Everybody wants to be happy, though it’s impossible to be happy every second of every day (especially during a retrograde!). What makes each of us happy can vary wildly. Each Zodiac sign has its own idea of what happiness looks like. This may be seen through the sign of your Sun (which rules your inner self), your Moon (which rules what you need emotionally), your Venus (which rules what you take pleasure in), or your 5th house (which rules what you enjoy and love). Which do you resonate with most? Happiness by Zodiac Sign:
Aries: Aries wants to be busy - staying put is no good for this sign! Aries likes to be active, especially physically active, so this sign can be happiest running, hiking, biking, skydiving, snowboarding, anything physical. Aries also likes some engagement so they have someone to lead with enthusiasm.
Taurus: Taurus wants to take it easy - kick back, relax, and laze the day away. Taurus wants to be one with nature, sitting around a campfire making s’mores, laying on a towel on the beach catching some rays, sitting on a boat fishing. Taurus also loves almost anything with food - the richer the food, the better! Gemini: Gemini wants to use the mind - grab a puzzle or crossword, gab on the phone or Skype with a bestie, laugh at a gossip mag, read a favorite book. Gemini can spend a while on social media, or texting, or writing or learning. Gemini likes to absorb lots of different information about lots of different things. Cancer: Cancer wants to stick to what’s most comfortable - snuggle in your pajamas, in bed, with a soft blanket and your favorite movie and some cookies. Cancer can enjoy baking, having a family dinner or game night, and being a little domestic. Cancer can also like being around water or at the beach. Leo: Leo wants to connect to its inner child - be playful and goofy, play pranks, play games you played as a child, color or fingerpaint or blow bubbles! Leo likes some attention, so put on a show, dance, make costumes, play dress up. Leo also likes almost anything creative, and can be drawn to the arts. Virgo: Virgo wants to keep it simple - nothing too loud, nothing too rowdy, a little bit of quiet time with a book or movie, decompressing in a quiet space. Virgo sometimes liked to clean or tidy up to relax. Virgo may want work that doesn’t feel like work, and to keep busy with little things, always avoiding idle hands. Libra: Libra wants to spend time with others - dinner parties, double dates, group functions, anything with a partner. Libra likes to do things that seem peaceful, aren’t confrontational, and keep them away from drama. Libra can enjoy fancy, trendy places, the arts, and anything with fashion or style. Scorpio: Scorpio wants a little intensity - focusing on taboo subjects or doing taboo things. Scorpio is passionate, so sex is always a top option for “fun” for this sign (though it may be taken more seriously than just “fun”). Scorpio likes to research mysteries, can get into spy novels and thrillers, and can go for sci fi and a little gore. Sagittarius: Sagittarius wants adventure - travel to somewhere exotic, see new places, have new experiences, be bold and daring. Go skydiving or bungee jumping. Sagittarius is an eternal student of life, so learn about other cultures and beliefs or teach others your wisdom. Sagittarius also likes to defend and point out the positives. Capricorn: Capricorn wants something a little more traditional - stick to what you know best, and focus on your ambitions. Capricorn wants success, and can be happiest when experiencing success. Capricorn can enjoy anything where it gets to be the boss, not being a fan of following the leader. Aquarius: Aquarius wants something a little unconventional - something new, experimental, that’s way out there and different from everything else. Aquarius can be into tech, anything online, or anything futuristic. Aquarius likes being with friends, in groups, or pursuing causes, wanting to have a place it belongs and make an impact. Pisces: Pisces wants a little tenderness - listening to music, drinking some wine, channeling spirit guides. Pisces loves a little soul, tending to spiritual needs and focusing on spiritual subjects, connecting to the inner mystic and strengthening intuition. Pisces also loves the arts, and usually loves anything with water. Suggested Reading: Positive Transit Aspects When you assess your natal chart, one of the things you can look at is which of the four elements is your dominant element, the one with the most planets in it. That element can be most important in your life and personality. But not everyone has just one element as their dominant element. For many people, you may have two elements with the same number of planets in them, or even three elements (which would put three planets in each element and one planet in the fourth as a singleton). So how do the elements come together in these cases? The elements:
To review, there are 4 elements in astrology, and 3 Zodiac signs are assigned to each. The elements are:
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Mix of 2 elements:
Fire + Earth: Mixing fire and earth gives you the ability to take initiative and stick with it, seeing things through and being more practical with what you do embark on. You can be more willing to take charge but less impulsive about it.
Fire + Air: Mixing fire and air increases your sociability, your charm, and your creative energy. You can have a super active mind, and you can take action with the ideas you come up with and plans you put together. Fire + Water: Mixing fire and water allows your emotions to fuel you to take action, and you can have stronger emotions. Your instincts can also be much stronger, along with your connection to your spiritual self and focus on your soul needs. Earth + Air: Mixing earth and air can help to ground your mental energy so you don’t get lost and scattered as easily, and you can have great focus. You may be drawn to more practical ideas, and stick to the plans that you make. Earth + Water: Mixing earth and water can ground your spiritual energy and intuition, and you can have a deep connection to the physical world and Earth. You can use your spirituality and intuition in more practical ways. Air + Water: Mixing air and water helps merge your heart and mind, and you can more easily express your feelings while also more easily understanding emotions. Your intuitive intelligence can be strong. Mix of 3 elements:
Fire + Earth + Air: This trio can show a balance between action (fire), responsibility (earth), and ideas (air), so you can take action with ideas and stick with them and think through your actions carefully. This combination shows a singleton in a water sign, which amplifies the importance of proper emotional expression.
Fire + Earth + Water: This trio can show a balance between action (fire), grounding (earth), and emotion (water), so your emotions can inspire you to act but not impulsively, and you can have more control over your emotions to make productive use of them. This combination shows a singleton in an air sign, which amplifies the importance of proper usage of mental abilities and expression. Fire + Air + Water: This trio can show a balance between action (fire), ideas (air), and emotions (water), so your mind and heart can merge together to inspire you to take action, and you can move on the ideas that you feel guided to instinctively. This combination shows a singleton in an earth sign, which amplifies the importance of solid self-confidence and being grounded. Earth + Air + Water: This trio can show a balance between grounding (earth), ideas (air), and emotions (water), so your heart and mind can work together but not control you, and you can keep yourself grounded and focused. This combination shows a singleton in a fire sign, which amplifies the importance of taking initiative and being assertive. Suggested Reading: Elemental Sun in the Elemental Houses Pluto is a funny little planet. Tiny, downgraded to dwarf-planet status, and the farthest away. You’d think all of that would mean Pluto's energy isn’t as strong as the other planets astrologically. You’d be wrong! Pluto transits are usually the biggest transits. They last the longest of all of the transits, so they continue to impact you for a prolonged period of time. Pluto aspects impact you over the course of about 3 years, and can tour a natal house for 1-2 decades. This makes its energy continuous, and you have to withstand the intensity for a while. What is Pluto's energy?
Pluto is power. Pluto is passion. Pluto is dark, deep, and mysterious. Pluto is serious. Pluto can be icy-cold cruel. Pluto can be destructive. But Pluto is also strong. Pluto is willful. Pluto is a force.
Pluto demands your attention. Pluto dives into your depths. Exposes demons, darkness, lies. In constant search of a transformation. And expects you to create it. If you don’t, Pluto will unleash his wrath. And Pluto's wrath is unmatched. Pluto is the ruler of the sign of Scorpio, so the house in your natal chart with Scorpio on the cusp is ruled by Pluto. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, which fits Pluto pretty well as it gets jumbled up in intense emotional energy. Pluto rules obsession, getting wrapped up in things and having difficulty unraveling yourself, and this can play out as positive passion when channeled productively, or it can play out as unhealthy stalker-like obsession. We have a hard time with Pluto because, well, let’s face it, Pluto’s kinda scary! The legit monster under the bed. We have very good reason to be fearful (and oh yes, Pluto rules fear too). What Pluto puts us through, no other planet can or does. But the result of that is profound, strong, beautiful. It’s like the creation of a diamond. Pluto can put us through Hell, and if we don’t succumb to the dark side, we can emerge as our own shiny diamond. Transforming is the basic nature of Pluto in prediction. Wherever Pluto is, whatever Pluto’s doing, you know a transformation is cooking. This can be easier with the sextiles and trines, super difficult with the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, and constant with the houses. So when you see you’re experiencing a Pluto aspect, or you’re trying to gauge transit Pluto in a house, you know you need to start with a transformation. That’s the foundation, and you go from there. It may start easy, it may start difficult and get easy, or it may be difficult through it all, but once the pressure passes, you can look back with a whole new perspective. Pluto + Saturn
Hard Pluto transits tend to be made worse when coupled with hard Uranus or Saturn transits, but especially hard Saturn transits. Saturn is disciplined and super focused, so lump that in with the intensity and obsession from Pluto, and they can really squeeze you. Plus, while Saturn is seen as the one who teaches us lessons, Pluto kind of does too, just in more of a psycho way. We can learn a lot about ourselves thanks to Pluto, but it usually comes after we’ve gone through Hell.
With Pluto, it’s important not to get lost in the dark. When you’re experiencing a Pluto transit, always try to keep a light on. When the lights go out is when you have the most troubles and are most tempted to give in to the bad energy, or to stop altogether with moving forward in your transformation. Keep a light on, and keep going. Suggested Reading: Surviving Transit Pluto in the Houses We're out of eclipse season and get a break from the retrogrades in September! So we go into the new moon on September 9th (2:02PM ET) in Virgo, and after the wonkiness of the midyear madness, we can focus on trying to be more productive now, get the things done that we couldn't get to because everything was so cray-cray, or have the focus to actually get things done that need to be done. We can be more detailed, more practical, and more hard-working, and have the energy we need to do it. We can bring in some structure and order, a little organization and routine, and improve our schedules, our regimens, and our lifestyles. The last few months may have pointed out where we needed to do better, and now we can take the steps required. We want to be busy after having been so stuck for what felt like an eternity. No time to waste now! This new moon is sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) Jupiter in Scorpio, opposite Neptune in Pisces, and trine (positive aspect, four signs away) Pluto in Capricorn. The sextile to Jupiter helps us to be more optimistic, more positive, and more expansive, while the trine to Pluto helps us to find more personal power and take control back over areas that have been super wonky. The opposition to Neptune might make us get a little lost in fantasy sometimes, having strong imaginations, so try to make time to be a little whimsical. This new moon occurs at 17 degrees 0 minutes Virgo. The major aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 15 degrees 0 minutes - 19 degrees 0 minutes Virgo Sextile: 15 degrees 0 minutes - 19 degrees 0 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Square: 15 degrees 0 minutes - 19 degrees 0 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 15 degrees 0 minutes - 19 degrees 0 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Opposition: 15 degrees 0 minutes - 19 degrees 0 minutes Pisces The full moon for September occurs on the 24th (10:53PM ET) in Aries. Aries is the first sign in the Zodiac, and this can be a time where we're focused on finishing the start of something, seeing the end of the beginning, and some of the fruits of our labor can come to bear. We can be more positive with Aries, and we can use our emotions from the full moon energy as motivation with fiery Aries to take action and keep moving forward. We can focus on what we want for ourselves, putting more emphasis on our personal wants and needs, and wanting to do more for the self. We can have more energy and drive for the things we want, especially if we feel we're making progress. Just don't give in to impulsive energy, and be smart with your choices. The full moon is sextile Mars in Aquarius, square (hard aspect, three signs away) Saturn in Capricorn, and opposite Mercury in Libra (though a little wide). The sextile to Mars helps us control the energy of this full moon since Mars is the ruler of Aries, and we can find it easier to make use of the energy we have. The opposition to Mercury (albeit a wide one) might make focus a little dicey, especially with the full moon also square Saturn. We may not be quite as disciplined as we'd like to be, and need to be mindful of our responsibilities and do things the right way. No shortcuts, no cutting corners. That only creates problems we don't need! This full moon occurs at 1 degree 59 minutes Aries. The major aspects to this full moon are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 59 minutes Aries Sextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 59 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Square: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 59 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 59 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Opposition: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 59 minutes Libra Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Wealth and making a lot of money or having a lot of abundant energy can be shown through a variety of factors in astrology. One way is through Jupiter and Pluto and their relationship to one another. It's actually a very strong indicator! Jupiter-Pluto & Wealth in the Natal Chart
When looking for indicators of wealth in a natal chart, one of the things you can assess is Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter is the planet of abundance while Pluto is unrelenting focus, so the combination of the two can be helpful for creating wealth.
If your Jupiter and Pluto make a major aspect to one another, this can be an indicator of wealth at some point in your life. With a sextile or trine, this can come with relative ease, while with a square or opposition, there may be a block to overcome first (though the squares and oppositions may actually be better indicators since their energy is stronger and force you to deal with it in some way, so the sextiles and trines may be less likely to produce wealth). With a conjunction, it's more in your hands (hey Bill Gates). The closer the aspect is to exact, the stronger it can be. It's especially helpful if Jupiter or Pluto are in or rule the 2nd house (of money); if they aren't, you may achieve wealth through the areas of life ruled by the houses they are located in or rule. Jupiter-Pluto Midpoint & Wealth
Another spot to look at with these two is their midpoint, which is the exact middle of two astrological points in the Zodiac. Natal planets that are conjunct, square, opposite, semisquare, or sesquiquadrate the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint can also play into wealth. You only use hard aspects for midpoints since they're not actual bodies and hard aspects have more energy with them.
Also assess the sign and house location of the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint as these can show potential ways you can attain wealth. Jupiter-Pluto Transits & Wealth
Aspects by transit or progressed planets to your natal Jupiter, Pluto, or Jupiter-Pluto midpoint can trigger the energy and provide periods where you have greater opportunity for wealth.
Make sure to track when transit Jupiter aspects your natal Pluto and makes hard aspects to your natal Jupiter-Pluto midpoint; when transit Pluto aspects your natal Jupiter and makes hard aspects to your natal Jupiter-Pluto midpoint; and when progressed planets aspects your natal Jupiter or Pluto or make hard aspects to your natal Jupiter-Pluto midpoint. Suggested Reading: Zodiac Signs & Money |