Neptune retrograde is going to end in just a few days, and will then be back moving forward in its home sign of Pisces until June 30th 2023. What does this turn direct have in store for us? Neptune in Astrology
Neptune is the planet of spirituality, intuition, imagination, compassion, empathy, what's hidden, and karma. It connects to what's not visible on the surface and is beyond the tangible physical world.
In transit, Neptune dissolves. When this is beneficial, the dissolving makes way for the new, shines a light on what we've been missing, improves intuition, and helps us be creative. When this is challenging, this can be foggy energy and we have a hard time seeing what's really there. What is direct in astrology?
A planet or body in astrology is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth. When the planet or body is no longer appearing to move backward, this is called turning direct, and the planet or body is now or will be moving forward.
Most planets/bodies move forward as their normal motion, so this can be helpful. The issue when a planet or body is turning direct (or retrograde) is it slows way down and hovers in the same spot, called stationing. This can be frustrating because we're not really moving in any way. We're not going backward or forward, we're stalled and waiting for things to pick back up. If the planet/body is making any aspects, these aspects are intensified because they are continuous while the planet/body is stalled. Neptune Direct: December 3 2022 at 7:15PM ET/4:15PM PT
Neptune has been in Pisces for some time now, and this is the sign that Neptune naturally rules. Neptune retrograde in Pisces has brought out extreme foggy energy. Neptune retrograde is normally foggy on its own, and retrogrades in Pisces are normally foggy on their own, so combine the two and it's fog city!
With Neptune retrograde ending, the fog begins to lift. We can start to see what's been hidden and obscured all of this time. Sometimes this is a good reveal, and we're relieved and happy and informed. Sometimes this is challenging, and we're mortified and have to scramble to fix things. The turn direct is square (challenging aspect, 3 signs away) Venus in Sagittarius, so we may have some troubles with others around this time. There may be issues in relationships that we haven't dealt with that are revealed, and our dealings with others may be fraught with subconscious issues, motivations, and desires getting in the way. We need to be more open, compassionate, understanding, and channel our empathy. A gentler hand may be more helpful than an angry one. Venus rules compromise and mediation, so perhaps we need to come together and find some middle ground. The Neptune direct is also widely opposite Ceres in Virgo. Ceres is a dwarf planet that rules nourishment, so Neptune opposite Ceres might bring challenges to having what we need, our resources, and security. There may be something that feels out of our control that is getting in the way, and we may not have an easy answer to solve the problem. On the flip side, the answer may be right in front of our faces, but we're not seeing it and need to stop deluding ourselves. We may also be prone to giving too much, and letting out boundaries be breached. We need to recognize that healthy boundaries are a good thing, and we're not really helping ourselves or others by not having them. I'm also concerned about things like polluted lands and water since Neptune rules toxins and Ceres rules food and agriculture. Hopefully nothing like that happens but humans aren't very good about avoiding that, now are we? Neptune Direct 2022 Aspects
The turn direct occurs at 22 degrees 39 minutes Pisces, so major aspects are:
Conjunction: 20 degrees 39 minutes - 24 degrees 39 minutes Pisces Sextile: 20 degrees 39 minutes - 24 degrees 39 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Square: 20 degrees 39 minutes - 24 degrees 39 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 20 degrees 39 minutes - 24 degrees 39 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Opposition: 20 degrees 39 minutes - 24 degrees 39 minutes Virgo Look through your natal chart and see if you have any planets or bodies located at these positions. This aspect will be strong for you right now, and likely for the next month. Suggested Reading: Use the interpretations from the Transit Neptune page for information about potential impact Amor moves from intense water sign Scorpio to free-loving fire sign Sagittarius in 6 days. What does this do for us? About Amor in Astrology
Amor is an asteroid in astrology, and there are tens of thousands of asteroids, and each connects to something different. Many are simply names, but some like Amor connect to specific energies.
In the case of asteroid Amor, this is the asteroid of romantic love. Amor shows how we express love and romance, and in transit, we can see this via the Zodiac sign Amor is touring, and the natal house it's touring in your natal chart. Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius 2022
With Amor in Scorpio, this really increased the passion and intensity in love and romance. Amor in Sagittarius is opposite that, and more open, free-loving, and not into strings.
Sagittarius is the sign of freedom, so Amor in Sagittarius can mean we want more space in love. We may not be down with putting a label on anything, and instead want to keep it light and carefree. New and old romantic love may want more adventures together. You can do daring things together, have new experiences together, explore together, and just have lots of fun together. This may not be a time to focus on serious issues in the relationship. It's time to experience together and be positive about your love. Amor tours Zodiac sign Sagittarius for about one month, from November 24th 2022 to December 27th 2022. Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius for the Zodiac Signs
Aries: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can amplify your desire to have fun in love, and you can focus on having new experiences in love. You may want stronger physical passion as well, and can open up in many ways in romance.
Taurus: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can bring greater connection via new experiences in love, and you can grow closer and strengthen the bonds you have with someone when you're having an adventure together. Gemini: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can bring fun energy to romance and to all of your relationships and commitments. You can keep things light with others, and may want to avoid commitment that's too serious. Cancer: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can help you bring some fun into the daily activities and mundane love stuff, and you can pay attention to others in love, while also giving them space in just the ways they need it. Leo: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can make you more light-hearted and want love to be fun and free. You can be open to adventurous romance and big displays of affection, and may get wrapped up in someone easily. Virgo: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can open you up emotionally in love, and you can be more optimistic and want to have some emotional space. You can grow closer emotionally with those you have new experiences with. Libra: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can make love and romance more about the mind and mental connections, and you may want someone who is great at conversation. Romance happens between the ears during this time. Scorpio: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can make you take your time in love and romance, and you may want to keep a slight distance so you can focus on what you want without anyone interfering. You can take things slowly. Sagittarius: Asteroid Amor in your sign can stimulate your romantic genes, and you can be open to love and new experiences in love. You may be extra charming and pleasant, and others can gravitate toward you and want to shower you with love and affection. Capricorn: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can make you romantic behind closed doors, so you may seem like you're not that invested to everyone else, but when they're not paying attention, you can go big with romance and have fun with it. Aquarius: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can make you more experimental with love and romance, and you can take a very light approach to love. If single, you may want to be friends first with someone. Pisces: Asteroid Amor in Sagittarius can open you up with those you already have something established with, and you can be more adventurous with them. You may be more cautious and distant with anyone new. Suggested Reading: Asteroid Amor in the Zodiac Signs The last month of 2022 is nearly here! December 2022 comes with a full moon in chatty Gemini and a new moon in focused Capricorn. But oy, both do come with challenges! What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Full Moon in Gemini: December 7th 2022 (11:09PM ET/8:09PM PT
Gemini is the sign of the mind, ruling communication, ideas, and short-term plans, so the Gemini full moon focuses on our minds. We can sort through plans and ideas and focus on the ones that we're most passionate about and believe in emotionally, and we can finalize plans or finish ones we've already started.
Whatever we say, we can really mean it, and our words can drip with emotion. This can make us more authentic, though we may be deluding ourselves, believing we're being honest when we're lying to ourselves too. The heart and mind can merge but this can bring subjectivity. The full moon is conjunct (aligned with) Mars retrograde in Gemini, and this is quite challenging since it brings extra focus on the retrograde energy. We can be super annoyed, super frustrated, and super ready for a fight. There can be a LOT of arguments with this full moon, and we can really believe our positions are 100% the right ones. But are we really seeing the big picture right now? Probably not. The full moon occurs at 16 degrees 2 minutes Gemini. Aspects to the full moon are: Conjunction: 14 degrees 2 minutes - 18 degrees 2 minutes Gemini Sextile: 14 degrees 2 minutes - 18 degrees 2 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 14 degrees 2 minutes - 18 degrees 2 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 14 degrees 2 minutes - 18 degrees 2 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 14 degrees 2 minutes - 18 degrees 2 minutes Sagittarius New Moon in Capricorn: December 23rd 2022 (5:17AM ET/2:17AM PT)
Capricorn new moons are great times for new goals, new direction, and a new path. Capricorn is the sign of goals and life path, and new moons bring energy and excitement. We want to get disciplined, take the lead, and make things happen, and we can make strides with the things we've already started or experience some success.
The new moon is square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) both Jupiter in Aries and Ceres in Libra, both of whom are new in their signs (Jupiter enters Aries the day before, on December 20th. Jupiter is also at a sensitive degree, 0 degrees Aries, which is the 0 Degrees Aries Point, December 20th to 30th. Ceres is also at 0 degrees, and is the 0 degrees Aries Point in Libra, to the 22nd. We basically have a cardinal t-square, with Jupiter in Aries opposing Ceres in Libra, and a bunch of Capricorn planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Pluto). So, we have a problem here! Cardinal t-squares are super active, so there can be a ton of developments that occur with this new moon. But, this may come with challenges, opposition, and lots of resistance. The squared sign, Capricorn, gets the main focus, so we may be extra active when it comes to goals, direction, and on a larger scale with governments, politics, leaders. Pluto in Capricorn has brought this out over the last decade, and it was turned up quite a bit during the cardinal t-square of 2012 (in the same signs with Pluto squared in Capricorn). The way out with t-squares is with the sign opposite the squared planet, which is Cancer in this case. We need to be mindful of emotions, of close connections, and of foundations. We need to make sure we're not overlooking what's right in front of us, something that may be a problem with both Moons in December. Keep calm and tend to matters at home or internally. The new moon occurs at 1 degree 33 minutes Capricorn. The aspects to the new moon are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 33 minutes Capricorn Sextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 33 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Square: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 33 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 33 minutes Taurus or Virgo Opposition: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 33 minutes Cancer Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect Following the transit (moving) planets, you can track them as they come to certain distances from your natal positions. These distances are called aspects, and some are challenging while some are beneficial. Understanding how transits impact you can help you prepare for challenging energy as well as for helpful energy. This is great for timing. So, how about transit Jupiter to your natal Moon? Jupiter in Astrology
Jupiter is the planet of expansion in astrology. In your natal chart, Jupiter can show where you need space, where you find opportunity, and where you can have some luck.
In transit, Jupiter expands whatever it touches in your natal chart. This can be a good thing or a bad thing! The Sun in Astrology
The Sun is the planet that rules our true selves in astrology. In your natal chart, it shows who you really are under the mask, in comfortable situations, with the people you know best.
When being aspected by a transit planet, aspects to your natal Sun can impact your overall personality, outlook, and life in general. The Moon in Astrology
The Moon is the planet of emotions in astrology. In your natal chart, the Moon shows how you express yourself emotionally and what you need for emotional stability and security.
When being aspected by a transit planet, aspects to your natal Moon can impact your emotional state at the moment. The transit planet tends to bring its own energy to your emotions. Understanding Transit Jupiter to Natal Sun:
When Jupiter is aspecting your natal Sun, opportunities to expand in almost any area of life can be presented to you, and you can be open to what’s possible. You can focus on pursuing new opportunities for expansion, and feel the urge to expand, to have more freedom in your life to do what you want, and to focus on your own wants and needs.
The conjunction can provide the most opportunities, and can make you feel more confident and optimistic. The sextile and trine can make it easier for you to pursue opportunities you have, and you can focus on the positives in life. The square and opposition can bring on the laziness, and you may still be presented with opportunities, but you may lack the motivation to do anything about them. This is where the issue of laziness and needing to push yourself can come in most with Jupiter. If you can find the motivation, you can make this positive. With the Sun ruling the physical self, this can be an excellent time for improving your physical health, though because of Jupiter’s expanding energy, you can also be prone to overindulgence with food, laziness with exercise or health regimens, and these times can lead to weight gain (especially the conjunction). If you can stick with doing things right though, it can flip around and Jupiter helps make it easier for you to be healthier and treat your body better (and to even lose weight!). Understanding Transit Jupiter to Natal Moon:
When Jupiter is aspecting your natal Moon, this is usually a time when you *feel* really good. Since the Moon is your emotions and Jupiter is Mr. Happy, you can feel like everything is going well, and look at life with greater optimism. It can help you to get through any difficulties you may be dealing with because it doesn’t feel so bad.
With the conjunction, you can strengthen yourself internally as well. The sextile and trine can offer opportunities to improve your security, make you feel more emotionally stable, expand your support system, and comfort yourself. The square and opposition can bring on some super indulgence, especially when you’re emotional. You may try to comfort yourself by going to excess, so you have to work on being more in control of your urge to go overboard with anything. With the Moon ruling your emotional self, this can be a great time to focus on connecting to your emotions as well as connecting with others emotionally. You can get in tune with your inner nurturer, your domestic side, and with the Moon ruling the home and family, this can be a time to make changes with your home, living space, or move, or to spend more time with family, expand your family, or improve family relationships. Suggested Reading: Surviving Transit Pluto in the Houses Your natal chart is a snapshot of the location of the 10 planets and other bodies in the Zodiac at the exact moment you were born from the location you were born at. This is a blueprint for your personality and life, and you can glean lots of information from different positions. Once you get through the basics, one position you come to is Black Moon Lilith. How does Black Moon Lilith impact you, and what does it mean when a natal planet is conjunct, or aligned with, your natal Black Moon Lilith? What is Black Moon Lilith in astrology?
Black Moon Lilith is the apogee of the Moon, and in astrology, is a point of personal inner power. In mythology, Lilith was the first wife of Adam in the Garden of Eden, and was cast out for essentially standing up for herself, which makes this a position where we defend ourselves, know our worth, and hold our positions no matter what.
If any of your natal planets are conjunct Black Moon Lilith in your natal chart, that can elevate Lilith energy for you. Natal Planets Conjunct Black Moon Lilith: