Ceres is a dwarf planet that corresponds to nurturing energy. It's attentive, caring, nourishing, and supportive. Ceres is there for you, no matter what, and will sacrifice everything in its devotion to you. Ceres relates to motherly love, so it can be a strong connection in family relationships, and help provide a feeling of family with friendships. In romantic relationships, Ceres can help with loyalty and create a supportive connection. A strong Ceres in your natal chart can show that supportive, loyal connections with others are important to you in all of your relationships. With Ceres ruling motherly love, it can also show a big impact by your mother (positive or negative). Ceres Transits & Love
You may find you're much more supportive and nurturing in love under Ceres aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine) to your natal 5th house ruler (house of love), 7th house ruler (house of commitment), and Venus (planet of love). With transit Ceres in the 5th house, you can be super affectionate and love to express love. With transit Ceres in the 7th house, you can be super loyal and helpful with your loved ones, and want more care in return.
With hard aspects (squares, oppositions) by transit Ceres to your 5th house ruler, 7th house ruler, or Venus, it may be more difficult to have healthy support. You may feel like you're not getting enough at all from others, cut off from them, or someone may be giving too much (in an almost stalker-like way). Or you may be the one who is giving anything and everything and needs to cut things off. It's easy for Ceres to go overboard, and that has to be managed. Finding the middle and negotiating some peace, even with just yourself, may be needed. Ceres & Synastry
When you have a Ceres connection with someone in synastry, this can show a connection that has a lot of support between you. It can be loving, nurturing, and devoted. This can be a very pleasant connection with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, or Chiron, or one of the love asteroids.
This may be a more difficult connection with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto. With Saturn, that nurturing energy may be nonexistent, and it's difficult to support each other. With Uranus, it may be too erratic, with great support and then none at all and then back again, and it needs some stability. With Neptune, there may be an issue with boundaries, and it can be easy to get lost in the devotion. With Pluto, one may drain the other, and a power imbalance can occur. Ceres can be great to see in family relationships, so long as one doesn't grow obsessed with the other (a little Mommy Dearest?). In friendships, it can show feeling like this person is like family, and your loyalty to one another may be more like a family loyalty. But with hard connections, it may show major struggles with family or friends. Positive connections with Ceres can help offset the challenges, and help stabilize your connection. Without them, you'll need to look at strong Moon and Venus connections to make up for it. Suggested Reading: The Love Astrology series: Mars & Love Astrology Ceres & Love Astrology Jupiter & Love Astrology Saturn & Love Astrology Uranus & Love Astrology Neptune & Love Astrology Pluto & Love Astrology Chiron & Love Astrology The 12th House & Love Astrology The Lunar Nodes & Love Astrology Eclipses & Love Astrology Retrogrades & Love Astrology Asteroids of Your Name & Love Astrology
This article in by guest Jocelyn Joy Thomas! It focuses on the beliefs that may get in the way of your dreams in life. If you like this article, make sure to check out more of Jocelyn's articles in Medium!
Soulmate love, a new career, financial abundance, no matter what your dream goals, they are achievable, although you may need to adjust how you think to make them your reality. Many people know what they want, but no matter how much they try, they cannot seem to manifest what they dream of. In my work as an intuitive reader, I have the unique opportunity to look into people’s energy and read what they are running at the deeper levels of the mind, their subconscious patterns. If you want to manifest your dream goals, you must understand your patterns and work on shifting them to something that is in alignment with your goals. Your Thoughts Form Your Mindset
The way you habitually think creates your mindset. Your mindset shapes how you view the world, and this, in turn, affects what comes into your life and how you react to it.
For example, if you want to manifest new love or financial abundance, but never make any changes to your mindset, what typically happens is more of the same. With no shifts in how you think it doesn’t allow the space to open for something new to move in. Your mindset is connected to your patterns, they are intrinsically linked. Thoughts create your mindset. Patterns, mainly subconscious, are running in the background and perpetuate thoughts and therefore maintain your current mindset. Behind the Scenes, Patterns Run the Show
Patterns are deep-rooted beliefs that were formed in childhood, and sometimes even in past lifetimes. Patterns are a lot like weeds in a garden. You want to pull them up by their roots, or else they will continue to get more problematic.
If you want to experience new love, but are running a pattern of unworthiness, the pattern cancels out the goal. If you want to experience financial abundance but are running a scarcity pattern, or have a vow of poverty from another lifetime, these patterns cancel out the goal. Limiting patterns can keep you locked in place and cause you to miss opportunities that otherwise would help you achieve your goals. This is why it’s so important to work on seeing your patterns and shifting them. How to Identify and Change Patterns in Three Steps
1. Observe Your Thoughts - The first step is to become aware of your thoughts. While that may seem obvious, the idea is to get in the habit of paying attention to your thoughts more than you are accustomed to.
Through observation, notice the thoughts that frequent your mind, and pay attention to how they make you feel. Are they uplifting, or limiting? Most people think a variety of thoughts but what you are looking for is which type you think more of, the uplifting kind or the negative kind. 2. Observe Your Words - Once you have observed your thoughts, start observing your words as well. They are a direct connection to your thoughts and bring the thought out into manifest form. As such, they carry a lot of power, words are directed energy. Note the feeling you get when speaking certain words - what emotion(s) do the words represent? What is behind the words, thoughts and feelings are your patterns. If you want to attract love but are running an unworthy pattern it can exclude you from experiencing the joyful connections you wish to have with others. If you wish to experience financial abundance but are running a scarcity pattern, it puts abundance just out of reach, and that can go for abundance in finances as well as health, love, or anything else you desire. 3. Replace the old with the new - To break the pattern you must observe yourself in action, thinking the thoughts, saying the words. When you catch yourself, stop, and replace the thought or words with something else. Example: You observe yourself thinking/speaking/feeling annoyed after hearing news of a friend getting engaged. The next step is to replace the annoyance with something neutral. Think about how that couple has the chance to work on lessons together, maybe they are healing past life wounds, or supporting one another’s life purpose. You meanwhile, have the power to attract what you want, and if it is to be engaged, then seeing this happy couple can be a motivator for you. You can have this too, and with someone that fits your unique path. By becoming aware of your response, in this example, annoyance, which masks a pattern of unworthiness, you can break the cycle of the pattern. With conscious observation, you can heal any limiting patterns and develop a new mindset that reflects the life you want to live. This is the work your soul came here to do, lasting, healing, uplifting changes that help you achieve your soul’s goals. Any dream goal you have is coming from your soul, it resonates with who you are on your highest levels. By taking the time to focus on what you are putting out there, you can shift and heal in ways that allow your most desired dream goals to become your reality. Start small, build, be consistent, you can do it! Suggested Reading: How to Release Energy Cords in 4 Easy Steps About the Guest Author:
The transit, or moving, planets go through the Zodiac signs at a different pace, taking anywhere from about 4 weeks for the Moon to hundreds of years for Pluto to go through the entire Zodiac. There are times when their tour in any Zodiac sign is more important and triggers major energy for the world, and one of those is when they are anaretic. What is the anaretic degree?
The anaretic degree is 29 degrees of any sign. There are 30 degrees in each Zodiac sign, so the anaretic degree is the very last degree. It's a point of crisis energy when the transit planets are at this position, and this can trigger all sorts of major events in the world, and set off high energy in our lives.
How exactly depends on the planet and the sign it occurs in. This can last anywhere from a few hours for the Moon, to a day or two for the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, to a week for Ceres and Jupiter, to 2 weeks for Saturn, to months for Uranus, Neptune, and Chiron, to on-and-off for a few years with Pluto. A transit planet at the anaretic degree means the planet is gearing up to enter a new Zodiac sign, and we can feel the need to finish what we've started and get things going while we still have the chance. This can operate a little differently when this happens while the planet is retrograde, since it's coming back to the sign after being in a new sign, so we may find we're frantic to come back to something or do something over again. How each transit planet impacts us while anaretic:
The Sun shines a light in transit, so that light can intensify while the transit Sun is anaretic. It can highlight what we need to bring attention to quickly since it only lasts about one day. The Sun is the Zodiac signs correspond to the Zodiac Seasons, so this is also the time to wrap things up from the season and prep for the next one.
The Moon brings emotional focus in transit, so emotions can intensify while the transit Moon is anaretic. We're far more likely to feel spurred on by what we feel, and motivated to take action by what is impacting us emotionally. This is only in effect for a few hours though, so you may not even feel it if it occurs during the time you're sleeping, but it does come around about every 2-3 days. Mercury brings mental focus in transit, so mental energy can intensify while transit Mercury is anaretic. We may feel we need to take action with our plans, get things off of our chest, and gather information we need quickly. It may not be the best time for communication since we may not be thinking it through fully beforehand though. News can come quickly, good or bad, and we can be much busier than usual while this is in effect, which is about 1 day when Mercury is in forward motion. When this occurs while Mercury is retrograde, it can last longer depending on when (several days), and that can be a time when we have to review old ideas and plans, decisions and choices, and our minds may be super scattered and unfocused. Venus brings pleasant energy in transit, so this can intensify while transit Venus is anaretic. We can feel lazier, more indulgent, and more stubborn, and while we may want to make something happen, we may not be as motivated to take action and instead want it to come to us. Action we take may be for the purpose of attracting what we want to us instead of outright going for it. Venus rules love and money, so this can also be a time where relationship issues are heightened and money matters are given more attention. This is usually in effect for about 1 day when Venus is in forward motion, and can last several days while Venus is retrograde. When this occurs during Venus retrograde, that can be a time to give heightened scrutiny to relationships, partnerships, agreements, and negotiations, and stubborn, stuck energy can be super high. Mars brings energy and drive in transit, so energy can intensify while transit Mars is anaretic. We're super driven to take action, to get things moving while we can, and we can take initiative and go for what we want quickly. We may be impatient and impulsive because of this, and don't want to wait at all. We can be reckless, selfish, and wind up not even seeing it through fully. Anger and aggression is also increased. This is usually in effect for 2-3 days when Mars is in forward motion, and can last for a week or more while Mars is retrograde. When this occurs during Mars retrograde, this can be a time when that anger and hostility is almost too much to handle, and we're all bursting at the seams, easily frustrated and annoyed. Energy is so high, and we absolutely need something to funnel it into, otherwise it's just a time of a lot of frustration and fighting. Ceres brings nurturing energy, so this can intensify while transit Ceres is anaretic. We may crave more nurturing and support from others, and can either give way too much ourselves, or nothing at all. We can become much more concerned about challenges others are dealing with, but may fall apart with overwhelm if we try to deal with it ourselves. We have to be careful of taking things too far, smothering ourselves or others, and try to find some peace and middle ground. Jupiter brings expansive energy in transit, so expansion can intensify while transit Jupiter is anaretic. We want more space, more freedom to do what we want, and to pursue opportunities to expand in new, different ways. This can be a good thing, but we need to make sure we're being realistic and not buying into hollow ideas, plans, and words. Jupiter can breed laziness, so sometimes anaretic Jupiter can be a time when we talk really big but don't back it up with any action. Saturn brings restrictive energy in transit, so restriction can intensify while transit Saturn is anaretic. We can feel the weight of our responsibilities so heavily, and it can be overwhelming. The intensity of the restrictions and limitations in our lives can feel like we're being squeezed in a vice. There can be extra challenges with the things we haven't been doing right, and we may feel like we're being tested and have to get everything right, and end up being too hard on ourselves. Uranus brings energy for change in transit, so changes can intensify while transit Uranus is anaretic. We may be impulsive and impatient, jumping at the chance for change, desperate to make things different from how they've been before we miss our chance. This can lead to some bad decisions, and we really need to slow things down. Events may occur at a rapid pace though, and we have to do our best try to and be flexible enough to go with it but not let it ruin everything. Neptune brings foggy energy in transit, so that fog can intensify while transit Neptune is anaretic. It can be harder to see things clearly, and we're uncertain with everything. It's always important with Neptune to have a strong connection to your intuition since that can guide you through the fog, but you may feel you have to question it at times. Deception is much easier, and we have to work on having better boundaries. Pluto brings energy to transform in transit, so transforming can intensify while transit Pluto is anaretic. There can be massive change and upheaval occurring, and it can feel extremely unsettling or lead to struggles for power and control. There is likely a major ending happening, something big that needs to be finished or finally understood or let go of, and this can be a challenge. It may be ripped up from the roots, and the lasting important of this change can stick around for a while. Chiron brings healing energy in transit, so healing can intensify while transit Chiron is anaretic. We may feel like we need to heal something quickly before we lose the chance, but this rushing through healing may lead to further problems. We may not be as sensitive to our own needs or the needs of others, which can lead to extra wounding. It's important to be steady with healing and let it flow as it wants. Suggested Reading: Zodiac Signs at the Anaretic Degree Here comes October! The month of October comes with a new moon in fair Libra and a full moon in fiery Aries. Let's review! What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Libra: October 6th 2021 (7:06AM ET/4:06AM PT)
Libra new moons can be a great time to work with others. You can forge new partnerships, enter into new relationships, and meet new people. We can be more open to others, and see the best in them. We can be more compromising and fair, and find middle ground.
Libra is the sign of balance, so we may strive to find more balance in our lives. We can give attention to the things we haven't had time for lately, especially the people and relationships we haven't had as much time for. This can be a good time to make improvements in your connections with others. We can bring more fairness into our lives and world, and have a better understanding of different opinions. This can drive up indecision though! With Mercury retrograde still hopping in Libra for this new moon, we may focus on reconnecting with old partners and loves, and restoring balance or peace that has been missing. This new moon is conjunct (aligned with) transit (moving) Mars in Libra, and this helps us to take initiative with what we want to get started with now. We may also find we have more energy when we're working with or for others or with a partner. Energy can run pretty high, and we can work on being more diplomatic and enter into new agreements feeling good about where it leads us. The new moon occurs at 13 degrees 25 minutes Libra. The aspects the new moon makes are: Conjunction: 11 degrees 25 minutes - 15 degrees 25 minutes Libra Sextile: 11 degrees 25 minutes - 15 degrees 25 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Square: 11 degrees 25 minutes - 15 degrees 25 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 11 degrees 25 minutes - 15 degrees 25 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Opposition: 11 degrees 25 minutes - 15 degrees 25 minutes Aries Full Moon in Aries: October 20th 2021 (10:57AM ET/7:57AM PT)
Aries full moons can be times when we're feeling more driven by our emotions than usual. We want to get moving as quickly as we can, and can take the lead with whatever we want instead of waiting. Patience can be hard to find!
We may see the culmination of new beginnings from 6-12 months ago, and this can open up new opportunities, or make room for us to focus on something new again. We may give more attention to what we've been working on just for ourselves, and identify strongly with what we're doing. This full moon is widely square (hard aspect) transit Pluto in Capricorn (about 3 degrees). This can be a little wrinkle since Aries can be aggressive when not being expressed properly, and Pluto loves power struggles. We may get into more fights with others, and letour frustrations in bad ways. Try to find positive, productive uses for frustrating energy, and work on transforming something for the better instead of sitting back and staying mad. The full moon occurs at 27 degrees 26 minutes Aries. Aspects to this full moon are: Conjunction: 25 degrees 26 minutes - 29 degrees 26 minutes Aries Sextile: 25 degrees 26 minutes - 29 degrees 26 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Square: 25 degrees 26 minutes - 29 degrees 26 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 25 degrees 26 minutes - 29 degrees 26 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Opposition: 25 degrees 26 minutes - 29 degrees 26 minutes Libra Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations
This guest article is actually an excerpt from the book, The Secret Behind Your Solar Power by Mardi Shakti! Mardi is a Tantric Priestess, astrologer, and destiny coach, and puts her own unique spin on hidden powers each Zodiac sign has in this book. Read this excerpt, then go grab the book for more! btw read your Sun and Rising signs, if you know both :)
Many of us already know about The Horoscope, and which Zodiac Sign sits in which House for each of the signs; e.g.: a Leo Solar Chart will always have Virgo in the 2nd House, and Aquarius in the 7th. Whereas an Aquarian Solar Chart will always have Pisces in the 2nd House, and Leo in the 7th. The particular revelation contained herein, is my personal contribution to the astrology community, and when you see it, it may seem so obvious, and yet open up a whole new dimension of astrology for you to explore - especially understanding more about each sign, or reading Horoscopes! The Secret Power of the Zodiac Signs:
Aries’ (not-so) Secret Power is found in the 1st House. Aries/Mars
Taurus' Secret Power is found in its 2nd House: Gemini/Mercury Gemini's Secret Power is found in its 3rd House: Leo/Sun Cancer's Secret Power is found in its 4th House: Libra/Venus Leo's Secret Power is found in its 5th House: Sagittarius/Jupiter Virgo's Secret Power is found in its 6th House: Aquarius/Uranus Libra's Secret Power is found in its 7th House: Aries/Mars Scorpio's Secret Power is found in its 8th House: Gemini/Mercury Sagittarius's Secret Power is found in its 9th House: Leo/Sun Capricorn's Secret Power is found in its 10th House: Libra/Venus Aquarius' Secret Power is found in its 11th House: Sagittarius/Jupiter Pisces' Secret Power is found in its 12th House: Aquarius/Uranus You will notice that each Zodiac Pair shares the same Secret Power! But it manifests in opposite ways; in Yin and Yang ways. One Pushing, One Pulling. It manifests in "near" and "far" ways; one contracting (like Saturn does), the other expanding (like Jupiter does). The Aries/Libra axis shares Mars. Aries manifests outwardly, in a Yang/Far/Pushing-Magnet way, while Libra manifests it in intimacy with others, which is more Yin/Near/Pulling-Magnet. The Taurus/Scorpio axis shares Mercury. Taurus utilises it to magnetise personal gain (Yin), while Scorpio uses it to create intimacy with others, and share gains (Yang). The Gemini/Sagittarius axis shares The Sun. Gemini distributes it locally, and microcosmically (Near), while Sagittarius shares it with the world (Far). The Cancer/Capricorn axis shares the Secret Power of Venus: Cancer Loves the Home (Near), while Capricorn Loves the World (Far). The Leo/Aquarius axis share Jupiter: Leo expands on a local-scale, warming those close-by (Near), while Aquarius widens the sphere (Far), and reaches for the future with vision, welcoming friends and strangers alike for a common-cause. Ever the Humanitarian; intimacy with those far away - but notoriously not with those close-by (#NotAllAquarians) The Virgo/Pisces axis share Uranus. The Upgrades, Awakenings, and Revelations manifest in the conscious-mind of Virgo (Here, Near), making them the “fixer” of their immediate environments, and the Power of Uranus manifests in the Subconscious-Mind of Pisces (There, Far) making them prone to unpredictable artistic revelations inspired from beyond; essentially going with the flow and the current, as it happens - not always aware of their motivations. Both cool and detached enough to do what needs to be done, when it's needed. Snippets by Sign:
Aries: With Aries in your 1st Power House, you are your own power, doubled! This is why you are so "you!”, more than any other sign. You are the concentrated-cordial of the cosmos! The essence of life, itself; a spark in a bottle. ENERGY! Desire, Aim, and Drive.
Taurus: With Gemini in your 2nd Power House, it's all about Communication and Commerce! This is a VENUS/MERCURY combo - thinking about money, and you always get a penny for your thoughts… you have so many of them! The exchange of aesthetics and valuables are your sole motivation - and you have the self-worth to carry that out. Gemini: With LEO in your 3rd Power House of "right here, right now", you were born to *~ SHINE ~* ...in Microcosmic and relevant areas of Communication, Commutes, and Commerce. You are the not-so-silent STAR…! You are Magnetic, and LUMINOUS, and generous with your words, thoughts, opinions, and mind. Cancer: In your Secret 4th Power House sits Libra. Venus-Ruled valuer of Harmony, Peace, Aesthetics, Balance, and Pure and Simple LOVE. You bring this peace into your deeper self; you make people feel at home, welcome, warmed, and valued. You live for relationships with others - Family - for sharing dynamic roles that build a Home, not just a House. Cosmic Container of Sacred Space, knowing what is valuable, precious, and keeping it safe. Leo: With Sagittarius in your 5th House of Power, the spotlight is on JUPITER - Big, Shiny, and Lucky: that's you! Out of all the Houses for Jupiter to blow up like a balloon, yours is the 5th House of the Heart. This is the House of Inner Radiance, warmth, and projection of the Creative Essence through Hobbies that Spark Joy, or Children that you can Shine on until they Bloom! Virgo: With Aquarius in your 6th Power House, you are the everyday genius! This is why you are so ingenious, talented, and eccentric. You are secretly an Aquarius when it comes to work, and day to day tasks! Being an Earth Sign, you are most able and qualified to ground this erratic energy that usually cannot be harnessed. Libra: With Aries in your 7th Power House, you pour all of your ENERGY into relationships. All of the aforementioned propulsion and compulsion applies to your House of OTHERS. You bring your whole I AM Presence into relationship with another, complementing their whole person, teaching them how to be both autonomous, AND part of a Team. Teaching them the Power of Two. Scorpio: With Gemini in your 8th Power House - you can blame your bad reputation on Gemini! lol If you're familiar with astrology, then you will know the reputation that Scorpio and Gemini have; HAVE NO FEAR! What the two of you represent are the qualities that most humans fear facing: and there is great power in that! Sagittarius: In your 9th Power House of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, sits the Energy and Illumination of the ever-shining *~ SUN ~* This is why you make the greatest teachers of all time! The lightbulb is ON in the Ancient Library of the Halls of Knowledge! You have the clearest Vision, and you translate it with ease. Capricorn: You are in Relationship with Life! With Libra in your 10th Power House, life is all about give and take; equality; balance; fairness; justice; and PEACE. You are the Midday-Tantra. You bring peace and order to the hustle and bustle of disorganised, chaotic children. Without you, it's kindergarten out there - which is fun, but not productive! You are the banks of the River of Life. Aquarius: Sagittarius is in your Natural 11th House - no wonder you never stop moving, you're so VAST! Pinging arrows of attention and direction, left right, and centre. You are generally Lucky, and Blessed! You’re the Electrified Archer. Fully Charged, Aiming for Truth. Pisces: With Uranus-Ruled Aquarius in your 12th House, you have the Power to Upgrade the Human Spirit, like no-one else. Your synapses are one with everything. Water conducts Electricity. The less you resist, the more of Akasha flows through you. You dream with The Current, and channel the zeitgeist. These are snippets from the book, The Secret Behind Your Solar Power - grab it now for more about your sign! About the Guest Author:
Mardi Shakti is a Tantric Priestess, astrologer, and destiny coach. She uses her unique life experiences to help empower others. You can opt for a natal chart astrology reading or get a destiny report, or if you want to go a lot further than that, you can work with her for personalized destiny coaching. Check out both options HERE, and you can start with a free consultation with her HERE.
You can also sign up for her free ebook, How to Make Your Own Medicine, which shows you how to get started with plant medicine! And of course, if you loved this excerpt, don't forget her book, The Secret Behind Your Solar Power! Most of us are familiar with the concept of the lunar cycle and the lunar phases, and have likely heard of the quarter moon phases. But you may not be super familiar with what each of them mean! Each phase corresponds to a different type of energy. The 2nd Quarter Moon Phase is the time for adjustments. The Quarter Moon Phases in Astrology
The 1st Quarter Moon is what's known as the New Moon. This is the start of a cycle, and it corresponds to new beginnings. It has high energy, and this can last for a week up to a year.
The 2nd Quarter Moon comes after the New Moon and before the Full Moon. Since it's going from the new beginnings of the New Moon to the endings of the Full Moon, it's a time to adjust. We can be more flexible and make changes in order to stay on track with what we've started and see the results we're looking for. The 3rd Quarter Moon is what's known as the Full Moon. This is when the Moon reaches its apex, it's fullest and brightest, so this is the time when we see endings, culminations, reap what we've sown, and make realizations. This is emotional energy. The 4th Quarter Moon comes after the Full Moon and before the New Moon. Since it's after the emotional Full Moon and gearing up for the enthusiastic New Moon, this phase corresponds to cleaning up and clearing out. It's time to get rid of whatever you can in a healthy way to free you up once the New Moon hits. Each Quarter Moon Phase lasts about 1 week, and occurs in different Zodiac signs. They're usually in sets of signs in the same quality/modality (cardinal, fixed, mutable). The sign the phase is in tells you about the specific energy of that phase. In the case of the 2nd Quarter Moon Phase, the sign it's in can tell us how or what we need to adjust. The 2nd Quarter Moon Phase in the Zodiac Signs
In Aries, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to focus energy and enthusiasm on adjustments. They may be physical in nature to give us more energy. We likely have to take charge and take the initiative with the adjustments, and push through quickly.
In Taurus, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to take a slower, more cautious approach to adjusting. We can do our homework first, and make sure we're confident in our choices. Once you work on adjusting, we can see it through to the end. Adjustments made can help us feel more secure, or may be related to money. In Gemini, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to adjust mentally. We can alter our outlook and approach, or we can make changes with our ideas and plans. We can be highly flexible, and changes may only be short-term. In Cancer, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to adjust emotionally. We can work on emotional blocks and issues, and try to make our approach come from a more secure place internally. Changes may need to be made at our core or at the foundation of whatever we're working on. In Leo, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to be more creative. We can press pause to enjoy ourselves, and this can open up new ways of making changes. We can take more creative approaches to what we're working on. In Virgo, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to pay attention to the little things and make adjustments with the details. We can be more productive and practical, and work on seeing the pieces of the puzzle more clearly. We may need to work on adjusting in ways that lessens stress. In Libra, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to work with others. We can make adjustments in the agreements we have with others, or get help from others to make changes and stay on the path. We may need to adjust how we're balancing everything and keeping some peace. In Scorpio, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to make larger transformations. We can dig deeper and do our research into what needs to change, and adjustments may be on a larger scale, or at least start from the roots. We may be more intense and want to use passionate energy. In Sagittarius, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to expand our options. We can open up to new experiences, and this can help us to adjust. Adjusting itself may be a new experience, and we can be more willing to be bold and brave. In Capricorn, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to be disciplined and focus on our long-term plans. We can make adjustments with those plans, and the tweaks we make now can keep us going. We can be practical and try to work smart. In Aquarius, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to be open to out-of-the-box changes. We may need to go outside of our comfort zones in order to make the adjustments needed, and can embrace the unconventional to stay on track. In Pisces, the 2nd Quarter Moon wants us to use our intuition. It may be a little harder to see logically what needs to be done, so our instincts can guide us down the right path. We may be more imaginative in how we make adjustments, or we may need to let go of something in order to adjust. Suggested Reading: Born on a New Moon, Full Moon, or Eclipse |