asteroid in astrology, and rules crushes and infatuation. The Zodiac sign and house location in your natal chart of your natal Cupido can show how you are when crushing or infatuated, and what you can be infatuated with (not just people!). It's the early part of relationships.
You can find your natal asteroid Cupido location for free using (in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add number '763' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart). In transit, Cupido can show how you're experiencing crushes at the moment, and where you may be infatuated in life. Cupido in Gemini 2024 - 2025
Cupido is Gemini speeds things up after a slow burn in Taurus, but while it's active, it can be more mind-based in Gemini. We may think more about our crushes, and can become mentally enthralled. We may quickly form crushes, and have many of them all at once, though it may be two at a time that prevails since Gemini is the Twins.
Beyond crushes, we can also be more passionate about our ideas and plans, and we can throw ourselves into them. We can get wrapped up, and are extra passionate about our opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Communications can become more passionate as well, more heated, and we have to make sure it's flowing well. This is super strong when Cupido is conjunct (aligned with) transit (moving) Jupiter on September 18th 2024 at 20 degrees Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so it expands on this energy. Since Jupiter is the happy planet, this can be beneficial, for the most part, if we don't let it spiral out of control. But Cupido retrogrades (appears to move backward) from October 31st 2024 to January 20th 2025, entirely in Gemini. This can be a period where we struggle with our crushes and what we're obsessed with, taking things too far, or not having enough passion to begin with. We have to work on mental blocks and work on talking things out. The start of the retrograde is square (challenging aspect) Neptune, while the end is square Saturn, with both in Pisces. Neptune is the foggy planet, so we may struggle with seeing things clearly and fully understanding what isn't working and needs to be fixed. Saturn is the teacher, so we may come out of the retrograde needing to learn important lessons with our passionate energy. The start occurs at 28 degrees 32 minutes Gemini, while the end occurs at 14 degrees 44 minutes Gemini. Cupido in Gemini only makes one other conjunction, and that's to fellow love asteroid Amor, the asteroid of romance. Cupido conjuncts Amor on November 30th 2024 at 24 degrees, with both asteroids retrograde. In fact, Amor turns retrograde just 2 days before Cupido does, and in Gemini (29 degrees). Romantic love and affection as well as crushes and infatuations can have some challenges to work through, and we likely need to approach them in a different way with both asteroids retrograde. We may also see a lot of people getting back together, especially reconnecting with people you went to school with or that were in your neighborhood (ruled by Gemini). Asteroid Cupido in Gemini for the Zodiac Signs:
Aries: You can be passionate about your ideas and plans with Cupido in Gemini, and you can be passionate in your communications with others as well. While retrograde, you may need to work on improving communication and expression, and it could be a good time to pick back up an old idea or plan.
Taurus: You may take a slow, steady approach to what you're passionate about with Cupido in Gemini, and can be loyal once you dedicate yourself to something or someone. While retrograde, you may want to reconnect with ways that made you feel more confident and secure in the past, and work to ground yourself. Gemini: With Cupido moving to your sign, you can be more passionate, intense, and easily enthralled, and others can be more attracted to you. While retrograde, this can bring out issues around your crushes, your passionate energy, and what you get obsessed with, and you can work through them. It can also be good for reconnecting with old passions. Cancer: You may prefer to focus on what you're passionate about on your own with Cupido in Gemini, and you can have more energy and intensity alone to focus on it. While retrograde, you may need to work on past issues and work on releasing baggage that is getting in the way of you channeling your passionate energy now. Leo: You can channel passionate energy in different ways with Cupido in Gemini, and you can be more passionate about your dreams for the future and changes you want to make. While retrograde, you may need to work on issues that have held you back and kept you stuck in place. It can be a good time to reconnect with an old friend or group. Virgo: You may be extra passionate about your goals and ambitions with Cupido in Gemini, and you can throw yourself into your long-term plans for success. While retrograde, you may struggle with progress, and need to work on removing blocks to your path. It can be a good time to pick back up an old goal. Libra: You can be passionate with your beliefs with Cupido in Gemini, and you can get obsessed with new experiences you can learn from. While retrograde, you may need to work on issues that are keeping you from having the space you desire. It can be a good time to revisit somewhere you've been before, relearn something, or have an experience over again. Scorpio: You can be more passionate in general with Cupido in Gemini, though this can be strongest with transformations and anything that you have to investigate. While retrograde, you likely need to work to get to the heart of an issue that has been festering deep inside, and you can work to solve and transform and move forward. Sagittarius: You can be more passionate with others while Cupido is in Gemini, and you can attract more passionate people to you as well. While retrograde, commitment issues and old relationship baggage may come forward, and you can work through them. It can be a good time to reconnect with someone you were once passionate about. Capricorn: You may find more passion for your daily life and work with Cupido in Gemini, and you can focus on trying to get work done, or may focus on projects you're most obsessed with. While retrograde, you may need to work on little things that have gotten in the way of you having the passionate life you want. It can be a good time to pick back up an old project. Aquarius: You can be extra creative with Cupido in Gemini, and you can be more passionate about your creative energy, as well as about love in general, both who and what you love. While retrograde, you may need to work through old love issues, blocks to inspiration, and reconnect with your heart. Pisces: You may be more passionate emotionally with Cupido in Gemini, and you can also become more enthralled with your support system, and home and family matters. While retrograde, you may need to dig into emotional issues and work to move forward from old emotional baggage. It can be a good time to strengthen your internal foundation. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Cupido in the Houses & Aspects Comments are closed.