Your natal chart can give a lot of information about you and your life, and some of it is easily beneficial, and some of it is challenging. One of the more challenging parts is when you have an anaretic natal planet. So what does it mean when you have more than one? What is a natal chart?
A natal chart is a snapshot of the location in the Zodiac of the planets, houses, and other astrological bodies at the moment you were born and from the location you were born at. It's essentially a blueprint for your personality and life, and you can learn your strengths and weaknesses, your potential and baggage, your early life and relationships, your work attitude, and more from your natal chart.
What is the anaretic degree?
A planet or astrological body is called anaretic when it's located at 29 degrees of any Zodiac sign. The anaretic degree is super high energy, and in transit, it's a period of crisis energy that often triggers events. In the progressed chart, it often shows a time when you rush to take action while you feel you still have the chance to take action
What Natal Anaretic Planets Show:
In the natal chart, the anaretic degree shows an area where you either give way too much or way too little attention (I find it's often the latter, too little attention). It's an overdeveloped muscle that's getting strained, or an underdeveloped muscle that's getting eaten away.
When you have a natal planet at 29 degrees, this is an area of incredible potential because there is so much energy there. But we either overuse it and it becomes a big flaw, or we don't use it enough and miss out on its potential. We have to learn how to harness the energy in a way that is positive, productive, and utilizing our strengths. This can turn the anaretic natal planet into something formidable, and it can become one of our prized assets in life. What Multiple Anaretic Natal Planets Means:
Having one anaretic natal planet is usually hard enough. But when you've got more than one? Oh you're in for a wild ride! This means you have multiple areas of life that are completely overdeveloped or underdeveloped, and have to find that sweet spot with all of them.
For some, your multiple anaretic natal planets will tie to the same baggage, the same traumatic experience, so working through that will help you unlock your anaretic natal planets all at once. If you find that your anaretic natal planets are in the same sign, element, house, or generally have something in common in the natal chart, this may be the case for you, and can make it easier to unlock them since it's just one thing to focus on. But, that one thing may be so big, so powerful, such a huge block for you and your life, that it may be quite overwhelming. For others, your multiple anaretic natal planets will tie to different traumatic experiences and baggage. If they don't seem tied together in the natal chart, this may show they're roots are in different experiences. That's obviously a challenge since it means you'll be working on unlocking them one at a time, and that can mean it'll take a lot longer. But, it may be less overwhelming than the first group. No matter what, do remember that anaretic planets are areas of great potential and that can become assets for you in life, which means if you have more than one anaretic planet, there is an insane amount of potential within you. It's just probably going to be more of a challenge to find, but ultimately way worth it. Suggested Reading: Zodiac Signs at the Anaretic Degree The Lunar Nodes have been in the signs of Gemini (North Node) and Sagittarius (South Node), and are on the move, pushing into Taurus (North Node) and Scorpio (South Node) starting next month for 1 1/2 years. What does this have in store for us? What are the Lunar Nodes?
The Lunar Nodes are the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic. There's a North Node and a South Node, and they exactly oppose one another in the Zodiac.
In the natal chart, the North Node represents your potential and where you can find ultimate life satisfaction and fulfillment, but it's unfamiliar and uncomfortable, so we tend to shy away from it until we get older and grow into it. In the natal chart, the South Node represents your past, your baggage (early life and karmic), and shows your bad habits and emotional crutches during times of upset. We tend to gravitate toward the South Node when young because it's comfortable, but ultimately we need to learn to stop that. The transit (moving) Lunar Nodes can show where we all need to grow and move into with the North Node, and what baggage we need to let go of and bad habits we need to break with the South Node. There are two calculations for the Lunar Nodes, Mean Nodes (which is the averaged out position) and True Nodes (which is the exact position). They're always pretty close together (usually no more than 1-2 degrees apart). North Node in Taurus & South Node in Scorpio Dates:
About South Node in Scorpio:
The Scorpio South Node is super major baggage. It may seem like the world is facing a reckoning in many ways as the old bad habits, destructive patterns, and general darkness gets more attention. This would be an excellent period to let go of that (for you personally, it may focus on the houses in your natal chart in Scorpio or any natal Scorpio planets).
Scorpio is intense and passionate, all-consuming and obsessive, so we have to learn how to move away from that when we get upset or stressed out or angry. It can be okay in moderation, but Scorpio doesn't do things halfway. While in Scorpio, the South Node will conjunct (align with) the Sun (November 5th 2022), Mercury (November 6th 2022, and Venus (November 2nd for Mean and 3rd for True), all at 13 degrees in early November 2022. These are the only conjunctions to the South Node in Scorpio, so the South Node isn't lit up very much while in Scorpio. But in early November 2022, it'll get some attention, and we may fall back to those bad habits and emotional crutches, but realize how it doesn't serve us and work on releasing them. About North Node in Taurus:
The Taurus North Node is all chill. Take it easy, don't sweat the small stuff. Taurus likes to take a break and take it easy, and won't be pushed into anything. So with the North Node in Taurus, we have to learn to relax and not get caught up in the emotions.
Taurus rules confidence, our values, and our resources, so we may need to spend more time improving our confidence, connecting to our values, and making smart use of our resources. We can benefit from being confident, living to our values, utilizing resources, but also being calm, stable, and secure. No need to get crazy about anything. The North Node is actually much busier than the South Node during their tour of these signs. It will conjunct transit Jupiter May 7th (Mean) at 2 degrees and June 1st (True) 2023 at 3 degrees Taurus, and conjunct transit Uranus on July 26th (Mean) and July 31st (True) 2022 at 18 degrees Taurus. The conjunction to Jupiter helps us learn how to expand, embrace new experiences, and we benefit from pursuing opportunities. We may do this slowly, steadily, and with calm, and we can feel more confident. The conjunction to Uranus helps us learn how to make changes to improve our resources and connect our values to who we are now, and we can go about these changes in a practical way. The North Node also conjunct the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, twice each. It conjuncts the Sun on May 13th 2022 (at 13 degrees) & April 24th 2023 (at 4 degrees), and this can bring attention to what we need to learn and grow into. It conjuncts Venus on June 15th (Mean @ 20 degrees) and 16th 2022 (True @ 22 degrees) & March 20th (True @ 4 degrees) and 26th 2023 (Mean @ 6 degrees), and this can help focus on connections and bring easier energy for pushing into the new. It conjunct Mercury on April 23rd (True) and 24th (Mean) 2022, bringing attention, ideas, and plans, communications, and general focus. In 2023, Mercury conjuncts on April 6th 2023 (4 degrees True, 5 degrees Mean), then turns direct on May 14th in orb conjunct the North Node, so that is a big time for working on our potential and focusing on our path. We may feel challenged to do so, and old issues may come up, but we can benefit from moving forward. Suggested Reading: Identifying Baggage With South Node Astrology Venus retrograde is coming! Our last Venus retrograde came May-June 2020, entirely in air sign Gemini. This one hits us in earth sign Capricorn. What can we expect? The basics - What is Venus retrograde?
A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our view here on Earth. It's not actually moving backward, and only looks that way. Venus retrogrades roughly every 1 1/2 years for about 1 1/2 months. Mercury retrogrades most often (3-4 times each year for about 3 weeks at a time) while Neptune and Pluto are retrograde for almost as much time as they're not (so much more subtle).
Venus is a personal planet (with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars), and personal planets have energy we feel more personally. This makes Venus retrograde important! Venus rules love and money, so you can get your heart broken and go bankrupt on the same day during Venus retrograde (LOL! that'd be a terrible one though!). We tend to be much lazier, more stubborn and selfish, indulgent and immovable during Venus retrograde. Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 2021 Dates:
Venus Retrograde in Capricorn Effects:
Here comes Venus retrograde! So this Venus retrograde occurs entirely in earth sign Capricorn, which is a practical, ambitious, responsible sign. Venus in Capricorn is usually traditional when it comes to love and relationships, so we may experience some struggles with this, and want to make changes that aren't possible at the moment, or act impulsively and pay the price. Any bad acts and recklessness in your relationships can come out, and you experience the consequences now.
As Capricorn is ruled by restrictive Saturn, if you're in an unhappy relationship or partnership, that can feel much, much worse as you feel way more restricted and limited. The reason for this is to get you to take some positive action. Work on the problems, and try to improve the connection, or find a way to walk away if that's the only option left. Venus retrograde likes to bring people back from the past, and in Capricorn, this may be old mentors, old bosses, and old authority figures. With Capricorn ruling career and goals, and Venus ruling money, this may also be a time when you can focus on old professional focuses and try to make them more financially beneficial, or focus on old financial goals and projects and work on better long-term plans for them now. In general, we may feel less responsible and more reckless with others, or the reverse, we feel way too responsible and kind of overwhelmed by the pressure. What do we need? Middle ground! (Venus does rule that) With Venus retrograde, it's often important we make plans to take it easy throughout the retrograde. Venus likes to chill, and we can feel way more indulgent and lazier. If you don't have to push, you may not care to. And that's okay (there's a season for everything!). This retrograde also starts at 26 degrees Capricorn, which is a critical degree. So as it begins (plus with that conjunction to Pluto mentioned in a sec), energy is super crazy high at the onset, and we have to be mindful of how we're using it. It would be best if we have this planned out before the retrograde starts. Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 2021 Aspects:
Venus makes 4 major aspects while retrograde. They are:
- Venus conjunct Pluto | December 25th @ 25 degrees: This is the strongest aspect Venus retrograde makes, and it starts conjunct Pluto, so it really dominates mid-December. Pluto is passion and intensity and depths and darkness, and we can get way more obsessed with our relationships and partnerships and the people in our lives. In an unhealthy way? Depends on what it's doing for you! Passionate energy runs suuuuper high at the start of this retrograde, so we definitely need to have a positive, productive outlet for it. Otherwise, we run into trouble, and may find ourselves in lots of fights over power and control. - Venus conjunct Mercury | December 29th 2021 @ 24 degrees: Mercury brings mental focus, and we can come up with ideas and plans for what we need to be doing. We can come up with different ways of communicating and expressing ourselves, and we may keep busy. - Venus conjunct the Sun | January 18th 2022 @ 18 degrees: This happens during each Venus retrograde, and the Sun shines a light, so this brings extra focus and attention to whatever is happening with Venus retrograde at the time. We may have an easier time seeing how to deal with matters and find resolutions more easily. - Venus sextile Neptune | January 5th 2022 @ 20 degrees: This helps us to be more compassionate and understanding with others, and creative outlets can be super helpful. We can be imaginative and want to see the good. Venus retrograde also ends trine transit Uranus in Taurus, and Uranus retrograde ends January 18th trine Venus, but it's not exact. We feel it essentially mid-January to mid-February 2022. Uranus is the planet of change, so we may focus on ways we can make changes in our relationships, partnerships, connections, and dealings with others. Since this is a beneficial aspect, we're less inclined to do this impulsively and negatively, and instead focus on doing this the right way. Perhaps the wonky energy at the start of Venus retrograde thanks to Pluto makes us realize we need to make some changes, and we work on doing this the right way coming out of the retrograde. Also, Venus will conjunct White Moon Selena on December 30th 2021 at 23 degrees Capricorn. This is actually very nice energy since White Moon Selena is a protector who lights the way for us, and we may feel like we're on better footing and getting back to the right path at this time. It doesn't feel like we're veer off track as much during this retrograde as we normally might. The Moons of Venus Retrograde:
The Moon is in the same as the Venus retrograde, Capricorn, twice. The first is January 1st (6:02PM ET/3:02PM PT) to January 3rd (5:44PM ET/2:44PM PT), and during that time, on January 2nd 2022, a new moon occurs in Capricorn, and it's not conjunct (aligned with) Venus, but it still may shine a light on any Venus retrograde issues we're dealing with at the time, and may be good energy for second chances and do-overs.
The Moon is in Capricorn again for the end of Venus retrograde, starting January 29th (4:09AM ET/1:09AM PT) to January 31st (4:42AM ET/1:42AM PT). As we're coming out of Venus retrograde, we can give a lot of attention to this ending, and we can think about what we need to work on to get back on track and stay going in the right direction. Venus naturally rules Taurus and Libra, so when the Moon is in Taurus or Libra, this can make us resonate more with the Venus energy, and we can work on connecting better, relationship issues, getting grounded, and moving forward. Taurus can focus more on movement, stubbornness, sluggishness, and grounding while Libra can focus more on connecting, relationships, and balance. The Moon is in Taurus or Libra on: December 26th (11:23AM ET/8:23AM PT) - 28th 2021 (4:16PM ET/1:16PM PT) - Libra January 10th (9:27AM ET/6:47AM PT) - 12th 2022 (10:08PM ET/7:08PM PT) - Taurus January 22nd (5:03PM ET/2:03PM PT) - 24th 2022 (10:56PM ET/7:56PM PT) - Libra Final Notes:
The retrograde begins at 26 degrees Capricorn, so those of you Capricorn Suns born January 14th - 18th can feel the start of the retrograde most. The retrograde ends at 11 degrees Capricorn, so those of you Capricorn Suns born December 30th - January 3rd can feel the end of the retrograde most.
For the rest of you, check the house(s) Venus will be retrograding in of your own natal chart, and any aspects Venus will make during its retrograde to your natal planets, to fully understand how it will impact you personally. If you have Venus retrograde in your natal or progressed chart, you may not feel the worst of this. Those individuals generally don't experience the difficulties of the retrograde because it feels more natural to them. Of course, chances are everyone else around them doesn't have the same aspect, so they can still experience difficulties brought on by others. If it's in your natal chart, check out this article about Venus retrograde in the natal chart. Suggested Reading: Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrogrades page for general interpretations of Venus retrograde in the houses and aspects The last month of the year is almost here, and comes with the final solar eclipse for 2021. Are you ready to wind the year down? What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius: December 4th 2021 (2:43AM ET/December 3rd @ 11:43PM PT)
The final eclipse for 2021 is a solar eclipse in Sagittarius. This is also the final eclipse for the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse set, so we're closing the books in some ways or seeing the results of what we've done for the last 1 1/2 years. Given it's ending with a solar eclipse in Sagittarius, instead of a traditional ending, we're coming out of this set focused on the new opportunities that have unlocked thanks to everything that we've done thus far.
Solar eclipses are great for new beginnings and new journeys, and Sagittarius rules opportunity, expansion, and new experiences. We're more optimistic, and we want to embrace the new. We can think bigger and brighter, and our big ideas can bring us new possibilities. With Sagittarius, this would be a good time for travel or education, 2 things that have really taken a hit in the last 2 years. Hopefully it's positive! The solar eclipse is sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) transit (moving) Saturn in Aquarius, and this can help us to stay focused, disciplined, and not get too caught up in the new and the good feelings that we don't do anything with it. We can put together long-term plans, gather information needed, and see things through. We're not just focused on now, but a long time to come. Onward! The eclipse occurs at 12 degrees 22 minutes Sagittarius. The aspects to this eclipse are: Conjunction: 7 degrees 22 minutes - 17 degrees 22 minutes Sagittarius Semisextile: 10 degrees 22 minutes - 14 degrees 22 minutes Scorpio or Capricorn Sextile: 7 degrees 22 minutes - 17 degrees 22 minutes Libra or Aquarius Square: 7 degrees 22 minutes - 17 degrees 22 minutes Virgo or PIsces Trine: 7 degrees 22 minutes - 17 degrees 22 minutes Aries or Leo Quincunx: 10 degrees 22 minutes - 14 degrees 22 minutes Taurus or Cancer Opposition: 7 degrees 22 minutes - 17 degrees 22 minutes Gemini Full Moon in Gemini: December 18th 2021 (11:36PM ET/8:36PM PT)
The Gemini full moon merges the mind with emotions, so we can get things off of our chest, say what needs to be said, and communicate more authentically. Sometimes this means we get into bouts with others, but it's usually something that has to come out.
We can sort through our ideas and plans, focusing more on the ideas that we're emotionally invested in and really care about, and finalizing our plans for the ideas we choose. The actions we take in the short-term can see some results now. We may want to keep busy as much as we can if we're feeling emotional or insecure, and keeping busy can be good if our minds are overactive, but we also need to mind anxiousness and irritability. If we're impatient, we need to focus on why. If our minds are overactive, we need to give it a positive focus. The full moon is trine (positive aspect, 4 signs away) transit Jupiter in Aquarius, and this helps with a positive outlook. Jupiter wants us to stay positive and not get too caught up in the messy. This can also tie into the solar eclipse since Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and we may focus on finalizing those plans and ideas that tie into the new beginnings and experiences that have opened up to us. The full moon occurs at 27 degrees 29 minutes Gemini. Aspects to the full moon are: Conjunction: 25 degrees 29 minutes - 29 degrees 29 minutes Gemini Sextile: 25 degrees 29 minutes - 29 degrees 29 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 25 degrees 29 minutes - 29 degrees 29 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 25 degrees 29 minutes - 29 degrees 29 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 25 degrees 29 minutes - 29 degrees 29 minutes Sagittarius Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations Scorpio is governed by the planet, Pluto, which is the planet of transformation. Pluto gives Scorpio a dark side, and Scorpio takes things seriously and wants to get to the heart of matters to transform from the very bottom. The areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart that falls in Scorpio can be areas of your life where you'll take things more seriously and dig deeper so you can transform in a big way. About Scorpio:
Scorpio is a water sign, along with Cancer and Pisces. The water signs are the signs of emotion, and this gives Scorpio passionate energy. Its emotions can fuel it - for better or worse!
Scorpio is also a fixed sign, along with Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius. The fixed signs build on what has come to pass so it can last for a long time. Scorpio doesn't do quickie change or anything too much on a whim. It wants what it builds to last. As previously mentioned, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation. Pluto is all in, and throws itself fervently into whatever interests it. Pluto is a slow-moving planet, the slowest of them all, so it can set things up for the long haul, and encourages us to transform so we can completely change the trajectory of our lives for the better. Scorpio Houses:
1st house: The 1st house rules the self, so a Scorpio 1st house shows you can transform your entire being. This can touch every part of your life, and even your physical body. You may undergo many transformations in your life, along with some really big ones, and it can seem like a theme for you. This can make you quite resilient.
2nd house: The 2nd house governs money and values, so a Scorpio 2nd house shows you may transform the way you make money or handle money, as well as the values you have in life. The values you initially have growing up may not last as you get older. You can feel more confident once you do have values that you're passionate about. 3rd house: The 3rd house rules your mind, so you may undergo a mental transformation in your life. You can transform your outlook and approach, how you communicate and express yourself, and how you connect mentally. You may also transform your immediate environment and community. 4th house: The 4th house rules the home and family, so you may transform your home and family life in some way. You may live in places where you can make major transformations of the community or home, and you may find your family connections transform over time. 5th house: The 5th house rules who and what you love, so you may transform the way you connect to your heart, your love relationships, and your hobbies. You can use creativity to transform yourself and your life, and may find you get a lot of attention for the transformations you create. 6th house: The 6th house rules your work, health, and daily life, so you may transform your daily life many times in small ways, and can transform your approach to work, your work ethic, and the work you do. You may prefer work that allows you to transform something for the better. You can improve your health by transforming. 7th house: The 7th house rules your relationships, so you may transform the relationships you have and your approach to dealing with others. You may attract people to you who transform themselves and their life, and can bring this energy to yours. 8th house: The 8th house is the house that naturally connects to Scorpio, so you can feel more comfortable with transformations. They can be deep and profound for you, and you can focus on channeling your passionate energy into them. 9th house: The 9th house rules expansion, so you may transform the way you expand your life and your approach to broadening your mind or having new experiences. You may transform through the new experiences you have, and learn more about yourself. 10th house: The 10th house rules your goals and direction, so you may transform your approach to your goals, the goals you have, or the path you're taking in life. You can be quite passionate about your goals, and you can focus on goals that allow you to transform something for the better. You may get recognition or praise for the transformations you've undergone in your life. 11th house: The 11th house rules your friends and dreams, so you may transform your friendships or the dreams you have for your future. You may find your friendships or your dreams help you transform, and you can work on changes that are lasting. 12th house: The 12th house is the house of the hidden, so you may transform your life quietly and when no one is watching you. You can be quite strong and powerful behind the scenes once you have transformed, and you can develop a stronger connection to your subconscious and spiritual self. Suggested Reading: Leo Houses: Where You Get Attention With a new year coming, many of us are looking at the best times in the new year to do a variety of things, like change careers, start or add to families, buy a new wardrobe, and yes, when to move. Maybe you've been wanting to move for a while, or maybe you're only just starting to think about it. Let's review the best times to move in 2022 according to astrology. When to Move in 2022 According to Astrology: Look at Jupiter For Moving Far Away
Jupiter rules travel, particularly long-distance travel (so generally anywhere you can drive to in a few hours). If you're planning on or thinking of moving far away, Jupiter is often involved.
Jupiter enters Pisces on December 28th 2021, so it's fresh in this sign to start 2022, and it's in and out of Pisces for the year. Pisces is a water sign, so this may show a lot of people who move far while Jupiter is in Pisces end up moving near water. More people may go to coastal towns, find homes by lakes or rivers, or opt for homes with pools. Pisces is also a quiet sign, so those who move far while Jupiter is in Pisces may opt for a location that is quieter and more peaceful. Less stress, and more time to get zen. And, Pisces is a nomadic sign since it's both a fluid water sign and a flowing mutable sign, so many may opt for a more nomadic lifestyle while Jupiter is in Pisces, not sticking anywhere very long, and traveling to all sorts of places. Jupiter is not solely in Pisces in 2022 though. Jupiter will be in Aries for part of the year (May 10th to October 28th 2022), and Aries is a much busier sign than Pisces. Those who move far while Jupiter is in Aries may opt to move to a city or metro, or closer to it. Aries is the first Zodiac sign, the baby of the Zodiac, so those young folks who want to strike out on their own for the first time and move far away from the nest can find helpful energy with Jupiter in Aries. This may also be helpful for first-time home buyers. Aries is also a fire and cardinal sign, so it's quick and fast. This could show far moves that have to happen quickly or are more spur of the moment may be more likely with Jupiter in Aries. When you want to look at your personal aspects, see when you're having beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) to your natal Jupiter, 9th house cusp or ruler (naturally connects to Jupiter), or when transit planets are touring your 9th house for when to move far away. When to Move in 2022 According to Astrology: Cancer Rules the Home
Cancer is the Zodiac sign that naturally rules the home, so you can also look at when the transit (moving) planets are touring Cancer. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron won't travel through Cancer at any point in 2022.
The Sun goes through Cancer June 21st - July 22nd 2022. This pairs with Mercury in Cancer July 5th - 19th 2022. The Sun and Mercury can bring more attention to moving, shining a light on why you want to move and bringing ideas for moving. Mercury rules short travel, so it can be best for moving nearby instead of far. Venus is in Cancer right after them, July 17th - August 11th 2022, and helps with making moving easier since Venus is pleasant energy. Dwarf planet Ceres will tour the sign of Cancer May 15th - July 23rd 2022. Ceres can be super nurturing and supportive, so moving with Ceres in Cancer can bring importance with making sure you're moving somewhere you feel safe and secure. This pairs with the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, so this can be a strong time for moving in general. A new moon also occurs in Cancer on June 28th, so going along with this time frame. New moons are times of new beginnings and full of energy and enthusiasm, so they can create the spark needed to move. When to Move in 2022 According to Astrology: Mars Retrograde May Hamper Moving Close
Mars will retrograde October 30th to the end of 2022 entirely in the sign of Gemini. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac, and this can throw the energy off, especially for Mars, a personal planet.
This may impact moving because it's in Gemini, which rules short travel. So, this may impact moving short distances, nearby, in the same town or a town close to where you already are. There may be lots of little issues that pop up, and you need to be on your toes. Especially pay close attention to the rental agreement or mortgage paperwork you sign since Gemini rules communication and contracts, and you don't want to get screwed from missing the fine print. This can be good for moving back somewhere you've lived before that is nearby and not too far. Gemini rules your siblings and cousins, so you may move in with them or they may move in with you. Gemini also rules roommates, so this may be a more likely situation (but smoother if you've had roommates before or lived with them specifically before; if it's brand new, be wary of fighting or passive-aggressive tendencies between you). These Rising Signs Are More Likely to Move in 2022 According to Astrology
Mars is the planet of energy and drive, and when Mars tours your 4th house of home, this tends to supercharge your desire to move, and helps you take action (since Mars rules taking initiative). Mars will tour Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini in 2022, so if those are your 4th house, Mars tours your 4th house at some point in 2022.
The signs are: Virgo Rising (Sagittarius 4th house: to start 2022 until January 24th) Libra Rising (Capricorn 4th house: January 24th - March 6th) Scorpio Rising (Aquarius 4th house: March 6th - April 14th) Sagittarius Rising (Pisces 4th house: April 14th - May 24th) Capricorn Rising (Aries 4th house: May 24th - July 5th) Aquarius Rising (Taurus 4th house: July 5th - August 20th) Pisces Rising (August 20th to end of year, but really to October 30th, when Mars retrograde starts) When to Move in 2022 According to Astrology: Look at Your 4th House and Moon
If you're past the beginner phase with predictive astrology and more of an intermediate, you can look at specific transits just for you. In general, you'll want to see 4th house and/or Moon activation in your natal chart by the transit planets or by your progressed chart to indicate a move.
Look at: - sextiles and trines by transit Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, or Chiron to your natal or progressed Moon, 4th house cusp, or 4th house ruler (can also use conjunctions by transit Mars, Ceres, or Jupiter) - conjunctions, sextiles, and trines by your progressed Moon or progressed 4th house cusp to your natal Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, 4th house cusp, or 4th house ruler - progressed planets entering Cancer or anaretic in Cancer - your progressed Moon or progressed 4th house cusp anaretic, changing signs, or your progressed Moon changing houses (natal or progressed houses) - new moon or solar eclipse in the 4th house; conjunct, sextile, or trine to natal or progressed Moon or 4th house cusp - transit planets touring your 4th house (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ceres can show when it actually happens while Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron just set it up for a while) - retrogrades in your 4th house or conjunct, sextile, or trine your natal or progressed Moon, 4th house cusp, or 4th house ruler (if you want to move back to somewhere you've lived before, or in/close to where you grew up, or to facilitate the reunion of family) You can also consider your Lunar Returns and Lunar Oppositions, each of which occur every month; if the Moon in any of those charts is in the 4th house, especially conjunct the 4th house cusp, this can be indicative of moving (if conjunct the 3rd house cusp, this may be present if moving nearby; if conjunct the 9th house cusp, this may be present if moving far). If you're looking to move in 2022, good luck and try not to get overwhelmed! Suggested Reading: The 4th House and The Natal Moon pages for general interpretations |