I've been focusing on Ceres in a variety of ways to get you covered, and now we're going to focus on Ceres Returns. How does this impact you? Returns in Astrology
A return occurs when a planet or body returns to the exact location it was at in the Zodiac when you were born. This is often a time of heightened energy and possible major developments for the planet or body.
You can create a return chart, which is a chart for the exact moment of the return, and this can provide extra information about the return. The return chart can be in effect until the next time the planet or body returns. Ceres in Astrology
Ceres is a dwarf planet, like Pluto, and is the planet of nourishment. In your natal chart, Ceres shows how you get and give support, and deal with resources and finances. In transit, Ceres impacts support and nourishment at the moment.
About Ceres Returns:
You experience a Ceres Return when transit (moving) Ceres returns to the exact location it was at when you were born (the location in your natal chart). This can have a direct impact on nourishment and resources in your life.
When you have your Ceres Return, this may bring developments with support, money, or resources. You may need to give support to someone in a big way, or ask for support in a big way. You may have a big opportunity for a new resource, or have to use an existing resource in some way, or lose a resource you have. You may have financial opportunities, make important financial decisions, or experience financial changes. This is often seen through the sign your Ceres is in and the house your natal Ceres resides. This is where you can get the biggest focus. The return chart can show potential developments, if it'll be a beneficial or challenging time, depending on what's happening in the return chart. Your Ceres Return will occur roughly every 4 1/2 years, so the return chart will last that long. Sometimes you may experience 3 returns if transit Ceres retrogrades over your natal Ceres position. The final return is usually the one that sticks, however if you have your natal Ceres retrograde, the one that occurs during the retrograde may feel stronger for you. You'll want to create return charts for all 3 and follow them for a little while to see which rings true for you. Your Ceres Return can trigger energy that is present in your natal chart with your natal Ceres. If your natal Ceres is conjunct natal Pluto, for instance, you may be prompted to make a major transformation of some sort, or have to deal with other people's money (taxes, debts, loans, inheritances, joint finances, etc.). If your natal Ceres is square natal Saturn, you may need to address issues of lack, or some Saturn lessons. If your natal Ceres is anaretic, you may experience massive energy fueling you to take big action with support, resources, or finances. If your natal Ceres is intercepted, this can make the energy stronger for you so you can become more aware consciously of your Ceres (interceptions tend to operate subconsciously and are cut off energy). These are just some examples, but the condition and nature of your natal Ceres can give an idea of what pops up. The best way to use your Ceres Return is to focus on using your Ceres in a positive, healthy, productive way. Look for issues with your natal Ceres, and think about how you can address them. Look for positives with your natal Ceres, and think about how you can make the most of them. Work on being supportive of others in a healthy way, and work on making sure you're getting support too. Look around at areas of your life that need some grounding energy, and work on that. With Ceres connecting to money, it can also be a good idea to make some plans around your Ceres Return to tackle money matters. Get something under control financially, make investments, or gather financial information. Work on financial opportunities, and try to set yourself up well. Right at the return, you might want to plan for a short break to relax, indulge, and maybe binge some chocolate! Suggested Reading: The Ceres Series Ceres in the Zodiac Signs Natal Ceres in the Houses Natal Ceres Aspects Transit Ceres in the Houses Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde to Natal Ceres Transit Ceres Aspects The Ceres Return in Astrology Astrology of Ceres in the Progressed Chart Ceres & Love Astrology Ceres Retrograde Aspects Progressed Ceres in the Houses New & Full Moons & Eclipses to Natal Ceres Comments are closed.