The way we approach anything in life is often shaped by our background, and as an energy healer, it is not surprising that natal astrology has provided not only a tool for understanding myself and how I interact with the world around me, but also a roadmap for self-healing. Studying our natal charts reveals many secrets, one of which brings the realization that: My Shadow Is Someone Else's Light.
We all have feelings, desires, and qualities within ourselves that we hide from others, and often, hide them so deeply that we may not be aware of those qualities within ourselves. Eventually, we meet someone who displays those qualities openly - perhaps ambition or frivolity - and it rubs us the wrong way. What we dislike in others is often a reflection of the qualities within ourselves that we have yet to acknowledge. Along the same lines, what we admire in others can also be an expression of the capabilities that we have yet to develop . . .
In healing circles, this is known as our Shadow, and in astrology, those aspects can be explored, healed and integrated by working with the signs that sit opposite each other on the Zodiac. If we think of the Zodiac as six coins with two faces each, a person born under the sign of Libra will have as his opposite Aries. Within themselves, they have Libra's social skills, diplomacy, and fairness, but also the potential for Aries' confidence and the Ram's desire to be first. How comfortable they are with that Fire influences how they react to those qualities in others. Most of us identify with one side of the coin more than the other - feeling uncomfortable with those aspects when we see them in others, etc. That dislike can send us running for the hills, but ironically, the more time we spend with that energy, the more comfortable we will feel with it. Eventually, we may even embrace it within ourselves, using those characteristics to our advantage. All of the Zodiac signs have strengths and weaknesses and to draw on our Shadow's strengths, we have to become comfortable enough to embrace all of it. In this example, the healing comes about when the Libra person can connect with both sides of the coin, interacting with others in a friendly, cooperative manner, while also displaying the Aries qualities of leadership, action and a healthy level of selfishness – standing their ground when necessary. There are several healing methods that can bring about this appreciation for the Shadow. The signs that sit opposite each other on the Zodiac Wheel are Aries & Libra, Taurus & Scorpio, Gemini & Sagittarius, Cancer & Capricorn, Leo & Aquarius, Virgo & Pisces. The first place to look would be our Sun Sign and its opposite, although the Moon and its Nodes are also essential. How Do We Bring About This Healing???
A simple way for us to access both our Light and Shadow sides – without overloading ourselves – would be to work with crystals and with flower essences. We could begin by choosing the essences that correspond with the Zodiac sign that we want to connect with. So for example, if we feel uncomfortable with the energy of a particular sign, we can add a few drops of that sign’s Bach Flower Essence to our drinking water. The relationship between Bach Flower Essences and Zodiac signs was laid out in Peter Damian’s book, The 12 Healers of the Zodiac. Another option would be to choose crystals whose energy corresponds to the sign in question, and carry it with us for a month so that we begin to assimilate its energy. Soon enough, we begin to feel comfortable with that energy within ourselves, while embracing (or at least accepting) it in others.
Here is a list of crystal correspondences, by no means exhaustive:
• Aries: Bloodstone, Red Jasper.
• Taurus: Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli. • Gemini: Citrine, Agate Moss. • Cancer: Moon Stone, Smoky Quartz • Leo: Tigers Eye, Sunstone, Clear Quartz. • Virgo: Chrysocolla, Fluorite. • Libra: Aventurine, Malachite. • Scorpio: Garnet, Blue Beryl, Labradorite. • Sagittarius: Sodalite, Pietersite, Red Jasper. • Capricorn: Black Tourmaline, Jet, Obsidian. • Aquarius: Aquamarine, Amethyst. • Pisces: Sodalite, Rhodochrosite.
Crystals need to be cleared and charged before we use them to be sure we are not carrying the energy of the previous owner. This can be done by leaving them on a bed of rock salt for 1-2 hours, and then holding them in our dominant hand, stating the intent. Ask that the crystal work for your highest good! Thank the crystal and clear it when you no longer need that energy. If the crystals mentioned above are difficult to acquire, we can also work with clear quartz, programming the crystal when the Moon is in the Sign that we want to connect with (a bit of moon magick!).
By integrating the Shadow we can access talents that were just beyond our reach, before moving onto other aspects of the natal chart that can also be balanced and healed with crystal healing. Suggested Reading: Chakras, Energy Healing and Planetary Magic! About the Guest Writer:
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.
You can also find her on: Amazon - Facebook - Instagram |
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