The Natal Sun in AstrologyYour natal Sun is part of the astrology triad; along with the Ascendant and Moon, they're the most important part of your natal chart. The Sun rules your true self, the inner you, and who you are to those who know you best. For the natal Sun in the signs, go to the Sun Signs page.
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Natal Sun in the Houses Transit Aspects to Natal Sun Natal Sun Aspects to Natal Planets |
Natal Sun in the HousesNatal Sun in the 1st house
With your natal Sun in the 1st house, you’re someone who always makes a lasting impression on people, and this can make you feel self-conscious at times. You try to come across as someone who is strong and secure, but you secretly care about what other people think about you far too much. You need to learn that what other people think about you doesn’t matter, and accept the impact that you make. If you really want to be strong, you need to develop your own identity and really know who you truly are. You can be a fantastic leader of people if you don’t become too tyrannical or proud. You’re enthusiastic and can do things on your own without anyone holding your hand along the way. Natal Sun in the 2nd house With your natal Sun in the 2nd house, security is important to you, and you have strong ties to your possessions. You need to learn that who you are is NOT what you own, and that no matter how much money you have, it doesn’t make you a better person. Develop strong values, and find your worth through your positive attributes. You’re someone who can stick though anything, and won’t go anywhere, no matter what happens. Everything lasts with you for a long time, and that’s something to be proud of. You can build a strong foundation for your personality and life to be built on, and once you do, nothing can tear you down. You tend to be good with money, and this placement can be good for making money through being in the public eye or physical activity. Natal Sun in the 3rd house With your natal Sun in the 3rd house, if there isn’t enough change in your life regularly, you get bored fast. You can adapt to new situations easily, and with your incredibly active mind, you need that change often so your mind doesn’t become restless and idle. You love to learn new things, whether you liked school or not, and you can take in new information easily. You want to do whatever you do well, and part of your love of learning comes from wanting to be as good as possible at whatever you do. You learn a lot through life experience. You’re likely a chatty person, always wanting to find out as much as you can about everyone and everything, so watch for being a gossip. Natal Sun in the 4th house With your natal Sun in the 4th house, you funnel everything into your home and family life. If that’s going well, you feel great, and if it’s not, you feel like you’re a bad person. Those of you from difficult homes with difficult childhoods had a harder time dealing with it, and as adults, you work extra hard to create a nice home. Your family is very important to you, and you’ll protect them at all costs. Having a solid foundation for your life is also important to you, and you’ll work at it for a long time. You want to get your life set up first before you work on the rest. You tend to look at things long-term, not looking for shortcuts, and as a result, you get better as you get older. Natal Sun in the 5th house With your natal Sun in the 5th house, expressing yourself in some way is of the utmost importance to you. If you don’t feel as though you’re truly expressing yourself, you feel stifled and unhappy. You want to be seen and heard, and to get attention from others, so you’re drawn to the spotlight, and can go into the arts, especially theater, film, or sports. You tend to have a happy personality and you’re so pleasant to be around that you’re always surrounded by people. You like being social, having many acquaintances you can spend time with, and love going to parties, out to dinner or shopping, and having fun. You also want to have and be loved in your life, and that can drive you in many ways. Natal Sun in the 6th house With your natal Sun in the 6th house, your identity is tied up in your work and service. If you don’t feel productive or like you’re working to the best of your ability, you get down on yourself. You keep busy, and without being busy, you can drive yourself a little crazy. When you do good work, you feel confident and proud, but you have high standards for your work and can have a hard time living up to your own expectations. When other people criticize your work, you really take it to heart, and are overly sensitive in that regard. It might be best for you to mostly work on your own, and in a profession that allows you to express yourself freely. You don’t mind working hard and putting in the hours, and can be good in a crisis. With the Sun here, you may have some flaw that you have to work on, usually one with your body/health. Natal Sun in the 7th house With your natal Sun in the 7th house, you feel the need to have a partner at all times, and have a hard time getting by without someone by your side. You may sacrifice too much of yourself in order to please everyone else, and over time, need to learn to stop putting your own needs second to everyone else’s. You also need to not put so much stock in your relationships, because that just leaves you feeling empty when you’re alone. As you get older, wiser, and learn your lessons, you can be quite successful in relationships as you bring a complete person to the table. Despite how desperate you may be to rush things, take your time. You’re great with people, sociable, charming, and a natural negotiator. Natal Sun in the 8th house With your natal Sun in the 8th house, you want all of the experiences you have to be intense. You don’t care for the little things, the small aspects of life, and want every moment to be profound. What’s on the surface is of no interest to you, and you try to dig deeper into everything you’re presented with. You won’t accept anything at face value, and this makes you an excellent researcher. You’ll likely undergo some sort of transformation in your life in an effort to improve yourself, and some of you may be obsessed with constantly trying to improve. You feel things more deeply than others, and this causes you to explore your spirituality, the metaphysical, and the intricate patterns of the universe. You take life seriously, and you believe that you’re destined for something more. Natal Sun in the 9th house With your natal Sun in the 9th house, the world is big and you want to explore everything in it. There’s never enough knowledge for you to attain. You take pride in all that you’ve learned over the years, and believe it makes you wise, but you need to watch for believing it makes you better than everyone else and look down on people. You have a love of learning, and it can lead you to study many different subjects or even teach someday. You love adventure, going out and doing something exciting, thrilling, and new, and having as many life experiences as you can. You then share the knowledge that you gain through these experiences with everyone, and while you think you’re helping other people by doing this, you also help yourself by connecting with people. Natal Sun in the 10th house With your natal Sun in the 10th house, working towards a goal is probably the most important thing for you. You set goals for yourself, make plans, and work long and hard to make them happen. You’re an ambitious person with big goals, and you believe in yourself enough to attain them. You want to be the boss and hate having to answer to someone, which is a problem if you’re not the actual boss. You can be a good leader, and you work hard to succeed in whatever endeavors you pursue, and take pride in being the best among the best. You may choose work that puts you in the spotlight in some way, especially with politics, sports, or acting, and no matter what you do, you want recognition for it. Natal Sun in the 11th house With your natal Sun in the 11th house, you’re more tolerant than most people, and don’t look down on anyone. You believe everyone is equal to you, no matter who they are. You try not to judge people, and are attracted to people who are different, original, and unconventional. Your social circle is diverse, and you’ll befriend people from all walks of life. People see how open you are, and that attracts them to you, but you can have trouble opening up your true self to others. You may choose friends over a lover, valuing your friendships, and work well in a group. You’re always looking towards the future, and you have great dreams and hopes for how you want not only your future to be, but also the future of the world. Natal Sun in the 12th house With your natal Sun in the 12th house, the 12th house is a house that tends to swallow up the energy of whatever planet is in it, and since the Sun rules you, you tend to hide yourself, come across as very shy and quiet, and seem reserved. You’re uncomfortable in social situations, with strangers, and may seem awkward or antisocial. This can be completely different from how you act in private though, especially if you’re a fire or air sign, and with people you’re close to, you can bounce off of the walls. You have to work hard to figure out your own identity so you don’t absorb the identity other people put on you. You need time alone away from people periodically so you can recharge, but you have to make sure you don’t completely cut yourself off from people. Try to connect with others through your compassion, and try to do good for others. Transit Planets to Natal SunTransit Sun to Natal Sun
With transit Sun conjunct your natal Sun, you have your solar return, when the transit Sun returns to the exact position it was at when you were born, and you should do something just for yourself. It’s a new time for you to start something big for the next year, and you can have energy, drive, and focus. With transit Sun sextile or trine your natal Sun, you can express yourself more easily and feel more confident than usual. You could be recognized for something that you’ve done. Your energy and vitality is strong, as is your will. With transit Sun square or opposite your natal Sun, whatever you want to make happen is more difficult. You can experience opposition or issues that cause tension and challenge you, but you could learn from them. Also watch your physical body because you’re more likely to feel sick, lethargic, or be injured. Transit Moon to Natal Sun With the conjunction, you feel more at one with yourself. You stress out about things less, feeling internal peace that you exude externally. Something could occur, usually within yourself, which brings on a change, however subtle, and you can feel more self-assured and get more notice. This can be a good time to make a promise to yourself that you’ll stick with. With a sextile or trine, you work well with others, able to present the best you possible. Your actions and your feelings are in sync. Intuition is good, and you can make better decisions, having more clarity. Things can go better at home and at work. You can settle your mind easily and heal (so it’s good for doctor’s visits or therapy). Expressing yourself comes without difficulty. With a square or opposition, you may experience more conflict, especially in your relationships. Work and home don’t mesh well now. What you desire and what is actually essential likely won’t be the same things, which can lead to problems and cause you to feel disjointed. You may react in an overly emotional way to situations. You can use the energy positively by trying to resolve issues. The opposition is generally harder than the square. Transit Mercury to Natal Sun With transit Mercury conjunct your natal Sun, your mind is quicker than usual, and you have a hard time keeping anything to yourself. You can have many conversations with people, or one important one, especially with someone like a boss, parent, or mentor. With transit Mercury sextile or trine your natal Sun, you can think on your feet and come up with good ideas. If you need to make a decision about something, you can find it easier now, as well as dealing with mental projects or tasks. With transit Mercury square or opposite your natal Sun, you could stick your foot in your mouth and say something that you shouldn’t. You may have an argument or misunderstanding with someone, feel anxious and scatterbrained, and have a hard time coming up with good ideas or sifting through your thoughts. Transit Venus to Natal Sun With transit Venus conjunct your natal Sun, you feel soft and sweet. You want to indulge, are charming, seem more graceful, and would be better served spending the day with other people. You want more balance and harmony in your life. It can be a beauty day where you improve your physical appearance somehow. With transit Venus sextile or trine your natal Sun, you’re compromising, caring, and seek harmony in all of your relationships. You just want to get along with people. You feel good, and other people want to be around you. You may feel a little lazy, not wanting to deal with work. With transit Venus square and opposite your natal Sun, you have a hard time doing any of the work that you should. You feel too good, too lazy, and too indulgent. You could eat too much, spend too much, and be overly confident. Transit Mars to Natal Sun With transit Mars conjunct your natal Sun, your energy is high, and you want to use it. You want to start something new, and may go into a new project or start a new path without putting much thought into it or taking time beforehand. You’re more competitive, and this can be a good day for doing something that requires confidence or courage. With transit Mars sextile or trine your natal Sun, you do things based on instinct without much thought, but it tends to work out well for you. It’s a good time for engaging in competition, being brave, or beginning something new. With transit Mars square or opposite your natal Sun, you’re easily irritated and may have a fight with someone that may not even be warranted. Your energy is too high or too low, and you need an outlet for your stress. You’re impatient, impulsive, and uncompromising. You may need to watch out for accidents. Transit Jupiter to Natal Sun With transit Jupiter conjunct your natal Sun, you can experience a time of opportunities being presented to you. It’s up to you whether or not you’re going to take those opportunities and do something with them or let them pass you by. You’re confident and it’s a good time to begin something new. You feel good physically and are positive, though your judgment can be off in some cases. With transit Jupiter sextile or trine your natal Sun, you can make plans for your future easily. This can be an especially good time for you financially, so take advantage of that. Your confidence is higher than usual, and you can deal with people more easily. You feel good, and you want to make your life better. Think about the ways you can improve your life and get them started. With transit Jupiter square or opposite your natal Sun, you may squander opportunities that are presented to you, and make poor decisions. You can be too confident and overly positive about situations. If you can overcome the intense good feelings that make you want to be lazy and do nothing, you can use this energy positively and make things happen for you, but it takes effort and you have to force yourself to take action. Transit Saturn to Natal Sun With transit Saturn conjunct your natal Sun, whatever you’ve been doing in your life, you’ll now see the results. If you’ve been working hard and smart, you’ll be rewarded for that. If you haven’t been, you’ll be punished. Be honest with yourself about the work that you’re doing in your life, and whether or not you’re making the best decisions possible for your life. You can experience issues with your body, especially as a result of stress. This is a good time for beginning new projects or paths in your life that are long-term, and to act more responsibly. With transit Saturn sextile or trine your natal Sun, your life is more stable and there usually doesn’t seem to be as much upheaval. You feel good in your own skin, and are aware of exactly what you know you can and can’t do. This makes it a good time for working on projects, and you can be more confident. You may be more serious, responsible, and realistic. The sextile or trine tends to be very quiet in their influence with Saturn to the Sun. With transit Saturn square or opposite your natal Sun, challenges, blockages, and various issues tend to present themselves, especially if you haven’t been making good decisions. Often, you’ll have problems come up, and they’re meant to show you areas of your life that you’ve been neglecting or mistreating. It can be a good time to live more minimally, and scale back on the things you don’t really need, as well as behave more responsibly and maturely. Harsh Saturn aspects are a challenge, especially to the Sun, but they offer the most opportunity for growth if you work with them. Transit Uranus to Natal Sun With transit Uranus conjunct your natal Sun, however your life is now, you want to change it. You’re willing to try new things and are open to experimentation. You could do something that’s unexpected, have the opportunity to do something different that comes up suddenly, and crave more excitement in your life. Just watch for being too impulsive or rebellious. Be constructive with the changes that you make. With transit Uranus sextile or trine your natal Sun, you can create change easily, and the transition can be a smooth one. For those of you that resist change, you’re less inclined to now, and can gain more freedom and independence. Opportunities could be presented to you through a male or mentor. With transit Uranus square or opposite your natal Sun, you may feel restless and desire change in your life but not get the chance to do so, feeling trapped and restrained, or just want everything to stay exactly as it is and have nothing but upheaval. If you need to break out of a rut that you’ve been stuck in for a very long time, or make a complete change of your life, these can be good transits to do them under, but the change will likely be unstable at first. Over time, it proves to be one of the most important things you’ve ever done. Just don’t be hasty about it. Watch for accidents, especially when you’re being impulsive. Transit Neptune to Natal Sun With transit Neptune conjunct your natal Sun, you’re more sensitive emotionally and to the subtle shifts in the universe. You may be more imaginative, dreamy, and vulnerable, and need to protect yourself so you don’t become a victim to someone playing with you. Your identity may change, or you feel like something is challenging it and you’re not quite sure who you are. You can be more sensitive to drugs, poisons, and things that could be toxic to the body. With transit Neptune sextile or trine your natal Sun, your spirituality increases, and you feel more connected to what it is that you’re supposed to do with your life. You’re more intuitive and should try to listen to your gut because it won’t steer you wrong. You can improve yourself in some way, take some time away just to yourself, and you want your life to be peaceful. With transit Neptune square or opposite your natal Sun, you need to make sure you’re seeing reality. You could be delusional, believing in the illusions that others want you to believe, or tricking yourself so you don’t see the truth of the situation. You can be a victim or play the victim. You could be the person that other people want you to be instead of yourself. You may have a hard time understanding situations or what you want, and feel like you’re in a haze all of the time. You may have a harder time standing up for yourself or taking action, and just sit by and let life happen. Transit Pluto to Natal Sun With transit Pluto conjunct your natal Sun, you have the opportunity to become your true self. You can’t hide from it, no matter how much you want to or try. Issues that you’ve kept avoiding become unavoidable now. You won’t stand for the same kind of misery that you may have tolerated before for the sake of peace or to make others happy. Get in touch with who you are deep inside, and find out as much about yourself as possible. With transit Pluto sextile or trine your natal Sun, you can experience changes, but they’re not as overt, yet they can have a large impact on you. You feel more powerful and in control of your life, and you don’t feel the need to control anyone else. You can have a transformation in your life that makes things better. It’s a good time to focus on a serious subject, dig deeper into people or situations, and have a better grasp on your motivations. With transit Pluto square or opposite your natal Sun, you may try to exert power over others which makes them stay away from you. A deep issue that you’ve been holding in comes out, and it’s a challenge to work through it, but it leads to profound change in your personality or life. You have to learn to let go of something that isn’t doing you any good anymore. There are many things that you’ll likely have to face, and change what you value and the way you approach life. You may feel more fearful, insecure, and emotional. Watch for dark moods and outbursts. You could push yourself too far, become too obsessed with some things, and need to pull yourself back so you don’t completely break. Natal Sun Aspects to Natal PlanetsNatal Sun to Natal Moon
With your natal Sun conjunct your natal Moon, you display the traits of your sign to the nth degree. You relate to your sign more than others. You can focus on one singular purpose and dedicate yourself to it rather than being pulled in different directions. You know what you want, how to get there, and don’t have as much internal resistance. You’re sensitive, intuitive, and somewhat impulsive. With your natal Sun sextile or trine your natal Moon, your ego and your emotions work well together despite needing different things. You don’t feel pulled in different directions, finding a way to make things work, and you want to have balance and harmony in your life. People tend to like you, and you can exude confidence. You may avoid confrontation though, having a hard time dealing with conflict, and do what other people want too much. With your natal Sun square or opposite your natal Moon, you have a lot of struggle with what you want versus what you need out of life. With the opposition, it’s internal, and with the square, it’s external. You have a hard time focusing your energy and will on one thing, and you feel pulled in different directions at the same time. Your energy can be up and then down. You likely had issues with your parents being too demanding or wanting different things from you. You are driven, and if you can find a way to channel the energy, you can be very successful. Natal Sun to Natal Mercury The Sun and Mercury travel close together, and because of this, they can’t be more than about 28 degrees apart, so the only major aspect they can be is conjunct. If your natal Sun and Mercury are conjunct, your mind is sharp and active. You think things through thoroughly, though it can be overkill. You want to be an intelligent person, and you try to learn as much as you can. You do better learning on your own, and your thoughts are your own. You want people to know what you think, and listen carefully to you, though you may not listen very carefully yourself. Natal Sun to Natal Venus Like the Sun and Mercury, the Sun and Venus travel closely together, and they can’t be more than about 48 degrees apart, so the only major aspect they can be is conjunct. If your natal Sun and Venus are conjunct, you tend to be charming and good in social situations. You like and need to be around people, and people like being around you because of your pleasant disposition. You crave balance and harmony in your life, are accepting of others, and are attractive, though your looks can become too important at times. You can be superficial and lazy if you play up the negative traits of this aspect. Natal Sun to Natal Mars With your natal Sun conjunct your natal Mars, you tend to be an active person who needs to be physical, otherwise you’re always arguing with people and starting fights. You don’t beat around the bush and get straight to the heart of the matter, and you don’t wait around for things to happen, you make them happen. You can be a fierce competitor or a terrible bully. You’re daring, and it’s hard for anyone to hold you back except for yourself. With your natal Sun sextile or trine your natal Mars, you have good control over your energy. It’s there when you need it, and rarely is too much or too little at all of the wrong moments. You know how to control your anger, and don’t enjoy physical confrontations, though you are a good competitor, but you prefer to play nice. You like to experience life, and you tend to be a positive person. With your natal Sun square or opposite your natal Mars, your energy is abundant and it’s hard to control, especially in your younger years. You were the kid bouncing off of the walls and always getting injured. You need to learn how to focus your energy into something productive, have an outlet for it, otherwise it drives you mad. You have the drive to get things done, and can act impulsively. Your temper can get the better of you at times. You’re not someone who avoids problems, but rather goes right at them, so you can get through difficulties and use the experience to your advantage. Natal Sun to Natal Jupiter With your natal Sun conjunct your natal Jupiter, you tend to be a positive person with energy and enthusiasm. You try to see the upside of situations and people, and you believe that everything will always work out for you. That might actually be true, with it seeming like you have great luck, and someone is always there to clean up your mess, but eventually, the gambling with life catches up with you if you’re not careful. If you can be more careful, you can accomplish a great deal in your life. With your natal Sun sextile or trine your natal Jupiter, you don’t stay down for very long about things. Good things tend to come your way more easily, and you try to remain positive and generous no matter what you’re going through. You’re easy to get along with, and have a good heart. You have a good sense of humor and love to laugh. With your natal Sun square or opposite your natal Jupiter, you can have a problem with excess. You drink too much, eat too much, gamble too much, and can find yourself in trouble because of it. You try to get out of it, and can be successful, but if you never have to accept punishment, you may never learn either, and can take advantage of people. You can be overly positive or negative about situations, lack control, and not keep promises. You can also be very charitable and talented if you don’t waste it away. Natal Sun to Natal Saturn With your natal Sun conjunct your natal Saturn, you tend to be a very responsible person. As a child, you seemed older than your age, and felt restricted by something or someone which helped you to understand how the real world operates. You have excellent self-control, but can be too hard on yourself, and have a hard time letting yourself relax. You want to accomplish something in your life, but you’d rather do so quietly. With your natal Sun sextile or trine your natal Saturn, you’re a cautious person in your dealings, and you try to create a structured life. You’re patient and take your time with important matters. You know that you can get what you want if you work hard and smart, and not rush anything. You want to be respected, and don’t want to deal with people who act inappropriately. With your natal Sun square or opposite your natal Saturn, you have a hard time getting what you want, and face challenges at every turn. Your early life may have been harder than most. You can be controlling and feel insecure, and this makes you your own worst enemy. When you fail, you kill yourself over it, and need to be easier on yourself. You’ll be as happy as you allow yourself to be, so you just have to get out of your own way. Natal Sun to Natal Uranus With your natal Sun conjunct your natal Uranus, you have to be your own person no matter what. Efforts to conform to tradition won’t work. You don’t want to be judged for who you are, and you won’t do that to other people either. You do want change in your life, but you can be stuck to your ideals as well. You’re innovative and creative, independent and honest. With your natal Sun sextile or trine your natal Uranus, you have an easy time trying something new, and you don’t have to force yourself to be different or original, you just are. You’re open and honest, and you’re not shocked by much. You want to have an exciting life, and you tend to create one for yourself through your openness. With your natal Sun square or opposite your natal Uranus, you want to be your own person, yet you want to fit in with everyone else. You have a hard time having a “normal” life, and need work that allows you to take time off when your energy and inspiration is low. You don’t want to conform to what everyone else wants, but there are times when you have to and not doing so is a detriment to you. You’re not sacrificing who you are by doing so. Natal Sun to Natal Neptune With your natal Sun conjunct your natal Neptune, you’re a dreamer. This can mean you’re either extremely creative or spiritual, or unrealistic and impressionable. You have a hard time remembering things correctly. During your childhood, you had a nonexistent father or father figure, or an early life that lacked structure or boundaries. You’re a compassionate person who wants to help other people, but have to watch for being taken advantage of. With your natal Sun sextile or trine your natal Neptune, you’re sensitive and artistic, compassionate and spiritual. You want to help other people, and have an affinity for animals. You can find a balance between helping others without completely sacrificing yourself, and can come across as a sweet person. With your natal Sun square or opposite your natal Neptune, you want to feel or experience something extraordinary. Your early life lacked a father or father figure, lacked rules or support, or didn’t help you form your own identity. You have to watch for being attracted to all of the wrong people. You can be self-destructive or escapist. You’re sensitive and bruise like a peach, and need to forge a stronger connection to reality. Natal Sun to Natal Pluto With your natal Sun conjunct your natal Pluto, you have an obsessive personality. When things get your attention, nothing else matters to you. This is especially true when you feel you don’t have all of the facts and need to know more. You can’t accept things as they are, and need to dig below the surface. You need to transform yourself or your life in some way, perhaps many times in your life. You have to learn to let go, otherwise you’ll keep destroying your life in search of meaning. With your natal Sun sextile or trine your natal Pluto, you go after whatever you’re passionate about or goals you have. You feel as though you’re meant for something great, and you embrace that. You like to solve puzzles, can look beneath the surface easily, and find signs everywhere. You want an extraordinary life. With your natal Sun square or opposite your natal Pluto, you tend to be a negative person, and it’s hard for you to see the positives. When life is going well, you’re waiting for something bad to happen, and you end up being self-destructive and make the bad things happen. Use the power you have inside of you to your own advantage instead of hurting yourself with it, and you’ll find the strength that you need to have the life that you really want. Make sure you don’t attract people to you who will manipulate or control you, and make sure you don’t become that kind of person. |
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