The planet of fantasy, imagination, illusion, compassion, intuition, spirituality, and empathy in astrology is the planet Neptune. This energy is brought to your relationships when it's impacting your relationship areas. How Natal Neptune Impacts Your Relationships
For some, Neptune can have a strong influence on your relationships via your natal chart. This can be the case if you have:
- Neptune in the 5th house (ruling love) or 7th house (ruling relationships) - Pisces 5th house or 7th house/Descendant (so Neptune rules the 5th or 7th house) or 5th or 7th house ruler - Neptune conjunct (aligned with) natal Venus (planetary ruler of relationships) or the 5th or 7th house ruler - Neptune conjunct the 1st house cusp/Ascendant (the 1st house cusp/Ascendant is on an axis with the 7th house cusp/Descendant so Neptune would be directly opposing) When natal Neptune has a strong influence on your relationships in your natal chart, you can be someone who experiences major Neptune energy in your relationships. With the 5th house, love can be something you dream about, spend a lot of time imagining, and you may be idealistic about love, or super romantic in your view of it (even if not traditionally). Love can be something you cherish, yet it also may be elusive for you. You may feel like you fall in love a million times, yet none are the real deal that sticks; or you feel you never fall in love, and are too afraid, or too caught up in what you imagine that you find the reality to be disappointing. For you, love needs to transcend, and you crave a love that feels deeply spiritual. You likely have strong spiritual and karmic ties with the people you love (in all ways). This can come with a lot of baggage, and you may feel like there are lots of lessons for you when it comes to love. You may be super compassionate in love, and can do anything and everything for others. You can be quite sacrificing, which can be noble, but ultimately leads to self-destruction without healthy boundaries. You may do too much for those you love, and need to learn to love yourself. You may fall in love with Neptune-like people, so people who are quite spiritual, who are super artists and creatives, who are philanthropic, or who are outright Pisces. When natal Neptune is influencing the 7th house, this can be in all relationships, though especially committed relationships and partnerships. You can attract a lot of Neptune-like people, so people who are spiritual, creative, compassionate, but also sometimes wounded birds you want to save (but likely can't). Commitment may be difficult for you as you're kind of hard to pin down, not because you're anti-commitment necessarily, but because you're always wandering looking for someone to help. You can be easily manipulated and deceived, and need to protect yourself with better boundaries. When you ground yourself, have good boundaries, and learn self-love, commitment can come easily with someone you feel a strong spiritual connection with. How Transit Neptune Impacts Your Relationships
Transit (moving) Neptune can also bring strong Neptune energy to your relationships, but this is temporary (whereas with natal Neptune, it's your entire life). With transit Neptune, it's only going to be for the period of time the transit is in effect.
Transit Neptune can influence your relationships when it's: - in your natal 5th or 7th house - aspecting your natal 5th or 7th house cusp/Descendant, natal 5th or 7th house ruler, or natal Venus Transit Neptune touring your natal 5th house can bring spiritual energy to love for you. You may attract many loves you have spiritual, karmic ties with, and any karmic, spiritual, or subconscious love baggage needs to be let go of. Existing love relationships may fade away if they're not serving you well. Transit Neptune touring your natal 7th house can bring spiritual energy to all of your relationships and partnerships. You can attract many people to you that you have a spiritual, karmic connection with, and any karmic, spiritual, or subconscious commitment issues need to be worked on. Some people may fade from your life if the connections aren't solid. You may also find that people project more often on you. When it comes to transit Neptune aspects, these last for several months over a couple of years. Beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) can help you strengthen spiritual connections in love and relationships in healthy ways. Challenging aspects (conjunctions, squares, and oppositions) can make some people fade away from your life, and you may not realize it right away until suddenly you look around and realize they're gone and have been for a while. This is mostly for challenging relationships that aren't serving you well. If you don't have healthy boundaries, you may be fooled by someone, taken advantage of, and can be vulnerable to bad people, so working on your boundaries is important. Will Neptune in Pisces Impact My Relationships?
Neptune has been in Pisces for some time now, so many have already been affected by this transit when it comes to your relationships, and many have yet to experience it. This can include you if you have:
- natal 5th or 7th house/Descendant in Pisces (Neptune will transit) - natal 5th or 7th house ruler or natal Venus in Pisces (Neptune will conjunct) - natal 5th or 7th house cusp/Descendant, natal 5th or 7th house ruler or natal Venus in Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius (Neptune will square or oppose) These are the challenging positions for Neptune in Pisces, and you likely need to work on boundaries (that again!), otherwise others may try to take advantage of you. Spiritual, karmic, and subconscious baggage can get in the way of your connections, but you may not realize that's the source of the problem consciously. If any of these positions are instead in Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, or Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces will make beneficial aspects, and you can connect well with others, improve spiritual connections, and use compassion and empathy in a positive way. Suggested Reading: The Professional Life, Relationships & Home Life Series: Astrology of Pluto & Your Professional Life Astrology of Pluto & Your Relationships Astrology of Pluto & Your Home Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Professional Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Relationships Astrology of Neptune & Your Home Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Professional Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Relationships Astrology of Uranus & Your Home Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Professional Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Relationships Astrology of Saturn & Your Home Life Astrology of Jupiter & Your Relationships Astrology of Jupiter & Your Home Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Professional Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Relationships Astrology of Chiron & Your Home Life Neptune is the planet of spirituality, illusion, imagination, fantasy, and delusion in astrology. When impacting your home and family life, this energy is brought to matters of the home and family. How Natal Neptune Impacts Your Home & Family Life
For some, Neptune can have a strong influence on your home and family life via your natal chart. This can be the case if you have:
- Neptune in the 4th house (ruling the home and family; note that family can mean actual relations as well as those you think of as family) - Pisces 4th house/Imum Coeli (so Neptune rules the 4th house) or 4th house ruler - Neptune conjunct (aligned with) the natal Moon (planetary ruler of the home & family) or the 4h house ruler - Neptune conjunct the 10th house cusp/Midheaven (the 10th house cusp/Midheaven is on an axis with the 4th house cusp/Imum Coeli so Neptune would be directly opposing) When natal Neptune has a strong influence on your home and family life in your natal chart, you can be someone who experiences massive Neptune energy with the home and family. This can mean that your home and family life is something that may feel difficult to describe and define, and even difficult to get a hold of, especially when you're young. In your younger years, there may have been something that was missing from your home and family life, something just out of reach. Often, there was a death of a close relative, or abandonment of one or both parents. This may have led to feelings of isolation, and being misunderstood, though likely instead of actually being misunderstood, you clammed up and weren't really open at all with your feelings and experiences. In healthy upbringings, Neptune can show deeply spiritual ties to your family, those you think of as family, to your home, and to the places you've lived. You may have had an unspoken bond, and spirituality itself may have been an important part of your life. Neptune and the 4th house can also show a nomadic life, bohemian lifestyle, going from this place to that place, and surrounded by free spirits. This may lead you to be a free spirit with your home and family life as an adult, and you may not feel tied down to any one person or place. Neptune is also deeply creative as ruler of imagination, fantasy, and the arts, so this may have also factored into your upbringing. You may have gotten lost in daydreams pretty easily, and your family may have been artistic types. How Transit Neptune Impacts Your Home & Family Life
Transit (moving) Neptune can also bring strong Neptune energy to your home and family life, but this is temporary (whereas with natal Neptune, it's your entire life). With transit Neptune, it's only going to be for the period of time the transit is in effect, but Neptune doesn't move that fast, so it can last for a long time.
Transit Neptune can influence your home and family life when it's: - in your natal 4th house - aspecting your natal 4th house cusp/Imum Coeli, natal 4th house ruler, or natal Moon Transit Neptune touring your natal 4th house can be similar to natal Neptune in the 4th house, and lasts for usually 8-12 years. The energy of Neptune in transit is to dissolve, so Nepune touring the 4th house may dissolve some connection with a relative in some way, or dissolve a connection to your home, living situation, or with your community in some way. Neptune likes to make things fade away instead of a tumultuous ending (unlike Uranus and Pluto), so this can occur gradually, and may be long in the making, so it's not necessarily unexpected or chaotic. Transit Neptune in the 4th house can be helpful for the spiritual connections with family, those you think of as family, and your home life and environment. You may feel called to live in certain places or around certain people. You can be much more nurturing and compassionate emotionally, and can extend help to many. Neptune is also a water ruler, and I know when transit Neptune was in my 4th house, I constantly lived near water, on water, or on streets that literally had a body of water in the name. A little quirk! When it comes to transit Neptune aspects, these last for several months over a couple of years. Beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) can help you deepen spiritual connections, and you can feel more inspired at home, find more comfort with family, and this can happen subconsciously and without effort. Challenging aspects (conjunctions, squares, and oppositions) can create the dissolving as mentioned, but not necessarily in a super traumatic way. You may not even be fully aware of what's happening until it's over. It becomes important to work on boundaries under hard Neptune aspects, and this would be boundaries at home or with family when Neptune is influencing this part of your life. Will Neptune in Pisces Impact My Home & Family Life?
Neptune is currently in Pisces, and has been for some time, and is nearing the end in a few years, so many have already been impacted by Neptune in Pisces when it comes to your home and family life. This can include you if you have:
- natal 4th house/Imum Coeli in Pisces (Neptune will transit) - natal 4th house ruler or natal Moon in Pisces (Neptune will conjunct) - natal 4th house cusp/Imum Coeli or natal 4th house ruler or natal Moon in Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius (Neptune will square or oppose) These are the challenging positions for Neptune in Pisces, so if you're currently experiencing this or have yet to, you may need to work on grounding yourself to reality so you can get a better handle on what's happening and see it. Also work through karmic and spiritual and subconscious issues related to the home and family, and work on releasing. And remember that boundaries are important and need to be held. If any of these positions are instead in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, or Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces will make beneficial aspects, and you can get helpful energy for quietly maintaining peace and stability at home and with family. Suggested Reading: The Professional Life, Relationships & Home Life Series: Astrology of Pluto & Your Professional Life Astrology of Pluto & Your Relationships Astrology of Pluto & Your Home Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Professional Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Relationships Astrology of Neptune & Your Home Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Professional Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Relationships Astrology of Uranus & Your Home Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Professional Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Relationships Astrology of Saturn & Your Home Life Astrology of Jupiter & Your Relationships Astrology of Jupiter & Your Home Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Professional Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Relationships Astrology of Chiron & Your Home Life In astrology, Chiron is the wounded healer. It governs our great wounds, healing ability, and is sensitive, empathetic, spiritual, and intuitive, and when impacting your professional life, that energy can be brought into the work you do. How Natal Chiron Impacts Your Professional Life
For some, Chiron can have a strong influence on your professional life via your natal chart. This can be the case if you have:
- Chiron in the 2nd house (ruling money), 6th house (ruling work), or 10th house (ruling career) - Chiron conjunct (aligned with) the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house ruler, Ceres (planetary ruler of money), or Saturn (planetary ruler of career) - Chiron conjunct the 4th house cusp/Imum Coeli (the 4th house cusp/Imum Coeli is on an axis with the 10th house cusp/Midheaven so Chiron would be directly opposing) When natal Chiron has a strong influence on your professional life in the natal chart, this brings spiritual and healing energy for you professionally. When it's with the 10th house, this rules your overall career, and you may focus on a career that is ruled by Chiron, so something spiritual, using your intuition, in healing or the medical field, where you're helping others in some way, or that utilizes your creativity. Having goals may be something that helps focus you and therefore helps with your healing. You can be very disciplined and practical with your approach to healing, and may almost view it as another job for you in your life. At the same time, authority figures, including bosses, may challenge you quite a bit, and push your boundaries and lead to wounds. You may work better without a boss, directly with people or on your own. When it's the 6th house, this rules your work environment and the jobs you have, so you need a work environment that is calm, stable, secure, and emotionally supportive. You can feel secure emotionally when you have a stable work environment, and you may want to avoid chaotic work environments as this can cause many wounds for you, not only emotionally, but also physically. You can stress out quite easily, so this needs to be addressed. When it's the 2nd house, this rules your money, so you can make money in a way ruled by Chiron (spirituality, medical, healing, etc.). Money may have been a source of wounds for you when young, and you didn't have enough. You may be someone who gives a lot of your money away, which can be good, but you need to assess the reasons why, and make sure you're keeping enough so you're not in need too. Healing money wounds, baggage, and karma may be necessary for you. How Transit Chiron Impacts Your Professional Life
Transit (moving) Chiron can also bring strong Chiron energy to your professional life, but this is temporary (whereas with natal Chiron, it's your entire life). With transit Chiron, it's only going to be for the period of time the transit is in effect.
Transit Chiron can influence your professional life when it's: - in your natal 2nd, 6th, or 10th houses - aspecting your natal 2nd, 6th, or 10th house rulers, your Midheaven, your natal Ceres, or your natal Saturn Transit Chiron touring your natal 2nd house can bring opportunities for healing money wounds, breaking karmic patterns, and working to be more comfortable with money. You may be extra generous, but need to learn balance. If you can do that, you can use your money and resources to help yourself heal and grow. Transit Chiron in your natal 6th house can impact your work life, and it can be important for you to have a stable, secure work environment. Without that, you may feel extra sensitive and easily wounded, from your work itself, by co-workers, clients, bosses, or employees, and this can make it difficult for you to work as it takes a toll on you emotionally, mentally, and physically. Having good boundaries with your work environment is important, and you can do better that way. You may focus on jobs that allow you to help others somehow, or that you can be creative with. Transit Chiron in your natal 10th house can impact your career and goals, and healing can become an important goal for you. The more you heal, the higher you can climb professionally, and the more opportunities you have for success. When you achieve, you can feel even more secure and emotionally at ease, so they feed each other. You may need to be your own boss, or at least have a boss that is supportive and understanding, otherwise there can be issues. When it comes to transit Chiron aspects, these last for several months. Beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) can help you heal any issues, feel more secure, and have better boundaries, financially with the 2nd house, with your work with the 6th house, and with career goals with the 10th house. Challenging aspects (conjunctions, squares, and oppositions) can bring out wounds related to your professional life, and you likely need to work on healing them. These may be wounds from your younger years, early in your work life, or from past lives. You can feel unsettled with your work, and may struggle with boundaries. You need to heal so you can avoid the drama and find inspiration. Will Chiron in Aries Impact My Professional Life?
Chiron is about halfway through Aries by now, so it's already affected some with this transit when it comes to your professional life, though there are still many to come. This can include you if you have:
- natal 2nd house, 6th house, or 10th house/Midheaven in Aries (Chiron will transit) - natal 2nd, 6th, or 10th house ruler or natal Ceres or Saturn in Aries (Chiron will conjunct) - natal 2nd, 6th, or 10th house cusp/Midheaven, natal 2nd, 6th, or 10th house ruler or natal Ceres or Saturn in Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn (Chiron will square or oppose) These are the challenging positions for Chiron in Aries, and these can bring out wounds and issues and baggage related to your professional life. You need to get to the core of the problems, erect healthy boundaries, and strengthen yourself internally. You may need to say no to more projects and people, and prioritize yourself. If any of these positions are instead in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, Chiron in Aries will make beneficial aspects, and this can help with being secure in your professional life, having healthy boundaries with your work, and being inspired by what you're doing. Suggested Reading: The Professional Life, Relationships & Home Life Series: Astrology of Pluto & Your Professional Life Astrology of Pluto & Your Relationships Astrology of Pluto & Your Home Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Professional Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Relationships Astrology of Neptune & Your Home Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Professional Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Relationships Astrology of Uranus & Your Home Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Professional Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Relationships Astrology of Saturn & Your Home Life Astrology of Jupiter & Your Relationships Astrology of Jupiter & Your Home Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Professional Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Relationships Astrology of Chiron & Your Home Life Wounds and healing in astrology are ruled by Chiron, and Chiron is where our deepest wounds are, how we can heal, and has intuitive, subconscious, spiritual, and empathetic energy. This energy is brought to your relationships when it's impacting your relationship areas. How Natal Chiron Impacts Your Relationships
For some, Chiron can have a strong influence on your relationships via your natal chart. This can be the case if you have:
- Chiron in the 5th house (ruling love) or 7th house (ruling relationships) - Chiron conjunct (aligned with) natal Venus (planetary ruler of relationships) or the 5th or 7th house ruler - Chiron conjunct the 1st house cusp/Ascendant (the 1st house cusp/Ascendant is on an axis with the 7th house cusp/Descendant so Chiron would be directly opposing) When natal Chiron has a strong influence on your relationships in your natal chart, you can be someone who experiences major Chiron energy in your relationships. With the 5th house, love has the capacity to both hurt and heal you. In your younger years, it's likely to hurt, and you may lack boundaries in love which leaves you vulnerable to those who want to take advantage of you. This can lead to lots of heartbreak, and you may feel love is pain. When it's healthy and you're in a good place, love can heal you. Now, you do have to be mindful of looking for others to fix you (or reverse, you fixing others) since it's not going to work quite like that. It's more like, love inspires you, to be better, to focus on the good in you, to be brave enough to face the bad, and to recognize your self-worth. You may fall in love with Chiron-like people, and this can go either way. You may go for lots of wounded birds and try to save them (which again doesn't work). The better option is to go for those who are already healed, and who have a quiet strength about them as a result. They may be deeply spiritual or intuitive, and can help you strengthen that in yourself. When natal Chiron is influencing the 7th house, this can be in all relationships, though especially committed relationships and partnerships. You can attract a lot of Chiron-like people, a lot of people who are wounded, helpless, and in need, which makes boundaries very important for you. Manifesting positively, and you can attract a lot of people who are healed, enlightened, and secure with themselves. It often depends on your own boundaries and how healthy they are. Commitment can be something that hurts or heals. If you commit to the wounded bird, you likely end up quite hurt by that commitment and may shy away from it after that. If you commit to someone enlightened, then that commitment can strengthen you and make your life more fulfilling. How Transit Chiron Impacts Your Relationships
Transit (moving) Chiron can also bring strong Uranus energy to your relationships, but this is temporary (whereas with natal Chiron, it's your entire life). With transit Chiron, it's only going to be for the period of time the transit is in effect.
Transit Chiron can influence your relationships when it's: - in your natal 5th or 7th house - aspecting your natal 5th or 7th house cusp/Descendant, natal 5th or 7th house ruler, or natal Venus Transit Chiron touring your natal 5th house can bring opportunities to heal from love issues, release love baggage, and develop a healthier connection to love. You can also work to improve boundaries in love relationships, and this can help you feel stronger. Without boundaries, this transit may bring more wounds and more challenges. Transit Chiron touring your natal 7th house can bring opportunities to heal commitment issues or past relationships trauma. You can become more committed to those you have a good relationship with and are supported by. Bad relationships can create more wounds and deepen existing ones. Boundaries are also important. When it comes to transit Chiron aspects, these last for several months. Beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) can help you focus on healthy love and relationships, and you can feel more secure in your connections. Challenging aspects (conjunctions, squares, and oppositions) can bring out existing wounds and old baggage, and you likely need to work to address this, otherwise new wounds can open up. You can be more vulnerable to being used or deceived, and once again, need to work on boundaries. Will Chiron in Aries Impact My Relationships?
Chiron is about halfway through Aries, so many have already been affected by this transit when it comes to your relationships, and many have yet to experience it. This can include you if you have:
- natal 5th or 7th house/Descendant in Aries (Chiron will transit) - natal 5th or 7th house ruler or natal Venus in Aries (Chiron will conjunct) - natal 5th or 7th house cusp/Descendant, natal 5th or 7th house ruler or natal Venus in Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn (Chiron will square or oppose) These are the challenging positions for Chiron in Aries, and you'll likely need to address love and relationship issues, work on those boundaries, and focus on what healthy love and relationships should look like. If any of these positions are instead in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, Chiron in Aries will make beneficial aspects, and you can improve your healthy connections with others, and feel more secure in your relationships and with love. Suggested Reading: The Professional Life, Relationships & Home Life Series: Astrology of Pluto & Your Professional Life Astrology of Pluto & Your Relationships Astrology of Pluto & Your Home Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Professional Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Relationships Astrology of Neptune & Your Home Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Professional Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Relationships Astrology of Uranus & Your Home Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Professional Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Relationships Astrology of Saturn & Your Home Life Astrology of Jupiter & Your Relationships Astrology of Jupiter & Your Home Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Professional Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Relationships Astrology of Chiron & Your Home Life Chiron is the wounded healer in astrology, and governs our greatest wounds, but also how we can heal and grow. It's sensitive, intuitive, and gentle. When impacting your home and family life, this energy is brought to matters of the home and family. How Natal Chiron Impacts Your Home & Family LifeFor some, Chiron can have a strong influence on your home and family life via your natal chart. This can be the case if you have: - Chiron in the 4th house (ruling the home and family; note that family can mean actual relations as well as those you think of as family) - Chiron conjunct (aligned with) the natal Moon (planetary ruler of the home & family) or the 4h house ruler - Chiron conjunct the 10th house cusp/Midheaven (the 10th house cusp/Midheaven is on an axis with the 4th house cusp/Imum Coeli so Chiron would be directly opposing) When natal Chiron has a strong influence on your home and family life in your natal chart, you can be someone who experiences massive Chiron energy with the home and family. This may mean that there is a lot of wounding related to your home and family life, especially in your younger years, and this can be a source of emotional and subconscious challenges for you as you get older. You're likely very sensitive when young, and can be quite empathetic, absorbing the emotions of others and sensing the subtle energies all around you. This makes you highly intuitive, but you may lack boundaries with others, and are constantly vulnerable emotionally to being hurt. This was likely taught to you when young, and you may have been surrounded by narcissists and people who constantly broke your boundaries. Your home environment may have been challenging in some way. There may have been outright abuse or neglect, abandonment, poverty, and your general needs just not being met at all, or not in a healthy way. You may have felt frazzled, insecure, and anxious at home and with family. As an adult, these issues have to be addressed. You have to learn to heal yourself, and not let your boundaries get crossed so much. You may need to learn to forgive, and to understand. You may feel weak and small at the start, but over time, this can turn into great personal strength, but in a quiet way. In a healthy, happy upbringing, you may have felt that your home and family were a source of strength and refuge, that they healed you when the world was rough and gave you a safe space you could always trust. This makes you quite stable emotionally, and you can be exceptionally close to those you think of as family or to the place you grew up. If your upbringing was challenging, this is the potential for what you can create as an adult, but you have to work through the issues first and be willing to face the pain. How Transit Chiron Impacts Your Home & Family LifeTransit (moving) Chiron can also bring strong Chiron energy to your home and family life, but this is temporary (whereas with natal Chiron, it's your entire life). With transit Chiron, it's only going to be for the period of time the transit is in effect, which can be 4-5 years for transit Chiron in a house and many months over the course of a couple of years for transit Chiron aspects. Transit Chiron can influence your home and family life when it's: - in your natal 4th house - aspecting your natal 4th house cusp/Imum Coeli, natal 4th house ruler, or natal Moon Transit Chiron touring your natal 4th house can be similar to natal Chiron in the 4th house. Wounds related to the home and family can get exposed, and you have to work on addressing them, otherwise they can fester and grow and cause more emotional upheaval. If you can work to heal, you can grow stronger in your ability to heal, to protect yourself, and your connection to your intuition can strengthen as well. You can create a peaceful home environment, and supportive family connections. When it comes to transit Chiron aspects, beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) can help you strengthen your home and family connections, and you can feel more at ease emotionally and subconsciously. Challenging aspects (conjunctions, squares, and oppositions) can bring out old emotional and subconscious issues with the home and family, and old wounds can get picked open again. You likely need to work on the issues and deal with anything that hasn't been dealt with yet to close the wounds and heal. There is a lot of potential for healing and growth with the hard aspects, but it can feel unsettling in the interim. Will Chiron in Aries Impact My Home & Family Life?Chiron is currently in Aries and about halfway through this transit, so many have already been impacted by Chiron in Aries when it comes to your home and family life. This can include you if you have:
- natal 4th house/Imum Coeli in Aries (Chiron will transit) - natal 4th house ruler or natal Moon in Aries (Chiron will conjunct) - natal 4th house cusp/Imum Coeli or natal 4th house ruler or natal Moon in Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn (Chiron will square or oppose) These are the challenging positions for Chiron in Aries, so if you're currently experiencing this or have yet to, you may need to work on old issues with the home or family, regarding your upbringing, and work to heal yourself at your core. It can be uncomfortable, but you can emerge stronger. If any of these positions are instead in Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, or Aquarius, Chiron in Aries will make beneficial aspects, and you can get helpful energy for cultivating a happy, healthy home environment and creating positive family connections. Suggested Reading: The Professional Life, Relationships & Home Life Series: Astrology of Pluto & Your Professional Life Astrology of Pluto & Your Relationships Astrology of Pluto & Your Home Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Professional Life Astrology of Neptune & Your Relationships Astrology of Neptune & Your Home Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Professional Life Astrology of Uranus & Your Relationships Astrology of Uranus & Your Home Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Professional Life Astrology of Saturn & Your Relationships Astrology of Saturn & Your Home Life Astrology of Jupiter & Your Relationships Astrology of Jupiter & Your Home Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Professional Life Astrology of Chiron & Your Relationships Astrology of Chiron & Your Home Life June 2023 brings with it a full moon in optimistic Sagittarius and a new moon in mentally-active Gemini, keeping us moving! What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: June 3rd 2023 (11:41PM ET/8:41PM PT)
Full moons tend to be emotional and serious, but Sagittarius is an optimistic sign that only wants to focus on the positives, so Sagittarius full moons usually aren't as serious as others are. This can especially be evident this time coming out of the Scorpio lunar eclipse, which is as serious-minded as it gets, and we can open our minds and work on being less brooding and more open to the good in our lives. This can open our minds and give fresh perspectives.
We can connect strongly with what we believe with the Sagittarius full moon, and this can help us become more invested in the beliefs that connect with who we are now. If our beliefs aren't true to our current selves, or are bad for us in some way, the full moon can challenge us to break free and see how this hasn't been helping us. We can switch to something that resonates with us now, and can be better for us. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and loves space, so we can crave more space to do our own thing with the Sagittarius full moon. We need to make sure we go about this in a healthy, productive way though, otherwise we may push people away and can't take it back later. We need to make sure we're not just lashing out, but actually think it through. It could be a good time for a little adventure, and we can learn a lot from life experience. Sagittarius is a travel ruler, so there can be more focus on long-distance travel in some way. Sagittarius rules higher learning, so we can focus on colleges and universities in some way. Sagittarius is a ruler of the law, so there can be an important legal ruling or case we're focused on around the full moon. The full moon occurs at 13 degrees 18 minutes Sagittarius. Aspects to the full moon are: Conjunction: 11 degrees 18 minutes - 15 degrees 18 minutes Sagittarius Sextile: 11 degrees 18 minutes - 15 degrees 18 minutes Libra or Aquarius Square: 11 degrees 18 minutes - 15 degrees 18 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 11 degrees 18 minutes - 15 degrees 18 minutes Aries or Leo Opposition: 11 degrees 18 minutes - 15 degrees 18 minutes Gemini New Moon in Gemini: June 18th 2023 (12:37AM ET/June 17th 9:37PM PT)
The Gemini new moon stimulates our minds in a big way, and we can focus on new ideas, new plans, and keep ourselves busy. We can fill up our schedules, and be much more engaging. This can be a great time for communication, conversation, and expressing ourselves fully and openly.
Gemini is the sign of the mind, so we can utilize our mental abilities, and benefit from using our minds. We may take up learning something new, share knowledge and information we have, and want to connect mentally. This new moon is widely square (challenging aspect, 3 signs away) transit (moving) Ceres at the end of Virgo (exits June 22nd 2023), in fact anaretic in Virgo. There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, and 29 degrees is the last degree and called the anaretic degree. It's a point of crisis energy in transit. Ceres is a dwarf planet ruling nourishment and support, so we're likely extra focused on nourishment, support, resources, and finances at this time, what we're lacking and in need of, and this new moon can challenge us. We may need to find a different approach, or stop fixating on what's missing and focus instead on how we can better use what we already have. We may lack support for ideas we have, and may need to find alternative ways to get our point across. We may also feel extra stressed out with this new moon, and need to make sure we're managing this in a healthy way, otherwise we may get burned out and super anxious. The new moon occurs at 26 degrees 43 minutes Gemini. The aspects to the new moon are: Conjunction: 24 degrees 49 minutes - 28 degrees 43 minutes Gemini Sextile: 24 degrees 49 minutes - 28 degrees 43 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 24 degrees 49 minutes - 28 degrees 43 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 24 degrees 49 minutes - 28 degrees 43 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 24 degrees 49 minutes - 28 degrees 43 minutes Sagittarius Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect |