Lilith gives you the power you need to be YOU. Lilith was the first wife of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Adam, being the “man”, tried to make Lilith be sexually submissive, but she wasn’t having that. Some say she left, some say she was exiled, some say she went stark-raving mad. Scary Lilith’s reputation seems to be undeserved thanks to the patriarchy, but does make sense when viewed through that lens (of course they thought she was evil - she stood up for herself to a man, how dare she?!). What does Lilith mean?
For women, Lilith can show you how you can be your true independent self and find that power within you as a woman. For everyone, she’s your ability to think for yourself and say it. Your inner Lilith - the person who has their own mind and own power independent of anyone else - can be a source of hidden power that helps you become a stronger version of YOU. That makes Lilith an incredibly empowering position!
In practice, I also find people with strong Lilith in their charts tend to:
What IS Lilith, technically?
Black Moon Lilith (BML) is the point in the Moon’s orbit that is farthest from Earth (the apogee). There are two versions of BML, Mean and True or Oscillating. The movement of BML is not too stable, so the Mean position averages out the movement, while the True or Oscillating position gives the actual position. You can look up both positions in your natal chart and see which position, Mean or True/Oscillating, resonates stronger for you personally.
Technically, in astrology, there are three different Liliths (just to make it confusing!): Black Moon Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith (also called Waldemath Moon), and asteroid Lilith (the only physical body of Lilith). Dark Moon Lilith tends to be a little darker while asteroid Lilith to be more symbolic of the story of Lilith. I personally mostly just use Black Moon Lilith unless one of the other two is super strong in a natal chart. How can I find my Lilith positions?
To find the locations of your Liliths for free, you can use Click on ‘My Astro’ in the upper right, choose to use as a guest or create an account (to save your information), then input your birth data (date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth).
You should be directed to the ‘Free Horoscopes’ page; click on ‘Extended Chart Selection’, then click on Additional Objects, and then click on Lilith in the menu (gives the Mean BML position), and in the Manual entry box, type in h13 (Oscillating BML), h58 (Waldemath), and 1181 (asteroid Lilith), then generate your chart (hit the button ‘Click here to show the chart >>’). Suggested Reading: The Black Moon Lilith series: Black Moon Lilith in the Zodiac Signs Progressions & Black Moon Lilith Natal Planets Conjunct Black Moon Lilith That Dark Lady, Lilith Intro to Black Moon Lilith Lilith the Witch Transit Black Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith & Love Astrology Prominent Natal Black Moon Lilith When You're Cut Off From Black Moon Lilith Houses Ruled by Black Moon Lilith Transit Black Moon Lilith in the Houses & Aspects Comments are closed.