In astrology, there is something called the 0 degrees Aries Point. The 0 degrees Aries Point is 0 degrees Aries, but it links to any cardinal sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This is a sensitive, critical degree with extra special energy compared to the other critical degrees. The 0 degrees Aries Point connects with 0 degrees of the cardinal signs, which are connected to the solstices and equinoxes, with Aries being the spring equinox, Cancer being the summer solstice, Libra being the autumnal equinox, and Capricorn being the winter solstice. That's right, the start of each season is dictated by astrology! 0 degrees of cardinal signs are critical degrees
0 degrees of the cardinal signs are critical degrees, which are the positions of the start of each Lunar Mansion (a part of Vedic astrology). Every 12 degrees 51 minutes around the 360 degree Zodiac is the start of a Lunar Mansion (to make it easy, we just round to every 13 degrees). Critical degrees have critical energy associated with them, and this energy tends to be challenging until we learn how to harness it. Then it becomes a source of power.
This seems to be especially true to 0 degrees of the cardinal signs. They have a little extra energy associated with them that the other critical degrees don't! What does 0 degrees of a cardinal sign mean for me?
When you have a planet, asteroid, or angle at 0 degrees of the cardinal signs, that position REALLY wants to come out. Trying to hold it in isn't going to work out too well for you! You'll feel repressed and like you're suffocating, and it'll just be itching, waiting for the chance to erupt. Which might not work out too well!
It's better if you consciously try to use the energy in a positive way in your life. If it's Aries, you need to show your true self with the position; if it's Cancer, you need to show the emotions with the position; if it's Libra, you need to connect with others with the position; and if it's Capricorn, you need to create something solid and real with the position. If progressed planets or angles come to 0 degrees of the cardinal signs, this can signal an important period for whatever is associated with that planet or angle in your life, and you're often forced to bring something outward, to take more control, and to make things happen. I used to highly recommend an article by Kim Falconer for placements at 0 degrees of the cardinal signs, however it appears she isn't doing astro work anymore; I was able to find the old article on the internet archives HERE. 0 degrees Aries in the Houses
Even if you don't have any planets or angles at 0 degrees of the cardinal signs, you can see find where 0 degrees Aries falls in your natal houses. That house shows where you connect to take action, moving from the inward to the outward. This is most obvious with the 1st house, since that rules the self; in the 2nd house, it may be with your values; in the 3rd house, it may be with your mind and ideas; in the 4th house, it may be with your core and emotional self; in the 5th house, it may be creatively; in the 6th house, it may be through your work; in the 7th house, it may be through relationships; in the 8th house, it may be through transformations; in the 9th house, it may be through expansion; in the 10th house, it may be though your profession; in the 11th house, it may be through your ideals and dreams; and in the 12th house, it may be through your spiritual pursuits.
0 degrees Aries Point NOW
Mars moves into Aries June 27th, and is at 0 degrees Aries June 27th - 29th. This stimulates the energy for everyone; it'll be strongest if you have any 0 degrees cardinal sign planets, but we'll all feel it (it'll just focus on house for you if you have no 0 degrees cardinal placements).
We also just had a solar eclipse at 0 degrees Cancer, so the energy is ripe right now. We need to focus on manifesting and bringing the within to the external. There is enormous potential in the air right now! Suggested Reading: Intro to Astrology Houses Another month, another eclipse! Our third lunar eclipse for 2020 is the last eclipse in Capricorn in July. We'll also experience a new moon in Cancer, the second Cancer Moon in a row. What is a new moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a lunar eclipse?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy. Lunar eclipses occur with full moons that are within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic).
Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn: July 5th 2020 (12:44AM ET/July 4th 2020 9:44PM PT)
This lunar eclipse comes early in July in the sign of Capricorn, and this is the final Capricorn eclipse for some years. We've had these Cancer and Capricorn eclipses for a couple of years now, and we're closing the books, ending chapters, and wrapping things up now. There may be a sense of big things coming to an end, and this may be the culmination of something that started 1 1/2 - 2 years ago.
With this Capricorn energy, we may see big goals realized, or final failures for things that have been done wrong. We may reach heights in some ways, or we may get kicked down and stay down. It all depends on how responsible, ethical, and disciplined we've been (Capricorn's way). Capricorn rules our governments and countries at large, so there may be extra emotional focus on the way they've been acting during this time. Judgments can be cast, and we can be pretty definitive, and go forward with those judgments in place. I also want to note that this eclipse comes just a few days after Saturn retrogrades back to Capricorn, and is anaretic (at 29 degrees, the anaretic degree, and a point of crisis energy). So there may be some highly critical, intense energy floating around with this eclipse, and it may be focused on governments, corporations, countries, big entities. We have to be extra responsible, disciplined, and ethical to make it through alright. Otherwise it may be rough! This eclipse makes one aspect, a trine (positive aspect, 4 signs away) to Uranus in Taurus. This is a helpful aspect, and it can get us thinking about the future, moving forward, and most importantly, what needs to change. What has been likely will not be, and we can think outside of the box with the changes we make. We can put the finishing touches on some changes, and become more passionate about others. We may care more about the world as a whole, humankind as a whole, and want to move forward together. The new normal can start to take shape and be embraced. This eclipse occurs at 13 degrees 38 minutes Capricorn. The aspects made to this eclipse are: Conjunction: 8 degrees 38 minutes - 18 degrees 38 minutes Capricorn Semisextile: 11 degrees 38 minutes - 15 degrees 38 minutes Sagittarius or Aquarius Sextile: 8 degrees 38 minutes - 18 degrees 38 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Trine: 8 degrees 38 minutes - 18 degrees 38 minutes Taurus or Virgo Quincunx: 11 degrees 38 minutes - 15 degrees 38 minutes Gemini or Leo Opposition: 8 degrees 38 minutes - 18 degrees 38 minutes Cancer New Moon in Cancer: July 20th 2020 (1:33PM ET/10:33AM PT)
We get out of eclipse season with a new moon in Cancer, except, it's not really getting us out of eclipse season just yet! Because the solar eclipse in June is also in Cancer, so we have two new moons in a row in this sign. Consecutive Moons in the same sign tie together in some way, so this new moon likely ties into the June solar eclipse. What is stirred up by the June solar eclipse can see progress, culminations, or new opportunities presented with the new moon in July. This new moon can act as a bookend in some way.
We can try to be more positive emotionally, and want to secure ourselves internally. We can work on strengthening foundations, and start new ventures from the ground up. We can move forward more swiftly and securely if we're emotionally stable and supported. And we can come together emotionally to focus on a common cause or goal. This new moon makes one aspect, opposing Saturn in Capricorn, who is retrograde. Saturn just went back into Capricorn July 1st, so it's fresh at this new moon. Saturn seems to tie into both the lunar eclipse and the new moon, so all eyes on Saturn in July! This opposition may bring about some tension with the way we're coming out of eclipse season and dealing with the endings, the culminations, the judgments, and the new normal we have to embrace. This new moon occurs at 28 degrees 27 minutes Cancer. The major aspects made to this new moon are: Conjunction: 26 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Cancer Sextile: 26 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Taurus or Virgo Square: 26 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 26 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Opposition: 26 degrees 27 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Capricorn Note that since this new moon is so late in Cancer, there may be some out-of-sign aspects that are felt. They'll only be with planets at 0 degrees of Leo (conjunct), Gemini or Libra (sextile), Taurus or Scorpio (square), Aries or Sagittarius (trine), and Aquarius (opposite) - and even then, it may be minor and subtle. Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for interpretations Retrogrades are times when everything can seem pretty wonky. Or sometimes, a lot wonky! There's something that comes with them called the Inferior Conjunction, and in tandem with that, the Superior Conjunction. These are actually very positive. For once, something positive with a retrograde! What is a retrograde?
A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth; it isn't actually moving backward, and just looks that way. The Sun and Moon are the only planets who don't retrograde.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto retrograde for months at a time every year. Mars retrogrades for a couple months every couple of years; Venus retrogrades every 1 1/2 years for 1/2 months; and Mercury retrogrades for several weeks 3-4 times each year. Mercury is generally the one we look to for the Inferior and Superior Conjunctions. What is a conjunction?
A conjunction occurs when two points are at the same position in the Zodiac. They come together in the same location, and this brings their energy to together. Conjunctions are generally seen as neutral, but in this case, they're usually seen as positive.
What are the Inferior and Superior Conjunctions?
The Inferior Conjunction occurs while Mercury is retrograde, and is when Mercury conjuncts the transit (moving) Sun. This occurs during every Mercury retrograde because it doesn't move too far away from the transit Sun in the Zodiac. The Inferior conjunction is seen as an excellent time during the retrograde to start something. It's one of the few times during a retrograde when that's the case! The Sun shines a light, and helps bring some focus and clarity during what is often an uncertain period. The impact on your personally usually depends on where the conjunction falls in your natal houses and aspects it makes to your natal planets.
If it makes easy aspects (sextiles and trines), you can have an easier time using it; if it makes hard aspects (squares and oppositions), you may feel challenged with what you want to pursue. If it makes a conjunction, that may be where the focus lies for you. The Superior Conjunction occurs AFTER the retrograde ends, and is when Mercury conjuncts the Sun again. This usually occurs 6-8 weeks after the Inferior Conjunction. The Superior Conjunction usually ties into whatever came about with the Inferior Conjunction, and is generally a good time for culmination or success with whatever you started at the Inferior Conjunction. It usually occurs about two signs later. The impact on your personally usually depends on where the conjunction falls in your natal houses and aspects it makes to your natal planets. If it makes easy aspects, that may signal you have some success; if it makes challenging aspects, that may show you have to adjust and remain open to how you'll come out with it. If it makes a conjunction, that can directly show how it gets wrapped up. So, with every Mercury retrograde, you can mark on your calendar when to watch for the Inferior Conjunction, and know that this is a time you should take advantage of. Know you have about 6-8 weeks to work on whatever you want to get going with. Use the time wisely! Suggested Reading: Bright Spots During Mercury Retrograde The Sun and Moon are part of the primary triad in astrology (along with the Ascendant). The triad are the most important parts of your natal chart. They are the most closely tied to your personality, to who you are as a person, and your most basic self. So it should come as no surprise that they're also very important in love astrology! What do the Sun and Moon rule in astrology?
The Sun is your inner self, the you who comes out when you're around those who know you best and you're comfortable. The Ascendant is your external self, the you that others view you as that you don't know too well. This is why most of us come across differently from how we really are. Because the Sun is who we really are!
The Moon is your emotional self. It rules how you express yourself emotionally, and what you need for emotional stability and security. The Moon shows how you nurture and emotionally connect to the world, and your core self. So, you can see why these two are very powerful. Why are the Sun and Moon important in relationships?
We often connect with people in our lives who connect with our Sun or Moon; or conversely, we connect to their Sun or Moon. Connections to the Sun or Moon show a connection to who we really are (Sun), or show an emotional connection (Moon).
This is usually strongest when you have a Sun-Moon connection, meaning one person's Sun is in the same sign as the other person's Moon. The strongest is when they conjunct, or are in about the same spot degree-wise. You might find that people whose birthday puts their Sun around the location of your Moon are people you continually gravitate toward. For example, if your Moon is at 17 degrees Aries, you may gravitate toward people born between April 5th and 9th, which places their Sun with your Moon. The Sun is in about the same location in the Zodiac at about the same time each year, so you can look up in an ephemeris which date conjuncts your Moon location. Don't be surprised if you find that you've connected with many people with birthdays around that date! This is very helpful in relationships. It gives an understanding between both people in the relationship. It's not automatically romantic, and can show helpful energy in relationships with your work, in your family, and with your friends. It's not in-your-face because there isn't any friction (if there is friction, it's the result of something else). It's easy and unconscious. You can also see this with house placements. So say your natal Sun is located in the 9th house and their natal Moon is located in the 9th house - you'll experience the same kind of connection. You can also see it with the sign the house naturally connects to - so if your natal Sun is in the 9th house, that naturally connects to Sagittarius, so you may link up well with a Sagittarius Moon. And, you can see it with planetary conjunctions - so say your natal Sun is conjunct Saturn, this would help you link up with someone who is a Capricorn Moon, which is naturally ruled by Saturn. Lots of options! Suggested Reading: When Venus Meets Mars |