How fitting - use astrology to figure out the best times to learn! Although if you haven't learned any yet, you may not know when to learn? Ha!
But if you've already started and are curious if the energy was conducive when you began, or if you want to expand your knowledge further, this could work for you. Timing when to learn astrology:
Learning in general falls under the domain of the 3rd house, Mercury, and Gemini, as well as the 9th house, Jupiter, and Sagittarius.
The 3rd house, Mercury, and Gemini tend to be best when you’re first starting out and haven’t learned much yet. The 9th house, Jupiter, and Sagittarius tend to be best when you’ve already spent some time learning and want to advance more. These can come into play through any of the following: - Transit or progressed planets in the natal or progressed 3rd or 9th houses (outer planets will provoke longer periods of learning while faster planets will give short bursts) - Progressed planets entering Gemini or Sagittarius (this will last for some time - the fastest progressed planet is the Moon and that lasts for 2 ½ years) - Transit or progressed planets sextile or trine the 3rd or 9th house cusps, rulers, or planets in the natal 3rd or 9th houses - Transit or progressed planets sextile or trine natal or progressed Mercury or Jupiter You can also be more driven to learn with a strong Mercury Return (when Mercury returns to the exact position he was at when you were born), or with a Jupiter Return that emphasizes Mercury, the 3rd house, or the 9th house in the return chart. In terms of astrology specifically, astrology is ruled by Uranus, Aquarius, and the 11th house, so you can be more interested in astrology when these are in play, and can focus specifically on learning astrology when you have: - Transit or progressed Mercury or Jupiter in the natal or progressed 11th house - Progressed Mercury or Jupiter in Aquarius - Transit or progressed Mercury or Jupiter conjunct, sextile or trine natal Uranus - Transit Uranus conjunct, sextile or trine natal or progressed Mercury or Jupiter - Transit Uranus in the natal or progressed 3rd or 9th houses - A prominent 11th house or Uranus in a Mercury or Jupiter return chart There is one other little point you can consider, asteroid Urania (number 30), who is one of the asteroid Muses who rules astrology (and is usually prominent in the charts of astrologers). You can use: - Transit or progressed Mercury or Jupiter conjunct, sextile or trine natal or progressed Urania - Transit or progressed Urania conjunct, sextile or trine natal or progressed Mercury or Jupiter - Transit or progressed Urania in the natal or progressed 1st, 3rd, or 9th houses - Progressed Urania in Gemini or Sagittarius - Progressed or transit Urania conjunct natal or progressed Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars Suggested Reading: All About the Third House in Astrology A full moon occurs on October 16th at 12:23AM ET in Aries. This full moon brings a lot of emotional energy since Aries is an active fire sign, and we can focus on bringing an end to some things that we’ve been needing to finish up, get rid of, or see through to the end. As the first sign, we can see some culminations, the end of the beginning or beginning of the end, but we tend to be more positive about things. We’re ready to close chapters and find other books. This full moon conjuncts (aligns with) transit (moving) Uranus in Aries, so there’s a strain of rebellious energy associated with this full moon. We want to do our own thing in our own way, and if anyone tries to box us in, we can push back in a big way. I won’t be surprised if we see people around the world pushing back and rising up against governments, corporations, or other large entities because of this full moon. It’s time to stand up! After the wonky September, no more resting on your heels. Step outside of your comfort zone and take initiative. We can also see sudden or unexpected developments in the world with this full moon, or something that impacts all of us on a global scale. The full moon occurs at 23 degrees 14 minutes Aries. The aspects for this full moon are: Conjunction: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Aries Sextile: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Square: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Opposition: 21 degrees 14 minutes - 25 degrees 14 minutes Libra A new moon occurs on October 30th at 1:38PM ET in Scorpio. Scorpio is more serious than Aries, the most serious of the signs, but new moons tend to be more positive, so we can approach serious matters in lighter ways, and have an easier time managing passionate and intense situations. We can focus on trying to understand something better, getting to the heart of the matter, and can dig and dig some more. We can also focus on what we want to transform for the better, and we may be rising from the ashes in some way, ready to fight another day. Aries and Scorpio are the warrior signs, both traditionally ruled by Mars, so we may be more energized to fight the battles we feel we need to. This new moon conjuncts transit Mercury in Scorpio, so we can have more open communication and expression, connect mentally, and keep more active in general. Our outlooks can be more positive, and we can see developments with young people or education. There can also be Scorpio-related news, like something to do with finances or business relations (as I write this in late August, Apple just got hit hard by the EU with back taxes - perhaps they experience some sort of development? Or maybe the Fed touches interest rates?). The new moon also sextiles (positive aspect, two signs away) transit Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio, so we can feel somewhat at ease with the Scorpio energy and with handling the Scorpio developments. We can transform, we can research and investigate, we can connect emotionally, and we can come back from defeat. The new moon occurs at 7 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio. The aspects this new moon makes are: Conjunction: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio Sextile: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Cancer or Pisces Opposition: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Taurus Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries October 2016 Monthly Horoscope On October 7th, Mercury enters air sign Libra, the sign opposite yours, and you can do your best thinking when you have a partner, someone to bounce ideas off of, and who will support the ideas you come up with. You can be more open with the people you’re close to, and want them to share with you as well. You can be more fair-minded, make more compromises, and want to keep the peace. If you feel out of balance or surrounded by chaos, you can have a hard time focusing right now, so keep a harmonious environment. General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries: Mercury enters your relationship sector on the 7th, and you can be more open and expressive with your loved ones. The Sun is in this sector until the 22nd, and you can focus more on the people in your life, on your relationships, and can be more open to commitment. If in a relationship, you can work on growing closer to your partner, and trying to resolve any issues in the relationship. If single, you can charm new people to you earlier in the month, and can be more magnetic later in the month. General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries: You may benefit more from other people this month, and need other people to help open up new opportunities to you. You can focus more on your relationships in October, so you may dedicate less time to your professional goals, but projects and ventures that can be mutually beneficial can be good for you to pursue later in the month, and you can have the most opportunities this way, especially around the new moon on the 30th, so you can end the month open to a partner. Are you interested in using astrology in positive ways? Then make sure to track when you have positive transit aspects occurring! These are great periods for you to pursue opportunities and make the most of energy available to you. Just make sure you don't get lazy and miss out! What are the most positive transit aspects in astrology?
Here’s a little list of what are usually the most positive transit aspects astrologically that you can experience:
Transit Jupiter conjunct, sextile, or trine your natal Sun or Moon Transit Jupiter in the 1st house or in your Sun or Moon sign Transit Uranus sextile or trine your natal Jupiter Transit Jupiter or transit Saturn conjunct the 10th house cusp Why are these the most positive aspects?
Most of these involve Jupiter, and that’s because Jupiter is the planet of opportunity, expansion, and luck.
When conjunct, sextile, or trine your natal Sun or Moon or in the 1st house, you get a big dose of that good energy on your side. You can take that energy and run with it in a big way. And you feel good, really good, about what you can do, and since Jupiter looks at the bright side and thinks big, so do you. Jupiter aspects to the Sun and Moon won’t last long (a few weeks), but you’ll have Jupiter in your 1st house for about a year when Jupiter is in your 1st house, so you can really do a lot then. Jupiter will also be in your Sun or Moon sign for about a year, and while the effect of that is strongest when conjunct your Sun or Moon, you can feel the impact of it the entire time hits in your Sun or Moon sign. Make sure to check out the article covering transit Jupiter aspecting your natal Sun and Moon for more. Like when Jupiter is in your 1st house, you can do a lot with Jupiter in your Sun or Moon sign, and you can find or create lots of opportunities for yourself. Transit Uranus sextile or trine your natal Jupiter is excellent because you get the feel-good, expansive energy of Jupiter pleasantly matched up with the sudden and unexpected energy of Uranus. Instead of chaos, you end up getting pleasant surprises and unexpected opportunities. You can take advantage of opportunities on a whim and make the best of them, or you can create unexpected opportunities for yourself. You can explore, expand, and experience life in new ways that open you up and helps you embrace your individuality and express your truest self. This aspect lasts for months at a time over the span of 1-2 years and can be a great period for positive new developments. Transit Jupiter and transit Saturn conjunct the 10th house cusp comes with a caveat: You need to have put in years of hard and smart work, done things right, and been responsible. The 10th house cusp is the highest point in your chart, so when Jupiter or Saturn conjunct it, you can experience a high point in your life, but it only happens if you’ve done things right until that point. If you have, you can experience major rewards and progress and success. If you haven’t - or worse, you’ve been completely reckless, irresponsible, and plain old dumb - you can actually get kicked down further (falling from a high place). So this has the potential to go in the bad column, but the beneficial possibility has a massive upside. It’s really up to you to make it happen. Suggested Reading: Difficult Transit Aspects |