When you're getting started with serious astrology, one of the very basics you need to learn about is the various astrology charts. You use charts in a variety of ways with your interpretations and analysis. What is a natal chart?
A natal chart (or colloquially, a birth chart) is a snapshot of the exact location in the Zodiac everything was at the moment you were born from the location you were born at.
A standard natal chart has the 10 planets, which includes the Sun and Moon as planets (dubbed the luminaries), but excludes the Earth (so it's Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto). Each planet rules something different in your life and personality, and has its own energy. A standard natal chart also has the 12 houses. The 12 houses also rule different parts of your life and personality, and have their own energy. Each house correlates to a sign and planet. They are: 1st house: Mars and Aries 2nd house: Venus and Taurus 3rd house: Mercury and Gemini 4th house: Moon and Cancer 5th house: Sun and Leo 6th house: Mercury and Virgo 7th house: Venus and Libra 8th house: Pluto and Scorpio 9th house: Jupiter and Sagittarius 10th house: Saturn and Capricorn 11th house: Uranus and Aquarius 12th house: Neptune and Pisces There are different ways of calculating the houses, and these are called house systems. There's a bunch of them, but the most commonly used (at least in the West) would be Placidus, Koch, Equal, and Whole Sign. If you use astro.com to create charts, Placidus is their default house system when you generate charts. I usually recommend experimenting with house systems when you get a little further in your studies to see which resonates most with you. Check out the article on Intro to Astrology Houses to get a rundown of what each house rules. There are also the angles, which are the Ascendant, Imum Coeli, Descendant, and Midheaven. In Placidus (and Koch), the Ascendant in the 1st house cusp, the Imum Coeli is the 4th house cusp, the Descendant is the 7th house cusp, and the Midheaven is the 10th house cusp. The cusp of a house is the very beginning of that house. With Equal, the Ascendant is the 1st house cusp, and each subsequent house follows in the same degree and minute of the signs in order (unless it's using the Midheaven instead of the Ascendant, and then it'll have the Midheaven as the 10th house cusp, an each subsequent house following in the same degree and minute in order). With Whole Sign, the Ascendant sign is the sign of the 1st house, and each house goes in order, and all are at 0 degrees. Every sign in astrology is made up of 30 degrees; each degree is made up of 60 minutes; and each minute is made up of 60 seconds (just like time!). This helps to pinpoint the exact location of planets and other points in a chart. Some charts will also have other points, like asteroids. On astro.com, their charts have Chiron (the wounded healer) and True Node (a spiritual point of potential). The natal chart shows who you are. Everything in your natal chart is a map for your personality and life. That's probably the most helpful way of looking at your natal chart - it's the map of you! This map is outlined by focusing on your natal planets (the what), their sign location (the how), and their house location (the where). Signs on the house cusps show how the energy of that house is expressed in your life. Your natal planets at certain angles to one another can create positive connections between them, or challenges. There's a lot to unpack in a natal chart! You can also use the natal chart in predictive analysis by tracking the transit (moving) planets (and other bodies) and how they interact with your natal chart. They can move through your natal houses and come to certain angles to your natal planets and have an impact on your life. A natal chart requires 3 pieces of data: date of birth time of birth place of birth Date and time of birth determine the exact location of the planets; place of birth comes into play for the houses. Also note that sometimes natal charts are referred to as birth charts (however natal chart is the correct technical term). What is a progressed chart?
With a progressed chart, one day is added to your date of birth for every year you've been alive (how old you are) to create a new chart, the progressed chart. This chart is reflective of how you change and grow with age. The natal chart remains a fixed constant, but we do change over time. The progressed chart is where that's shown.
The progressed chart is also used in predictive analysis. It can be used by itself, when your progressed planets and house cusps change signs or come to certain angles to one another. It can also be compared against your natal chart, and you can track the transit planets and how their interact with your progressed chart as well. What is a return chart?
A return occurs when one of the transit planets returns to the exact location it was at when you were born. A return chart is a chart created for that moment when it happens. Return charts can show how that specific return may impact you. This is a part of predictive analysis.
The most commonly used return chart is the solar return chart, which is the return of the transit Sun to your natal Sun location, and this happens once each year around your birthday. To create a return chart, you need the date and time of the return, and the location you were at when it occurred. What is an event chart?
An event chart creates a "natal chart" for an event. This may be used to analyze events that have already occurred to see what astrological energy was present and contributed to it, and it can be used to analyze future events you know will happen so you can see the energy around it.
To create an event chart, you need the date, time, and location of the event. What is an horary chart?
An horary chart is used to answer specific questions. The chart is created for the moment the question is asked (location can vary, it may be your location if you're doing it yourself, or the location of the astrologer interpreting it for you if you're having someone else do it). The chart is then analyzed to find an answer to the question.
What is a relocation chart?
A relocation chart is your natal chart, but the place of birth is swapped out and replaced by your current place of residence. Birth time may need to be adjusted if it's in a different time zone (add or subtract whatever the difference is).
You're always your natal chart personality-wise (and absorb your progressed chart), but the relocation chart can be used for predictive analysis, tracking transit planet interactions to it. What is a composite chart?
A composite chart merges the charts of two people and creates a new chart for the relationship itself. It can be analyzed for compatibility, and compared to each person's chart. Transits can also be tracked to it, and it can be progressed. Composite charts are a part of relationship astrology.
Creating a Chart on Astro.com
I usually recommend using astro.com to create your charts - it's free, you don't have to download anything, and it's remarkably robust. If you end up getting serious about this astrology thing and want something fancy, you can opt for astrology software at that point.
Go to astro.com, and click on 'My Astro' in the upper right. Choose to either generate a chart as a guest or to create an account (creating an account allows you to save charts you create). Then you'll be taken to the 'Data Entry' page, where you'll submit your birth data (for a natal chart). Once you submit, you'll be taken to the 'Free Horoscopes' page - click on 'Extended Chart Selection'. If you want to create a natal chart, that's already selected in the drop down menu, so you can just go right ahead and click to create the chart. If you want to create a progressed chart, you can select progressed chart from the drop down menu (it'll generate a progressed chart for that day). Same with a solar return chart or lunar return chart (return of the Moon) or relocation chart. To create an event or horary chart, when you're in 'My Astro', input the date, time, and location for the event or horary chart instead of your birth details, and then go create the chart as a natal chart. The Youtube channel also has a video showing how to create and read charts on astro.com (watch below or on Youtube HERE): Here we go! Venus did not retrograde in 2019, so 2020 comes with a Venus retrograde (Mars too, oh joy!). What can we expect when Venus is retrograde? The basics - What is Venus retrograde?
A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our view here on Earth. It's not actually moving backward, and only looks that way. Venus retrogrades roughly every 1 1/2 years for about 1 1/2 months. Mercury retrogrades most often (3-4 times each year for about 3 weeks at a time) while Neptune and Pluto are retrograde for almost as much time as they're not (so much more subtle).
Venus is a personal planet (with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars), and personal planets have energy we feel more personally. This makes Venus retrograde important! Venus rules love and money, so you can get your heart broken and go bankrupt on the same day during Venus retrograde (LOL! that'd be a terrible one though!). We tend to be much lazier, more stubborn and selfish, indulgent and immovable during Venus retrograde. Venus Retrograde in Gemini 2020 Dates:
Venus Retrograde Effects:
Venus retrograde! This retrograde comes to us in air sign Gemini, sign of the mind and communication. So of course, that's going to be the number one target for this retrograde! We're likely to experience a massive amount of miscommunications that lead to fights, and feel much more misunderstood. It may be that we're having a hard time figuring out the right way to make the point and express ourselves, and it can lead to a lack of connection with others. If confidence is your ability to communicate is low, this can become an even bigger problem. Work on trying to be more confident in your ideas, plans, and communication style, and this can help you to become clearer.
Listening also becomes more important during this retrograde. We may spend too much time trying to unload whatever is on our minds that we don't spend enough time listening to what others have to say. Validating the thoughts and opinions of others can help with communication, and you can learn something that you didn't know before that helps you in some way. Relationships love to fall apart during Venus retrograde when we haven't been doing things right, and that'll mostly be focused on relationships where communication is a problem during this retrograde. If you're not sharing with each other, if you're not open and honest, if you're not listening to each other, then you're going to have a problem. Breaking up during Venus retrograde can often lead to getting back together when it's over, but if the problem still persists, you need to address it, otherwise it's not the best thing for you. As the sign of the Twins, do know that Venus in Gemini can rule being split between two people. If you're polyamorous, then this isn't a problem! But for those who aren't, there's an increased chance of finding ourselves in the middle of a love triangle. Which creates some major drama! Gemini is a sign that loves to learn, and this can be a good time to learn something over again or try to learn something you gave up on in the past. Our minds can be much faster in some way, much slower in others, but we can focus better on the things we're picking back up again. This can also be true for old ideas and plans we didn't do anything with or gave up on at some point. With Gemini being the sign of the mind, this sign likes to keep itself busy with plenty to do. But Venus retrograde tends to make us lazier and more indulgent, not wanting to move (unless it's to get more snacks!). So we may find that we want to keep going and moving with something but lack the motivation to follow through and feel frustrated by this, or we may push ourselves to keep going and going and burn ourselves out quickly because we don't have as much energy and need to replenish. Finding some point in the middle is key, and being balanced in your approach to activity versus chilling. Gemini rules our neighborhoods and communities, so we may get into spats with neighbors and have to address issues in communities. It may be a good time to address issues of movement that keep us from coming together (maybe let's fill some pot holes!). Gemini can be pretty scattered at times, and this can be even more true during a Gemini retrograde. The mind easily loses track! And it can wander so much so we end up stressing ourselves out quite a bit and feel more anxious. Talking things over with someone can help (but be mindful of communicating!), but perhaps finding alternative ways of releasing the buzz in your head. Meditation, yoga, journaling, improving sleep, EFT, coloring, practicing Tarot - whatever you come up with! We may engage in a lot of negotiations during this retrograde, but they may not go very well if we're not considering both sides. That's the way it works in negotiations! We may think we're finding middle ground, but the other side doesn't see it that way, and this can create problems. Be mindful of your positions and of what you say. Diplomacy may be important. And with Venus ruling finances, we may need to rework financial plans and ideas, or bring back old financial plans and ideas to use during the retrograde or take another shot at. Gemini New Moon & Venus Retrograde
On May 22nd, a new moon occurs in Gemini during the Venus retrograde! It's not conjunct Venus though (too wide), so it may shine a light on the Venus retrograde issues and energy, but not necessarily act as a major trigger like when it's conjunct. Still, energy may be higher around the new moon, issues may be front and center, and we have to work through problems that come up and try to make improvements.
Venus Retrograde in Gemini 2020 Aspects:
Venus makes 4 major aspects while retrograde. They are:
- Venus square Neptune | May 20th @ 7:03PM ET: Venus retrograde actually starts square Neptune, so we're feeling this strong as we go into the retrograde. Here comes the fog! We can lack any and all focus, and may have a hard time actually seeing relationship issues, what we're doing wrong, and how to fix it. We can unleash subconscious issues, and something hidden can become revealed. We do have to watch out for being played, taken advantage of, falling for the wolf in sheep's clothing, as well as for being inconsiderate, lacking compassion and empathy, and cruel. - Mercury conjunct Venus | May 22nd @ 4:41AM ET: Mercury highlights the Venus retrograde with this aspect, and it comes with the new moon in Gemini. Mercury is the natural ruler of Gemini, so we're likely super focused on mental connections and communications, diplomacy and trying to get on the same page. There may be some big, important news that comes around this aspect, and this can land hard. Don't get so caught up in the little picture that you can't see the forest from the trees. - Venus square Mars | June 2nd @ 8:41PM ET: Venus-Mars aspects are the passion makers, so passionate energy can surge around this aspect. If you're single, you may want to find a temporary fix! LOL! Without that outlet, creativity can be used as a replacement, and this energy can lead to great creative breakthroughs. No relationship or creative outlets? Get ready for grumpy! - Sun conjunct Venus | June 3rd @ 1:44PM ET: The Sun shines a light wherever it's touching, so this brings extra focus to the Venus retrograde energy and whatever we're dealing with at the time. This does shine a light on how we can manage the energy and make things better if we chose to take action. Moons of Venus Retrograde:
The Moon is in the same sign as the Venus retrograde, Gemini, May 22nd (9:36AM ET) to 24th (7:09PM ET), and this is when we have the new moon in Gemini. It's also in Gemini June 18th (5PM ET) to 21st (2:01AM ET), later in the retrograde. This makes us resonate more with the Gemini energy of the retrograde, and we can focus on those communication issues, mental connections, and challenges with focus.
Venus naturally rules Taurus and Libra, so when the Moon is in Taurus or Libra, this can make us resonate more with the Venus energy, and we can work on connecting better, relationship issues, getting grounded, and moving forward. Taurus can focus more on movement, stubbornness, sluggishness, and grounding while Libra can focus more on connecting, relationships, and balance. The Moon is in Taurus or Libra on: May 19th (10:11AM ET) - 22nd (9:36AM ET) - Taurus May 31st (10:37AM ET) - June 2nd (12:06PM ET) - Libra June 16th (5:36AM ET) - 18th (5PM ET) - Taurus Final Notes:
Venus retrograde is at a critical degree just one, May 27th - 28th at 17 degrees Gemini. Critical degrees are special degrees of critical energy, and we may be extra stressed, anxious, scattered, and have communication issues during this time. Being grounded and balanced becomes important to manage.
The retrograde begins at 21 degrees Gemini, so those of you Gemini Suns born June 10th - 14th can feel the start of the retrograde most. The retrograde ends at 5 degrees Gemini, so those of you Gemini Suns born May 23rd - 28th can feel the end of the retrograde most. For the rest of you, check the house(s) Venus will be retrograding in of your own natal chart, and any aspects Venus will make during its retrograde to your natal planets, to fully understand how it will impact you personally. If you have Venus retrograde in your natal or progressed chart, you may not feel the worst of this. Those individuals generally don't experience the difficulties of the retrograde because it feels more natural to them. Of course, chances are everyone else around them doesn't have the same aspect, so they can still experience difficulties brought on by others. If it's in your natal chart, check out this article about Venus retrograde in the natal chart. Suggested Reading: Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrogrades page for general interpretations of Venus retrograde in the houses and aspects Hello May! The fifth month of 2020 comes with some challenging Moons, so let's dive into them and get prepared! What is a new moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a full moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Full Moon in Scorpio: May 7th 2020 (5:45AM ET)
The full moon in Scorpio is often a very challenging full moon. Full moons are full of emotional energy, and Scorpio is an intense and emotional water sign. This makes the Scorpio full moon a time when emotions are running very high, and we can be quite sensitive, but may lash out as a result, and can easily rush to anger. Anything that's been stirring deep inside, that's been shoved away and ignored for some time, can come spewing out now, boiling over and exploding. It's better to consciously bring some of that energy out in a healthy and positive way so you can keep it under control and not let it create bigger problems for you.
Scorpio full moons are great times for transforming, and you can focus on something that has been in need of attention and bring fresh life into it. This may be focused on the areas of life ruled by the house the Scorpio full moon occurs for you in your natal chart. You can feel stronger, more powerful, and have better control as you transform something for the better. This full moon is also a good time to research, to dig deeper, to uncover what's below the surface. Scorpio is a sign that always wants to get underneath and find what's really there, lurking and waiting to be seen. Sometimes this means we uncover something bad, challenging, and we have to work on solutions to fix it. But that's better than letting it continue to fester and grow underneath, and cause even bigger problems. The full moon is widely trine (positive aspect, 4 signs away) Neptune in Pisces, and this helps with compassionate, gentle energy that is often needed with Scorpio. We can be a little more sensitive with one another, and can help each other out. Neptune in Pisces also offers imagination and creativity as an outlet for intense emotional energy that can come with the Scorpio full moon, so we don't get so lost in the dark. The full moon occurs at 17 degrees 20 minutes Scorpio. The aspects this full moon makes are: Conjunction: 15 degrees 20 minutes - 19 degrees 20 minutes Scorpio Sextile: 15 degrees 20 minutes - 19 degrees 20 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 15 degrees 20 minutes - 19 degrees 20 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 15 degrees 20 minutes - 19 degrees 20 minutes Cancer or Pisces Opposition: 15 degrees 20 minutes - 19 degrees 20 minutes Taurus New Moon in Gemini: May 22nd 2020 (1:39PM ET)
The Gemini new moon is often a time of great ideas and plans. Coming out of the Scorpio full moon, we want to pull away from so much darkness and find some light, which Gemini is pretty adept at. We can come up with lots of new ideas that excite us, and work on short-term plans to do something with them. Opportunities can present themselves to us to take initiative with our ideas, and we can get recognition for them. We can share what's on our minds, and work on connecting mentally.
Gemini is a sign that likes to keep busy, so we can work on trying to be busy. We can pick up lots of little projects, fill up our schedules with things to do, and keep busy with plenty of stuff to use up the mental energy we have. We can spend time with others, and being sociable can help with using up the extra mental energy. We may be more engaged in our communities, neighborhoods, or with young people. The downside to Gemini is it likes to keep going and going, and this can create some stress, anxiety, and we have to work on not taking on too much. Gemini wants to be busy, but a break is a good thing. Use up the mental energy, and then let your mind have a break from it all. This new moon comes with Venus retrograde (appearing to move backward) in Gemini, but isn't conjunct Venus. This may bring to light some of the issues that the Venus retrograde is kicking up, and we may have to work on trying to find a way out, a way through, a way forward. We may try to think our way out, but this may not be the right answer when we're not paying attention like we should be, and not listening to important advice. Open up lines of communication, and work on being a better listener. That's always helpful! The new moon occurs at 2 degrees 5 minutes Gemini. The aspects this new moon makes are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 5 minutes - 4 degrees 5 minutes Gemini Sextile: 0 degrees 5 minutes - 4 degrees 5 minutes Aries or Leo Square: 0 degrees 5 minutes - 4 degrees 5 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 0 degrees 5 minutes - 4 degrees 5 minutes Libra or Aquarius Opposition: 0 degrees 5 minutes - 4 degrees 5 minutes Sagittarius Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for interpretations We track the movement of the transit (moving) planets through the Zodiac signs all of the time, every day, week, month, year. But you can also track the movement of the transit asteroids, if you want to get into some more astro fun! Today, we'll go into transit asteroid Abundantia. What is Abundantia?
Abundantia is an asteroid that rules abundance. Where Abundantia is touring currently and aspects it's making can impact your ability to create abundance, to feel abundant energy, and where that energy is being funneled. You can follow the movement of Abundantia just like any of the planets or other asteroids.
Transit Abundantia Aspects:
Conjunctions by transit asteroid Abundantia to your natal planets and angles can bring out abundant energy with the areas of life involved. To the Sun, Moon, 1st house ruler, or angles, you can feel abundant overall, and have an easier time pursuing opportunities for abundance and doing things like manifesting.
To Mercury, you may have an abundance of ideas and mental energy; to Venus, you may have an abundance of people to deal with and sensual energy; to Mars, you can experience an abundance of energy that can be helpful for anything you pursue, but you may have to make sure you have a positive outlet, otherwise you can be easily irritated. To Jupiter, you can experience an abundance of opportunities for you to pursue, and extra expansion in your life; to Saturn, you may have an abundance of goals to focus on and responsibilities to handle; to Uranus, you may have an abundance of changes to work on and dreams to pursue; to Neptune, you may have an abundance of spiritual energy and intuition. To Pluto, you may have an abundance of power and control; to Chiron, you may have an abundance of healing work to do; to Black Moon Lilith, you may have an abundance of empowerment and speak out; to White Moon Selena, you may have an abundance of protection and feel guided on your path. To the North Node, you may have an abundance of energy to focus on your potential and purpose if you can push through the discomfort; and to the South Node, you may have an abundance of comfort and familiarity but may fall back on bad habits you shouldn’t. Sextiles and trines by transit asteroid Abundantia to your natal planets and angles can make it easier to manage abundance without feeling like it’s too much. To the Sun, Moon, 1st house ruler, or angles, you can work to create abundance in your life on your own terms, and feel you have it under your control. To Mercury, you can control an abundance of ideas and focus on the important ones; to Venus, you can manage your relationships and feel physically connected to the world; to Mars, you can control your abundance of energy and drive to make things happen. To Jupiter, you can pursue opportunities for abundance with motivation; to Saturn, you can balance responsibilities and the goals you want to work on; to Uranus, you can get control of change in your life; to Neptune, you can control spiritual energy without getting lost in the fog; to Pluto, you can control your passionate energy. To Chiron, you can control your healing energy; to Black Moon Lilith, you can control your inner power; and to White Moon Selena, you can control how you get on your path. Squares and oppositions by transit asteroid Abundantia to your natal planets and angles can make it more difficult to manage abundance, and it may feel like it’s out of control at times, or it may feel like there’s just not enough. To the Sun, Moon, 1st house ruler, or angles, you can feel this more personally, and you may have to work harder to find abundance in your life. Try not to let it get you down. To Mercury, you may struggle with mental abundance, and have too many ideas or not enough; to Venus, you may struggle with people in your life, and have too many relationship issues to deal with or not enough people to connect with; to Mars, you may struggle with an abundance of energy, and have too much that requires an outlet or not enough to pursue anything. To Jupiter, you may struggle with an abundance of opportunity, and may have too many opportunities to sort through or not enough; to Saturn, you may struggle with an abundance of responsibilities, and this can feel stifling to you.. To Uranus, you may struggle with an abundance of erratic energy, and this can require flexibility; to Neptune, you may struggle with too much fogginess clouding your judgment and need better boundaries; to Pluto, you may struggle with too many fights over power and control. To Chiron, you may struggle with old wounds reopening; to Black Moon Lilith, you may struggle with managing the desire to speak up with impulsiveness; to White Moon Selena, you may struggle with finding your path and feeling safe; and square the Lunar Nodes, you may struggle with the blocks that have been keeping you from your path and they can become bigger issues until dealt with. Suggested Reading: Intro to Black Moon Lilith Over the next few days, we'll have transit Jupiter and Pluto joining up with an asteroid called Abundantia! Jupiter and Pluto are conjuncting themselves on April 4th, and this conjunction occurs with Abundantia. What does this mean? Jupiter and Pluto in Astrology
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, expanding whatever it touches. In the natal chart, Jupiter shows areas of your life where you need space, and how you can find opportunity.
Pluto is the planet of transformation, and demands intensity and serious focus with whatever it touches. In the natal chart, Pluto shows areas where you have to fight for power and take control, and may have to transform for the better. What does asteroid Abundantia rule?
Abundantia (number 151 if you want to look yours up on astro.com) is an asteroid that literally governs abundance. It creates an abundance wherever it's located and is touching. In your natal chart, this is of course of abundant energy in some way. In your 3rd house, it's abundant ideas; conjunct Venus, it's abundant affection and creativity; on your Midheaven, it's an abundance of goals and ambition; etc.
In transit, asteroid Abundantia can also bring abundant energy, particularly with conjunctions (which aligns Abundantia with another body). When transit Abundantia is conjunct one of your natal planets or other natal points, this generates "abundant" energy with whatever it rules. Similar to Jupiter, Abundantia is fairly neutral, so it can create an abundance of positive energy or an abundance of negative energy, but it generally wants the good so you can have an easier time turning things positive if they don't start out that way. Transit Abundantia Conjunct Transit Jupiter & Pluto
Now we have asteroid Abundantia conjunct Jupiter and Pluto in transit. Jupiter and Pluto are conjuncting on April 4th, and Abundantia is right there with them, conjunct Jupiter exactly on April 2nd and conjunct Pluto exactly on April 3rd. Remember that Abundantia is abundant energy, so this means the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is reeeally fired up!
This conjunction wants us to take control, find personal power, to transform for the better, and to use our wills to make things happen. We can feel a little obsessed and intense, and need to watch for letting fear get too big and bad. Abundantia is expanding on this energy and making it bigger. We can take control in big ways, we can find more power than we thought existed, we can transform in massive ways that change our lives, and our wills can be incredible forces. But, we can also be quite ruthless if we go down that road, selfishly obsessive, dark and demanding, when we give in to negative instincts. The conjunction for all 3 occurs at 24 degrees Capricorn. Major aspects are between 21 and 27 degrees of: Capricorn - conjunction Taurus, Virgo - trine Scorpio, Pisces - sextile Aries, Libra - square Cancer - opposition If you're getting a sextile or trine, this is great energy for you, and you can be an ultimate creator right now. It's all in your hands. If you're getting a square or opposition, you may have to watch for the negative manifestations, and work on digging deeper into yourself or your life, face the dark side, and bring in some light. If you're getting a conjunction, you're someone getting hit hard by the Capricorn energy in 2020, and the point being hit is under an intense microscope. You can choose to make it positive or negative, but have to deal with the intense energy no matter what. Suggested Reading: Jupiter Conjunct Pluto 2020 |