The way we approach anything in life is often shaped by our background, and as an energy healer, it is not surprising that natal astrology has provided not only a tool for understanding myself and how I interact with the world around me, but also a roadmap for self-healing. Studying our natal charts reveals many secrets, one of which brings the realization that: My Shadow Is Someone Else's Light.
We all have feelings, desires, and qualities within ourselves that we hide from others, and often, hide them so deeply that we may not be aware of those qualities within ourselves. Eventually, we meet someone who displays those qualities openly - perhaps ambition or frivolity - and it rubs us the wrong way. What we dislike in others is often a reflection of the qualities within ourselves that we have yet to acknowledge. Along the same lines, what we admire in others can also be an expression of the capabilities that we have yet to develop . . .
In healing circles, this is known as our Shadow, and in astrology, those aspects can be explored, healed and integrated by working with the signs that sit opposite each other on the Zodiac. If we think of the Zodiac as six coins with two faces each, a person born under the sign of Libra will have as his opposite Aries. Within themselves, they have Libra's social skills, diplomacy, and fairness, but also the potential for Aries' confidence and the Ram's desire to be first. How comfortable they are with that Fire influences how they react to those qualities in others. Most of us identify with one side of the coin more than the other - feeling uncomfortable with those aspects when we see them in others, etc. That dislike can send us running for the hills, but ironically, the more time we spend with that energy, the more comfortable we will feel with it. Eventually, we may even embrace it within ourselves, using those characteristics to our advantage. All of the Zodiac signs have strengths and weaknesses and to draw on our Shadow's strengths, we have to become comfortable enough to embrace all of it. In this example, the healing comes about when the Libra person can connect with both sides of the coin, interacting with others in a friendly, cooperative manner, while also displaying the Aries qualities of leadership, action and a healthy level of selfishness – standing their ground when necessary. There are several healing methods that can bring about this appreciation for the Shadow. The signs that sit opposite each other on the Zodiac Wheel are Aries & Libra, Taurus & Scorpio, Gemini & Sagittarius, Cancer & Capricorn, Leo & Aquarius, Virgo & Pisces. The first place to look would be our Sun Sign and its opposite, although the Moon and its Nodes are also essential. How Do We Bring About This Healing???
A simple way for us to access both our Light and Shadow sides – without overloading ourselves – would be to work with crystals and with flower essences. We could begin by choosing the essences that correspond with the Zodiac sign that we want to connect with. So for example, if we feel uncomfortable with the energy of a particular sign, we can add a few drops of that sign’s Bach Flower Essence to our drinking water. The relationship between Bach Flower Essences and Zodiac signs was laid out in Peter Damian’s book, The 12 Healers of the Zodiac. Another option would be to choose crystals whose energy corresponds to the sign in question, and carry it with us for a month so that we begin to assimilate its energy. Soon enough, we begin to feel comfortable with that energy within ourselves, while embracing (or at least accepting) it in others.
Here is a list of crystal correspondences, by no means exhaustive:
• Aries: Bloodstone, Red Jasper.
• Taurus: Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli. • Gemini: Citrine, Agate Moss. • Cancer: Moon Stone, Smoky Quartz • Leo: Tigers Eye, Sunstone, Clear Quartz. • Virgo: Chrysocolla, Fluorite. • Libra: Aventurine, Malachite. • Scorpio: Garnet, Blue Beryl, Labradorite. • Sagittarius: Sodalite, Pietersite, Red Jasper. • Capricorn: Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian. • Aquarius: Aquamarine, Amethyst. • Pisces: Sodalite, Rhodochrosite.
Crystals need to be cleared and charged before we use them to be sure we are not carrying the energy of the previous owner. This can be done by leaving them on a bed of rock salt for 1-2 hours, and then holding them in our dominant hand, stating the intent. Ask that the crystal work for your highest good! Thank the crystal and clear it when you no longer need that energy. If the crystals mentioned above are difficult to acquire, we can also work with clear quartz, programming the crystal when the Moon is in the Sign that we want to connect with (a bit of moon magick!).
By integrating the Shadow we can access talents that were just beyond our reach, before moving onto other aspects of the natal chart that can also be balanced and healed with crystal healing. Suggested Reading: Chakras, Energy Healing and Planetary Magic! About the Guest Writer:
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.
You can also find her on: Amazon - Facebook - Instagram |
General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries June 2017 Monthly Horoscope
On June 6th, Venus enters earth sign Taurus, the sign after yours, and you can enjoy slowing things down and relaxing in the moment. You can be more sensual, indulgent, and grounded. In love, you may focus more on physical connections, and want to splurge on your loved ones, or be splurged on. This can be good for improving your finances, as long as you control spending. Mercury enters air sign Gemini on June 6th as well, and you can come up with new ideas, work on short-term plans, and focus on the ideas that excite you. You can be more engaging, and want to work on projects that challenge you mentally. Your mind can move faster, and you can become interested in a variety of subjects and projects.
Aries June 2017 Monthly Horoscope
On June 6th, Venus enters earth sign Taurus, the sign after yours, and you can enjoy slowing things down and relaxing in the moment. You can be more sensual, indulgent, and grounded. In love, you may focus more on physical connections, and want to splurge on your loved ones, or be splurged on. This can be good for improving your finances, as long as you control spending. Mercury enters air sign Gemini on June 6th as well, and you can come up with new ideas, work on short-term plans, and focus on the ideas that excite you. You can be more engaging, and want to work on projects that challenge you mentally. Your mind can move faster, and you can become interested in a variety of subjects and projects.
Having better timing in life means you’re more likely to be in the right place at the right time, and less likely to get run over by a flying toilet (not sure where that visual came from . . .). Having better timing can help with pretty much everything in your life, and astrology can help you find the better timing you need.
The focus is on predictive astrology, which focuses on the transit (moving) planets and how they impact your natal chart, as well as other charts used in prediction (like progressed charts and return charts).
Using predictive astrology helps you determine when you’ll have good energy for certain things, and when you’ll have challenging energy, so you can plan accordingly, or at least prepare and react better.
Here are 6 predictive astrology focuses that can help you have better timing:
1. Transits
Transits involve the transit planets, and their aspects to your natal (and other) charts, as well as their movement through your natal houses.
There are 12 houses in a chart, each representing different areas of life and parts of your personality, and there are 10 planets, each with their own energy, so as the transit planets move through the houses, they bring their own energy to the parts of life the house rules.
s they make aspects to your chart, they bring their own energy to whatever they aspect, and the aspect itself can determine if it’s beneficial or challenging.
There are 12 houses in a chart, each representing different areas of life and parts of your personality, and there are 10 planets, each with their own energy, so as the transit planets move through the houses, they bring their own energy to the parts of life the house rules.
s they make aspects to your chart, they bring their own energy to whatever they aspect, and the aspect itself can determine if it’s beneficial or challenging.
2. New & Full Moons and Eclipses
New moons occur when the transit Sun and Moon are in the same spot, and full moon occur when they oppose one another. Eclipses occur with new and full moons, and are when they’re within a certain distance of the lunar nodes (the points where the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic).
New moons and solar eclipses are times of new beginnings, while full moons and lunar eclipses are times of endings. By following the new and full moons and eclipses, the signs they occur in, the houses they occur in with your natal chart, and the aspects they’ll make to your natal chart, you can get a better idea of the best times to start and to finish.
New moons and solar eclipses are times of new beginnings, while full moons and lunar eclipses are times of endings. By following the new and full moons and eclipses, the signs they occur in, the houses they occur in with your natal chart, and the aspects they’ll make to your natal chart, you can get a better idea of the best times to start and to finish.
3. Progressions
The progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year you’ve been alive to create a new chart that reflects your maturation and growth with age.
This chart can be used to show changes in your personality and life as you get older when the progressed planets change signs or houses, progressed houses change signs, progressed planets or houses come to critical degrees, and more.
Progressions should be considered with transits when you’re using predictive astrology (at least as you go along, beginners may get confused by progressions initially, but intermediate and advanced students should absolutely use them).
This chart can be used to show changes in your personality and life as you get older when the progressed planets change signs or houses, progressed houses change signs, progressed planets or houses come to critical degrees, and more.
Progressions should be considered with transits when you’re using predictive astrology (at least as you go along, beginners may get confused by progressions initially, but intermediate and advanced students should absolutely use them).
4. Returns
A return occurs when a transit planet returns to the exact location it was at when you were born, and a chart can be created for that moment which shows how the return impacts you. Often, important events can occur around a return related to the return planet since they signal the start of a new return period.
5. Electionals
Electional astrology is a little different than the above because you don’t need to use the natal chart. Instead, you strive to find the most opportune time for an event to occur based on charts created for the moment of the event.
Electional astrology is helpful when you don’t know your time of birth (as many don’t) but still want to be able to use predictive astrology for timing. You can use electional astrology for planning first dates, taking tests, asking for a promotion, applying for a loan, having a wedding, etc.
Electional astrology is helpful when you don’t know your time of birth (as many don’t) but still want to be able to use predictive astrology for timing. You can use electional astrology for planning first dates, taking tests, asking for a promotion, applying for a loan, having a wedding, etc.
6. Mundane
Mundane astrology is also a little different because it focused on the transit planets on their own, without specific impact to your own chart. As the planets move through new signs, make aspects to one another, or impact charts for cities, countries, and organizations, they have a broad impact on all of us.
Mundane astrology requires no personal birth data since you don’t base it on your own chart at all, but by studying the general impact of astrological occurrences, you can improve your own timing.
Suggested Reading: Timing & Astrology
Mundane astrology requires no personal birth data since you don’t base it on your own chart at all, but by studying the general impact of astrological occurrences, you can improve your own timing.
Suggested Reading: Timing & Astrology
The month of June's full moon occurs on the 9th at 9:10AM ET, and this full moon is in Sagittarius. Usually, Sagittarius full moons aren't as serious and emotional as normal full moons. This is because Sagittarius rules optimism, expansion, new experiences, and wants to focus on the good in life, so with a Sagittarius full moon, we're not as down and out emotionally. Now that we're nice and far away from the Venus and Mercury retrograde of March - May, that's probably why! We're all whistling along with a happier tune now, and want to focus on the positives, even in more serious and emotional situations.
This can be a good full moon for finishing a trip, coming home if you're abroad, completing a course of study, or becoming more invested in a subject of interest. We can finalize plans for expansion or exploration, and there can be an undercurrent of positive energy.
Sagittarius does rule our beliefs, so one thing we have to be careful of is being defensive of our beliefs. It can be a good time to become more dedicated to our beliefs or to walk away from beliefs we no longer feel connected to, but we need to avoid getting defensive or preachy. That high horse you're on might just be a pile of *bleep*.
This full moon occurs at 18 degrees 53 minutes Sagittarius. The major aspects for this full moon are:
Conjunction: 16 degrees 53 minutes - 20 degrees 53 minutes Sagittarius
Sextile: 16 degrees 53 minutes - 20 degrees 53 minutes Libra or Aquarius
Square: 16 degrees 53 minutes - 20 degrees 53 minutes Virgo or Pisces
Trine: 16 degrees 53 minutes - 20 degrees 53 minutes Aries or Leo
Opposition: 16 degrees 53 minutes - 20 degrees 53 minutes Gemini
June's new moon occurs on the 23rd at 10:31PM ET in water sign Cancer. Cancer is the sign of home and family, so this is a good new moon for us to come together, to connect as one big family, and to support each other. We can be more nurturing and encouraging, and care about our families, communities, and countries. We can work on strengthening things at home, and having a solid home base.
Cancer rules comfort and familiarity, so we can stick to the things we know best, and take advantage of opportunities to do things we're comfortable with and are familiar to us. This may not be a new moon where we're pushing the envelope too much. The tried-and-true may work better.
This is also the sign of emotion, so we can be more positive with our feelings, continuing the energy from the full moon. We can focus on the positives and want to feel good about life.
This new moon conjuncts (aligns with) transit (moving) Mercury in Cancer, so communication can be strong, we can focus on new ideas and new plans, and we can open up about what we're feeling. The mind and our emotions can work together with this new moon. How will we use that in positive ways?
This new moon occurs at 2 degrees 27 minutes Cancer. The major aspects for this new moon are:
Conjunction: 0 degrees 27 minutes - 4 degrees 27 minutes Cancer
Sextile: 0 degrees 27 minutes - 4 degrees 27 minutes Taurus or Virgo
Square: 0 degrees 27 minutes - 4 degrees 27 minutes Aries or Libra
Trine: 0 degrees 27 minutes - 4 degrees 27 minutes Scorpio or Pisces
Opposition: 0 degrees 27 minutes - 4 degrees 27 minutes Capricorn
Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations