Cancer is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Cancer Sun is sensitive and supportive in some way. Cancer Astrology & Your Natal ChartWherever Cancer is present in your natal chart, this is an area full of emotion. If you have any natal planets in Cancer, you can feel the Cancer energy strong personally with whatever that planet rules. Cancer is a water sign, along with Scorpio and Pisces, and the water signs are full of emotion. Cancer is also a cardinal sign, along with Aries, Libra, and Capricorn, and the cardinal signs are the ones who take action. Cancer connects with the 4th house of the home and family, and is ruled by the emotional Moon. At-a-Glance Cancer Keywords:
Cancer in Astrology: EmotionCancer is the sign of emotion in astrology. Cancer is a sensitive water sign and ruled by the watery Moon, so Cancer can feel everything. It may not be super open about this sometimes though, and can hide behind its hard shell. When it becomes the crabby Crab, it's probably been holding it in for some time. Cancer in Astrology: Support and NurtureCancer rules support, the support we get and give, and craves a solid support system. Cancer is the nurturer as the sign of the mother, and can be extremely nurturing, supportive, and encouraging of loved ones. Cancer is a great cheerleader. Cancer in Astrology: CreativeCancer can be surprisingly creative, and creativity serves as a great outlet for all of its emotions. Cancer can channel what it feels into a creative project or hobby, and can take charge with creative ventures with zeal. Cancer in Astrology: FluctuatingSince Cancer is ruled by the Moon, Cancer can fluctuate, just like the tides with the lunar phases. Cancer is deeply in tune with the fluctuations all around us, and so it ebbs and flows. This can give Cancer some degree of adaptability, and it can ride with the tides. Cancer in Astrology: Home, Family, RootsCancer rules the home and family in astrology, and is our roots in life. This ties to our early lives, our childhoods, and upbringings. When we want to get back to our roots or back to basics, this is Cancer. Cancer craves a solid home base, and a healthy definition of family. Cancer in Astrology: Comfort and FamiliarityCancer is astrology rules comfort and familiarity. This sign wants to settle down and be in a space that it knows well. Cancer doesn't care for anything too new or too unconventional. It wants to stay within its comfort zone, and can work with that well, but it often needs to learn how to work with change. Cancer in Astrology: Inner FoundationCancer is our inner foundation, as well as the foundation of most things in our lives. Cancer wants a strong core to build from, and without that, can become difficult. Cancer needs that strong internal foundation, and can thrive with it. Cancer in Astrology: SubjectiveCancer is a subjective sign, and this is because it can get really wrapped up in what it's feeling that it kind of forgets everyone else. Cancer has to learn how to be more objective, how to take a step back and perhaps a step outside of itself so it can get a better view of the big picture. Where Your Cancer Energy is FoundIf you have any natal planets in Cancer, the way those planets express themselves is via Cancer, so they are emotional, creative, and supportive. The more Cancer planets you have, the more Cancer-like you can be. Even if you have no natal planets in Cancer, you will have at least one natal house with Cancer. The house that falls in Cancer (has Cancer on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take an emotional approach. If you have no Cancer house cusps, Cancer is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Gemini, and your Cancer energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in CancerWhen the transit (moving) planets are in Cancer, this can give all of us some Cancer energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Cancer roughly every year from mid June to mid July, and this is Cancer Season, which brings greater emotions and support for us all. Transit Mercury in Cancer can merge our hearts and minds; transit Venus in Cancer can make for stronger emotional connections in love; transit Mars in Cancer makes emotions motivate us; transit Ceres in Cancer emphasizes nourishment and support; and transit Jupiter in Cancer makes us extra supportive and brings opportunities for strong foundations to build on. Transit Saturn in Cancer can bring out issues we have with Cancer, so issues around taking care of our emotional needs, feeling emotionally stable and secure, having a solid home life, and having a strong foundation. Anu issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. Saturn won't be in Cancer again until 2032 (and last was 2003-2005). Transit Uranus also moves to Cancer in 2032, and we'll experience a lot of changes with our home and family lives, our foundations, and this can have a strong impact on us emotionally. Transit Neptune won't be in Cancer until 2065, but at that point, we'll have strong emotional connections to our spiritual selves. Transit Chiron moves to Cancer in 2038, and we can tackle emotional healing. Transit Pluto isn't in Cancer until 2157 (hello vampires?), and that can bring major transformations of foundations, homes, and emotions. Strong Cancer Energy in AstrologyWhen multiple planets are in Cancer in your natal chart, this can give you strong Cancer energy in your life and personality. You can be emotional, creative, and nurturing. This can be the case if you have a Cancer stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Cancer.
You can also feel that you have strong Cancer energy if your natal Moon is strong, which is the planet that rules Cancer. This can be the case if your natal Moon is conjunct your natal Sun or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Moon is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Cancer, this gives all of us a strong dose of Cancer energy all at once. We're all emotional and in need of comfort. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Cancer energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Cancer Sun sign page Asteroid Cupido moves from airy Aquarius to watery Pisces on February 26th 2024, and stays until April 17th 2024. What is the impact of this transit on us? What is Cupido in astrology?
Cupido is an asteroid in astrology, and rules crushes and infatuation. The Zodiac sign and house location in your natal chart of your natal Cupido can show how you are when crushing or infatuated, and what you can be infatuated with (not just people!). It's the early part of relationships.
You can find your natal asteroid Cupido location for free using (in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add number '763' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart). In transit, Cupido can show how you're experiencing crushes at the moment, and where you may be infatuated in life. Cupido in Pisces 2024
Cupido in Pisces can be extra romantic when it comes to our crushes. We may daydream and fantasize way more about those we are infatuated with, and we can imagine dreamy scenarios in our minds. We may keep quiet about this though, and won't let on about what we're dreaming about. We can be extra dreamy with our crushes, yet extra quiet about them.
With Pisces ruling imagination and being creative, this can also be a fantastic period for focusing on creative projects and pursuits that we're obsessed with. We can really throw ourselves into them and enjoy it. While in Pisces, asteroid Cupido will conjunct (align with) transit Saturn on March 18th (at 12 degrees) and transit Neptune on April 15th (at 28 degrees). Saturn restricts, so we may fantasize about our crushes much less, and may want to commit to a crush in some way instead. Someone or something we're infatuated with may come crashing back down to earth, and the fantasy is over. The conjunction to Neptune amplifies the Pisces impact since Neptune is the natural ruler of Pisces. This gives a boost just before Cupido exits Pisces. Asteroid Cupido in Pisces for the Zodiac Signs:
Aries: You can keep your crushes to yourself with Cupido in Pisces, and get lost in the daydreams. What you imagine might be better than the reality, so you can be okay with keeping it to yourself for now. You may show passion and creativity behind the scenes, in the background, and when alone.
Taurus: You may become infatuated with someone or something unusual for you with Cupido in Pisces, someone or something that is against the norm for you. You can be more passionate about changes you want to make, about your dreams for the future, or about a cause you're invested in. Gemini: You can feel more ambitious with Cupido in Pisces, and want to put your passionate energy into achieving something. You can be seen as more passionate thanks to the work you're doing, and you can throw yourself into it. You might be more passionate about commitment as well, and can be more traditional in love. Cancer: You may want more space to do your own thing with Cupido in Pisces, and can feel more passionate when on adventures and doing something bold and dating. You can become more passionate about your beliefs, and you can become infatuated with anything you're expanding and exploring. Leo: You can be quite passionate with Cupido in Pisces in every way, and want to channel this productively, otherwise you may become obsessive. You can do good research and get to the heart of matters, and can become passionate about a transformation for the better. This can be a good time for intimacy as well. Virgo: You can be more passionate about commitment with Cupido in Pisces, and want to be there for others. You can invest in compromise, negotiation, and mediation, and can be charming and diplomatic. You may attract passionate people to you, and can feel drawn to their powerful energy. Libra: You can be more passionate with your work with Cupido in Pisces, and want to focus on projects you can throw yourself into. You can be creative with whatever you do, and can tackle the little things. You may pay close attention to anyone you're crushing on, and can express your feelings in small ways. Scorpio: You may be more passionate in love with Cupido in Pisces, and can be extra charming and attractive. You can also be super creative, and can bring creativity to everything you do. Love can be expressed in many ways, and you can be generous with anyone you're crushing on. Sagittarius: You can feel emotionally invested in whatever you're infatuated with thanks to Cupido in Pisces, and extra passionate with your emotions. You may want to throw yourself into projects that you connect with emotionally, and can be more emotionally supportive of anyone you're passionate about. Capricorn: You may be passionate about your ideas with Cupido in Pisces, and can work on taking action with them. You can be extra creative with them, and give them your all. You can also be more expressive with your crushes, and may want to talk things out with someone you're interested in. Aquarius: You can be a slow burn with Cupido in Pisces, and can be extra passionate, but it can take time to build up. Once you're ready, you can be in it for the long haul with whatever you channel your passion into. You can become passionate about being more grounded, and the more grounded you are, the more passionate you can be. Pisces: Cupido moves to your sign and your passionate energy runs high. You can become infatuated with someone or something quite easily, and this can be fun for you. You can be more creative as well. Others can find you more attractive and powerful, and you can become aware of someone who has a crush on you. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Cupido in the Houses & Aspects Asteroid Abundantia, the asteroid of abundance, is quickly moving to earth sign Capricorn, and is in this sign for almost the rest of 2024, spending extra time in Capricorn thanks to a retrograde period. Abundantia can impact abundance. How will Abundantia in Capricorn impact us? Asteroid Abundantia in Capricorn 2024 Dates:
Asteroid Abundantia in Capricorn 2024 General Impact:
Asteroid Abundantia in Capricorn brings greater discipline and focus with abundance, and makes us more disciplined and focused in general. Sagittarius was fun and fancy free, but Capricorn is drilled down to the point, and armed with a plan. Capricorn doesn't want to dawdle, and neither will we as we're focused on what we want to get done.
With Capricorn ruling our goals and ambitions in life, we can give extra attention and push to accomplish our goals while we can. This is super important because Pluto is ending its time in Capricorn, coming back to Capricorn for one last hurrah September 1st to November 19th. So, we're truly going to feel suuuper pushed to accomplish something, and we have a goal and we're sticking to it, seeing it through to the end before moving on to something else. We have the discipline we need to do this, and we can come up with the plans we need to accomplish this, but we may also feel overwhelmed by it sometimes. We might be asking too much from ourselves, and need to pull back a little bit. This can especially be the case while Abundantia is retrograde (appearing to move backward) in Capricorn May 11th to August 16th 2024. If we feel like we're being crushed under the weight of our goals and ambitions, we likely need to re-evaluate. One odd thing is that the retrograde syncs up with Ceres retrograde in Capricorn as well (May 15th to August 26th). Abundantia likely expands on the Ceres retrograde, so we're really focused on our resources, responsibilities, and aspirations and how we may be overdoing it, taking the wrong approach, or need a break. We may take a hard look at what we're doing and why we're trying to get to this specific end. With Capricorn ruling governments and corporations, I anticipate we'll see some major developments with one or more world governments and corporations (downfall?). Abundantia and Ceres won't actually conjunct (align) until December 5th though, so they're not conjunct at any point during their retrogrades, just kind of moving along near each other. They're moving along near each other almost all of 2024, so resources, finances, and support is hugely important this year. Interestingly, when Abundantia and Ceres do conjunct, it'll be at the anaretic degree. There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, and 29 degrees is the very last degree and called the anaretic degree. This is supercharged energy, often crisis energy with the transit bodies. So, we're likely to see something really important occur with resources, finances, or support around that time. Personally, you can crave more support for your goals and ambitions, and can make one last big push for what you want to achieve. This is likely involving the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart 29 degrees Capricorn falls. That impact lasts though since, as mentioned, Pluto comes back to Capricorn one last time September 1st to November 19th, and is at 29 degrees Capricorn the whole time. Abundantia doesn't conjunct Pluto though, yet it can still amplify the energy anyway, and whatever Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn is triggering likely ties into whatever Abundantia conjunct Ceres at 29 degrees Capricorn brings. Venus actually adds in to all of this as Venus, Ceres, and Abundantia all move from Capricorn to Aquarius on December 7th, and are conjunct each other. Venus in the mix means our connection, relationships, alliances, commitments, and partnerships are much more important, elevated in some way, and we have to work together, come together, and be in harmony. Since this is at the anaretic degree, there is urgency to this. It's extremely important that we go about this in the right way and for the right reasons with Capricorn. Out of Abundantia retrograde, we have the chance to get back on track with anything that might've been thrown off, and to make sure we're on the right path, have the right movations, and use the right approach. This is extra important with anaretic Pluto shortly after the retrograde ends, and leads into the Abundantia, Ceres, Venus stellium. Supercharged energy indeed, but there is potential for greatness, and it's possible that whatever passes has a lasting impact and sets us up for the future. Keep that in mind! Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Abundantia Aspects & Transit Asteroid Abundantia in the Natal Houses Here comes March, and we go into March with a Pisces New Moon and our first eclipse for 2024, a Lunar Eclipse in Libra. What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Lunar Eclipse?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy. A Lunar Eclipse occurs when Full Moons are within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points where the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic).
New Moon in Pisces: March 10th 2024 (5AM ET/2AM PT)
The Pisces New Moon can be a great time for creativity since Pisces rules imagination and fantasy, and we can get lost in daydreams. This can be channeled into creative projects and ventures, and we can get inspired more easily.
Pisces is a compassionate sign, so empathy and understanding can also be strong with the New Moon. We may want to be of help in new ways, and focus on trying to help those who can't help themselves. Pisces is the sign of spirituality, so this can be a time to start new spiritual ventures. We can make more time to connect with our intuition and subconscious mind, and we can feel more in tune with the subtle energies all around us. Pisces rules what's hidden, so we may become aware of something that has been hidden, some sort of secret, and can work well alone. While we may want to be of help, we can also find we do our best on our own, in the background, and behind the scenes. Pisces is the last Zodiac sign, so we may also take some time to clear things out and make room for anything new to come. We can also reflect more on the past, but in a less emotional way, and get more understanding. The New Moon is sextile (beneficial aspect, two signs away) transit (moving) Uranus in Taurus, and this helps us with making changes, and we can take a different approach than usual. We can embrace the unconventional, be inventive, and can be true to our unique selves. We can be independent and open. The new moon occurs at 20 degrees 17 minutes Pisces. The aspects to the new moon are: Conjunction: 18 degrees 17 minutes - 22 degrees 17 minutes Pisces Sextile: 18 degrees 17 minutes - 22 degrees 17 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Square: 18 degrees 17 minutes - 22 degrees 17 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 18 degrees 17 minutes - 22 degrees 17 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Opposition: 18 degrees 17 minutes - 22 degrees 17 minutes Virgo Lunar Eclipse in Libra: March 25th 2024 (3:01AM ET/12:01AM PT)
Our first eclipse for 2024 comes in March, and it's a Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Libra is the sign of relationships, so the Libra Lunar Eclipse puts our connections under the microscope. We can focus on figuring out which relationships are going well, and which aren't.
The ones that are going well, we can become more committed to. We can enjoy getting more time with these people, and want to feel even closer. That can mean that some take the next step in the relationship or partnership, whatever that may be. The ones that aren't going well, we have to decide if we can salvage this or not. If we can, we can put in the work and focus on trying to be more understanding. We can see both sides more clearly, and that helps. If we can't salvage it, we may walk away, or try to get more distance so it's not weighing on us so much anymore. We can be much more compromising in an attempt to keep the peace since chaos and fighting can throw us off in a big way with this eclipse. We much prefer keeping everything calm, serene, and harmonious. We can be diplomatic and tactful as a result. The Lunar Eclipse is trine (beneficial aspect, four signs away) transit Pluto in Aquarius, and this helps with passion and intensity in our dealings with others. We can feel much more connected, and strengthen emotional bonds as we're more comfortable with intimacy. We can also transform our relationships, or transform ourselves via our connections. One little note: This is the only Lunar Eclipse in Libra for this Aries-Libra eclipse set, so the impact might be strong right around when this eclipse occurs, and whatever passes may go through quickly instead of lingering for months/years. The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 5 degrees 7 minutes Libra. Aspects to the Lunar Eclipse are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 7 minutes - 10 degrees 7 minutes Libra Semisextile: 3 degrees 7 minutes - 7 degrees 7 minutes Virgo or Scorpio Sextile: 0 degrees 7 minutes - 10 degrees 7 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Square: 0 degrees 7 minutes - 10 degrees 7 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 0 degrees 7 minutes - 10 degrees 7 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Quincunx: 3 degrees 7 minutes - 7 degrees 7 minutes Taurus or Pisces Opposition: 3 degrees 7 minutes - 10 degrees 7 minutes Aries Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect Gemini is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the third sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Gemini Sun is expressive and engaging in some way. Gemini Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Gemini is present in your natal chart, this is an area full of mental energy, expression, and engagement. If you have any natal planets in Gemini, you can feel the Gemini energy strong personally with whatever that planet rules.
Gemini is an air sign, along with Libra and Aquarius, and the air signs are the signs of the mind and social engagement. Gemini is also a mutable sign, along with Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, and the mutable signs are highly flexible and adaptable to change. Gemini connects with the 3rd house of the mind, and is ruled by engaging Mercury. At-a-Glance Gemini Keywords:
Gemini in Astrology: The Mind
Gemini is the sign of the mind, and is highly curious, asks questions, and is the little kid who always asks, "Why?" This tends to make Gemini seem quite intellectual, even if it really isn't. Gemini utilizes mental energy, otherwise it gets bored quickly. Gemini can move from this to that and abandon anything it already started in favor of something more intellectually stimulating.
Gemini in Astrology: Expression
Gemini is astrology governs expression. Gemini has a lot on its mind and doesn't want to shut up about it. Gemini wants to express itself openly and clearly. Gemini can feel out of sorts when it's not able to express itself.
Gemini in Astrology: Engagement
With all of the mental energy and expression, it's no surprise Gemini is highly engaging. This provides mental stimulation and allows Gemini to express itself. Gemini is engaging in a more personal way, wanting to connect with its immediate environment.
Gemini in Astrology: Flexible
Being a mutable air sign, Gemini is highly flexible and can adapt to almost any person or situation. Gemini is willing to get moving, to budge, something it has learned from previous sign Taurus, who doesn't move an inch. Gemini understands that being flexible opens up more opportunities, and it can be quick on its feet.
Gemini in Astrology: Little Picture
Gemini rules the little picture, the smaller stuff. Gemini has a good connection to the little picture, what comes next, and what's around it. Its ideas tend to be the kind that can be taken initiative with quickly and finished fast.
Gemini in Astrology: Dual
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who is dual in nature, and is symbolized by the Twins, so Gemini often connects with two in some way. Gemini is a dual sign, and can be of two minds about everything, and constantly have two (or more sometimes) projects, ideas, and plans to work on. This might overwhelm some signs, but Gemini can thrive with it.
Gemini in Astrology: Busy
Gemini doesn't do well not having enough to do, so this sign prefers to fill up the schedule and have plenty of projects, social engagements, and goals to work on. This helps Gemini use up the extra mental energy it has, and it can be a great multitasker.
Gemini in Astrology: Scattered
With Gemini being the sign of the mind and being so quick to get bored, it can get scattered easily as it moves from one thing to the next at lightning speed. This can make it difficult to get a real handle on things, and can cause a scattered mind. There can be too much information to process, which makes Gemini more anxious. Getting control over this is a lesson Gemini must learn.
Where Your Gemini Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Gemini, the way those planets express themselves is via Gemini, so they are flexible, expressive, and engaging. The more Gemini planets you have, the more Gemini-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Gemini, you will have at least one natal house with Gemini. The house that falls in Gemini (has Gemini on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take an intellectual approach. If you have no Gemini house cusps, Gemini is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Taurus, and your Gemini energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Gemini
When the transit (moving) planets are in Gemini, this can give all of us some Gemini energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Gemini roughly every year from mid May to mid June, and this is Gemini Season, which brings greater mental energy for us all.
Transit Mercury in Gemini puts Mercury in one of the sign it rules, which amplifies the energy of Gemini and makes us more intellectual and expressive; transit Venus in Gemini makes us more engaging in love; transit Mars in Gemini stimulates the mind and urges us to take action with ideas; transit Ceres in Gemini helps us come up with plans for resources and utilize mental abilities; and transit Jupiter in Gemini makes us extra curious and brings opportunities for using our ideas. Transit Saturn in Gemini can bring out issues we have with Gemini, so issues around being curious, expressive, and engaging. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. Saturn will come to Gemini in 2030, and was last in Gemini 2000 to 2003. Transit Uranus is moving to Gemini next (starting 2025; was last in Gemini in the 1940's), and this will open up our minds to new, unconventional ideas and bring brilliance to light. Be ready for major breakthroughs! Transit Neptune won't enter Gemini until 2052, but will help merge our spirits with our minds. Transit Chiron moves to Gemini in 2033, and helps us heal our minds. Transit Pluto won't be in Gemini until 2127, so likely not in any of our lifetimes (unless one of those breakthroughs is helping us live a few hundred years!), but at that point, people should be more empowered by their ideas and take charge in communication. Strong Gemini Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Gemini in your natal chart, this can give you strong Gemini energy in your life and personality. You can be curious, expressive, and engaging. This can be the case if you have a Gemini stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Gemini.
You can also feel that you have strong Gemini energy if your natal Mercury is strong (especially in an air sign), which is the planet that rules Gemini. This can be the case if your natal Mercury is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Mercury is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Gemini, this gives all of us a strong dose of Gemini energy all at once. We're all curious and engaging. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Gemini energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Gemini Sun sign page Taurus is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the second sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Taurus Sun is practical and sensual in some way. Taurus Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Taurus is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're practical, sensual, and loyal. If you have any natal planets in Taurus, you can feel the Taurus energy strong personally with whatever that planet rules.
Taurus is an earth sign, along with Virgo and Capricorn, and the earth signs are super practical and focused. Taurus is also a fixed sign, along with Leo, Scorpio, and Aqarius, and the fixed signs take more time to get moving, but stay with it. Taurus connects with the 2nd house of money, and is ruled by sensual Venus. Ceres, planet of nourishment and support, is also argued to be the ruler of Taurus. At-a-Glance Taurus Keywords:
Taurus in Astrology: Grounded
Taurus is the most grounded sign in astrology thanks to being both an earth sign and a fixed sign. Taurus is at its best when it's fully grounded, and this allows the Taurus energy to manifest in the most beneficial ways.
Taurus in Astrology: Practical
Taurus is a practical sign in astrology, mostly thanks to being an earth sign. The earth signs are the practical ones in the bunch, and Taurus tries to be practical with most things. This helps Taurus be more realistic.
Taurus in Astrology: Sensual
With Taurus being ruled by Venus, Taurus has strong sensuality. Being an earth sign connects Taurus to the physical world and our bodies, so it governs our senses. Taurus is present in the here and now, and connected to everything it can touch.
Taurus in Astrology: Indulgent
Taurus is the most indulgent of the signs, and moderation is often something Taurus needs to learn. Being so connected to the physical world and body, Taurus can overdo it with food, drink, and sex, so learning moderation is important.
Taurus in Astrology: Stability and Security
Taurus is the second sign coming after energetic Aries, so this is where things slow down and focus is given toward improved stability and security. Taurus doesn't like things being wild and crazy, unpredictable and unreliable. Taurus wants things to be steady, and when it is, this increases Taurus confidence.
Taurus in Astrology: Resourceful
Taurus connects to the physical world, which means Taurus is also the ruler of resources (partly why Ceres connects to Taurus as Ceres rules resources). This is material possessions, physical objects, as well as money and intangible resources. Taurus can be resourceful with whatever it has.
Taurus in Astrology: Dedicated
Taurus is one of the most dedicated signs in astrology. Being a fixed sign plus earth sign, Taurus is loyal to people and relationships, jobs and employers, projects and hobbies. It takes a long time for Taurus to move on, so it's reliable, but it can also get stuck.
Taurus in Astrology: Stubborn
Taurus wants to take its time for everything, and that can sometimes mean Taurus is super stubborn. Taurus doesn't want to budge, Taurus doesn't want to change its mind, Taurus doesn't want to move on to something else.Taurus believes that it's right, and it can be difficult trying to get through when its mind is set.
Where Your Taurus Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Taurus, the way those planets express themselves is via Taurus, so they are practical, grounded, and sensual. The more Taurus planets you have, the more Taurus-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Taurus, you will have at least one natal house with Taurus. The house that falls in Taurus (has Taurus on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take a practical, stable approach. If you have no Taurus house cusps, Taurus is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Aries, and your Taurus energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Taurus
When the transit (moving) planets are in Taurus, this can give all of us some Taurus energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Taurus roughly every year from mid April to mid May, and this is Taurus Season, which makes us more practical, sensual, and we can take things slow.
Transit Mercury in Taurus can make us take time to make decisions, but we stick with them once we do; transit Venus in Taurus is one of the rulers of Taurus, and this amplifies the sensual energy of Taurus in our connections; transit Mars in Taurus slows us down so we can be confident in our choices first, but keeps us going once we get started; transit Ceres in Taurus puts one of the other rulers of Taurus at home, and amplifies the practical and resourceful side of Taurus; and transit Jupiter in Taurus makes us more grounded and practical and brings opportunities for resources and stability. Transit Saturn in Taurus can bring out issues we have with Taurus, so issues around being practical, sensual, resourceful, and confidence. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. It'll be a little while before Saturn comes back to Taurus (2028-2030). Transit Uranus is currently in Taurus, and it's forcing us to make changes that impact our stability, security, and resources. We may fight this at times and feel insecure, but it ultimately leads us to great security. It'll be a while before transit Neptune moves to Taurus (2038), but when it does, we'll take a more practical, grounded approach to spirituality. Transit Chiron moves to Taurus starting in 2026, and grounds our healing energy as we deal with wounds impacting stability, confidence, and resources. Transit Pluto won't be in Taurus for a very long time (the end of the century!), but once it is, we'll transform stability/security and use grounding to empower ourselves. Strong Taurus Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Taurus in your natal chart, this can give you strong Taurus energy in your life and personality. You can be sensual, grounded, and practical. This can be the case if you have a Taurus stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Taurus.
You can also feel that you have strong Taurus energy if your natal Ceres is strong, or your natal Venus (particularly if in an earth sign) since these are the planetary rulers for Taurus. This can be the case if your natal Ceres or Venus is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Venus is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Taurus, this gives all of us a strong dose of Taurus energy all at once. We're all taking things slowly and being practical. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Taurus energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Taurus Sun sign page |