The 8th House in AstrologyThe 8th house rules other people's money and transformations. The more serious side of life and deep thought are very 8th house. The 8th house also tends to be misunderstood a bit, seen as 'depressing.'
This house is one of the three relationship houses (5th - love; 7th - commitment; 8th - sex). The 8th house is ruled by Scorpio and Pluto, and is a succedent house. Covered Here:
The 8th House in the Signs Natal Planets in the 8th House Transit Planets in the 8th House |
The 8th House in the Signs8th House in Aries
You believe that you know the best way to handle joint finances, and you’ll push to do things your way. When you need to transform in life, you face it directly and get started without the help of anyone. You may try to rush it though, and need to learn that change doesn’t happen overnight. 8th House in Taurus You’re good with investing and saving, but maybe not with sharing, and prefer to hold on to what you have. You can use your senses to help you transform in your life, and take your time when making important changes. You can take too long to begin though, and may need a swift kick to get you started. 8th House in Gemini You can come up with lots of ways to deal with your joint finances, investing, and saving money. You find life to be very interesting, and want to dive into problems. You use your mind when you need to transform, and you have a strong mental will to help you get through trying times. 8th House in Cancer You prefer to go the traditional route when it comes to joint finances and investing, and don’t want to take any chances. You can spend a lot of time dwelling on your emotions, but not be open with your needs. Your emotions drive you to transform in life, as well as your home and family. 8th House in Leo You’re enthusiastic about investing and joint finances, and you have fun with it. You don’t like to hoard your money, but you do like to have control over every penny. You inspire yourself to transform to improve your self-esteem and confidence, and to get what you want out of life. 8th House in Virgo You’re cautious when it comes to joint finances and investing, and won’t do anything impulsive or unconventional without checking it out first and understanding the details. When it comes to transforming, you can use your mind to help you, be inspired to by your health, and you can transform in a structured, ordered way. 8th House in Libra You can gain or improve your financial resources through a partner. You work well with a partner to invest and share in the financial responsibilities. You try to be fair about who should handle what, and you’re willing to compromise. You can transform because of or with the help of a partner. 8th House in Scorpio You’re secretive when it comes to your handling of joint finances and investing, and this can get you into trouble. You need to be more open with your feelings about other people. You can transform many times throughout your life, and when everyone thinks you’re down for good, you get right back up. 8th House in Sagittarius You almost seem lucky when it comes to joint finances and investing, and choose a partner who has a great head for the numbers, or get the financial help you need in life at just the right time. You benefit greatly from a partner. Transformation is something you can embrace and go into with an optimistic attitude. 8th House in Capricorn You’re cautious and responsible with joint finances and investing. You opt for traditional methods that take time, but have stood the test of time and will work out eventually. You may be responsible for someone else’s finances. You transform to help you mature, grow, and evolve into the person you should be, and to achieve the goals you have. 8th House in Aquarius You take an unconventional approach to dealing with joint finances and investing. You can play around with the stock market, take big risks on a whim, and sometimes it pays off, and sometimes it doesn’t. You can transform yourself quickly and without much thought, and do so in unusual ways. 8th House in Pisces You worry about your joint finances and investing, fearing the worst, but you need to trust your intuition, which is very strong. You may need to set aside what you want for the sake of others. Transforming yourself may require some sacrifices, and you can be inspired spiritually to change. Natal Planets in the 8th HouseNatal Sun in the 8th house
With your natal Sun in the 8th house, you want all of the experiences you have to be intense. You don’t care for the little things, the small aspects of life, and want every moment to be profound. What’s on the surface is of no interest to you, and you try to dig deeper into everything you’re presented with. You won’t accept anything at face value, and this makes you an excellent researcher. You’ll likely undergo some sort of transformation in your life in an effort to improve yourself, and some of you may be obsessed with constantly trying to improve. You feel things more deeply than others, and this causes you to explore your spirituality, the metaphysical, and the intricate patterns of the universe. You take life seriously, and you believe that you’re destined for something more. Natal Moon in the 8th House Your emotions can be intense at times, and you may feel things quite powerfully. Your mind can dwell on the serious side of things, and if you have a sense of humor, it’s probably sarcastic, dry, or dark. Many Eighth House Moons have a tendency to put an enormous amount of emotion into sex, and for some, there is a strong emotional need for a fulfilling sexual relationship. Some (usually if your Moon is difficultly aspected) may take this to the extreme, not engaging in real relationships and just going from one sexual partner to the next on some quest to complete themselves through sex, or even go down the route of sexual addiction. For those who handle this well, you can use sex in your relationships to further the emotional connection you have with your partner, rather than having it instead of the emotional connection. Once you do find someone, you can be incredibly loyal. You want to help people transform themselves, and can get involved in a cause to that effect. What’s going on in the world right now is something you’re always in tune with. You may be good with money related to your business or partnerships, though you’ll have to be careful you don’t use it to control or manipulate others. Natal Mercury in the 8th House With your natal Mercury in the 8th house, you like to dive into what drives people to do what they do. You enjoy investigating people, projects, and ideas, and are a good researcher. You’re drawn to things that seem mysterious or taboo. You have a powerful way of communicating, and people tend to take you seriously. You can come across too intense at times, and you absolutely loathe superficiality and small talk. If you don’t have anything important to say, you don’t say anything at all. You can be good with joint finances and dealing with money that isn’t yours, so this can be a good placement for a stockbroker, accountant, etc. Natal Venus in the 8th House With your natal Venus in your 8th house, you need some intensity in your relationships. You have zero patience for superficial people, and don’t care much for casual affairs. You require depth, passion, and an intense connection to be truly satisfied. You’re afraid of getting hurt, and can be possessive of your partner as a result. Love runs deep for you, and you give your all in love, so there’s a lot at stake for you. You can have passionate love affairs that border on obsessive, stalker-like, and become unhealthy. You need to work on allowing yourself to be vulnerable with people. Natal Mars in the 8th House With your natal Mars in your 8th house, you likely need to transform yourself at some point in your life, or several times. There’s a drive for you to better yourself and perhaps tear down yourself or your life so you can start over again. You can be a passionate and intense person, especially sexually, and have a strong desire. You see what you want and you take it. You need to learn to not hoard your resources so much and share with others. Possessiveness won’t serve you well. Whatever façade someone is putting up, you can see through easily, and you can get to the core of any person or matter. Natal Jupiter in the 8th House With your natal Jupiter in your 8th house, you have passion and purpose in life, but it doesn’t overwhelm you. You’re comfortable with it. You can dig deep below the surface of any person or problem and find answers that would evade anyone else. You like to investigate and research, loving a good mystery. The 8th house rules shared resources, so you could end up with a partner who has money, or make your money through someone else. You could also have quite the sexual appetite, and have many sexual partners or be very open sexually. Natal Saturn in the 8th House With your natal Saturn in your 8th house, you’re required to transform in your life in order to be happy and successful, but you fight it tooth and nail. Change is something that you’re not comfortable with, yet it’s the very thing that you need most. You avoid it at all costs, and it’s to your detriment. You have to face it, embrace it, and allow yourself to change. Failure to do so will only result in unhappiness. Change isn’t easy, but it’s necessary, especially for you. As you get older, you come to understand this better, and see how change helps you. Start with little things and work your way up. You may struggle and fall, but you can keep getting up. This is a position of great determination, will, and strength if you work with it. Natal Uranus in the 8th House With your natal Uranus in your 8th house, you like to transform yourself, and may do so on a whim several times in your life. The way in which you go about it could be unusual or different somehow. You like change, and without it, you get bored, so you need to make sure you’re not changing things for the sake of change, because you could be destroying something good. Other people can’t keep up with your swift changes, and you may have a hard time considering how the changes that you make impact other people, so they pay for your bad decisions. You tend not to get stuck in ruts, and you can make profound changes. Natal Neptune in the 8th House With your natal Neptune in your 8th house, you can be a highly spiritual and intuitive person. You want to transcend. The 8th house rules sex, and you want sex to be an other-worldly experience and are open to experimentation, but you may not be sexually responsible or choose sexual partners that aren’t good for you. When it comes to money, you may be a pushover and give other people what they want to your own detriment. In relationships, you can give everything you have to your partner, but that only hurts you. You have to be more assertive with your finances and not hand over control to someone else. Natal Pluto in the 8th House With your natal Pluto in your 8th house, you can dig below the surface of absolutely anything, and love to do so. You don’t mind living on the darker side of life because you love the thrill of searching in the dark. You can have issues with intimacy that lead to sexual problems. You want your sexual experiences to be intense and profound, but may be attracted to the wrong people. You can have issues dealing with other people’s money, your joint finances, or use it as a way of controlling others or letting yourself be controlled. Transit Planets in the 8th HouseTransit Sun in the 8th House
With the transit Sun in your 8th house, your focus is on transforming some part of your life. You’re not satisfied with leaving things the way that they are, and want to make something better. This could be some aspect of your life, personality, or even a physical object. You spend more time by yourself reflecting on life, and seem more serious, brooding, and emotional. Your emotions can sway between extremes, and you may hold a lot in and be secretive. You’re excellent at researching now, and can dig below the surface of anything to get to the heart of the matter. You can also deal with your joint finances, financial partnerships, debts, loans, taxes, and inheritances. Transit Moon in the 8th House Other people’s money makes you emotional. If you’re focused on yourself and not others, then you worry about what is happening with it and it drives you crazy that you can’t control it. Don’t make these few days about you, and they should go smoother. You focus on deeper issues, and your emotions are intense and powerful. You can sway between strong emotions that, once the Moon leaves this house, you don’t know why you were so caught up in them. Deep-seated fears, desires, and issues can be touched on easily with the Moon traveling through the Eighth House, so if there’s something you’ve been avoiding, now’s the time to look into it. This can be a time of jealousy and possessiveness in intimate relationships, especially if you’re inclined that way naturally. Don’t read into something that there’s nothing to read into. This can be one of the more difficult times of the month if you give in to the low points and become bitter or resentful, lonely or unfulfilled. Finding what you feel is significant and important in life can be had now. Transit Mercury in the 8th House With transit Mercury in your 8th house, you’re excellent at research. Whatever is presented to you, you won’t accept it at face value, and will continue to dig below the surface until you feel you’ve gotten to the core. You’re good at investigating any situation or person now. You can’t stand small talk, and won’t put up with superficiality. You want all of your conversations to be about something important, and your experiences to have meaning. You may not have as much to say, but when you do, it has power. You’re more serious than usual, and focus more on serious subjects. This can be a good period for a mental transformation. Transit Venus in the 8th House When transit Venus is in your 8th house, you’re more attracted to people who are intense and provoking, and who seem like a mystery to you. You won’t mind digging deep into a person you’re interested in. Anyone who comes across as superficial is immediately dismissed. Someone may demand to be closer to you. The one with a penetrating gaze gets your attention. Someone who can touch you deeply and help you to heal or transform yourself for the better may be best for you. You can be more intimate now, and your sexual desire is heightened. You could meet someone who works in forensics, psychology, criminology, or research. You get more satisfaction from digging underneath the surface, investigating subjects, and having greater intimacy. Transit Mars in the 8th House When transit Mars is in your 8th house, you’re driven to transform. You’re not satisfied with something in your life, and strive to change it. You could take something old and make it new again. You’re more intense and investigating, and you have the energy to get to the core of any matter. You can pick up on the little things that people do and say, allowing you to make quicker judgments, which is necessary because you likely have to work more with others to get things done right now. You can have disputes with a business partner or over joint finances. You might want to be the one in control of the situation, but total dominance won’t help. Transit Jupiter in the 8th House When transit Jupiter is in your 8th house, you’re more comfortable with the amount of power and control that you have in your life. You may want more and gain more, but you’re less likely to go about getting it in the wrong way, or manipulate people once you have it. You can do some digging into yourself and your deeply-held issues, and come to terms with issues from your past. This can be a great period of healing and growth, and you learn how to be more vulnerable and open to intimacy. This can also be a good period for your wealth, and you could gain more wealth if you make good decisions with investments, or through a partnership. You could settle a debt, loan, tax issue, inheritance, or problem with joint finances. Your sexual appetite expands, and you could have more partners, or spend more time with the one you have. Transit Saturn in the 8th House When transit Saturn is in your 8th house, you need to address your issues with power and control. You may be a control freak, or always hand over the power to someone else, or find yourself constantly struggling over power with people. You have to figure out what the cause of these problems are and work at it. If you’re an obsessive personality or have any addictions of any kind, that can come to light, and you’re forced to face it. If it’s impacting your life in an unhealthy way, Saturn will try to get you to change. Which brings us to change, one of the themes of the 8th house. You can undergo an important transformation during this time, something that is profound and significant, uncomfortable and stressful, but will change your life for the better if you let it. You may need to face issues related to sexuality, intimacy, and shared resources. This is usually a heavy, serious transit. Transit Uranus in the 8th House When transit Uranus is in your 8th house, the money that other people have in your life could come or go, and it has an impact on you. You may not be able to depend on them to help you out financially anymore, so you have to learn to stand on your own two feet financially. You may undergo a sudden, unexpected transformation. The 8th house rules sex, and you can be more open to trying new things, experimentation, and things that seem taboo. When it comes to power and control, you may experience periods where you have none, and then periods where you have too much. Transit Neptune in the 8th House When transit Neptune is in your 8th house, you may give of yourself, your possessions, or your finances too easily during this transit. You don’t see what’s wrong in sharing, but you may be sharing with all of the wrong people, and they may not be sharing anything of theirs with you. You yearn for a deeply spiritual intimate connection with someone, and need to make sure you’re not settling for anyone who comes along. You can experience financial issues because of other people, and need to be careful of who you give money to. Transit Pluto in the 8th House When transit Pluto is in your 8th house, you can transform anything that you need to or want to during this transit. Take things that are old and dusty that no one else will touch, and make them shine again. This can be a good time to deal with joint finances, taxes, debts, loans, or inheritances, and straighten issues out, or you can see issues present themselves in those areas. Don’t do anything sketchy with money or you’ll pay the piper and find yourself completely broke. |
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