It's eclipse season! As we experience eclipses, they bring big energy for new journeys and opportunities with solar eclipses, and emotions and culminations with lunar eclipses. We can make progress and achieve, get recognition and make use of excitement and enthusiasm, and this can play out in a variety of areas of life. How about how eclipses impact love and relationships? What is an eclipse?
An eclipse occurs when a new moon or full moon is within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes, which are the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic. When it's a new moon, we get a solar eclipse, and when it's a full moon, we get a lunar eclipse.
Since eclipses occur with new or full moons, their base energy can be similar. BUT eclipses have much more power than new and full moons do! Eclipses & Love
Solar eclipses can be excellent times for starting something new, so it can be beneficial to start a new relationship, move in together, or get married with solar eclipses. Lunar eclipses are times of endings and culminations, so this can bring emotional next steps (whether happy ones like saying, "I love you" or not-so-happy ones like break ups and divorces).
For you personally, you're most likely to be impacted in your relationships from an eclipse if it occurs in your 5th house of love or 7th house of relationships, is in your Venus sign, or is aspecting your Venus, 5th or 7th house rulers. These are the areas of your natal chart that have direct connection to your relationships and love, so when an eclipse is impacting them, this bring focus on your relationships. When it's making a hard aspect (squares and oppositions), this can bring challenges that have to be worked on, blocks in relationships, and potential breaking apart (more with lunar eclipse than solar eclipses, but it depends on other aspect). When it's making an easy aspect (sextiles and trines), this can bring pleasant energy for dealing with others, and you can feel more comfortable with love and commitment. In general, we can all focus more on love with an eclipse in Leo, sign of love and romance. A solar eclipse in Leo is great for dating and fun romantic ventures, while a lunar eclipse in Leo is great for deeper connections of the heart. We can all focus more on relationships and commitment with an eclipse in Libra, sign of relationships. A solar eclipse in Libra is great for starting new relationships and making new commitments, while a lunar eclipse in Libra is great for strengthening commitments. If an eclipse is conjunct transit (moving) Venus, this can give some focus on love and relationships for all of us as well. The way we connect and come together, what we want and need from others and are willing to give, and the attitude we have toward relationships can get attention. The Intimacy Factor
The 8th house and Pluto are rules of intimacy and sex, so an eclipse in your 8th house or aspecting your natal Pluto can also impact these areas. Solar eclipses in the 8th house or conjunct, sextile or trine your natal Pluto or 8th house ruler can increase your sex drive and open you up to improved intimacy; square or opposite your natal Pluto or 8th house ruler, and you can struggle with being open.
Lunar eclipses can impact your sex drive based on how you're feeling emotionally, and you can crave more intensity in your connections with others. Scorpio naturally connects to Pluto and the 8th house, so we can all experience this broadly when an eclipse occurs in Scorpio. Suggested Reading: The Love Astrology series: Mars & Love Astrology Ceres & Love Astrology Jupiter & Love Astrology Saturn & Love Astrology Uranus & Love Astrology Neptune & Love Astrology Pluto & Love Astrology Chiron & Love Astrology The 12th House & Love Astrology The Lunar Nodes & Love Astrology Eclipses & Love Astrology Retrogrades & Love Astrology Asteroids of Your Name & Love Astrology Comments are closed.