2024 Horoscope
Taurus 2024 Love & Relationships HoroscopeTo start 2024, Mars is in your intimacy sector until January 4th, Ceres is in this sector until February 7th, and Mercury ends its retrograde (a[[earing to move backward) on January 1st in this sector, so you go into 2023 with major focus on intimacy in your relationships, Taurus. This can mean you’re working on old issues and blocks, trying to strengthen emotional bonds, and be more comfortable growing closer with others. You can be more passionate and channel this into your connections.
A full moon occurs in your love sector on February 24th, and this can help you connect to your heart, to love, and be more affectionate. Love relationships that are solid and secure can grow stronger, and you can feel more spiritually connected. Love relationships that aren’t solid and secure can flounder, and you have to either work to resolve and release, or consider walking away. A full moon occurs in your relationships and commitment sector on April 23rd, and you can work to strengthen your commitments, and give more attention to others. You can be more emotionally invested in the relationships you have, and want to make sure they’re solid and strong. You can work on blocks to commitment, and strive to be more considerate. A full moon occurs in your intimacy sector on May 23rd, and this helps you commit to the emotional bonds you have with others, and take them more seriously. You can see the results of any work you’ve done to improve intimacy in your life earlier in the year, and can be more invested emotionally. August 2024 comes with a Mercury retrograde in your love sector from the 5th to the 14th, so it’s brief but could create some problems. You may have existing love issues worsen, and you have to work on them in a healthy way. Loved ones may get on your nerves and demand more from you, and you need to get to the root of frustrations while being understanding and setting firm boundaries. Your heart can be big, but this can lead to being taken advantage of, so try to avoid that as best as you can. Coming out of that, the September 2nd new moon occurs in your love sector, and you can work to make love a better part of your life. You can be more loving, affectionate, romantic, and generous, and want to connect with loved ones as best as you can. This can inspire you in many ways, and make you more positive. A new moon occurs on November 1st in your relationships and commitment sector, and you can focus on making new commitments, meeting new people, entering into new partnerships and alliances, and can be more compromising. This helps you maintain peace and harmony, and you can feel good with others. Make the most of that because following it is a Mercury retrograde, November 25th to December 15th, in your intimacy sector. This can dredge up some deeply held issues impacting your ability to connect fully and deeply, and anything you missed or ignored to start the year can grow now. There is a new moon in this sector on December 1st in the middle of the retrograde, so this does help with getting to the heart of the matter and working on improvements and transformations. Taurus 2024 Career & Money HoroscopePluto began its movement into your career and goals sector in 2023, and fully moves into this sector in 2024. Itr starts January 20th to September 1st, and then fully, completely enters on November 19th, to stay for many years. This is huge for you professionally and with your goals and direction, and you can strive to take control and empower yourself. You end up achieving quite a bit, and can be seen as a force professionally. Others can admire your strength, and your ability to succeed through your force of will. You can take on many responsibilities as well, but should hopefully be able to handle that. All of this may require a major transformation to be made first, and that is something that is likely already underway, if it’s needed.
Mars overlaps with Pluto in your career and goals sector February 13th to March 22nd, and brings energy and drive to succeed and achieve. You can set new goals, reach existing ones, and feel like you’re on the right path or put yourself on it now. This can kick off with the February 9th new moon in this sector, bringing opportunities and recognition. At the end of Mars in this sector, the March 25th lunar eclipse occurs in your work sector, and this can help you make final decisions and plans with the work you want to be pursuing. You can also get results and recognition for work you’ve already done, and you can focus on your next steps. You want to focus on work that fulfills you and you connect with emotionally, otherwise you may lack focus for it and won’t commit long-term, so keep that in mind. Then Jupiter moves into your money sector May 25th for the rest of the year, and this can help you find new ways to make more money, invest, spend, and make money plans. Financial opportunities can be abundant, especially with the new moon in your money sector on June 6th (watch for financial opportunities), and with Mars in your money sector July 20th to September 4th (tons of energy and drive to make more, though also to spend more). This can be one of the best money periods of your life, so don’t miss out on it! A full moon occurs on August 19th in your career and goals sector, and this can lead to hitting new heights, hitting your stride, success, and recognition (since this is while Mars and Jupiter are in your money sector, this success may lead to financial rewards or some sort of compensation). If you experience setbacks or delays, you may need to make some changes to your long-term plans and try different approaches. The October 2nd solar eclipse occurs in your work sector, and this can bring more work opportunities, attention for work you’ve done, and you can have enthusiasm and excitement for what you work on. Take stock of the opportunities you have, and see what would be the best for you now and long-term. On December 15th, a full moon occurs in your money sector, helping you sort through money matters, make final decisions and plans financially, and you can be more connected to how you make money. You may also want to splurge, but hey, if you’ve made smart choices all year, a tiny indulgence can be a great reward! Taurus 2024 Home & Family HoroscopeOn January 25th, a full moon occurs in your home and family sector, and this can bring out strong emotions for you with matters of the home and family. You can work to finish projects at home, clear out clutter, or resolve problems that have made your home feel uncomfortable for you. You can work on improving your connections with those you think of as family, and can be more supportive, but also need more support in return.
A new moon occurs in your home and family sector on August 4th, and this helps with starting new projects at home or planning for fun times with those you think of as family. This is enthusiastic energy, and you can feel energized by your home space or by your family. Make the most of this, because shortly afterward, Mercury retrogrades in this sector August 14th to 28th, and this can amplify any problems that need to be addressed. You can be more sensitive and emotional, and it can be more important for you to have a solid home base and people you can rely on. Without that, you can be easily hurt during this retrograde. It could be good for reconnecting with places you’ve lived before or with family you haven’t seen in a while. Mars enters your home and family sector on November 3rd, bringing energy and drive for home and family matters. You may want to give more attention to your home life and living situation, and work to improve it. You can spend more time with those you think of as family, and work to strengthen your support system. That can be important since Mars will retrograde in this sector starting December 6th for the rest of 2024, and you need to make sure you’ve worked on issues with the home and family and have solid support going into this retrograde. If not, you can struggle, and can be easily frustrated and annoyed with home and family matters that would be better managed with some patience and tact. Taurus 2024 Mental State HoroscopePluto begins 2024 in one of the sectors ruling your mind until January 20th, and returns September 1st to November 19th before exiting to stay. Pluto has been touring this sector for over a decade now, so you’ve likely experienced some major transformations in the way you deal with the big picture, pursue big ideas, and allow your mind to be open. You can get one last kick for that in 2024 before moving on.
Mars is in this sector January 4th to February 13th, helping open your mind even more and bring many big ideas to you. These can excite you, and you can jump at opportunities to do something with them. The January 11th new moon occurs in this sector and can bring those opportunities, helping push you even further faster. Ceres, a dwarf planet ruling nourishment and support, enters this sector on February 7th, and it can be important for you to work on nurturing your big thinking. Ceres is retrograde in this sector May 14th to August 25th, so any blocks and issues that need to be worked on can come out. You may feel you lack support for your big ideas, and have to work on being a smidge more practical. Ceres stays in this sector until December 7th, giving a chance to get your mind right. During that Ceres retrograde, two consecutive full moons will occur in this sector on June 21st and July 21st. This can bring out issues even more, and you can be more sensitive, especially with your beliefs and big ideas. You can have a solid view of the big picture, however lack an open enough mind and want to force your ideas. Try to figure out why you’re not feeling as open as you should be. The year closes out with a new moon in this sector on December 30th, and you can be much more optimistic and come up with some really big plans for 2025. Mars is in the other sector ruling your mind September 4th to November 3rd, and this increases your mental energy as you’re coming out of Ceres retrograde. You can focus on new ideas and new plans, and work to keep yourself busy. It’s a great time for mental energy and abilities. A new moon occurs in this sector on July 5th, during the Ceres retrograde, and you may want to pick back up an old idea, plan, or project to work on. Mercury retrogrades in the sector ruling your subconscious mind April 1st to 25th, and this can dig up some old issues from the past, subconscious baggage, or karmic lessons to learn. You likely need more time alone as others drain you in every way, and can use that time to be more introspective, reflective, and reconcile with the past. The April 8th solar eclipse occurs in this sector during the retrograde, which helps out a lot, and you can make some profound realizations, and get insights that open up a whole new way of thinking for you. A full moon occurs in your subconscious sector on October 17th, and it can be important to have some time to let go and release baggage that is holding you back. If you don’t get a chance earlier in the year, this can be a good time to do it. Taurus 2024 General HoroscopeUranus remains in your sign all year, and is also joined by Jupiter to start 2024 until May 25th. The combo of Uranus and Jupiter is fabulous for sudden developments and opportunities that benefit you in many ways, and you can jump into changes that will open up a whole new journey for you in life. This can be exciting energy, and it can push you outside of your comfort zone, make you more independent, and help you embrace the unconventional. You can think bigger and believe in yourself, act boldly and bravely, and take a chance on yourself.
Those of you both May 7th and later can be impacted most by Uranus in 2024. Speaking of May 7th, a new moon occurs on May 7th in Taurus (so you May 7th babies also have a new moon on your birthday!), and this is a great time for a new beginning, a new venture, new opportunities, and a new path. You may want to pursue something big now, before Jupiter exits your sign, and you can feel the urge to take steps. Those of you born May 5th to 11th can be impacted most by this new moon. Mars is in your sign June 9th to July 20th, and Mars in your sign is traditionally a time of high energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to take the initiative. You can get excited by new opportunities, and want to get moving quickly. Mars is in your sign only once every two years, and this is coming off of Jupiter in your sign (which is once every twelve years), so make the most of this. It’s time to start a whole new chapter in your life. A full moon occurs in your sign on November 14th, and this can bring endings, culminations, and results. You may see the payoff with something you began 6-12 months ago, and can feel more emotionally invested in what you’re doing. You can focus on yourself instead of everyone else, and take time to be a priority in your own life. Those of you born May 12th to 17th can be impacted most by this full moon. |
2024 Horoscopes: |