In astrology, there are 10 planets and 12 houses in a natal chart. Since there are 10 planets and 12 houses, this means every person has at least two houses with no planets in them. These are called empty houses. Houses can be grouped together based on what they rule, and the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses are the career or professional houses. So what does it mean when all 3 of these houses are empty? What is an empty house?
A natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of various planets, houses, and bodies in the Zodiac at the moment you were born from the location you were born at. Any house without one of the natal planets in it is considered an empty house.
The 2nd, 6th, and 10th Houses - Your Career
The 2nd house is the house of money. It shows your approach toward dealing with money, and how you best make money.
The 6th house is the house of work. It shows the kind of jobs you may have, the work environment you thrive in, and your approach to work. The 10th house is the house of career and goals. It shows your ambitions, what you strive to achieve, and your approach to your profession. Your career is often directly tied to your 10th house, and the perfect profession for you blends all 3 houses. Empty 2nd, 6th, and 10th Houses
So, what if all 3 of these houses for you are empty houses? A lot of people freak out when they first see they have an empty house, and assume that it means they won't have whatever that house rules (so an empty 2nd house would be no money, an empty 6th house would be no job, and an empty 10th house would be no career).
But this isn't actually how empty houses work. Instead, astrology views an empty house as an area where you don't need to give as much attention because you've already learned it (this may be innately, in your early life, or in your past lives). Houses with planets in them are areas we need to give more attention because we still have more to learn. If your 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses are all empty houses, this means that your professional life and ventures aren't as challenging as for the rest of us. You're free to find the work you love and turn into a profitable career without having as many hoops to jump through. In your case, you'll focus more on the sign on the house cusp (the very beginning of the house). This sign is the dominant energy for how you make money (2nd), the jobs you have (6th), and the career you want (10th). You can also look at the ruler of that house (the natural planet ruler for the sign on the cusp). The sign and house location and aspects of the house ruler can also be more important. When it might be a challenge:
The Lunar Nodes (points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic; are spiritual/karmic in nature) or Chiron (ruler of wounds and healing) in any of these houses may complicate things and make it so it's not as easy as if they're truly empty. The Lunar Nodes and Chiron aren't considered planets, so they're not factored in for the "empty house" designation (there are tens of thousands of asteroids, so technically speaking, no one has a truly empty house, but these bodies aren't factored in).
One of the Lunar Nodes in one of these houses may cause some karmic issues or baggage that needs to be dealt with and uncertainty with your direction, and Chiron in one of these houses may cause some wounding. But, they can also potential opportunities for where you may focus professionally (often in roles where you're helping others, especially with Chiron; and if you have any asteroids in these houses, those can also play into showing what you opt for professionally). If the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house cusps are anaretic (at 29 degrees), this may show challenges as well (the anaretic degree supercharges energy or depletes it, so you may focus too much or not enough and need some balance). There may also be challenges if the 2nd, 6th, or 10th house ruler is anaretic, intercepted (contained in another house), a singleton (only planet in an element, quality, or house type), conjunct Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto (if not any of them), or part of a challenging aspect configuration (like the apex planet of a t-square). So, these can show that this trio of empty houses may not be free of challenges, but they might still be a little easier. Suggested Reading: The Empty Social Houses: Empty 5th, 7th, and 11th Houses in Astrology Comments are closed.