The Progressed Moon in AstrologyThe progressed Moon is the progressed planet that gets the most attention because the Moon is the fastest moving planet, so you get more aspects being made by the progressed Moon than any other progressed planet. Aspects are felt for around 3 months. Progressions are all about how we mature and grow, and with the progressed Moon, it's how we emotionally mature and grow.
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Progressed Moon in the Signs Progressed Moon in the Houses Progressed Moon Aspects to Natal Planets Progressed Lunation Cycle |
Progressed Moon in the SignsProgressed Moon in AriesYour sense of self can increase when your Progressed Moon is in Aries. Energy will increase, allowing you to get more done and get what you want, but it can also manifest as being more accident-prone.
Overall health is usually good, unless you’re prone to problems in your head (migraines, allergies, sinusitis, eye strain, dental problems, etc.). Your temper could be worse as well, making you quick to argue, but you’ll let it go faster. Aries is impatient, even with arguments. You focus on yourself more; it’s not that others are less important, it’s just that you become more important to yourself than you’ve been in the past. You may be more outgoing and feel more daring and courageous. Expressing yourself in more exaggerated, loud ways can manifest, and you may seem more outspoken. Starting new things will seem important now, and you want to act rather than think or feel. Being on the move constantly may be desired with this placement. Easiest for: natal Leo and Sagittarius Moons Progressed Moon in TaurusYou may be more pragmatic and in touch with reality when your Progressed Moon is in Taurus. You’ll be more apt to take the time to plan things out, and take the slow, steady approach to things. Mentally, you’re more deliberate, careful with each decision.
You may evaluate your emotional ties to money, perhaps choosing to be wiser with it. Using it for something practical, like buying something for investment purposes or taking care of old, reckless spending can come about. You may also do things to increase your self esteem and worth. Having stability and security in your life is important now, so you may work hard to strengthen your foundation. The home becomes a focus, and you want to better it in some way, usually in the physical sense (like redecorating). Emotionally, you’ll ebb and flow less, being more like still water. Issues with the throat/voice can arise if you’re prone to them. Easiest for: natal Virgo and Capricorn Moons Progressed Moon in GeminiYou can focus more on your intellect with Progressed Moon in Gemini. Learning may become a way for you to deal with your emotions, and you may find it easier to communicate how you feel to others.
The mind will move much, much faster, especially after experiencing the Progressed Moon in Taurus, because you actually want to learn. You may be more social, make new friends, and focus on lighter subjects; the people who enter your life are more likely to possess these attributes as well. You may feel more inquisitive, so exploring and learning about new things is good, especially since you’ll likely need the mental stimulation right now, otherwise restlessness will set in. Gemini is also a dual sign, so you may find everything coming in pairs. If you’re inclined to problems with your arms, hands, shoulders, or breathing or nervous systems, that may come up. Easiest for: natal Libra and Aquarius Moons Progressed Moon in CancerWith your Progressed Moon in Cancer, you may find you’re more focused on the home and family, for good reasons (to make it better and solve problems) or bad ones (because it’s worse and requires more attention).
You may buy a new home, remodel one, or want to be at home more often, feeling more comfortable there. Much of the time spent with others will be at your home, and you may take an interest in cooking. Comfort is the key now, so whatever makes you comfortable is what you’ll gravitate towards. Being cared for and nurtured is important, and you’ll likely show these attributes yourself as well, being more willing to take care of others. This may also make you strive for commitment in your relationships more. Progressed Moon in Cancer can also show having a child, especially for women, since Cancer and the Moon rule motherhood (but of course this alone isn’t enough, other aspects are needed as well at the same time). Cancer is a water sign, and all water sign Progressed Moons lend you to be more emotional. Issues with your chest/breasts, stomach, or pancreas could present themselves, and you may need to watch your weight. Easiest for: natal Scorpio and Pisces Moons Progressed Moon in LeoWhen your Progressed Moon is in Leo, you can become more creative and focused on your hobbies. You may do something to get into the public eye, or have a desire to be in the spotlight.
Being more flamboyant and theatrical may get you there. You can ‘feel’ luckier, which can in turn make you luckier. You’ll be more daring and want to have more fun, so being social and going out all the time may happen now. You may also have more of a flair for the dramatic. Expressing yourself openly becomes important, especially by showcasing a talent. You want people to know you’re here, become aware of you and everything you bring to the table. If you have troubles with your heart or back, that can be emphasized now; also watch for exhaustion and inflammation. Easiest for: natal Aries and Sagittarius Moons Progressed Moon in VirgoYou’re much more critical and analytical with Progressed Moon in Virgo. The details become more important, and you do every task asked of you to the letter.
Perfection may be desired in everything you do, so make sure it’s not unrealistic. Spending time in the self-help section of the bookstore may be something you find yourself doing more often. Your health can become more of a focus, either by bringing up a health problem or making you more health conscious, choosing a healthier lifestyle. Making a change in your daily habits could come about now. This is a great time to lose weight and get in shape. You may seem more anal and detached, but it’s really just that you’re focused on the practical needs of life and getting them done just right (or maybe you really are a tightwad, I don’t know). Socializing is less important, and the people you choose to be around will likely have to pass a few tests first. Digestive concerns can come up now, and issues with the abdominal region. Easiest for: natal Taurus and Capricorn Moons Progressed Moon in LibraStriking a balance in your life can become a goal when your Progressed Moon is in Libra. You err more on the side of fairness, justice, and equality, and are good at making compromises, which makes you nicer to be around.
Being in a committed relationship may seem more important, and you may go from one person to the next, unable to be alone, or finally find that somebody right, depending on other aspects. The need to be around people all the time can be strong no matter what. You’ll be more charming and social and well mannered, and you may focus on changing yourself physically to be more attractive through a new haircut, makeup regimen, or even plastic surgery. Your creativity can spike as well, and you may gain an interest in the arts. Problems with the kidneys, buttocks, and adrenal glands can occur, and if you have diabetes or are at risk, take precautions. Easiest for: natal Gemini and Aquarius Moons Progressed Moon in ScorpioProgressed Moon in Scorpio gets a bad rep as being the most difficult Progressed Moon. Scorpio rules the darker side of life, the serious side, and with your Progressed Moon here, you may feel you’re emotionally drawn to the ‘other side’ of yourself (which is not so good for some of us!).
You could also be drawn to the darker side of other people, so you may attract the wrong people into your life. As a water sign, Progressed Moon in Scorpio is very emotional, and with Scorpio, it’s intense emotion, which can be too much at times. The best advice? Before you throw a tantrum, start bawling, or grab that pistol, ask yourself, “Am I being rational about this situation? If I saw someone else behaving this way, what would I think?” Sometimes taking a step outside of yourself is the only way to be objective and cool yourself down. If handled well, this placement can have remarkable potential for personal growth. Profound experiences can be had now if you try. Issues with your colon, rectum, or reproductive system could come up, and make sure you’re on top of your sexual health. Easiest for: I’m not going to lie, it’s really not easy for any sign! Progressed Moon in SagittariusGoing from Progressed Moon in Scorpio to Sagittarius usually feels like a breath of fresh air. Sagittarius is fun loving and gregarious, and you’ll shift more in that direction. You’ll want to be more daring and take more risks, more adventures.
Freedom and open spaces are good now. Travel works well with this placement, as well as expanding your mind. Anything that makes you feel freer is desired with Progressed Moon in Sagittarius, whether it’s through your mind or on a physical level. You may exercise more, wanting to be more physically active. Your optimism is higher and you feel like you can do anything. Nothing can hold you back. You may be more honest and open with people (or perhaps blunt is a better word for it? To be honest). You can have problems with your hips, thighs, or liver with this Moon. Easiest for: natal Aries and Leo Moons Progressed Moon in CapricornWith Progressed Moon in Capricorn, your career becomes more important with your ambitious side coming out, and you may desire more approval in your work. You want to climb the social ladder and achieve, and be recognized for your achievements.
If you have long-term goals, this can be a time to move them forward, or you could make new ones now. This could lead you to be on your own for a while though, since you’re so focused on your career and path, that you may ignore your relationships with real people. Don’t turn into one of those tragically ambitious people, or you may end this transit alone. This is an excellent time for business though. There’s a greater chance of experiencing problems with your bones, joints, knees, gallbladder, skin, teeth or nails. Easiest for: natal Taurus and Virgo Moons Progressed Moon in AquariusWhen your Progressed Moon is in Aquarius, you want to break free from the norms of your life. The status quo isn’t good enough anymore. You want to feel free and like more of an individual.
Doing what everyone else is doing doesn’t fly. What other people say about you or think about your ideas or actions doesn’t matter to you now, a stark difference to when the Progressed Moon was in Capricorn. You become more interested in unconventional things and ideas, and aren’t averse to breaking a rule or two or ten. You can also become more motivated to help others through humanitarian efforts. It’s a good time to join a charity or start one. Even though you want to remain an individual and likely aren’t going to strongly desire intimacy, you feel quite comfortable in a group setting. Watch out for issues you’re your calves or ankles, circulation problems, and cramps. Easiest for: natal Gemini and Libra Moons Progressed Moon in PiscesYou’ll be more emotionally sensitive with Progressed Moon in Pisces. You’ll be so sensitive that you’ll probably be more in tune with others emotions as well, and notice subtle differences in people.
Being connected to your own inner workings will also be prominent at this time, which can make you much more creative. If you’re an artistic person, you may find yourself producing your most insightful work, full of depth and heart. You want to help the downtrodden wherever you can, and volunteering is good now. You also need to be careful not to fall into the trappings of escapism with this placement. Sometimes Progressed Moon in Pisces makes it harder to deal with your emotions, and so you just want to escape, but that’s not a good idea. Deal with it in the now. This moon can bring problems with your feet, lymphatic system, an increase in nervousness (leading to problems like anxiety) and exposure to colds and the like. Also be careful of toxicity/poisoning and stay away from alcohol and drugs as much as you can. Easiest for: natal Cancer and Scorpio Moons Progressed Moon in the HousesProgressed Moon in the 1st HouseYou feel free and walk with greater confidence. You feel you can get whatever you want and things will go well. The right people and the right circumstances come into your life with ease.
Your emotions may be more changeable, but overall, you should be in better moods. You may have to watch what you eat, because weight gain is possible. Focus on your body is good now, and you may need to make changes to improve your physical health. You may seem more nurturing, and issues with the home and family can become important now. Spend some time on yourself, reflecting on your life, who you are as a person, and what it is you want, so you can better cultivate your identity. When the moon enters your First House, it conjuncts your Ascendant, the beginning of the house, a sensitive point. This can mark a time of many changes in your life. You can see changes in your family, in your relationships, in your job or residence, and you could be thrust into the spotlight. Your heart may be on your sleeve more now, more emotionally sensitive, and you’ll be more honest and forthright. You’ll also likely have a hard time keeping anything hidden, so don’t. Progressed Moon in the 2nd HouseAll aspects of your finances become important when the Progressed Moon enters your Second House. In what ways you make money, what you spend it on, and what is the real purpose of it all are a focus. If you are in need of more money, you may find it easier to get it.
Opportunities to improve your financial status are found easier. Opportunities to spend money are easier found as well, so keep a tight hold on your wallet, otherwise you may end up buying a lot of junk you don’t really need or want. Getting your financial ducks in a row is a wise course of action with this placement. What you need to be secure and gaining more security is also important, and what your value system is and what you value most. Evaluating your security needs and doing more to make you feel more secure are a good use of this aspect. Ensure that your values are strong and that you incorporate them into your life. The foundation upon which you build your life may need to be inspected, and if you find any cracks, fix it. Don’t leave it for another time; otherwise everything you’ve built on top can crumble. Progressed Moon in the 3rd HouseYour close environment becomes a focus when the Progressed Moon enters your Third House. Become more active in your local community, take more day trips, and do more in your everyday life.
Being idle daily won’t do you any good now, and you need constant action. It’s possible you may want a whole new change in your environment, and move to a new place. Your mind will also likely be much more active. You may find yourself wanting to learn something new, and pursuing that will do you much good. If you’re already in school, this can be a time when you are more focused and feel you can and want to do better. If you’re a writer or teacher, this is also an especially good time for you. You could be more involved with a sibling, seeking to put to rest old feuds if you have any, or heighten the relationship for the better. The way you communicate and in what ways you want that to change that come up now. You may communicate your feelings more with others now, finding it easier than usual. Communicating in a way that allows you to fully express yourself is sought. Progressed Moon in the 4th HouseThe Fourth House is a deeply spiritual house, and when the Progressed Moon moves through, you will be more focused on internal issues. Old wounds and habit patterns can come up, and you’ll be prone to analyzing, figuring out the nuts and bolts of it all, and figuring out how to move forward.
If you’ve got old issues, chances are you’re going to be exceptionally focused on them now, and try to work through them as much as you can. You’ll be much more introspective, and not as social or outgoing, choosing to be at home or alone a lot. A lot of your thoughts and feelings may be kept private now, as you want to mull over everything as much as you can to get to the roots. The home and family can become important, and this placement can also signal a change in residence. When the Progressed Moon enters the Fourth House, you may be more emotional than usual, and it’s not a good time to make career decisions. As the Progressed Moon gets ready to leave this house, you should have shed a lot of baggage and be ready to start a new chapter in your life. Progressed Moon in the 5th HouseThe energy of the Progressed Moon transiting your Fifth House can be starkly different to when it was in your Fourth House. You’ll feel lighter, more creative, and want to express yourself in ways that seem interesting to you.
You want to spend more time out with people being social, so you’ll be more extroverted and fun-loving. You may be more daring, so you’ll be apt to trying new things. You may feel more relaxed with yourself and your life, and feel less inhibited. Embrace yourself fully, and all the fun there is to be had in life. Chances are, when the Moon was moving through your Fourth House, you weren’t having much fun, so now’s the time to make up for it. This is one of the more fun placements for the Progressed Moon. You’ll have more energy, so you’ll want to use it up, usually in ways that allow you to convey what you’re feeling in a positive way. The Fifth House is the house of love, so if you’re single, you could have an easier time finding someone now (depending on your other aspects, of course). The Fifth House also rules children, so if you have any, they can be a focus, or you could find yourself wanting to have a child. Progressed Moon in the 6th HouseThe Sixth House is the house of health, so when the Progressed Moon tours through here, you can be more focused on your overall well-being. You may take up a new health regimen, wanting to be as healthy as possible.
Being of a sound mind and body becomes important, as you understand that you can’t have one without the other. Just be sure you’re not overdoing it with the health kick, because obsession is unhealthy too! You could also tend to be more of a perfectionist (especially if you’re prone to that already), so you may need to let yourself have a little room at this time. There’s no need to be so hard on yourself, and understand there’s a difference between constructive self criticism and destructive self bashing. Nothing and nobody is perfect, and that’s okay. The Sixth House also rules your work environment, so you could see adjustments there. You may analyze the work you’ve chosen to do and whether it’s the right choice for you or not. Figuring out what kind of work you want to be doing and is good for you comes to light now. As the Moon readies to leave this house, you could see significant changes in your work life. Progressed Moon in the 7th HouseYour relationships become the focus with the Progressed Moon in the Seventh House. You want to work on bettering your intimate and business relationships, and examine each of your relationships and how they’re working.
Being close to people is important now, and you want to contribute to their lives. Being alone isn’t very enjoyable now. Your idea of what a relationship should be like may change, evolving with your life experiences. As we all mature and grow, we tend to let go of a lot of those childish ways of seeing relationships. You may be more sensitive with those you’re close to, and could blow things up at times when there’s no need to. This placement can bring commitments as well as separations. Your expectations of the relationship and how well it’s lived up to those expectations usually plays a part in which way you’ll go. Just make sure your expectations have been realistic, otherwise you may cut someone out over something that was only in your head. Separations now aren’t always final though, and concrete decisions aren’t usually made until the Moon is gearing up to leave the Seventh House. Progressed Moon in the 8th HouseThe effect of the Progressed Moon moving through the Eighth House is very similar to when it moves through the sign of Scorpio. It can be a very draining experience, emotionally charged and difficult.
When the Moon first crosses into this house, you have a good chance of seeing some sort of significant change, whether it’s the ending of a relationship, a life-changing decision, or loss of some kind. You may have to deal with power struggles, people on power trips or internal control issues. Financial problems could come up, especially in relation to joint finances, debts, loans, or credit. You can easily find yourself very lonely and down during this period if you don’t use it wisely or haven’t been making good decisions in your life. To use this energy positively, you may need to delve into your basic temperament emotionally. What it is that you need to feel good is something you shouldn’t throw by the wayside. Understand your emotional makeup, and come to terms with your emotional needs. This can be an intense time no matter what, because you’re being forced to evaluate parts of your emotional inner workings that you may have shied away from for a reason. Progressed Moon in the 9th HouseGoing from the Eighth House to the Ninth House with the Progressed Moon is pretty different! The Ninth House makes you more extroverted, less “heavy”, and desiring adventure, excitement.
You want to increase your consciousness and spread your wings and fly (just remember the story of Icarus!). What your belief system has been may come into question. You’ll look around you and see there’s so much out there, and wonder if what you’ve been holding onto is really working for you. A lot of people take on new beliefs, some in a positive way, adding to their life, and some in a negative way, becoming more cynical or extreme. Which you’ll be usually depends on the aspects the Progressed Moon is making as it tours through this house and what transit aspects are occurring at the same time. No matter what, you’ll think that you’re trying to make your life better, even if it’s worse. It’s a good time for travel or study, if you’re so inclined, and you may have more opportunities for them than usual. Taking risks can come about now, risks you never would have thought of taking before, but make sure they’re risks WORTH taking. Progressed Moon in the 10th HouseWhen the Progressed Moon is moving through your Tenth House, your career becomes central in your life. Where you’re going and how you’re going to get there are a focus, and putting together a long-term plan could come up. If you want to be in the spotlight, you can find it now.
Recognition for your work and career advancement can be achieved with this placement. You’re more ambitious and will work as hard as possible to get what you want, which could have you sacrifice your home and family for a little while. Social time is mostly spent with people who can forward your career, and you have less time for friends and fun. You may seem more disconnected from people, even cold if you’re susceptible to that, so you have to put in extra effort, otherwise you may end this transit with a smaller circle of close relationships. When the Progressed Moon enters your Tenth House it conjuncts the Midheaven, the beginning of the Tenth House. This period can show a time where you’re more concerned about your public image and what people say about you. You could gain a position of authority and see many changes in your career. You could also have to deal with a parent at this time. Progressed Moon in the 11th HouseAfter spending time with the Progressed Moon in the Tenth House, all about your career, your focus shifts to your friendships and more altruistic endeavors with the Progressed Moon in the Eleventh House.
You may want to spend more time with friends, making friends, and just be around people, so joining a group or organization can come about. Being around other people may be much more comfortable to you now than being alone, and you feel you can express yourself better in a group than by yourself or among a few intimate acquaintances. Being able to open up more in your friendships emotionally will help strengthen them for a long time to come. Helping humanity through charitable work may become a desire as you become more socially conscious and possibly pick up a cause or two. You could find yourself becoming more interested in unusual subjects, modern technology, and futuristic initiatives. Your mind isn’t really comfortable staying within your normal parameters and wants to break out. Your hopes and wishes, both personally and for the world at large, could be something you want to make reality. Progressed Moon in the 12th HouseWith the Progressed Moon going through the 12th House, there may be a lot of things coming to an end or being eliminated from your life.
The Twelfth House is the house of endings, a time when we clear the clutter to make room for the new opportunities that will come about when the Moon progresses into our First House and brings all those changes. Whatever leaves your life now is usually necessary, and probably hasn’t been useful for you for some time. Spending a lot of time alone with your thoughts is good now, and if you’ve been thinking of starting a therapeutic regimen, this is an excellent placement for it. You may spend a lot of time in your head and heart, examining your feelings and going over old issues. Close up any unhealed wounds and finish whatever you’ve started and left behind. Your intuition can be strengthened now, as you’re more in touch with your feelings, but if you’re prone to emotional train-wrecking, then you may have a hard time listening to your gut over the white noise. You may find yourself feeling sadder and more contemplative, but it doesn’t have to be of the depressed sort, it could just be a highly introspective time. If you’re prone to escapism or self-destructive tendencies, then this could be a placement that will be very difficult, and could present new behavioral problems, especially if the Progressed Moon is making stressful aspects during its stay here (to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, or the ruler of your First or Third Houses). Progressed Moon Aspects to Natal PlanetsProgressed Moon to Natal SunWith a sextile or trine, you may be presented with new opportunities to improve your life, and make necessary changes to bring yourself fully together.
Your ego and your emotions should be in sync, working well together rather than against one another. People may rely on you more, because they see you as being whole, stable, and reliable. Dealings with men can go smoother, since the Sun rules men. With a square or opposition, you don’t feel at ease. Your ego drives and your emotional drives may be going in different directions. You can be more emotional, and may need to overcome a personal obstacle. You question what you do and are more insecure and uncomfortable. With the conjunction, the Moon is now in the same sign as your Sun, which will bring out the qualities of that sign more in your personality. Find a singular purpose to put your attention to make the most productive use of the energy. Progressed Moon to Natal MoonWith the sextile or trine, your emotions will flow in a natural way, and you’ll be more at ease with your feelings. You’ll be in touch with yourself in a way you haven’t been before, and able to discern other’s feelings better as well, so don’t doubt your instincts.
Embracing your feminine side, whether your male or female, could come up, and dealings with women are smoother, as well as your mother or mother figures. With the square or opposition, you’re emotionally all over the place. Situations arise that may bring about emotional challenges. You may feel yourself reacting in irrational ways, and your gut instincts could pull you in the wrong directions. Gaining control over your emotions is key, and not letting them control you. Women may bring problems, and you may gain weight, especially in your stomach region. If you’re prone to being an emotional eater, watch yourself carefully. With a conjunction, you experience your Progressed Lunar Return, when the Progressed Moon returns to the exact position it was at when you were born, a time of emotional maturation. Your feelings put you on the right path, and now is a time of great personal growth. Progressed Moon to Natal MercuryWith a sextile or trine, articulating verbally what you’re feeling emotionally comes with greater ease. Expressing yourself should be less difficult and mental pursuits can be a great outlet for what you’re feeling inside.
Learning pleases your emotions, so try and find a new course of study. You may find spending time with siblings or younger people more fun and you certainly have a lot to say (and people want to hear!). With a square or opposition, you may have a difficult time letting others know how you feel exactly. Either it’s not coming out right or you just don’t know how to say it. You could sacrifice one or the other, your mind or your emotions, and lean too much on one because you’re not sure what else to do, but don’t ignore the other. Just try to sort through them better, and remember that with the mind, there’s always an outlet. With the conjunction, the Moon is in the same sign as Mercury, and your mind and emotions will be totally in sync. You’ll hardly be misunderstood, by others or by yourself. It’s the perfect time to get out everything that’s locked up in your head or heart. Progressed Moon to Natal VenusWith a sextile or trine, you’ll feel more social, wanting to spend time with people. You’ll be more creative, finding inspiration through your emotions. You may get a makeover, wanting to make yourself look more beautiful.
This time is also conducive to falling in love (or at least wanting or being more open to). Whatever your desires are usually put you in the right direction, so go with them for now. With a square or opposition, you have more problems in social situations and in your relationships, and you may have to make some changes. You may feel there’s less love around (even if there isn’t), and be prone to overindulge if you’re not feeling well emotionally. You’re not quite sure what it is you really want, so you might go overboard with some things to compensate. With a conjunction, the Moon is in the same sign as Venus, and you can get exactly what you want now. You may not feel as generous as usual, but this is a time to focus more on yourself. Sometimes we need to do that! Let yourself be pampered and if you’re not getting what you want, ask for it. There’s no harm in being direct. You could also gain better understanding of what it is you want in love and in relationships. Progressed Moon to Natal MarsWith a sextile or trine, your energy will be even-keel. You have enough energy to get the things done that need to get done, but not so much that you’re restless and agitated if you have to sit still for five seconds.
You can quickly make decisions and act on them, with your energy in sync with your emotions. You may not think about things too much right now, choosing to just ‘do’ instead, and while normally that can put you in bad situations, things will likely work out most of the time now. With a square or opposition, your energy can be all over the place, too high when you don’t have anything to do, too low when you have everything to do. You can be prone to anxiousness and restlessness. Your temper may be worse, and you may instigate fights over little things. Don’t actually start a brawl, because you’re more prone to getting physically hurt, especially injuries to the head. With a conjunction, the Moon is in the same sign as Mars, and your energy can be super high, and you’ll be going-going-going. You’ll get things done in record time. Your emotions will dictate your actions, and you won’t be able to let your emotions just sit inside of you. Getting them out may be all you want to do, and you may recognize how to best utilize your energy. Progressed Moon to Natal JupiterWith a sextile or trine, you may have opportunities to expand your life. Broadening your horizons through learning or traveling is good now. You’ll feel optimistic about life without being unrealistic. You can be more generous and fun-loving, playful and adventurous.
With the square or opposition, you can be overly optimistic and perhaps out of touch with reality. You may attempt things that would normally seem foolish. You may overindulge, and can take on too much, overextending yourself emotionally. You can be prone to feeling like you know more about things than you actually do, and can be a bit high-and-mighty. With a conjunction, the Moon is in the same sign as Jupiter, and you can feel unbelievably optimistic and like you’re just pretty lucky. If handled well, then you can expand your life in any way you want, but if handled poorly, you can lack good judgment and make bad decisions. Overall, you’ll be much more open-hearted, feeling everything to the nth degree, and you may not do things halfway. You can enhance your comprehension of your scope of vision, and absorb as much as possible. Progressed Moon to Natal SaturnWith a sextile or trine, you’ll feel like you’re more responsible and mature, and if you have a lot of work to do, accomplishing it will come with more ease. This can give opportunities for advancement in your career and social standing.
Your air of authority will seem stronger, and whatever you say, people listen to closely, so make sure you’re saying the right thing. With a square or opposition, you may not want to adhere to your duties. If you do, you’ll be resentful, and if you don’t, you’ll pay the piper. You may be prone to paranoia, thinking everyone’s out to get you in some secret vendetta, but sometimes bad luck is nobody’s fault, so don’t look for someone to blame. There can be blocks and delays on your path, problems with authority figures, and you may have trouble being in charge. With a conjunction, the Moon is in the same sign as Saturn, and you may be quite cautious. Other people may be irritated by it, but you’re just trying to make sure you make the best decisions possible. Anything requiring immediate action may give you problems now. Progressed Moon to Natal UranusWith a sextile or trine, you want your life to be more exciting, so you take more risks and try new things. Finding new ways to deal with your emotions can be good now, so maybe an alternative form of therapy is due.
Being exposed to things you haven’t been before makes you feel better, and you crave the unusual and eclectic. With a square or opposition, your emotions can go up and down erratically. Things can happen unexpectedly that throw you for a loop. You may be blunter, and stick your foot in your mouth, causing fights and scenes and melees when you don’t mean to. You may try to change things just for the sake of change, but that may not be the best idea. With the conjunction, the Moon is in the same sign as Uranus, and you could be doing things in totally new ways. Change is everywhere! You can’t do anything same old, same old, so you try anything different or unusual. If you use the energy well, you’ll open yourself and your life to whole new ways of being. Progressed Moon to Natal NeptuneWith a sextile or trine, your intuition is strong, and you can detect subtle energy changes with ease. You’re charismatic, dreamy, and romantic.
Helping others is a stronger desire now, and you’re inspired by little things around you. The occult and the arts are of greater interest now, and you’re more attracted to mysterious things. With a square or opposition, your emotions can run deep, and you may feel more vulnerable and scared, unable to figure out how to deal with them. You can be prone to paranoia and delusions, so try to remember there’s no monster in the closet (I think). Don’t make any important decisions now, because your emotions are in a fog, and you won’t be able to see things clearly for what they are. With the conjunction, the Moon is in the same sign as Neptune, and your imagination surges. This can make you more creative, which is especially good if you’re in a creative field. You may spend lots of time day-dreaming, which is fine, as long as the work that has to get done does get done. Make sure you’re not so lost in your dreams that you lose touch with reality. You can become more in tune with your dreams now, and figure out exactly what your dreams are. Maybe moving forward, you can bring more of them into being. Progressed Moon to Natal PlutoWith a sextile or trine, you’re more attuned to finding solutions to problems. You have a greater ability to get people on your side by making solid decisions that yield more power to you.
You can attract more powerful people into your life, and they can help you attain more power. You have a high ability to transform yourself now into something better. Dealing with money is good now, and you can invest well. With a square or opposition, being open about your emotions may not be a good idea, as it could lead people to rail against you. You may find yourself in a lot of arguments and dealing with control issues. You’re emotionally drained, feeling your past and that which you keep hidden eating away at you. Old emotional/psychological wounds may be opened – maybe it’s time to finally close them for good. Therapeutic regimens are good. With a conjunction, the Moon is in the same sign as Pluto, and your emotions are more intense, and you’re interested in serious subjects. You can either expand your personal power or give in to controlling people, depending on how you handle this aspect, but sometimes just being persistent is all you need. You can learn more about your own personal power, and what kind of power over your life you want. Progressed Lunation CycleEvery month, we all experience the different phases of the moon as it travels. This is also used in progressions, called the progressed lunation cycle.
Each phase in the progressed chart shows a different phase of life. You can determine which phase you’re in by how many degrees apart the progressed Sun and Moon are. We experience every phase for around three years, some a little longer, some a little shorter, but we don’t experience them all at the same time. Which you’ll experience first, second, third, etc. will depend on which phase you were born under. You’ll experience every phase several times throughout your life, which allows you to reinvent yourself or reassert new goals many times. Progressed New Moon Phase
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