Natal Venus in AstrologyYour natal Venus shows you where you find the greatest pleasure and enjoyment in life, how you are in love, and what you want from a partner and in a relationship.
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Natal Venus in the Signs Natal Venus in the Houses Transit Aspects to Natal Venus Natal Venus Aspects to Natal Planets |
Natal Venus in the SignsNatal Venus in Aries
With your natal Venus in Aries, you don’t take love too seriously. You have a child-like approach to love and relationships, an innocence about you, and you need for things to be exciting or you get bored. Something has to always be happening, and you don’t mind if it’s daring or spontaneous. You’re honest with your love, and you expect the same in return. You like to chase rather than be chased, so it can be hard to keep you tied down for long, and especially in your younger years, you may go from one relationship to the next quickly. You can be impatient with your loves, and have a hard time with the responsibilities that come along with a relationship. You can also be almost selfish in love, wanting to get all of the attention and not being considerate of the other person. Natal Venus in Taurus With your natal Venus in Taurus, you’re a stable partner who wants a stable relationship. You don’t care for people who have too much energy and want to go outside of the box. You want someone dependable and loyal. Loyalty is important to you, and at times, this can make you possessive. You take your time with matters of the heart, and need someone who can be patient with you. You’re not a fan of change in your relationships and like things to stay as they are, but you can become too comfortable. You’re highly sensual in love, and need to connect with your partner physically so you can stimulate your senses. Natal Venus in Gemini With your natal Venus in Gemini, you need some variety in your relationships. If you feel like you’re tethered, you feel trapped. You want to keep things light, and avoid getting too serious in love. It’s all about having some fun for you. You can be a flirt, and especially when you’re young, date many people but none for long. What you want in a relationship can change with the wind, so you need someone who’s adaptable and can go with the flow. Change is a good thing for you in relationships, so someone who can keep you on your toes is good. You want love to be stimulating, and crave someone who will keep up with you in conversation and have many interests. Natal Venus in Cancer With your natal Venus in Cancer, you tend to be more emotional in your relationships, though you may not be very mature about it. You can get moody and avoid your partner when upset, and need to work on not being passive-aggressive with your partner when you want to get your way. You want a partner that is loyal to you and the relationship, and who can comfort you and show a lot of sweet affection. You’re always afraid that they’ll leave you, so you need someone who can reassure you that won’t happen. When you feel secure in love, you bloom, and are the most encouraging, supportive, and caring partner anyone can ask for. Natal Venus in Leo With your natal Venus in Leo, you crave love above everything else. You’re an extremely loyal partner, but you’re also a flirt who loves to get attention from people that aren’t your partner. If you have a possessive partner, this won’t work. As long as they understand you’re just showing what a great catch you are and know you’re not going anywhere, it’ll be fine. Despite how much you like the attention, you’re not one to waste time on relationships that are purely physical. You want love, and won’t settle for anything else. You can demand a lot of attention in love, and in return, you’ll give a warm heart. You want to keep some excitement in your relationship at all times. Natal Venus in Virgo With your natal Venus in Virgo, you take a practical approach to love. You may not be the most romantic of people, but you’re incredibly dedicated, and you show how much you care by doing lots of little things for your partner and paying attention to all of the little details of their personality and life. At times, you can point out what they’re doing wrong too much, but in your mind, you’re just trying to help them be the best they can be. You don’t want someone who is too clingy or dishonest. You’re also not fans of people who seem too flashy and want to be the center of attention. You don’t need to be in a relationship, and can be a bit insecure in love, so this keeps you from being in many of them, and you take your time getting to know someone first. Natal Venus in Libra With your natal Venus in Libra, you try to be as fair as possible and treat your partner as an equal. If they don’t see you as an equal, you don’t have any interest. You want someone who carries themselves well in public and is considerate of other people. You can compromise in your relationships, and are willing to give whatever it takes to make your partner happy. This can lead to a one-sided relationship though if you end up with someone who takes advantage of that. Eventually, you don’t like them for treating you that way. You need to strike a balance in love and with your relationships, otherwise you won’t be happy. Natal Venus in Scorpio With your natal Venus in Scorpio, love is an intense experience for you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re fiercely committed to your partner, and can almost be obsessive. You’re certainly possessive, and can’t stand anyone who won’t be completely loyal to you. Consciously or subconsciously, you like to have the control in the relationship, and need to watch for becoming too controlling. You don’t like for things to get too light, and take love seriously. You like knowing as much as you can about your partner, digging deep, but like to remain a mystery yourself. When you get hurt, you have an incredible wrath, and can make them pay. You can undergo transformations in love throughout your life. Natal Venus in Sagittarius With your natal Venus in Sagittarius, you want love that expands your mind and life. You love new experiences, and want a partner who can open you up in new ways and share knowledge with you. They need to be good conversation, humorous, and laugh at your jokes. You can be a flirt, and hard to pin down, needing as much freedom as possible in your relationships. A clingy partner won’t do it for you. You can have the tendency to run away from someone if things get hard or serious, and need to work on resisting that impulse. Just because you come back doesn’t mean they’ll take you back. You want someone who loves to live, have grand adventures, and isn’t afraid of being daring. Natal Venus in Capricorn With your natal Venus in Capricorn, you take a cautious approach to love. You don’t jump into anything, don’t want anyone too daring, and need to plan things out first. You need a certain level of predictability, and want a partner who is on the same page with your plans. You can come across as someone who doesn’t care much for love, but underneath it all, are romantic and crave a partner. You need to work on being more open externally. You may be overly concerned with the way other people view your relationships, and need to only concentrate on what you think without any judgments from anyone else. Natal Venus in Aquarius With your natal Venus in Aquarius, you need an unusual partner and an unusual relationship. If it’s too predictable, too normal, or too traditional, you’re out. You tend to not be the emotional type, and people who are aren’t all that attractive to you. You’re all about the mind in love, and want someone who loves you for your mind, and who stimulates you mentally. You need a certain amount of independence in love, not wanting to be caged, though you can be loyal so you won’t run off and find someone else while you’re away. You have big dreams for your future, seeming like an idealistic dreamer, and need someone who appreciates that. Natal Venus in Pisces With your natal Venus in Pisces, you’re the ultimate romantic. You’re sensitive in love, and with everyone else. You can be attracted to people who need to be saved, or who want to save you, and it can lead you to be in bad relationships with people who cause more harm than good. You see the good in everyone, even the people that are the worst of the worst, and need to be more discriminating in love. You can be unreliable at times, having a hard time being dedicated to anything with your partner, despite how much you may love them. It can be hard for you to commit as you have a hard time sifting through your feelings or figuring out where you should be going together. You accept people for who they are, and are understanding and loving. Natal Venus in the HousesNatal Venus in the 1st House
With your natal Venus in your 1st house, you tend to be someone that people are attracted to, and you can be charming and fair. You present yourself well in public, and try to negotiate compromises and make sure everyone is getting along. You can be superficial or avoid confrontation. You can be vacillating, and rely too much on other people, giving up your own opinions. You tend to have good style and good manners, are drawn to the arts, and want beautiful things. You need a partner all of the time, especially in love, and may always be on a quest for love. Natal Venus in the 2nd House With your natal Venus in your 2nd house, you want possessions that are of value, and tend to be drawn to expensive but tasteful items. You like to buy things and may give many gifts, but you expect something in return when you do. You can use gifts as a way to win people over. In love, you take things slow and let feelings slowly grow. You need love that’s secure and stable, and you can be quite loyal and sensual. With the 2nd house ruling money, you can make money in your life through the arts, in the beauty industry, as a negotiator, mediator, or in law. You also tend to have a way of having the money that you need at all times, and require a certain amount of money to feel secure and comfortable in life. Natal Venus in the 3rd House With your natal Venus in your 3rd house, you have a way with words, and know exactly what to say to people to get them to do what you want. This can make you manipulative, though you’re rarely malicious about it. You can play head games with people though, and are inclined to gossip or twist the truth to get what you want. You give people compliments as a way to get people on your side. You may be a good writer or speaker, or be interested in language and learn several of them. When it comes to learning, you can have an easier time picking things up, but you can also be lazy about it, as if it comes too easy for you, so you don’t need to put in as much work. Natal Venus in the 4th House With your natal Venus in your 4th house, you want your home to be as attractive as possible. You like things that appear luxurious, and design your home so that it’s aesthetically pleasing, but you tend to go with things that are traditional and might love pieces that have been passed down in your family. This makes you feel comfortable at home, and comfort is key for you. Your family is important to you, and you want a good family connection to feel secure and safe. In love, you want someone who’s supportive and reliable, and you need to watch for being too clingy. Natal Venus in the 5th House With your natal Venus in your 5th house, love is important to you, and you crave attention and affection. You always have a crush on someone, and your approach is light and playful. The kid in you is always ready to play. You find pleasure in indulging your senses, and you’re attracted to the arts, and may be quite creative yourself. You may be a little too dramatic at times in love, but it’s an attempt to get more attention. With your charm, they’ll give you plenty, so you don’t need to go overboard. You tend to be good with kids, and you give lots of affection to your children. Natal Venus in the 6th House With your natal Venus in your 6th house, you like to do things for your loved ones. You want to always be there for them, and that’s how you show your love for them. You’re not much for regular romance, and prefer to pay attention to the little things. You may think you deserve the kind of love that would be best for you, sacrificing love to be more practical. The 6th house rules work, and you can do work in the arts, the beauty industry, in design, or in human resources. You need a work environment that’s peaceful and balanced to do your best work, otherwise you’ll be unsatisfied. Natal Venus in the 7th House With your natal Venus in your 7th house, you need a partner in life. There isn’t much you can handle doing alone. You’re yielding in love, and can give too much to your partner to make them happy. You’re attracted to people who are beautiful, charming, or wealthy, and you want someone who will engage with you a lot. You may go from one relationship to the next without taking any time off in between, and don’t give yourself the time to focus on yourself and figure out what you really want from someone. You need to forge a better relationship with yourself before you can handle the kind of committed relationship that you want. Natal Venus in the 8th House With your natal Venus in your 8th house, you need some intensity in your relationships. You have zero patience for superficial people, and don’t care much for casual affairs. You require depth, passion, and an intense connection to be truly satisfied. You’re afraid of getting hurt, and can be possessive of your partner as a result. Love runs deep for you, and you give your all in love, so there’s a lot at stake for you. You can have passionate love affairs that border on obsessive, stalker-like, and become unhealthy. You need to work on allowing yourself to be vulnerable with people. Natal Venus in the 9th House With your natal Venus in your 9th house, you’re interested in people who are from a different country, culture, or background as yourself. You want someone who will teach you things and you can teach them, who’ll share experiences with you, and who won’t be clingy. If someone can help you grow as a person, you’re all theirs. You want to have fun with your partner, and you can have a hard time committing, believing that there’s always something better out there waiting for you. You love debate, like to learn about philosophy, want to travel, and can be a good writer. Natal Venus in the 10th House With your natal Venus in your 10th house, you come across as very charming, and this attracts many people to you, but you tend to keep them at a distance. You want people to view you as charming and beautiful, and can put too much stock in what other people think of you. You may be attracted to people who are much older than you, and have an easy time dealing with parents, bosses, and mentors. The 10th house rules your career, and you can go into a career in the arts, the beauty industry, law, or doing something creative. This placement can sometimes show someone who’s in love with their career, and many workaholics have Venus in the 10th house. Natal Venus in the 11th House With your natal Venus in your 11th house, you like to be friends with someone first before getting involved with them romantically. You can stay friends with them after you break up, and it’s important for you to have an intellectual connection with someone. You want someone who’s an individual, who’s original, and who’s unusual. Quirky types are right up your alley. You value your friends and are highly sociable. You may belong to many groups because you like the feeling of belonging. You may be a humanitarian, and like doing work that helps people or the planet. Natal Venus in the 12th House With your natal Venus in your 12th house, you can get lost in love. You have to work hard to keep your identity separate from your partner. You let people take advantage of you as long as you believe they love you and need to stand up for yourself. You can be attracted to all types of people, and are highly compassionate. You want a karmic connection to your partner, looking for a soul mate. You may feel like you have to make sacrifices for love, but you give up too much. You can keep your affection to yourself when in public, and prefer to keep things behind closed doors. It may be hard for you to open up about love, and you may seem quite shy with matters of the heart. Natal Venus Aspects to Natal PlanetsNatal Venus to Natal Sun
Like the Sun and Mercury, the Sun and Venus travel closely together, and they can’t be more than about 48 degrees apart, so the only major aspect they can be is conjunct. If your natal Sun and Venus are conjunct, you tend to be charming and good in social situations. You like and need to be around people, and people like being around you because of your pleasant disposition. You crave balance and harmony in your life, are accepting of others, and are attractive, though your looks can become too important at times. You can be superficial and lazy if you play up the negative traits of this aspect. Natal Venus to Natal Moon With your natal Moon conjunct natal Venus, you do what other people want easily, or manipulate people through your charm to get them to do what you want. You need to learn to be more confrontational and not run from it. You have a hard time with criticism, wanting everyone to like you. You tend to avoid highly emotional situations. People are attracted to you without knowing why. You can overindulge when you’re upset to make yourself feel happy. With your natal Moon sextile or trine natal Venus, you’re naturally charming, can compromise easily, and can attract good things and people to you. Just don’t think you can sit back and let everyone else do the work. If you put in some work, you’ll get more out of it than most. With natal Moon square or opposite natal Venus, you want peace in your life, and you’ll do what people want too easily to get it, and you don’t like them for it later. Your emotional needs and the needs of a relationship are often at odds, and you have to work at finding a balance between the two without giving up one for the other. You’re highly sensual, and can indulge in place of having love in your life. You can lack discipline and restraint, wanting to experience the pleasures of the world. Natal Venus to Natal Mercury Mercury and Venus don’t travel very far from one another, so the only major aspects they can make are conjunct and sextile. With your natal Mercury conjunct natal Venus, you have a charming way of expressing yourself. You come across well, always trying to say the right thing, being graceful and gracious, and trying to get people to get along. You crave balance and fairness, and are a good communicator. You may be too rational in your approach to love, or are drawn to intellectual people. With your natal Mercury sextile natal Venus, you’re mindful of other people’s feelings and try not to step on any toes with your words. You display tact and diplomacy with others. You can go a roundabout way as you attempt to avoid conflict, please people, and keep everyone happy, but it doesn’t work out that way all of the time. You can be a good communicator and adept at the arts. Natal Venus to Natal Mars With your natal Venus conjunct natal Mars, love and sex come together easily for you, though you can have a hard time separating the two from one another. You draw people to you easily, are charming, and know when to be assertive and when to back away, not giving up too much or taking too much. Your masculine side and feminine side can come together easily, requiring little work on your part. With your natal Venus sextile or trine natal Mars, you can present yourself well without hiding who you are or covering up your flaws. You have an easy time getting along with people. You can be a creative person, and some of you are good at sports, but you need encouragement to pursue either of these things. With your natal Venus square or opposite your natal Mars, you can be a passionate person in a relationship. You want to date a lot and have a big sexual appetite, and that can get you into trouble, especially when you’re young. You could find a way to express your passion through a creative hobby or pursuit. Natal Venus to Natal Jupiter With your natal Venus conjunct natal Jupiter, you can indulge more than most, and have to work at keeping yourself under control. You love life and experience so much that it’s hard to put a lid on yourself. You’re generous and can be a spendthrift if you don’t watch yourself. You can be lazy if you’re not motivated enough, and are a loyal person in love and friendship. You feel that you should grow as a person in your relationships. With your natal Venus sextile or trine natal Jupiter, you can be an easygoing person, helpful, and humorous. You love to laugh and have people laugh with you, and you don’t take too much seriously. You don’t want to get stuck in the same place in life. Growth through your relationships is important. With your natal Venus square or opposite natal Jupiter, you want to give as much as you can to people, but you may not actually do any of the things that you say you will. You have a hard time understanding your limits. You can overdo it with anything, but especially in love and with money. Like the other aspects between these two planets, you need your relationships to help you grow. Natal Venus to Natal Saturn With your natal Venus conjunct natal Saturn, it can be hard for you to show how you feel and express your love. You worry about being rejected, about not being loved, and have a hard time letting yourself live in the moment. You’re fiercely loyal and dedicated to your partner, and need someone who appreciates that. You can seem cold on the surface. With your natal Venus sextile or trine your natal Saturn, you don’t feel the need to jump into a relationship quickly, but you don’t wait longer than you should either. You have less of a problem with commitment, and are a loyal person. You can handle any difficulties that arise in a relationship easily. With your natal Venus square or opposite your natal Saturn, you can have a hard time expressing the love you have for someone. Something stands in the way, and you have to confront whatever it is first before you can open yourself up. You may have a better time managing this aspect as you get older, and you learn to lighten up a little. Natal Venus to Natal Uranus With your natal Venus conjunct natal Uranus, you want love to be different in some way. Some of you may never want to get married, especially if it’s pushed by your family. You could work well in a long-distance relationship. It can be difficult for you to commit to anyone. You like being friends first. You need a certain degree of independence, want to be original, and try to convince people to believe the same things that you do. With your natal Venus sextile or trine natal Uranus, you can deal with all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds. You value honesty and know when someone isn’t being entirely truthful. You like experimentation in the bedroom, and want a partner who is open. You don’t feel the need to put a label on your relationships, and can avoid commitment at times. With your natal Venus square or opposite your natal Uranus, you get bored quickly and easily in your relationships. You prefer not being around your partner all of the time, needing a little (or a lot of) space to appreciate them. If they’re around too much, you feel like you’re suffocating. You can start or end a relationship quickly, and can handle a long-distance relationship easily. You can be drawn to things that are considered sexually unconventional. Natal Venus to Natal Neptune With your natal Venus conjunct your natal Neptune, you can be a very creative person, and come across as incredibly charming. You may have a hard time seeing the reality of your love relationships, the people you date, or getting a handle on money. You can fall for people who need to be saved, or be taken in for a ride by someone who takes advantage of you. You’re romantic and love love. With your natal Venus sextile or trine your natal Neptune, you have a gentleness to you, are charming, and can express yourself creatively. You have an active imagination and want everything in the world to be beautiful. You’re a generous person, though you may give too much at times. With your natal Venus square or opposite your natal Neptune, you can love someone for who you think they can be instead of who they actually are, and have a hard time seeing them clearly. You’re overly idealistic in love with unrealistic expectations. You desperately want to be loved, and that makes you an easy target for someone who wants to use you. You need to work at facing reality. Natal Venus to Natal Pluto With your natal Venus conjunct natal Pluto, you’re intense in love, passionate, and magnetic. People are drawn to you and they don’t know why. You can be incredibly possessive in love, obsessed with your partner, and go to extremes in love. You can take it too seriously at times, and go into love affairs that are way too dramatic. With your natal Venus sextile or trine natal Pluto, you can see right through people and situations. You know how to use resources well, and gravitate towards relationships that allow you to transform yourself. You’re passionate without being overwhelming, and know how to sway people to your side. With your natal Venus square or opposite natal Pluto, you can be manipulative and controlling. It’s hard for you to let go of the control. You love fiercely and intensely, and can become totally enthralled with someone. You’re loyal, and expect someone to be totally committed to you. You can face your inner problems in your relationships, but that can lead you to put your problems on your partner instead of seeing them as your own. Deal with these issues that you encounter. Transit Planets to Natal VenusTransit Sun to Natal Venus
With transit Sun conjunct natal Venus, you can be creative and desire attention and affection. You try to be graceful and charming, and need to be around people. It’s a good time to improve your physical appearance, go to a social function, have a date, and be romantic. With transit Sun sextile or trine natal Venus, you enjoy being around people, and come across as more charming and attractive. You can be a good mediator, and have an easier time dealing with your finances. With transit Sun square or opposite natal Venus, you may want something that you don’t or can’t have, and you could spend on something you don’t need and regret it later. You can feel as if people are taking you for granted or that you’re lonely. You’re lazier than usual and can overindulge. Transit Moon to Natal Venus With transit Moon conjunct natal Venus, you can feel quite pleasant, with an overall lovely shade coloring your attitude about life. It’s a good time to spend with friends, at a party, or doing something to make you feel good. You could be overindulgent, so watch for that. You’re more drawn to beauty and art. With transit Moon sextile or trine natal Venus, you have a pleasing way with people that attract them to you. You may be in the mood for love, and this is a good time for a romantic dinner or date. You can make improvements to your home or to yourself, getting a manicure, pedicure, haircut, new outfit, new makeup, etc. Spending money can also come now, but watch for spending unwisely. Having fun at a party or event is favorable, and you let everybody know how good you feel. With transit Moon square or opposite natal Venus, you’re more vulnerable and easily upset, especially in social situations. You can have a lovers spat and problems at home. Doing something just for fun might not be in the cards right now, for one reason or another, and that may make you cranky. You can be overly sensitive and not want to collaborate with others. Transit Mercury to Natal Venus When transit Mercury is conjunct your natal Venus, you’re good in social situations. You can have good communications with others, though you can lack intellectual discipline. You could get new information that’s favorable. Someone could compliment you or tell you they love you, or vice versa. When transit Mercury is sextile or trine your natal Venus, you’re charming, social, and compromising. It’s a good period for business dealings, or romance. When transit Mercury is square or opposite your natal Venus, you’re mentally lazy and indulgent. You may not agree with someone about something, or think they’re behaving inappropriately. Something could throw you off balance. You could hear something that you wish you hadn’t, or have a hard time with business or in love. Transit Venus to Natal Venus With transit Venus conjunct your natal Venus, Venus returns to the position it was at when you were born, and this period can show a great deal about how the next year of your life will be relationship-wise. You can renew your relationships, make changes, and realize what’s been impacting you in your relationships. Your attitude towards love may change. With transit Venus sextile or trine your natal Venus, you enjoy being around people and in social situations. You’re charming, easy to get along with, and can get what you want. With transit Venus square or opposite your natal Venus, you may feel like things are off in your relationships, and have a hard time relating to others. You can have a hard time in love, feel lazy and indulgent, and not know how to express yourself. Transit Mars to Natal Venus With transit Mars conjunct your natal Venus, your energy is higher, and you need some action, physically and sexually. You can channel the energy creatively, if you don’t have any other way to express it. You may spend money on something you shouldn’t, not thinking purchases through. With transit Mars sextile or trine your natal Venus, you can get what you want with little resistance. You’re charming, you’re in the right place at the right time, you’re sensual, and you’re creative. With transit Mars square or opposite your natal Venus, you may have a lot of energy to burn through, but not have the chance to do so. You can feel frustrated, emotionally and sexually. You may want to indulge in your senses but not be able to. You can be overly aggressive or inconsiderate of others. Transit Jupiter to Natal Venus With transit Jupiter conjunct your natal Venus, your creativity is heightened, and this is a good time to pursue creative ventures. If you’re happy at work, you’ll be even happier and do more work. If not, you can take some time off and enjoy yourself away from it all. Watch your spending habits. You want to indulge in your senses, feeling more sensual, and you feel good, really good. This can be a time where you start a new love relationship. With transit Jupiter sextile or trine your natal Venus, you can feel good, sociable, and generous, but you may not feel the impact of this transit too much if you don’t see it coming. It just ends up being a time where you feel a little better than usual. This is a good time to begin something new, meet new people, and pursue a money-making venture. With transit Jupiter square or opposite natal Venus, you’re indulgent, too indulgent. This can be a time of an expanding waistline. You feel lazy and have a hard time getting real work done. You could have a problem arise that prevents you from being able to work, have a financial loss, or see someone leave your life, even if only temporarily. Transit Saturn to Natal Venus With transit Saturn conjunct your natal Venus, all of the issues that you have in relationships become quite obvious to you now. You may distance yourself from people so you can clear your head and try to deal with these issues. You can be more afraid of rejection and less willing to take risks in love. You’re more realistic about relationships and what it takes to make things work. If you’ve been in denial about a partner or loved one, you won’t be anymore. You can become more committed. You can also deal with your finances. With transit Saturn sextile or trine your natal Venus, you can be more responsible financially and in your relationships. You take these matters more seriously, and can commit yourself to someone romantically, or to a new financial plan. You see these matters more realistically as well. You have an easier time dealing with people older than yourself, parents, bosses, and mentors. You can take the things you enjoy and make them into something profitable. With transit Saturn square or opposite your natal Venus, you may feel more isolated. If that happens, you need to assess how you’re treating other people in relationships, and whether or not you’re pushing people away. You’re much more realistic, but you can also be pessimistic regarding love. This is a time for you to forge stronger ties with your loved ones, and release those that don’t really matter. Transit Uranus to Natal Venus With transit Uranus conjunct your natal Venus, you need change, and you need it now. Without some variety and excitement, you’ll get bored and things start to unravel. Your relationships have to become more interesting, along with your partners. If single, you could meet someone suddenly and unexpectedly, experience love at first sight, or be attracted to someone unusual or have an unusual relationship. You can also experience unexpected developments with your finances, and you need to go with the change. With transit Uranus sextile or trine your natal Venus, you’re more sociable and feel pretty good about life as you experience life in new ways. You’re more interested in unusual subjects, and are more generous, wanting to help others as much as you can. With transit Uranus square or opposite your natal Venus, you experience change in your relationships that you have a hard time dealing with. However things are in your relationships at the start won’t be the way they are when it’s over. Try to go with the changes instead of fighting them, because that’ll only make it worse. You may want more independence in your relationships, and this is part of what leads to trouble because you resist it and get frustrated or go too far. Transit Neptune to Natal Venus With transit Neptune conjunct your natal Venus, you’re sensitive, compassionate, and intuitive, especially with those you love, but you’re also more vulnerable and easily deceived. You may not see people, especially those that you love, for who they really are. You may have a hard time managing your finances well, unable to understand where it’s all going. This is a great time for creativity, imagination, and inspiration. With transit Neptune sextile or trine your natal Venus, you care a great deal about others, and you can do more to help. You have an easier time with people, and feel romantic and kind. You’re artistic and imaginative, and your relationships go well. With transit Neptune square or opposite your natal Venus, you’re more open emotionally, which makes you more vulnerable to being taken advantage of or getting hurt. You can become lazy and indulgent, not wanting to deal with the practical matters of life. You want your life to be more than what it is, something magical almost. You crave more love in your life, especially if you’ve avoided it for a long time. Make sure you keep your eyes open at all times. Transit Pluto to Natal Venus With transit Pluto conjunct your natal Venus, you transform your relationships and values. You want more from them, no longer feeling satisfied with things that are just on the surface, and can dig deep. You’re more passionate and intense, and need to watch for becoming obsessed. Many people may leave your life if you don’t feel a strong connection with them. You can meet someone new who helps you grow and evolve. With transit Pluto sextile or trine your natal Venus, you figure out who and what matters most to you in life. You can grow closer to loved ones, make realizations about your relationships, and experience profound love for someone. This can be a good time for your finances, especially if you’ve been working hard at something for some time. With transit Pluto square or opposite your natal Venus, you have to get below the surface of your relationships, or they’re all doomed. You can change the way you view a relationship, or the way you approach your relationships. All of the relationships that you have that haven’t been healthy for you, you can now get rid of. It may seem tumultuous at first, but it ends up being for the better in the long run. You can also experience problems with your finances, and need to watch for poor investments. |
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