In astrology, there are 10 planets and 12 houses in a natal chart. Since there are 10 planets and 12 houses, this means every person has at least two houses with no planets in them. These are called empty houses. Houses can be grouped together based on what they rule, and the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses are the career or professional houses. So what does it mean when all 3 of these houses are empty? What is an empty house?
A natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of various planets, houses, and bodies in the Zodiac at the moment you were born from the location you were born at. Any house without one of the natal planets in it is considered an empty house.
The 2nd, 6th, and 10th Houses - Your Career
The 2nd house is the house of money. It shows your approach toward dealing with money, and how you best make money.
The 6th house is the house of work. It shows the kind of jobs you may have, the work environment you thrive in, and your approach to work. The 10th house is the house of career and goals. It shows your ambitions, what you strive to achieve, and your approach to your profession. Your career is often directly tied to your 10th house, and the perfect profession for you blends all 3 houses. Empty 2nd, 6th, and 10th Houses
So, what if all 3 of these houses for you are empty houses? A lot of people freak out when they first see they have an empty house, and assume that it means they won't have whatever that house rules (so an empty 2nd house would be no money, an empty 6th house would be no job, and an empty 10th house would be no career).
But this isn't actually how empty houses work. Instead, astrology views an empty house as an area where you don't need to give as much attention because you've already learned it (this may be innately, in your early life, or in your past lives). Houses with planets in them are areas we need to give more attention because we still have more to learn. If your 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses are all empty houses, this means that your professional life and ventures aren't as challenging as for the rest of us. You're free to find the work you love and turn into a profitable career without having as many hoops to jump through. In your case, you'll focus more on the sign on the house cusp (the very beginning of the house). This sign is the dominant energy for how you make money (2nd), the jobs you have (6th), and the career you want (10th). You can also look at the ruler of that house (the natural planet ruler for the sign on the cusp). The sign and house location and aspects of the house ruler can also be more important. When it might be a challenge:
The Lunar Nodes (points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic; are spiritual/karmic in nature) or Chiron (ruler of wounds and healing) in any of these houses may complicate things and make it so it's not as easy as if they're truly empty. The Lunar Nodes and Chiron aren't considered planets, so they're not factored in for the "empty house" designation (there are tens of thousands of asteroids, so technically speaking, no one has a truly empty house, but these bodies aren't factored in).
One of the Lunar Nodes in one of these houses may cause some karmic issues or baggage that needs to be dealt with and uncertainty with your direction, and Chiron in one of these houses may cause some wounding. But, they can also potential opportunities for where you may focus professionally (often in roles where you're helping others, especially with Chiron; and if you have any asteroids in these houses, those can also play into showing what you opt for professionally). If the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house cusps are anaretic (at 29 degrees), this may show challenges as well (the anaretic degree supercharges energy or depletes it, so you may focus too much or not enough and need some balance). There may also be challenges if the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house ruler is anaretic, intercepted (contained in another house), a singleton (only planet in an element, quality, or house type), conjunct Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto (if not any of them), or part of a challenging aspect configuration (like the apex planet of a t-square). So, these can show that this trio of empty houses may not be free of challenges, but they might still be a little easier. Suggested Reading: The Empty Social Houses: Empty 5th, 7th, and 11th Houses in Astrology Today's article comes from intuitive empath Jocelyn Joy Thomas! Some of you may remember her from the newsletter a few years ago. She's giving us now a very helpful article for cutting energetic cords (something many of us may need now!). If you want more with Jocelyn, go sign up for her Patreon :)
We are made of energy, when we interact, we connect with each other’s energy, we cord to them. Most of the time this is a natural connection, and it is healthy.
An energy cord connection is not something that we are aware of consciously, it is something felt within the subconscious and unconscious mind, yet these cords affect a great deal of our everyday life. While many of these connections are healthy, others can be problematic; if a connection is draining, it may be time to release the energy cord. What are energy cords?
Thoughts, feelings, and interactions with others create energy cords that bond us. We have cords with family, friends, neighbors, romantic partners, co-workers, and pets, sometimes even with people, we don’t know very well. Some cords are thin and small, while others are strong and substantial.
No matter what the size, energy cords usually represent a healthy connection with someone. We may have a stronger, thicker cord with someone that we are very close to. The cord will have a bright, healthy quality to it if it is beneficial. However, some energy cords can be so heavy they appear as if they are rooted. This can happen due to an unhealthy dynamic such as control and manipulation, one person relying heavily on another, or sometimes due to a very long history, going back into past lifetimes. Ideally, an energy cord can be thick, but it has a light quality to it, never a heavy one. It’s when a cord, or a connection with someone, starts to feel heavy that we often know something isn’t right. Can we still have an energy cord attached to someone we are no longer around?
Yes, even though they may no longer be in our lives if we still think about them and/or they still think about us it can keep the cord strong. One of the reasons we can have such a hard time getting someone out of our head is because of our energy cord with them. If we were once very close to a person, for example in a romantic relationship, it can be very difficult to move on without releasing the energy cord.
It may seem strange to think that even with the person no longer physically around that there is still a connection, but remember we are energetic beings, and what we think and others think about us, gets exchanged energetically. When to Release Energy Cords
An energy cord allows people to share energy with one another. In a positive connection, that energy moves freely between the two people in a give and take exchange. Kind of like having a nice, flowing conversation with someone.
When energy cords become problematic what is happening is one person is doing most, if not all, of the taking. This isn’t necessarily a conscious choice by the person, they likely have deeply embedded issues that cause them to behave in this manner. If you are wondering if you should release an energy cord with someone, ask yourself the following questions:
A yes answer to any of these questions means you should seriously consider releasing the energy cord with this person.
When you feel drained, tense, or avoid seeing someone your inner guidance is trying to send a message to you. There is an imbalance energetically between you and this person. They may be someone that you need to let go of; you have outgrown or feel a sense of having run your course with. Or they could be a person that is unable to receive their own energy from source and has to connect to others to get it. How to Release Energy Cords:
Step 1. Visualize the person, see the energy cord, it can look thin, thick, dark, or light, it can be attached to your stomach, throat, heart, it will usually be attached to one of your chakra energy centers.
Step 2. Visualize, unplugging the energy cord, just like you would an electrical cord, it will dissolve rapidly as soon as you do so. For more substantial cords, visualize flushing the cord first, which can shrink it and get it moving, and then unplugging it. The cord falls and dissolves. Step 3. Set an intention by stating, “Thank you for the lessons learned, we are now at peace, we are released and free from one another.” Step 4. The next step is very important: Replace the energy with something else. You have created space that wasn’t there before by dissolving this energy cord. Fill this space with golden energy, to heal it. Think of it like the sun rising and clearing the new space. Reclaim this space, you are whole, you are clear, and this space is now ready for something positive and inspirational to come in! Suggested Reading: Divine Timing: The Art of Letting Go About the Guest Author:
Full moons occur roughly once every month (sometimes twice - blue moons; and occasionally not at all in February, the short month). Full moons go back and forth with new moons, and every two weeks or so, we have one of them (so we have a new moon, then about two weeks later, we have a full moon, and then two weeks later, a new moon, and then two weeks later, a full moon, and on and on). Full moons occur when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in exact opposite positions in the Zodiac. The sign the full moon occurs in is the sign the Moon is in. Full moons are times of endings, culminations, and highly emotional energy. This can make full moons a challenge! They kick up our emotions, we can be overly subjective, and things can come to an end we don't want to or don't feel ready for. So, the important thing is to get ready for them! The easiest way to use a full moon properly is to focus on the house in your natal chart the full moon occurs in. The areas of life ruled by that house get amplified, and you can focus on trying to make this positive. Surviving Full Moons in the HousesFull Moon in the 1st House
The 1st house is the house of the self, so a full moon in your 1st house greatly amplifies your emotions, and you can be more outward with them. You may have a harder time than usual with logic and reason, and see everything through an emotional lens. You can be extra sensitive, and you may see results of something you don't like.
How to survive: First, you'll need an outlet for your emotions that is healthy and positive so you don't blow up on anyone, and aren't as sensitive. Then be more flexible with developments and less rigid. Be open to other avenues for results that you hadn't thought of, and try to see anything unexpected as an opportunity. And focus on what you can take control of finishing or letting go of in a productive way. Full Moon in the 2nd House
The 2nd house is the house of values and self-esteem, so a full moon in your 2nd house can make you feel more insecure. Your confidence can be easily swayed by what other people think and feel. You may connect more strongly to your values, but need to make sure you're not stubborn about it. There can also be financial developments, and you may be more indulgent than usual.
How to survive: Work on getting grounded. As you feel more grounded, this can help protect you from feeling so insecure and not care as much what other people think of you. You may also want to slow things down and give yourself permission to take your time. This likely isn't a time for you to pushy and make things go faster. Try to reconnect with the present moment and be still. As for your finances, try to be as smart as you can with decisions so you can make them logically instead of emotionally. Full Moon in the 3rd House
The 3rd house rules communication, so a full moon in your 3rd house can make you more expressive with what you feel. You may connect deeply with your ideas and plans, and may lack objectivity at times. You may struggle to feel understood, and can be more defensive with your words. You may read into what other people say a little too much, and can be easily wounded by words.
How to survive: Your head and your heart are likely connected, so try to use that to your advantage. Figure out how you really feel about certain relationships, projects, and situations, and find ways of opening up communication in a healthy way. Your mind may need you to keep busy to use up your mental energy, but your emotions also need a healthy outlet. Try to use more of your logical mind. Full Moon in the 4th House
The 4th house rules your emotions, home, and family, so a full moon in your 4th house can make you much more emotional. Everything you feel can be stronger than usual, and it can be difficult to separate yourself from such strong feelings. You can experience developments at home, with family, or that impact you at your core and make you feel more shaky internally.
How to survive: A healthy, positive outlet for your emotions is very important, and this can help you express what you feel. The most important thing though is to have a solid support system already in place. If you feel supported emotionally, you can feel even and calm. If you don't, then you can be extra sensitive and emotional. Issues in your support system may become more obvious so you can deal with them. Work on strengthening yourself internally, your internal foundation, so you're in a better position. Full Moon in the 5th House
The 5th House rules love, so a full moon in your 5th house can bring some issues in your love relationships. You may want more attention from others and not get it, or may deal with someone clingy and emotional. You may struggle with getting work done, and only want time to play.
How to survive: Make time to play as much as you can without sacrificing the things you have to get done. Prioritize what's most important so you know exactly what you need to work on. If issues pop up in relationships, this may be exposing already existing issues that need to be addressed. If you're in need of attention, try to get it from yourself, and if you're dealing with anyone clingy, ask yourself why you're putting up with it and what it is they really need. Full Moon in the 6th House
The 6th house rules work and daily life, so a full moon in your 6th house can bring challenges with your work or at work. How you really feel about the work you do can be more obvious to you, and if you hate it, those emotions can intensify. You may be more emotional in your daily life, and may take on too much that causes overwhelm. There can be extra stress that leads to feeling rundown physically.
How to survive: Try to put together a schedule and get organized so you can maximize your time, but include in that schedule blocks for time off. Don't push yourself so much you break down. If you're stressed, that's probably a clue you're pushing too hard. If you hate your work, try to either find new work you do love, or make more time in your daily life for what you do love so you can better tolerate what you don't. Full Moon in the 7th House
The 7th house rules your relationships, so a full moon in your 7th house can bring out issues in your relationships. You may be more impatient with others, and can be more emotional. But you may have to focus on others instead of yourself, and give way more than you get, which can make you feel out of balance. Chaos can cause indecisiveness and insecurity.
How to survive: Issues that come up in relationships are likely ones that have been there for a while and want to be addressed now. You can become more aware of who you really care about and who you really don't, and this can help you prioritize who you give your attention to. If you feel out of sorts and unbalanced, focus on the cause. Are you giving too much? Is there a drama person you need to avoid? Is there chaos that can be resolved with compromise, or do you need to walk away from the situation? Full Moon in the 8th House
The 8th house is a dark house showing what we hold deep within, so a full moon in your 8th house can dig up all sorts of deep emotions that you've been avoiding. Inner demons may be a little louder, and the serious stuff that you haven't worked on can make demands of you now. You can feel uncomfortable emotionally, sway between emotional extremes, and struggle with emotional control.
How to survive: This is usually your hardest full moon of the year, and it's one that usually requires you to transform in some way. The 8th house is ruled by Pluto, planet of transformation, so this is how to use the energy. It needs to be something that will last and that is done starting from the core. This may involve facing something you haven't wanted to face that seems loud now. That can be emotional, but eventually liberating. If you're swaying between extremes, it's likely you're avoiding, so stop doing that and deal with what needs to be dealt with. Full Moon in the 9th House
The 9th house rules your beliefs, so a full moon in your 9th house can make you more focused on your beliefs. You may commit to them fully, but can be preachy and condescending in that way. Or you may feel no connection to them anymore, and ditch them. You can crave much more space and freedom from others, wanting to run.
How to survive: When it comes to your beliefs, focus on the ones that jive with who you are now, and don't stress too much if that means changing them. At the same time, remain open to other people having different beliefs from you, and try not to box anyone else in. If you feel the inclination to do that, it may actually be your own insecurity and needing to convince someone else in order to subconsciously convince yourself. If you want space, try to find some within the limitations you have. Just a little bit of breathing room can help. Full Moon in the 10th House
The 10th house rules your goals, ambitions, and direction, so a full moon in your 10th house can bring developments with what you're striving for. If you haven't done things right, you can experience setbacks, delays, and failure, and this can be deeply emotional. Even if you don't, you may still be more sensitive to success and perceived failure, and hard on yourself for not yet being where you want to be.
How to survive: You need to be more patient with yourself if you're not at the destination yet. It's okay to still be on the journey, and celebrate your small wins. Recognize all you've already done to this point. If you're uncertain and emotional, you may need to change what you're working toward. If you experience setbacks, delays, and failure, this may mean you need a whole new direction or approach, or that your heart just isn't in it. If you do it right, this can be a time of progress. Full Moon in the 11th House
The 11th house rules your friends and dreams, so a full moon in the 11th house may show you worrying about your dreams or future, not as hopeful as usual, and extra emotional about it. You may be defensive with your dreams, and too wrapped up in it. You may have challenges with your friends or groups, and you can struggle with feeling connected.
How to survive: Try not to give up on your dreams at the moment. You need to get through the emotional period first so you can make logical decisions. Remind yourself of the good things you've already accomplished and of the way your dreams make you feel normally. If you're defensive, this is likely reflecting insecurity and self-doubt. What's causing that? If there are issues with friends or groups, these have likely been there all along and now require attention to be worked on, or to walk away. Full Moon in the 12th House
The 12th house is the house of endings, so a full moon in the 12th house can show a period of major endings, and this can be emotional. You may also be more aware of your subconscious motivations, desires, and issues. You may want to help others as much as you can, but sacrifice yourself as a result. The past may be an issue in some way.
How to survive: The 12th house is the house of the hidden, so try to get some time alone, to yourself, as much as you can. This can help keep you from being drained, and you can better control your emotions. It also gives you time to be introspective and better understand yourself subconsciously. Try to work on healthy boundaries with others so you're not ignoring yourself, and if any past issues come back, work on resolving them once and for all now. Suggested Reading: The Survival Series: Surviving Transit Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Mercury Retrograde in the Houses, and Hard Pluto to the Personal Planets and Hard Saturn to the Personal Planets The Sun moves into Aries tomorrow, and we kick off Aries Season! We're leaving Pisces Season, a time for sweetness and for quiet, which is something we probably needed with the wonky Aquarius energy we had to start the year. After this quiet period, we now move into Aries Season, and energy returns to take action. If you're an Aries (Sun, Moon, or Rising), or you have a strong natal Mars (the natural ruler of Aries), you know that this is a sign that wants to make things happen. You must take action and pursue everything you want with enthusiasm and optimism. Fellow fire signs Leo and Sagittarius can do well during Aries Season, along with air signs Gemini and Aquarius. Fellow cardinal signs Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn may have to put in extra effort. This Aries Season kicks off with Venus moving into Aries the day after (March 21st), so the Sun and Venus are riding close together. We have some pleasant energy thanks to Venus helping us to move forward with what we want in the right way. The Aries New Moon on April 11th can bring excellent energy for starting anew, and lots of opportunities to explore. About Aries Energy:
Aries is the very first sign of the Zodiac, and because of this, it's pretty much the astrological newborn. This gives Aries the enthusiasm and excitement for life like a child has (before we get disappointed and jaded!). Aries is a positive sign that wants to see the good, and is excited about pursuing new things.
Being the first sign, Aries correlates to new beginnings, and this is a time of year to start something brand new. It can be a journey you go on for the next year of your life, and you can make use of enthusiasm and excitement in a positive, productive way. Aries is willing to take initiative and take the lead, so there can be less hesitation with pursuing opportunities and new beginnings. Instead, it's exciting! And Aries forges ahead, confident that it'll handle whatever comes its way. But, Aries can sometimes have difficulty seeing things through, easily distracted by the shiny object, so maintaining focus and energy is important to learn. When you're an Aries native (or have a strong Mars or stacked 1st house, which corresponds to Aries), you're likely someone who is naturally energetic, focused on the new, and ready for some fun. Aries Season Horoscopes
(read your Sun and Rising signs for a more accurate view; if you don't know your Rising sign, go create a natal chart for free on and use the video on the Free Astrology Courses page to find your placements)
Aries Season is your time, Aries! You can feel energized and ready to hit the ground running, especially if you've spent Pisces Season clearing out and letting go to make room for the new. Focus on one of your dreams for the future, and work on opportunities you have to make progress or get started now. Make the most of energy you have now so you can gain momentum that keeps you going when this season is over.
Aries Season is often your time to slow things down, Taurus, and get time to rest and recharge. You may want to get some peace and quiet to focus better, finding others to be a little draining and demanding. Time away or alone can help you get more focused on your goals and make progress. If you've been running ragged, give yourself permission to take a break. You don't need to push yourself every second, and a break can replenish you and help you down the road.
Aries Season can get you focused on what you want to change, Gemini, and you can work on changes that have been on hold and need a jumpstart. This can help you open up more opportunities, and have some new experiences that teach you and help you grow. You can also embrace your individuality during Aries Season, and want to be more independent, yet also have plenty of connections in your social circle when you need them. It can be a time to step outside of your comfort zone and try things in a new way.
Aries Season can be a good time to focus on your goals and what you want to accomplish, Cancer. You can work on your long-term plans and gather information you need, and get advice from those you respect. This can help you use your passionate energy productively, and you can throw yourself into your goals. You may take on extra responsibilities as well, and can seem like the leader to others. Just try not to take on more than reasonable.
Aries Season is a great time for you to pursue new opportunities, Leo. You can be more optimistic, open to expansion, and willing to explore, and can feel more adventurous and bold. You may benefit from help from others, and can go on adventures with the people in your life. It can be a good time to share your wisdom, and you may be open to writing, speaking, or teaching. Your beliefs can also be more important to you, and you can give them more attention.
Aries Season can be a time to work on transforming for the better, Virgo. This can be a part of yourself or your life, and you can work on it at its core. You can focus on serious matters, and can be more solutions-oriented. Productivity can be high, and you can pay more attention to details, which can help with anything you're transforming. Breathing some new life into projects and situations can do a lot of good for you.
Aries Season focuses on your relationships, Libra, and you can give more attention to others, spend more time with the people in your life, and are even more considerate. Someone may get an opportunity, and you can be there to support them, or you may get an opportunity through or with someone else. Focusing on others can help strengthen the love connection you have, and being more loving can help strengthen your commitment to others.
Aries Season focuses on your work, Scorpio, and you can try to be more productive. You can make lists, break up bigger projects into smaller ones, and find ways to maximize your time. You may want to work at projects at home or with family, or work on projects you can start from the ground up. You can make improvements to your daily life, and streamline so you have less stuff to worry about and more time to get the things done that need to be done.
Aries Season focuses on love in your life, Sagittarius, and you may try to make time for the people you love and to do the things you love. You may be less interested in anything serious, and want to enjoy yourself more. Creativity can run high, and you can use your imagination and focus on new ideas to pursue and smaller projects to infuse with creativity. You can be more gregarious and fun-loving, and can enjoy getting attention and praise.
Aries Season focuses on your home and family life, Capricorn. You can tackle home improvement projects, plan for outings with your family, or work on having a more stable, secure home and family life. You may want more time with the people who support you, and this can help you feel more grounded and confident. Your emotions may be stronger, and support can help manage them. This can also be a time to focus on starting something from the ground up that culminates in about 6 months.
Aries Season can stimulate your mind, Aquarius, and you can come up with so many ideas and plans, you may need to keep track of them better. You can focus on pursuing some of these ideas and making them real, and you can move quickly toward what you want. You've likely been focusing on new beginnings for this year, and your ideas and knowledge can help you with that now. You can learn even more, and see different angles.
Aries Season can slow things down for you, Pisces, and you may want to press pause. You can take your time making decisions and taking action, wanting to be confident in your choices first. Once you do commit, you know you'll see it through. You may want to work on things quietly, on your own, and without interference so you can make decisions faster and have greater confidence. You can pick up speed once you get going, and you can make use of reserved energy.
Suggested Reading: Aries Houses: Where You're a Warrior April is on its way! The month of April comes with a new moon in fiery Aries and a full moon in passionate Scorpio, two energized signs. What do they have in store for us? What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Aries: April 11th 2021 (10:31PM ET/7:31PM PT)
The Aries new moon is a great time of the year for energy and starting something new. New moons are times of new beginnings, and full of energy and enthusiasm, and so is Aries! So it's a great time to think about what you want to start, and how you can get it moving now. You can be more willing to take initiative, and can create opportunities you can pursue for yourself.
With Aries, we usually focus on what we want for yourselves. We come out of super compassionate Pisces, and it becomes time to focus on ourselves. Think about what you may want to do that's just for you. It may give you lots of energy and drive, and you can feel inspired to act now. This new moon is widely conjunct (aligned with) Venus in Aries, sextile (positive aspect, 2 signs away) ruler Mars in Gemini, and widely sextile Jupiter in Aquarius, all of which is super positive! This is truly a great new moon for the new, so think about a new beginning, new project or venture, that you can push for now. Mars brings plenty of energy for it, Jupiter brings opportunity and optimism, and Venus helps make it a little easier, plus brings some help from others. The planets are on our side with this new moon! The new moon occurs at 22 degrees 25 minutes Aries. Aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Aries Sextile: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Square: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Opposition: 20 degrees 25 minutes - 24 degrees 25 minutes Libra Full Moon in Scorpio: April 26th 2021 (11:31PM ET/8:31PM PT)
Scorpio full moons are times of intense emotional energy. Scorpio is an emotional water sign, but can get obsessive and enthralled. Full moons are emotional energy too, so emotions run high! This can cause us to get thrown, frustrated, and easily prone to fights, but if you can control the energy and channel it productively, it can be incredibly fuel for action in a positive way. It's just hard to get control of!
Scorpio governs what we hold deep inside, the dark side, and we may become more aware of something we've been hiding from. Scorpio governs other people's money, so there may be financial developments or endings that impact many people. Scorpio also governs transformations, and this can be the best way to use Scorpio energy. Make something old and stale into something new and fresh. This full moon is widely opposite Uranus in Taurus, and Uranus is the planet of the sudden and unexpected, so we may see some unexpected developments that feel out of our control. Rebellious energy may run high, and we have to be careful with how we use that. The Aries new moon is a real high, but we have to work hard to make sure this Scorpio full moon isn't a real low. The full moon occurs at 7 degrees 6 minutes Scorpio. Aspects to this full moon are: Conjunction: 5 degrees 6 minutes - 9 degrees 6 minutes Scorpio Sextile: 5 degrees 6 minutes - 9 degrees 6 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 5 degrees 6 minutes - 9 degrees 6 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 5 degrees 6 minutes - 9 degrees 6 minutes Cancer or Pisces Opposition: 5 degrees 6 minutes - 9 degrees 6 minutes Taurus Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for interpretations A standard astrology chart has 10 planets (including the Sun and Moon and excluding Earth), and 12 houses. The houses each govern a different part of your life and personality, and each house is exactly opposite another house in the Zodiac, so we have 6 pairs of houses. Each house pair is an axis, and each axis has its own energy. What are the 6 pairs of houses?
The 6 pairs of houses in astrology are:
1st and 7th 2nd and 8th 3rd and 9th 4th and 10th 5th and 11th 6th and 12th The 1st and 7th houses: Axis of Relationships
The 1st house represents the self, while the 7th house represents others. Depending on the house system you use (method of calculating house positions), the 1st house cusp is the Ascendant and 7th house cusp is the Descendant. This axis shows how you connect with yourself and with others. Planets in the 1st house impact you and your personality, while planets in the 7th house impact the people in your life and your relationships.
The 2nd and 8th houses: Axis of Money/Resources
The 2nd house represents your money and your resources, while the 8th house represents other people's money and shared resources. This axis shows how you give to yourself and to others, and what you keep and what you share. Planets in the 2nd house impact your financial attitude and how you make money, while planets in the 8th house impact how you share what you have and what resources others have you have access to.
The 3rd and 9th houses: Axis of Communication & Activity
The 3rd house represents your mind, how you learn and express yourself personally, while the 9th house represents how you build on and utilize knowledge, and shape your beliefs. This axis shows how you develop your mental abilities, how you put that out into the world, and is an active axis governing travel (short - 3rd; far - 9th). Planets in the 3rd house impact your general learning and communication abilities, while planets in the 9th house impact how you learn through experience and expansion.
The 4th and 10th houses: Axis of Foundation
The 4th house represents your home and family life and your core self, while the 10th house represents your goals and ambitions. Depending on the house system you use, the 4th house cusp is the Imum Coeli and the 10th house cusp is the Midheaven. This axis shows how you build a foundation in your life, internally (4th) and externally (10th). Planets in the 4th house impact your personal life and emotional needs, while planets in the 10th house impact your professional life and what you strive for.
The 5th and 11th houses: Axis of Connection
The 5th house represents love, both who and what you love, while the 11th house represents your friends and casual connections, causes and future dreams. This axis shows how you connect with others in a personal way (5th) and in a broad way (11th). Planets in the 5th house impact your love relationships and how you show love, while planets in the 11th house impact your social circle.
The 6th and 12th houses: Axis of Service
The 6th house represents the work you do, your daily life, and how you get things done, while the 12th house represents what you do for others, what you sacrifice, and your compassion and empathy. This axis shows how you serve, in small ways and more for the self (6th) and in bigger ways and all for others (12th). Planets in the 6th house impact your productivity and can be more realistic, while planets in the 12th house impact your compassion and imagination.
One Quick Note:
If you have planets in one house of an axis and not the other house of the axis, you may lean more toward the one with planets. The one with planets gets more of your attention, and you have to work on using the energy properly while not ignoring the other house. There may be an imbalance of attention with the axis, and evening that can be important.
Suggested Reading: Intro to Astrology Houses |