The twelfth house in astrology is a difficult house because it governs the hidden. This is where energy goes to hide, and we have to tap into the subconscious or surrounding energies to access it. 12th House Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Many astrology charts have 12 houses, and each relate to different parts of life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at. Each of your natal houses connects to different parts of your life and personality.
The twelfth house is ruled by Neptune, the notorious foggy planet. Neptune obscures, and makes it difficult to see things clearly, and usually forces us to operate on instinct as a result. At-a-Glance 12th House Keywords:
Twelfth House in Astrology: The Hidden
The twelfth house is the house of the hidden, so anything that is with the 12th house is hidden energy. It operates on a subconscious level, and it's something we have to work on consciously connecting with.
Twelfth house energy can come out when we're alone, when we're working behind the scenes in the background, and when we're out of the spotlight. We have to be comfortable, and we have to trust others around us, otherwise we have to be alone. Twelfth House in Astrology: Karma
Karma is associated with the 12th house, and this can be where we have karmic lessons to learn and karmic baggage to work through. When other people connect to our 12th house, we may have a karmic connection with them.
Twelfth House in Astrology: Artistry
The twelfth house is super creative, ruling the arts and imagination. This can be a way of expressing ourselves without relying on conscious thought, and we can nonverbally communicate through something artistic, creative, imaginative, and fantastically unreal.
There is a connection to energy that is outside of ourselves, and this can be difficult to control. Creativity offers a way to do that. Twelfth House in Astrology: Spiritual
Being ruled by Neptune, the twelfth house is a spiritual house. It governs our spiritual selves, how and where we find our spiritual beliefs, and what we connect with on a spiritual level.
This can also show a strong intuition, since we're connected to the subtle energies all around us with this house. Twelfth House in Astrology: Sacrifice
The twelfth house rules sacrifice, and what's associated with this house may show where we sacrifice in our lives. It doesn't have to be a permanent sacrifice, but it can be one that is profound and has a lasting impact on uis.
We can learn through loss and gain more compassion through pain with this house, and our empathy increases, and we want to do more. Volunteer work is ruled by this house. Twelfth House in Astrology: Self-Undoing
This is the house of self-undoing, and we can be our own worst enemy with the twelfth house. It can show how and where we get in our own way, and have to learn to stop working against our own interests.
This can relate to old baggage, both in our early lives as well as karmic. Where Your Twelfth House Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign your twelfth house falls in. The areas of life ruled by that sign are where you can find the hidden, spiritual, karmic, sacrificial energy in your life. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your twelfth house (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your twelfth house falls in) as this can also connect to the 12th house energy.
If you have any natal planets in your twelfth house, this can make the twelfth house energy a lot stronger for you. That planet is likely hidden energy to you, and you may have difficulty accessing it. You need to connect with it consciously, and not give in to sacrificing it or letting it be your undoing. Transit (moving) planets touring your twelfth house can bring some temporary energy for twelfth house matters. It can be strongest with transit Saturn, since the lessons you need to work on and baggage you need to let go of can feel stronger. Transit planets aspecting your natal 12th house ruler can stimulate twelfth house energy as well, and conjunctions, squares, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging, yet you may struggle with seeing things realistically and need to remove to veil clouding your vision.For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign your twelfth house falls in. The areas of life ruled by that sign are where you can find the hidden, spiritual, karmic, sacrificial energy in your life. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your twelfth house (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your twelfth house falls in) as this can also connect to the 12th house energy. If you have any natal planets in your twelfth house, this can make the twelfth house energy a lot stronger for you. That planet is likely hidden energy to you, and you may have difficulty accessing it. You need to connect with it consciously, and not give in to sacrificing it or letting it be your undoing. Transit (moving) planets touring your twelfth house can bring some temporary energy for twelfth house matters. It can be strongest with transit Saturn, since the lessons you need to work on and baggage you need to let go of can feel stronger. Transit planets aspecting your natal 12th house ruler can stimulate twelfth house energy as well, and conjunctions, squares, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging, yet you may struggle with seeing things realistically and need to remove to veil clouding your vision. A Strong Twelfth House in Astrology
Some may have a super strong natal twelfth house. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) in the 12th house - your Sun, Moon, or Chiron in the 12th house - your North or South Node in your 12th house - your 1st house ruler in the 12th house - your 12th house cusp or ruler anaretic (at 29 degrees) - retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 12th house or ruling the 12th house When you have a strong 12th house, you're someone who likely hides a LOT in your life. You keep everything from others, and may have many secrets. None of them may be super bad, but you're likely not comfortable sharing and are far from an open book. You have to learn to open up more. There may be a lot of baggage you have to work on letting go of. You may struggle with issues from childhood or from past lives, and have many lessons to learn. Therapy can be a very good thing for you. You can be super compassionate and empathetic, yet struggle to convey these things clearly. You may sacrifice yourself to help others, but it may not actually be necessary for you to do that if you just open up more. There can be a lot in your subconscious you need to consciously connect to. Worry less about what people will think or say, and more about your own opinions of yourself. Suggested Reading: The 12th House page for general interpretations, as well as the series of articles about the 12 houses: All About the First House in Astrology All About the Second House in Astrology All About the Third House in Astrology All About the Fourth House in Astrology All About the Fifth House in Astrology All About the Sixth House in Astrology All About the Seventh House in Astrology All About the Eighth House in Astrology All About the Ninth House in Astrology All About the Tenth House in Astrology All About the Eleventh House in Astrology All About the Twelfth House in Astrology Ceres is a dwarf planet ruling nourishment, and is argued to be the ruler of Taurus. In your natal chart, it shows how and where you need nourishment, support, to be nurtured and encouraged, and where and how you can give that to others. Ceres is also connected to growth, our resources, and money. Your Ceres may impact how you make money and approach money, how you grow and find resources, or if you have what you need or experience lack. A strong natal Ceres can make you someone who is super nurturing, supportive, a bit of a mother hen. You can find your natal Ceres using for free; in Extended Chart Selection, click on Additional objects, and select Ceres in the menu, then generate your chart. Ceres in the Zodiac Signs in the Natal Chart:
Natal Ceres in Cancer
Ceres in Cancer makes emotional support important for you. You need to take care of yourself emotionally, and a strong support system can be key to you feeling like you have everything you need.
You can have everything physically, but it feels empty to you without enough emotionally. You can also be super supportive of others emotionally, and may give more than you get, which has to be addressed. A solid home and family life is something that can be vital for your growth.
You can have everything physically, but it feels empty to you without enough emotionally. You can also be super supportive of others emotionally, and may give more than you get, which has to be addressed. A solid home and family life is something that can be vital for your growth.
Natal Ceres in Leo
Ceres in Leo can show that you're someone who needs a certain amount of attention, affection, and praise. Without that, you may feel you don't have enough of anything in your life. You may be super creative, and being creative can help you to nurture yourself, as well as give you opportunities for receiving attention.
Children, whether your own or others, can greatly benefit from your support and encouragement. Your hobbies can help you find the support you need. You may need to work on issues surrounding getting attention.
Children, whether your own or others, can greatly benefit from your support and encouragement. Your hobbies can help you find the support you need. You may need to work on issues surrounding getting attention.
Natal Ceres in Virgo
Ceres in Virgo can show that you're someone who needs some structure and order to feel calm, supported, and like you have what you need. What you actually need may be a lot less than others, and you know how to get by with very little. Work that you do on a daily basis, whether an actual job or otherwise, can help you to nurture yourself.
You can support others in quiet ways, doing little things for those you care about. You may need to address issues with perfectionism and being too hard on yourself getting in the way of confidence.
You can support others in quiet ways, doing little things for those you care about. You may need to address issues with perfectionism and being too hard on yourself getting in the way of confidence.
Natal Ceres in Libra
Ceres in Libra may mean your relationships and the people in your life are super important for you. Having healthy relationships with people you respect can make you feel abundant and nourished. You can give lots of support, but need to make sure this is balanced and goes both ways.
You can nurture yourself when you're in peaceful, calm environments, and may want to avoid chaotic people. You can be an excellent negotiator though, good with compromise and mediation.
You can nurture yourself when you're in peaceful, calm environments, and may want to avoid chaotic people. You can be an excellent negotiator though, good with compromise and mediation.
Natal Ceres in Scorpio
Ceres in Scorpio may mean you're intense and passionate about support and nourishment. You can use the resources of others well, and use your own resources to help others. You may give a lot away, but need to make sure you remember to keep some for yourself. Intimacy can be important for your confidence, and you can thrive when you have strong physical and emotional bonds with others.
As always with Scorpio, you may need to undergo some sort of transformation before you can feel you have what you need in life.
As always with Scorpio, you may need to undergo some sort of transformation before you can feel you have what you need in life.
Natal Ceres in Sagittarius
Ceres in Sagittarius may mean that having space nourishes you. You likely need to get a certain amount of time to do whatever you want, without strings or responsibilities, and to have new experiences and new adventures. You can be bold when it comes to nurturing yourself, and those new experiences can help you feel secure.
You can either struggle with giving support to others since you want so much space, or you may support others in very big ways. You can be a good mentor or have a way with words.
You can either struggle with giving support to others since you want so much space, or you may support others in very big ways. You can be a good mentor or have a way with words.
Natal Ceres in Capricorn
Ceres in Capricorn can show your goals are important for you, and you may feel nourished when you're pursuing what you want to achieve. You may not feel as supported in your younger years, but can amass a lot of resources as you get older and feel more secure. Feeling truly supported and nurtured may come later in life.
You can take your responsibilities with supporting others seriously, and may prioritize their needs above your own. Taking on too much may be something you need to address.
You can take your responsibilities with supporting others seriously, and may prioritize their needs above your own. Taking on too much may be something you need to address.
Natal Ceres in Aquarius
Ceres in Aquarius can show embracing the unconventional and being true to your unique self is important for you to feel like you have what you need. You may find that your needs are unconventional, different in some way, or how you feel your needs may be different somehow.
Your friends can be a source of great support, and your causes can be a way for you to have an impact on helping others. You may need to address issues around detachment.
Your friends can be a source of great support, and your causes can be a way for you to have an impact on helping others. You may need to address issues around detachment.
Natal Ceres in Pisces
Ceres in Pisces can show you likely don't ask for much for yourself, and want to take care of others instead, so you're super supportive and compassionate. You can sacrifice anything and everything for those you care about. This means you need to work on prioritizing yourself, and not constantly sacrificing.
Your spiritual needs may be most important for you, or you may find that being creative is a way for you to nurture yourself. You have to learn it's okay to take care of yourself.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Natal Ceres in the Houses
Natal Ceres Aspects
Transit Ceres in the Houses
Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres
Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres
Transit Ceres Aspects
The Ceres Return in Astrology
Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart
Ceres & Love Astrology
Composite Ceres in the Houses & Aspects
Ceres Retrograde Aspects
Progressed Ceres in the Houses
New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres
Progressed Aspects to Natal Ceres
Progressed Ceres Aspects
Your spiritual needs may be most important for you, or you may find that being creative is a way for you to nurture yourself. You have to learn it's okay to take care of yourself.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Natal Ceres in the Houses
Natal Ceres Aspects
Transit Ceres in the Houses
Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres
Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres
Transit Ceres Aspects
The Ceres Return in Astrology
Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart
Ceres & Love Astrology
Composite Ceres in the Houses & Aspects
Ceres Retrograde Aspects
Progressed Ceres in the Houses
New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres
Progressed Aspects to Natal Ceres
Progressed Ceres Aspects
June is coming, and with it comes a full moon in fire sign Sagittarius and a new moon in water sign Cancer. What do they have in store for us?
What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Full Moon in Sagittarius: June 14th 2022 (7:51AM ET/3:51AM PT)
Sagittarius is naturally ruled by Jupiter, so this is the happy sign. Full moons are usually full of emotion, but Sagittarius full moons tend to be lighter. We want to focus on the good and not be so bogged down by the challenges we're dealing with. Bo to them!
Sagittarius rules our beliefs, so one area where we may be more passionate is what we believe in. We can defend this strongly, and can fight back against opposition. This can be good, until it's going too far, and we may need to remind ourselves to be more respectful.
Sagittarius is one of the rulers of travel, governing far, long-distance travel and flight, so we can see developments regarding travel, especially via planes. Sagittarius also rules higher learning, so there can be developments involving colleges/universities as well.
Sagittarius is the sign of the runner, so when we're upset or stressed around this full moon, we may want to run away from the situation instead of dealing with it. We have to force ourselves to stay put and work it out.
The full moon is sextile (beneficial aspect, two signs away) transit (moving) Saturn in Aquarius and square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) transit Neptune in Pisces, and the sextile to Saturn can help with discipline and making progress with our goals, while the square to Neptune can make judgment a little cloudy. We may be stuck in what's real and practical and lack imagination, and need to work on having a grip on creativity.
This full moon occurs at 23 degrees 25 minutes Sagittarius. The aspects to this full moon are:
Conjunction: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Sagittarius
Sextile: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Libra or Aquarius
Square: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Virgo or Pisces
Trine: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Aries or Leo
Opposition: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Gemini
Sagittarius rules our beliefs, so one area where we may be more passionate is what we believe in. We can defend this strongly, and can fight back against opposition. This can be good, until it's going too far, and we may need to remind ourselves to be more respectful.
Sagittarius is one of the rulers of travel, governing far, long-distance travel and flight, so we can see developments regarding travel, especially via planes. Sagittarius also rules higher learning, so there can be developments involving colleges/universities as well.
Sagittarius is the sign of the runner, so when we're upset or stressed around this full moon, we may want to run away from the situation instead of dealing with it. We have to force ourselves to stay put and work it out.
The full moon is sextile (beneficial aspect, two signs away) transit (moving) Saturn in Aquarius and square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) transit Neptune in Pisces, and the sextile to Saturn can help with discipline and making progress with our goals, while the square to Neptune can make judgment a little cloudy. We may be stuck in what's real and practical and lack imagination, and need to work on having a grip on creativity.
This full moon occurs at 23 degrees 25 minutes Sagittarius. The aspects to this full moon are:
Conjunction: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Sagittarius
Sextile: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Libra or Aquarius
Square: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Virgo or Pisces
Trine: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Aries or Leo
Opposition: 21 degrees 25 minutes - 25 degrees 25 minutes Gemini
New Moon in Cancer: June 28th 2022 (10:53PM ET/7:53PM PT)
Cancer is the sign that rules emotions, so what we feel can motivate us with this new moon. We can use our emotions as inspiration, and what we choose to take action with may be whatever we're most connected to emotionally. We're generally more positive emotionally since new moons tend to be more positive energy.
With Cancer, we likely want to stay within our comfort zone though, and not venture far out of it at all. We need a degree of comfort and familiarity, otherwise we may shy away from it. This can also be a good time to get support we need, and to be more supportive of others.
Cancer is the very bottom of the Zodiac, so there may be something that we're starting from the ground up with, or we may work on a stronger foundation for ourselves and for life.
The new moon is square transit Jupiter in Aries, and we may feel really good, but perhaps a little too good. We can expand, but have difficulty controlling it so it doesn't go too far, or we struggle with getting expansion going at all. We need to stay motivated and not give in to laziness, while also being open to options.
The new moon is also conjunct (aligned with) Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, and this can bring energy for helping us to stand up for what we believe is right, but do so in a gentler, softer way instead of anything loud. We may be most energized to focus on issues of the home and family, and can defend those we see as our family.
This new moon occurs at 7 degrees 23 minutes Cancer. The aspects to this new moon are:
Conjunction: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Cancer
Sextile: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Taurus or Virgo
Square: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Aries or Libra
Trine: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio or Pisces
Opposition: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Capricorn
Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations
With Cancer, we likely want to stay within our comfort zone though, and not venture far out of it at all. We need a degree of comfort and familiarity, otherwise we may shy away from it. This can also be a good time to get support we need, and to be more supportive of others.
Cancer is the very bottom of the Zodiac, so there may be something that we're starting from the ground up with, or we may work on a stronger foundation for ourselves and for life.
The new moon is square transit Jupiter in Aries, and we may feel really good, but perhaps a little too good. We can expand, but have difficulty controlling it so it doesn't go too far, or we struggle with getting expansion going at all. We need to stay motivated and not give in to laziness, while also being open to options.
The new moon is also conjunct (aligned with) Black Moon Lilith in Cancer, and this can bring energy for helping us to stand up for what we believe is right, but do so in a gentler, softer way instead of anything loud. We may be most energized to focus on issues of the home and family, and can defend those we see as our family.
This new moon occurs at 7 degrees 23 minutes Cancer. The aspects to this new moon are:
Conjunction: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Cancer
Sextile: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Taurus or Virgo
Square: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Aries or Libra
Trine: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Scorpio or Pisces
Opposition: 5 degrees 23 minutes - 9 degrees 23 minutes Capricorn
Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations
One body in astrology that doesn't get as much attention as it should is Ceres. This is probably because it's technically a dwarf planet, and has been classified as an asteroid for a long time in astrology.
But hey, Pluto is a dwarf planet! I know, I know, it wasn't considered an asteroid though, it got downgraded instead of upgraded. But astrology had evolved and adapted over the many centuries to include new bodies. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto weren't considered for a long time, but now are standard. So I propose adding Ceres to the list!
Anywho, we're going to cover progressed Ceres in this article. How does this planet impact us in the progressed chart?
What is the progressed chart?
The progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to create a new chart called the progressed chart. Progressions is a reference to anything in the progressed chart.
The progressed chart reflects how you evolve and mature with age. We all change as we get older, and this can be seen in the progressed chart as the planets, houses, and other bodies change signs and make aspects that aren't present in your natal chart.
The progressed chart can also be used in predictive astrology analysis. When planets, houses, and other bodies change signs, turn retrograde or direct, or aspect each other or your natal chart, this can trigger events and developments in your life. Sometimes big ones!
The progressed chart reflects how you evolve and mature with age. We all change as we get older, and this can be seen in the progressed chart as the planets, houses, and other bodies change signs and make aspects that aren't present in your natal chart.
The progressed chart can also be used in predictive astrology analysis. When planets, houses, and other bodies change signs, turn retrograde or direct, or aspect each other or your natal chart, this can trigger events and developments in your life. Sometimes big ones!
What Ceres represents in astrology
Ceres is the planet of nourishment. It shows what we need for support, how we give encouragement, and if we feel like our needs are being met or if we have a lot of lack. Ceres connects to money and our resources, and is argued to be the ruler of Taurus.
In your progressed chart, when Ceres is changing Zodiac signs, making aspects to the other progressed planets, moving into new natal or progressed houses, or aspecting anything in your natal chart, this can have a direct impact on nourishment in your life. How is money, how are your resources, are you feeling abundant or lacking? This may be found with your Ceres, and progressed Ceres can impact this.
One big event can be when your progressed Ceres turns retrograde or direct (ends its retrograde). This is always big in the progressed chart for any planet, and you may experience major financial developments, the way you may money or having what you need changes, or how you have resources or maintain what's needed changes.
Another big event can be when your progressed Ceres is anaretic, which is 29 degrees of any sign. There are 30 degrees in each Zodiac sign, and 29 degrees is the last degree. If Ceres is moving forward, this means your progressed Ceres is going to enter a new sign soon. You may need to make changes or finish developments quickly while you still have the chance. If Ceres is retrograde, it just entered the new sign, and there can be a big flipping of the switch. This can also be energy that either increases your financial capabilities in a big way, or stresses them.
Either way, progressed Ceres at the anaretic degree can be a time for big money energy - for better or worse!
Some of the biggest times will be when your progressed Ceres changes Zodiac signs. This happens at least once, up to three times in our lives. It's a big deal because it means how we have what we need, what exactly we need, how we use our resources, how we nourish ourselves and others, changes. In a practical, tangible example, it usually impacts us financially and our relationship with money and financial status.
In your progressed chart, when Ceres is changing Zodiac signs, making aspects to the other progressed planets, moving into new natal or progressed houses, or aspecting anything in your natal chart, this can have a direct impact on nourishment in your life. How is money, how are your resources, are you feeling abundant or lacking? This may be found with your Ceres, and progressed Ceres can impact this.
One big event can be when your progressed Ceres turns retrograde or direct (ends its retrograde). This is always big in the progressed chart for any planet, and you may experience major financial developments, the way you may money or having what you need changes, or how you have resources or maintain what's needed changes.
Another big event can be when your progressed Ceres is anaretic, which is 29 degrees of any sign. There are 30 degrees in each Zodiac sign, and 29 degrees is the last degree. If Ceres is moving forward, this means your progressed Ceres is going to enter a new sign soon. You may need to make changes or finish developments quickly while you still have the chance. If Ceres is retrograde, it just entered the new sign, and there can be a big flipping of the switch. This can also be energy that either increases your financial capabilities in a big way, or stresses them.
Either way, progressed Ceres at the anaretic degree can be a time for big money energy - for better or worse!
Some of the biggest times will be when your progressed Ceres changes Zodiac signs. This happens at least once, up to three times in our lives. It's a big deal because it means how we have what we need, what exactly we need, how we use our resources, how we nourish ourselves and others, changes. In a practical, tangible example, it usually impacts us financially and our relationship with money and financial status.
Progressed Ceres changing signs:
From Aries to Taurus, you can take a more practical approach to your needs and resources, less impulsive and more steady; from Taurus to Aries, you can take more initiative with what you need, and take more action to provide for yourself and others.
From Taurus to Gemini, you can make more plans and have more ideas with how to approach your needs and resources, and may want to focus more on nurturing your mind; from Gemini to Taurus, you can be more practical and focused on physical needs and resources, and take a steady approach.
From Gemini to Cancer, you can be more focused on emotional needs, and do a lot to encourage those you love; from Cancer to Gemini, you can focus more on the needs of your mind, and you may need to express yourself more openly and have more ideas for your nourishment.
From Cancer to Leo, you can be more creative with meeting your needs, and you can find being creative or getting attention nourishes you; from Leo to Cancer, you can go from being more focused on your own needs to the needs of others, and being more emotionally nurturing.
From Leo to Virgo, you can be more practical, detailed, and realistic about your needs, and may focus more on the little things that nourish you; from Virgo to Leo, you may be more creative with your needs, and time with others or spend in the limelight can nourish you.
From Virgo to Libra, you can be more focused on nourishing your relationships and connections with others, and balance can be important for your needs; from Libra to Virgo, you can be more focused on nurturing in your daily life and meeting your physical needs.
From Libra to Scorpio, you can become more intensely focused on your needs and resources, and may transform how you get what you need; from Scorpio to Libra, you may take a more balanced approach to meeting your needs, and nourish those in your life.
From Scorpio to Sagittarius, you can be more expansive with how you nurture, and may need more space, adventure, and learning to nourish yourself; from Sagittarius to Scorpio, you can take your needs more seriously, and focus passionately on nourishment of yourself and others.
From Sagittarius to Capricorn, you can take your needs more seriously, and can make long-term plans for nourishment, and can take responsibility for nourishing others; from Capricorn to Sagittarius, you can free yourself from some responsibilities, and nourish yourself with space and adventure.
From Capricorn to Aquarius, you can find new, unusual, unconventional ways to meet your needs, and your needs can change in big ways; from Aquarius to Capricorn, you can be more traditional with your needs, and can take responsibility with nourishment more seriously.
From Aquarius to Pisces, you can focus more on spiritual nourishment, and can do more to help others in whatever ways you can; from Pisces to Aquarius, you can find being independent can help nourish you, and you may want to have a broader impact on nourishment.
From Pisces to Aries, you can take more initiative with your needs, and work on nourishing yourself without sacrificing so much; from Aries to Pisces, you can focus less on yourself and more on helping others, and can work on internal, spiritual needs.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Natal Ceres in the Houses
Natal Ceres Aspects
Transit Ceres in the Houses
Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres
Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres
Transit Ceres Aspects
The Ceres Return in Astrology
Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart
Ceres & Love Astrology
Ceres Retrograde Aspects
Progressed Ceres in the Houses
New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres
From Taurus to Gemini, you can make more plans and have more ideas with how to approach your needs and resources, and may want to focus more on nurturing your mind; from Gemini to Taurus, you can be more practical and focused on physical needs and resources, and take a steady approach.
From Gemini to Cancer, you can be more focused on emotional needs, and do a lot to encourage those you love; from Cancer to Gemini, you can focus more on the needs of your mind, and you may need to express yourself more openly and have more ideas for your nourishment.
From Cancer to Leo, you can be more creative with meeting your needs, and you can find being creative or getting attention nourishes you; from Leo to Cancer, you can go from being more focused on your own needs to the needs of others, and being more emotionally nurturing.
From Leo to Virgo, you can be more practical, detailed, and realistic about your needs, and may focus more on the little things that nourish you; from Virgo to Leo, you may be more creative with your needs, and time with others or spend in the limelight can nourish you.
From Virgo to Libra, you can be more focused on nourishing your relationships and connections with others, and balance can be important for your needs; from Libra to Virgo, you can be more focused on nurturing in your daily life and meeting your physical needs.
From Libra to Scorpio, you can become more intensely focused on your needs and resources, and may transform how you get what you need; from Scorpio to Libra, you may take a more balanced approach to meeting your needs, and nourish those in your life.
From Scorpio to Sagittarius, you can be more expansive with how you nurture, and may need more space, adventure, and learning to nourish yourself; from Sagittarius to Scorpio, you can take your needs more seriously, and focus passionately on nourishment of yourself and others.
From Sagittarius to Capricorn, you can take your needs more seriously, and can make long-term plans for nourishment, and can take responsibility for nourishing others; from Capricorn to Sagittarius, you can free yourself from some responsibilities, and nourish yourself with space and adventure.
From Capricorn to Aquarius, you can find new, unusual, unconventional ways to meet your needs, and your needs can change in big ways; from Aquarius to Capricorn, you can be more traditional with your needs, and can take responsibility with nourishment more seriously.
From Aquarius to Pisces, you can focus more on spiritual nourishment, and can do more to help others in whatever ways you can; from Pisces to Aquarius, you can find being independent can help nourish you, and you may want to have a broader impact on nourishment.
From Pisces to Aries, you can take more initiative with your needs, and work on nourishing yourself without sacrificing so much; from Aries to Pisces, you can focus less on yourself and more on helping others, and can work on internal, spiritual needs.
Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series
Ceres in the Zodiac Signs
Natal Ceres in the Houses
Natal Ceres Aspects
Transit Ceres in the Houses
Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres
Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres
Transit Ceres Aspects
The Ceres Return in Astrology
Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart
Ceres & Love Astrology
Ceres Retrograde Aspects
Progressed Ceres in the Houses
New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres
There are thousands of asteroids in astrology, and one is called Bacchus, after the Roman adaptation of Dionysus, the god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy/madness.
Every asteroid links to something specific. What does Bacchus represent?
If you want to look up Bacchus in your own natal chart, in extended Chart Selection on, you can search for Baccus in the asteroid list, or input the number 2063 in the Manual entry box and generate your chart. You can also create an ephemeris for Bacchus.
What Asteroid Bacchus Rules in Astrology
Bacchus is a party asteroid. It's heavy into frenzy and mayhem. Bacchus is a little mischievous, a little primal, and a little wild. So, it does rule huge parties, orgies, drunken madness - hey, that sounds fun! Ha, j/k ;)
Bacchus doesn't like rules, so it's a little Uranus like that. Bacchus doesn't like boundaries, so it's a little Neptune like that. Bacchus does like indulgence and carnality, so it's a little Venus-Pluto like that. Bacchus is kind of self-centered, so it's a little Sun-Mars like that. Bacchus gets whipped up into a frenzy, so it's a little Moon like that. Bacchus goes to excess, so it's a little Jupiter like that.
Bacchus is a little bit of everything except Saturn! Saturn wouldn't like Bacchus very much. Saturn is responsible and disciplined, and Bacchus is the teenage wild child Saturn secretly wants to murder.
Bacchus doesn't like rules, so it's a little Uranus like that. Bacchus doesn't like boundaries, so it's a little Neptune like that. Bacchus does like indulgence and carnality, so it's a little Venus-Pluto like that. Bacchus is kind of self-centered, so it's a little Sun-Mars like that. Bacchus gets whipped up into a frenzy, so it's a little Moon like that. Bacchus goes to excess, so it's a little Jupiter like that.
Bacchus is a little bit of everything except Saturn! Saturn wouldn't like Bacchus very much. Saturn is responsible and disciplined, and Bacchus is the teenage wild child Saturn secretly wants to murder.
Asteroid Bacchus in the Natal Chart
Your natal asteroid Bacchus can show where and how you let go, get lost, and get in touch with your inner wild woman/man. If you have a strong natal asteroid Bacchus, you may be someone who parties hard, at least in your younger years, and has difficulty stopping once you get going.
A positive manifestation of this is creatively. Many super creatives have a strong natal asteroid Bacchus. They get lost in what they're creating, frenzied and wild. Bacchus tends to be strong for performers who are really good live, as well as painters or other artists like that who get caught up in the creative frenzy.
A negative manifestation of this is substance abuse problems. Bacchus is also usually strong in the charts of people with addiction. How fitting that so many super creatives also suffer from addiction! Bacchus may be partly to blame. Though Bacchus usually on its own won't do it, and you'll usually also see some strong Jupiter/Sagittarius and Neptune/Pisces (Jupiter/Sagittarius gives the feeling of, I'm invincible and nothing bad will happen to me if I go too far; while Neptune/Pisces gives terrible boundaries, and also rules drugs themselves).If you've got that in the natal chart, you may want to abstain.
Not everyone manifests the wild side of Bacchus though. Some people completely hold back their Bacchus (usually with prominent Saturn/Capricorn or Virgo). If there's a fear of letting go, of letting loose, Bacchus is stifled. But if your Bacchus is prominent, this isn't a great thing for you, and you can go through life feeling like you're being held back, and there's a lot more inside of you that you need to let out. You can only cage the wild beast for so long. Work on manifesting your Bacchus in positive ways, and you won't need to be afraid of letting loose.
If you were born with Bacchus retrograde, how you let loose and get wild may be different from most, and you may struggle at times with letting go. You may have some blocks you need to work through in order to learn to let loose.
If your natal Bacchus is anaretic (at 29 degrees), you can play up the frenzied side to Bacchus too much, or reject it completely. The anaretic degree always demands some balance be struck, and if you can harness the energy of your asteroid Bacchus, you can make great use of the energy.
A positive manifestation of this is creatively. Many super creatives have a strong natal asteroid Bacchus. They get lost in what they're creating, frenzied and wild. Bacchus tends to be strong for performers who are really good live, as well as painters or other artists like that who get caught up in the creative frenzy.
A negative manifestation of this is substance abuse problems. Bacchus is also usually strong in the charts of people with addiction. How fitting that so many super creatives also suffer from addiction! Bacchus may be partly to blame. Though Bacchus usually on its own won't do it, and you'll usually also see some strong Jupiter/Sagittarius and Neptune/Pisces (Jupiter/Sagittarius gives the feeling of, I'm invincible and nothing bad will happen to me if I go too far; while Neptune/Pisces gives terrible boundaries, and also rules drugs themselves).If you've got that in the natal chart, you may want to abstain.
Not everyone manifests the wild side of Bacchus though. Some people completely hold back their Bacchus (usually with prominent Saturn/Capricorn or Virgo). If there's a fear of letting go, of letting loose, Bacchus is stifled. But if your Bacchus is prominent, this isn't a great thing for you, and you can go through life feeling like you're being held back, and there's a lot more inside of you that you need to let out. You can only cage the wild beast for so long. Work on manifesting your Bacchus in positive ways, and you won't need to be afraid of letting loose.
If you were born with Bacchus retrograde, how you let loose and get wild may be different from most, and you may struggle at times with letting go. You may have some blocks you need to work through in order to learn to let loose.
If your natal Bacchus is anaretic (at 29 degrees), you can play up the frenzied side to Bacchus too much, or reject it completely. The anaretic degree always demands some balance be struck, and if you can harness the energy of your asteroid Bacchus, you can make great use of the energy.
Asteroid Bacchus in Transit
Transit asteroid Bacchus can bring this wildness out of us in the areas of life ruled by the house it's touring, and with the aspects it makes to our natal charts. Again, the positive would be using this energy creatively, and finding balance under the harder aspects.
Transit aspects to your natal asteroid Bacchus can impact your ability to let go, to be creative, or to get wild. Beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) can help with using the energy easily, while challenging aspects (squares and oppositions) can make it difficult, and conjunctions can make it much stronger.
Suggested Reading: The Asteroid Series:
Asteroid Diary: Achilles
Asteroid Diary: Apollo
Asteroid Diary: Deucalion
Asteroid Diary: Hermes
Asteroid Diary: Desiderata
Asteroid Diary: Your Name
Asteroid Diary: 1992 QB1
Asteroid Veritas in Astrology
Asteroid Diary: Niobe
Asteroid Diary: Santa
Asteroid Juno in the Signs
Asteroid Amor in the Zodiac Signs
Asteroid Cupido in the Zodiac Signs
Asteroid Bacchus in Astrology
Transit aspects to your natal asteroid Bacchus can impact your ability to let go, to be creative, or to get wild. Beneficial aspects (sextiles and trines) can help with using the energy easily, while challenging aspects (squares and oppositions) can make it difficult, and conjunctions can make it much stronger.
Suggested Reading: The Asteroid Series:
Asteroid Diary: Achilles
Asteroid Diary: Apollo
Asteroid Diary: Deucalion
Asteroid Diary: Hermes
Asteroid Diary: Desiderata
Asteroid Diary: Your Name
Asteroid Diary: 1992 QB1
Asteroid Veritas in Astrology
Asteroid Diary: Niobe
Asteroid Diary: Santa
Asteroid Juno in the Signs
Asteroid Amor in the Zodiac Signs
Asteroid Cupido in the Zodiac Signs
Asteroid Bacchus in Astrology
The fourth house in astrology is a house that can seem quiet on the surface, but has a lot of emotional depth. It's the very core of any chart, and shows the foundation, the roots, and the basics.
Fourth House Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Most astrology charts have 12 houses, and each rule different parts of life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and 12 houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at. Your natal houses each rule different parts of your life and personality.
The fourth house is naturally ruled by the Moon, ruler of emotion. The Moon ebbs and flows with emotion, and is a sensitive planet. It craves security and stability in order to flourish.
The fourth house is naturally ruled by the Moon, ruler of emotion. The Moon ebbs and flows with emotion, and is a sensitive planet. It craves security and stability in order to flourish.
At-a-Glance Fourth House Keywords:
- internal foundation
- home and home environment
- family
- roots
- emotion
- early life
- instinct
Fourth House in Astrology: Internal Foundation
The fourth house is the very bottom of any chart, and in your natal chart, represents your internal foundation. This is the foundation for who you are as a person, as well as for your life.
What you need to have a strong foundation, and what can shake your foundation, can be seen via your fourth house.
What you need to have a strong foundation, and what can shake your foundation, can be seen via your fourth house.
Fourth House in Astrology: Home & Home Environment
The fourth house rules your home and home life, and can show what your ideal home and home life looks like, what you need from where you live, and how this environment is. This is the place you come home to in your natal chart.
There is a degree of comfort and familiarity to the fourth house because of this, and a craving for safety and security is strong.
There is a degree of comfort and familiarity to the fourth house because of this, and a craving for safety and security is strong.
Fourth House in Astrology: Family
The fourth house rules your family, both the family you're born into and the family you create, so those you think of as family. This is a part of our support system, and helps to create the safety and security needed.
It's believed that your parents are ruled by the 4th and 10th houses, with one ruling one parent and one ruling the other.
It's believed that your parents are ruled by the 4th and 10th houses, with one ruling one parent and one ruling the other.
Fourth House in Astrology: Roots
Since the fourth house connects to family, the home, and the internal foundation, it also rules our roots. Where or how we put down roots, and what connects us in a grounded way. The fourth house can get us back to our roots, back to basics.
Fourth House in Astrology: Emotion
The fourth house is ruled by the Moon, so this house connects with emotion. It's virtually any and all emotions, and we can feel them intensely, but may keep them to ourselves.
The fourth house can be sad, angry, depressed, but also happy, inspired, and creative. There can be a surprising amount of creativity associated with this house.
The fourth house can be sad, angry, depressed, but also happy, inspired, and creative. There can be a surprising amount of creativity associated with this house.
Fourth House in Astrology: Early Life
With the fourth house connecting to our family, home, foundation, and roots, it's no surprise it also connects to our early life. The experiences of our early life and childhood, and what were the big themes we had to deal with.
This can leave an imprint on us for the rest of our lives, impacting our internal foundation and core selves.
This can leave an imprint on us for the rest of our lives, impacting our internal foundation and core selves.
Fourth House in Astrology: Instinct
There can also be a surprising amount of instinct associated with the fourth house in astrology. This house is so basic, so at our core, and so connected to emotion, that it intensifies intuition.
We may operate in an instinctive manner with the 4th house, and ebb and flow based on what our intuition tells us.
We may operate in an instinctive manner with the 4th house, and ebb and flow based on what our intuition tells us.
Where Your Fourth House Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign your fourth house falls in. The areas of life ruled by that sign are where your foundation is located, emotions and instinct are used, and your home and family lies. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your fourth house (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your fourth house falls in) as this can also connect to the 4th house energy.
If you have any natal planets in your fourth house, this can make the fourth house energy a lot stronger for you. That plane has an extra degree of emotion, intuition, and is a part of your foundation.
Transit (moving) planets touring your fourth house can bring some temporary energy for fourth house matters. It can be especially strong when it's transit Mars (bringing energy and amplifying aggression), transit Saturn (pushing down emotion), transit Uranus (causing unexpected outbursts), transit Pluto (bringing out intensity), or transit Chiron (focusing on healing emotional wounds).
Transit planets aspecting your natal 4th house ruler can stimulate fourth house energy as well, and conjunctions, square, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging and require a lot of focus on your internal self.
If you have any natal planets in your fourth house, this can make the fourth house energy a lot stronger for you. That plane has an extra degree of emotion, intuition, and is a part of your foundation.
Transit (moving) planets touring your fourth house can bring some temporary energy for fourth house matters. It can be especially strong when it's transit Mars (bringing energy and amplifying aggression), transit Saturn (pushing down emotion), transit Uranus (causing unexpected outbursts), transit Pluto (bringing out intensity), or transit Chiron (focusing on healing emotional wounds).
Transit planets aspecting your natal 4th house ruler can stimulate fourth house energy as well, and conjunctions, square, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging and require a lot of focus on your internal self.
A Strong Fourth House in Astrology
Some may have a super strong natal fourth house. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) in the 4th house
- your Sun, Moon, or Chiron in the 4th house
- your North or South Node in your 4th house
- your 1st house ruler in the 4th house
- your 4th house cusp or ruler anaretic (at 29 degrees)
- retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 4th house or ruling the 4th house
When you have a strong 4th house, your foundation may have extra challenges you need to work through, however once you do, you can be so strong internally that no one can take you down. It's getting to that point that's difficult.
Your home and family and early life were likely super important to your development, and you may harbor some old issues related to that. You may need to tackle them at the core to get rid of them.
Your intuition can be very strong, and you can be quite creative. But emotional mood swings may throw you off easily, and you have to get some control over your feelings.
Suggested Reading: The 4th House page for general interpretations; also the Empty 4th House article, as well as the series of articles about the 12 houses:
All About the First House in Astrology
All About the Second House in Astrology
All About the Third House in Astrology
All About the Fourth House in Astrology
All About the Fifth House in Astrology
All About the Sixth House in Astrology
All About the Seventh House in Astrology
All About the Eighth House in Astrology
All About the Ninth House in Astrology
All About the Tenth House in Astrology
All About the Eleventh House in Astrology
All About the Twelfth House in Astrology
- a stellium (3+ planets) in the 4th house
- your Sun, Moon, or Chiron in the 4th house
- your North or South Node in your 4th house
- your 1st house ruler in the 4th house
- your 4th house cusp or ruler anaretic (at 29 degrees)
- retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 4th house or ruling the 4th house
When you have a strong 4th house, your foundation may have extra challenges you need to work through, however once you do, you can be so strong internally that no one can take you down. It's getting to that point that's difficult.
Your home and family and early life were likely super important to your development, and you may harbor some old issues related to that. You may need to tackle them at the core to get rid of them.
Your intuition can be very strong, and you can be quite creative. But emotional mood swings may throw you off easily, and you have to get some control over your feelings.
Suggested Reading: The 4th House page for general interpretations; also the Empty 4th House article, as well as the series of articles about the 12 houses:
All About the First House in Astrology
All About the Second House in Astrology
All About the Third House in Astrology
All About the Fourth House in Astrology
All About the Fifth House in Astrology
All About the Sixth House in Astrology
All About the Seventh House in Astrology
All About the Eighth House in Astrology
All About the Ninth House in Astrology
All About the Tenth House in Astrology
All About the Eleventh House in Astrology
All About the Twelfth House in Astrology