In astrology, asteroid Talent is literally the asteroid of talent. There are tens of thousands of asteroids out there, and this is a positive one. In your natal chart, asteroid Talent can show your literal talents in life; in transit, asteroid Talent can spotlight certain talents and abilities, and impact how we use them. You can find the location of your natal asteroid Talent for free using; in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add the number '33154' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart. For now, asteroid Talent is moving to Sagittarius, where it'll be for a good chunk of 2024 thanks to a retrograde period. What does this do for us? Asteroid Talent in Sagittarius 2024 Dates:
Asteroid Talent in Sagittarius 2024 General Impact:
Asteroid Talent in Sagittarius puts Talent in the sign ruling expansion and beliefs. Talents that are for things like exploring and travel, teaching and writing, learning and mentoring can be in the spotlight, and we can give more attention to higher education and travel.
Those who are talented when it comes to showcasing their beliefs can also get a boost with asteroid Talent in Sagittarius, and this can also be a good period for those who are talented marketers and promoters. Sagittarius rules adventure, so talented adventurers also get more attention, and there can be helpful energy for exploration and being bold. When Talent is retrograde, this means it appears to move backward, and it can get thrown off. Talent retrograde in Sagittarius can mean the downfall of some of those marketers, promoters, and those pushing their beliefs, and there can be issues with travel and learning. A teacher or learning stitution, writer or publisher, publicist or adventurer could be under fire. When Talent comes back to Sagittarius, we can work on resolving anything that came to pass and try to make the most of the talents we have. We can be more light-hearted with them, and don't want to be too serious about any of our talents. Though we may be quite boastful about them! Asteroid Talent in Sagittarius 2024 Important Aspects:
The start of Talent retrograde in April is square (challenging aspect) both Mars in Pisces (exact April 8th, just a few days later) and Saturn in Pisces. I'm a little concerned about travel at the start of this retrograde, someone making an error that is costly. Sagittarius rules flight specifically, so maybe avoid planes at the start of April (Plus Mercury retrograde starts April 1st in fellow fire sign Aries, ruler of accidents, soooo yeah). Outside of that, this is very aggressive energy and we need to make sure we're not lashing out irrationally. We should try to channel energy productively, and make sure we're going things the right way and for the right reasons.
After the retrograde is over and Talent is back in Sagittarius, it'll square Saturn in Pisces exactly on October 4th (at 14 degrees), and this can make us feel more restricted with our talents. We may not be able to use them how we want to, and need to be smart and patient. Talent will oppose Jupiter in Gemini on October 24th (at 21 degrees), and this can expand on any issues that we're having, but can make it easier for us to try to get back on track. Talent also squares Neptune in Pisces on November 9th (at 27 degrees), and we may struggle with having clear focus with how to utilize our talents or what they are, and may need to get some space from them. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Abundantia Aspects Comments are closed.