Sagittarius is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Sagittarius Sun is optimistic, gregarious, and expansive. Sagittarius Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Sagittarius is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're open and expansive. If you have any natal planets in Sagittarius, you can feel the Sagittarius energy strongly personally with whatever that planet rules.
Sagittarius is a fire sign, along with Aries and Leo, and the fire signs are energetic and optimistic. Sagittarius is also a mutable sign, along with Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces, and the mutable signs are flexible. Sagittarius connects with the 9th house of long-distance travel and higher learning, and is ruled by expansive Jupiter. At-a-Glance Sagittarius Keywords:
Sagittarius in Astrology: Optimistic
Sagittarius is the most optimistic Zodiac sign, and always looks at the bright side of situations. This means Sagittarius can find options and possibilities where the other signs can't, and this helps to create opportunities the other signs don't see. This makes Sagittarius seem lucky, but it's really the optimism that gives it luck.
Sagittarius in Astrology: Big Picture
Sagittarius rules the big picture in astrology. Sagittarius can take a step back and see how things all come together, and doesn't get lost in the details or the small stuff. Sagittarius knows that it'll all come together in the end, so why stress out about it now?
Sagittarius in Astrology: Wise
Sagittarius is the wise Zodiac sign, which can sometimes be surprising, but this is because Sagittarius loves to learn through life experience. This means Sagittarius has plenty of stories to tell, and loves to tell them, and can share all that it's learned from what it's experienced with others.
Sagittarius in Astrology: Adventurous
Sagittarius is highly adventurous, and always open to new experiences. Sagittarius is the adventurer, the one who wants to get out and explore, roam, and visit. This sign connects with long-distance travel (including flight).
Sagittarius in Astrology: Gregarious
Sagittarius is a gregarious fire sign, and often gets along with everyone (or at least tries to). Sagittarius is so optimistic that this can be infectious, and loves to engage in fun conversation and tell fun stories, so others can gravitate to Sagittarius.
Sagittarius in Astrology: Expansive
Sagittarius is an expansive sign thanks to being ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion. Sagittarius is always looking to expand in some way. Sagittarius also links to space and freedom.
Sagittarius in Astrology: Beliefs
Sagittarius rules our beliefs, and can be quite passionate about what it believes. Sagittarius can form strong opinions, and can be quite open with them. As a result, Sagittarius connects with both religious and political beliefs.
Sagittarius in Astrology: The Preachy Runner
When not manifesting well, Sagittarius can be preachy and a runner. Instead of facing problems, Sagittarius can run away from them, and keeps running. Instead of keeping an open mind, Sagittarius can force its opinions on others, making it preachy. Sagittarius has to learn to face the hard stuff and open its ears.
Where Your Sagittarius Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Sagittarius, the way those planets express themselves is via Sagittarius, so they are optimistic, expansive, and open. The more Sagittarius planets you have, the more Sagittarius-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Sagittarius, you will have at least one natal house with Sagittarius. The house that falls in Sagittarius (has Sagittarius on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take an optimistic, expansive approach. If you have no Sagittarius house cusps, Sagittarius is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Scorpio, and your Sagittarius energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Sagittarius
When the transit (moving) planets are in Sagittarius, this can give all of us some Sagittarius energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Sagittarius roughly every year from mid November to mid December, and this is Sagittarius Season, which brings greater emphasis on expansion and openness for us all.
Transit Mercury in Sagittarius helps us to think bigger and brighter; transit Venus in Sagittarius can make us more adventurous in love; transit Mars in Sagittarius can make us more adventurous and bolder; transit Ceres in Sagittarius can make us expand resources and improve confidence; and transit Jupiter in Sagittarius brings opportunities to expand, explore, and learn. Transit Saturn in Sagittarius can bring out issues we have with Sagittarius, so issues around having space or our beliefs. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. Saturn was last in Sagittarius 2014-2017 (and won't be again until 2044). Transit Uranus won't be in Sagittarius until 2065 (and was last in Sagittarius 1981-1988), but we'll experience many changes impacting our beliefs and expansion. Transit Neptune won't be in Sagittarius until 2133 (and was last in Sagittarius 1970-1984), but at that point, we'll expand spiritually. Transit Chiron moves to Sagittarius in 2049 (and was last in Sagittarius 1999-2001), and we can tackle issues with expanding and exploring. Transit Pluto was last in Sagittarius 1995-2008 (and won't be again until 2241!), and this makes for passionate beliefs and transformative expansion. Strong Sagittarius Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Sagittarius in your natal chart, this can give you strong Sagittarius energy in your life and personality. You can be optimistic, gregarious, and expansive. This can be the case if you have a Sagittarius stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Sagittarius.
You can also feel that you have strong Sagittarius energy if your natal Jupiter is strong, which is the planet that rules Sagittarius. This can be the case if your natal Jupiter is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Jupiter is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Sagittarius, this gives all of us a strong dose of Sagittarius energy all at once. We can expand and explore. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Sagittarius energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Sagittarius Sun sign page Scorpio is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the eighth sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Scorpio Sun is passionate, intense, and deep. Scorpio Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Scorpio is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're passionate and researching. If you have any natal planets in Scorpio, you can feel the Scorpio energy strongly personally with whatever that planet rules.
Scorpio is a water sign, along with Cancer and Pisces, and the water signs are highly emotional and intuitive. Scorpio is also a fixed sign, along with Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius, and the fixed signs build on what has passed. Scorpio connects with the 8th house of other people's money and transformations, and is ruled by intense Pluto. At-a-Glance Scorpio Keywords:
Scorpio in Astrology: Passionate and Intense
Scorpio is a passionate and intense Zodiac sign, and channels this passion and intensity into everything it does. Scorpio is an all-or-nothing sign, and it doesn't do anything halfway. It's either all in or all out, no in between. Scorpio can make use of this passion and intensity in its relationships, goals, professional life, and causes.
Scorpio in Astrology: Researching and Investigative
Scorpio is the sign of research and investigation in astrology. Scorpio knows that there is so much more than meets the eye, and won't settle for anything less than getting to the root of the problem, the situation, the relationship, or the person. Scorpio can dedicate itself to finding out more. This is part of why Scorpio is a science ruler (along with Aquarius).
Scorpio in Astrology: Depths
Scorpio is the sign of depths, and absolutely loathes anything superficial. Remember that Scorpio is intense and researching, so it always wants to get to the heart of matters and understand how things work at their core.
Scorpio in Astrology: Problem-solving
Scorpio is the problem-solver in the Zodiac. Scorpio can use its ability to research and make use of its passion and intensity to figure out the right course of action, and can dedicate itself to doing that. Scorpio is realistic about what has to happen, and this helps Scorpio stay with it and solve.
Scorpio in Astrology: Unrelenting
Scorpio is an unrelenting sign. This sign doesn't give up. This sign keeps going and going and going no matter what. Once Scorpio sticks its mind to something, nothing can stop it if it doesn't want to be stopped. This means Scorpio can accomplish anything it sets its mind to by sheer force of will.
Scorpio in Astrology: Magical
Scorpio is surprisingly magical, though it's not in a sweet, playful way. Scorpio is the taboo witch, the one on the outskirts of society who has been shunned for daring to challenge power. Part of Scorpio's magical side is thanks to its pure strength. But thanks to being a water sign, Scorpio can get in tune with others energies and have a strong inner witch as a result.
Scorpio in Astrology: Formidable
Scorpio is a formidable sign. There isn't much that Scorpio can't conquer. Scorpio is the phoenix rising from the ashes, and Scorpio can thrive under the hardest conditions and emerge much stronger and more willful. This makes Scorpio a force to be reckoned with.
Scorpio in Astrology: Darkness
Scorpio rules the darker side of life. This includes our fears, our inner demons, hatred, violence, and discrimination. Scorpio is so passionate and intense that it can get stuck on the dark side when not manifesting well, and this turns Scorpio on itself as well as everyone else. The intense passion of Scorpio needs to have many healthy outlets to direct the energy, otherwise it becomes as destructive as possible.
Where Your Scorpio Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Scorpio, the way those planets express themselves is via Scorpio, so they are passionate, intense, and unrelenting. The more Scorpio planets you have, the more Scorpio-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Scorpio, you will have at least one natal house with Scorpio. The house that falls in Scorpio (has Scorpio on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take a researching, intense approach. If you have no Scorpio house cusps, Scorpio is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Libra, and your Scorpio energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Scorpio
When the transit (moving) planets are in Scorpio, this can give all of us some Scorpio energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Scorpio roughly every year from mid October to mid November, and this is Scorpio Season, which brings greater emphasis on passion and research for us all.
Transit Mercury in Scorpio helps us to dig deeper into anything we need to know more about and take a serious approach; transit Venus in Scorpio can make us more passionate in relationships and comfortable with intimacy; transit Mars in Scorpio can make us unrelenting and strong; transit Ceres in Scorpio can make us want to share deeply; and transit Jupiter in Scorpio brings opportunities for getting to the heart of matters, transforming, and solving. Transit Saturn in Scorpio can bring out issues we have with Scorpio, so issues around our transforming and the dark side. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. Saturn was last in Scorpio 2012-2015 (and won't be again until 2041). Transit Uranus won't be in Scorpio until 2058, but we'll experience many changes impacting our transformations. Transit Neptune won't be in Scorpio until 2119 (long time!), but at that point, we'll be intensely spiritual. Transit Chiron moves to Scorpio in 2047, and we can tackle issues with transforming and our fears. Transit Pluto was last in Scorpio 1983-1995 (and won't be again until 2229!), and this puts Pluto in its home sign, and amplifies intensity, passion, and the need for transformation. Strong Scorpio Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Scorpio in your natal chart, this can give you strong Scorpio energy in your life and personality. You can be intense, a problem solver, and deep. This can be the case if you have a Scorpio stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Scorpio.
You can also feel that you have strong Scorpio energy if your natal Pluto is strong, which is the planet that rules Scorpio. This can be the case if your natal Pluto is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Pluto is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Scorpio, this gives all of us a strong dose of Scorpio energy all at once. We can research and be intense. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Scorpio energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Scorpio Sun sign page Libra is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the seventh sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Libra Sun is compromising, charming, and committed. Libra Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Libra is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're charming and compromising. If you have any natal planets in Libra, you can feel the Libra energy strongly personally with whatever that planet rules.
Libra is an air sign, along with Gemini and Aquarius, and the air signs are social and intellectual. Libra is also a cardinal sign, along with Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn, and the cardinal signs take the lead. Libra connects with the 7th house of relationships and is ruled by commitment-minded Venus. At-a-Glance Libra Keywords:
Libra in Astrology: Connections
Libra is the sign of relationships, partnerships, and alliances in astrology. This sign works well with others, but more one-on-one as opposed to with a big group. Libra can be most comfortable with a partner, and can do its best work when it has someone else to provide feedback and point out what it misses.
Libra in Astrology: Compromise
Libra is the sign of compromise, and doesn't care too much for an outright win. It feels that getting everyone on the same page and meeting in the middle IS the only way to truly win. It doesn't want anyone to be a loser, and can work hard to find middle ground.
Libra in Astrology: Charming
Libra is a highly charming sign, and can charm the pants off of anyone (sometimes literally!). This charm helps Libra get along with others and get them on their side, and Libra uses its charm to win people over and keep the peace.
Libra in Astrology: Fairness and Equality
Libra rules fairness and equality. Libra is the sign most concerned with playing fair, and gets annoyed by a lack of fairness and equality. Libra wants a level playing field for all, and will fight to make that happen (using its talents for charm and compromise, of course).
Libra in Astrology: Negotiate
Libra is a surprisingly good negotiator, and this is likely because it can see multiple sides, uses its charm and ability to compromise, and tries to be fair. This gives Libra a shrewd ability to negotiate, and it tries to find the best possible outcome.
Libra in Astrology: Peace and Harmony
Libra rules peace and harmony. Libra gets super thrown off when surrounded by chaos and loudness and aggression, so Libra has to prioritize peace and harmony as much as it can so it doesn't get thrown.
Libra in Astrology: Balance
Libra is symbolized by the Scales, so Libra connects with balance. Libra needs to have balance in its life, and to dedicate itself equally to as much as possible. When Libra is out of balance, Libra struggles with getting anything done, so balance is a priority. This coupled with peace and harmony are central to Libra being calm and feeling secure.
Libra in Astrology: Vacillating
When not manifesting well, Libra is highly vacillating. Libra can be as indecisive as it gets! Libra sees too many sides, wants to people-please too much, and is too concerned about the way it comes across. It gets in its own head, and pretzels itself. This tends to happen when Libra is surrounded by instability and chaos, and when Libra lacks confidence.
Where Your Libra Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Libra, the way those planets express themselves is via Libra, so they are compromising, fair, and committed. The more Libra planets you have, the more Libra-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Libra, you will have at least one natal house with Libra. The house that falls in Libra (has Libra on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take a compromising, fair approach. If you have no Libra house cusps, Libra is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Virgo, and your Libra energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Libra
When the transit (moving) planets are in Libra, this can give all of us some Libra energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Libra roughly every year from mid September to mid October, and this is Libra Season, which brings greater emphasis on relationships for us all.
Transit Mercury in Libra helps us to see various viewpoints and to get everyone on the same page; transit Venus in Libra helps us come together and commit; transit Mars in Libra gives more energy with a partner and for diplomacy; transit Ceres in Libra helps us nourish our connections; and transit Jupiter in Libra brings opportunities for partnerships and beneficial alliances. Transit Saturn in Libra can bring out issues we have with Libra, so issues around our relationships and commitments. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. Saturn was last in Libra 2009-2012 (and won't be again until 2039). Transit Uranus won't be in Libra until 2051, but we'll experience many changes in our relationships, commitments, and alliances. Transit Neptune won't be in Libra until 2105 (!), but at that point, we'll focus on spiritual connections. Transit Chiron moves to Libra in 2045, and we can tackle issues with commitment and connecting. Transit Pluto was last in Libra 1971-1984 (and won't be again until 2217), and this brings transformations of our relationships, commitments, and alliances. Strong Libra Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Libra in your natal chart, this can give you strong Libra energy in your life and personality. You can be charming, compromising, and work well with others. This can be the case if you have a Libra stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Libra.
You can also feel that you have strong Libra energy if your natal Venus is strong, which is the planet that rules Libra (especially in a fire or air sign). This can be the case if your natal Venus is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Venus is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Libra, this gives all of us a strong dose of Libra energy all at once. We can come together and commit. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Libra energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Libra Sun sign page Virgo is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the sixth sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Virgo Sun is practical, attentive, and hard-working. Virgo Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Virgo is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're detailed and focused. If you have any natal planets in Virgo, you can feel the Virgo energy strongly personally with whatever that planet rules.
Virgo is an earth sign, along with Taurus and Capricorn, and earth signs are full of practical and earthy. Virgo is also a mutable sign, along with Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces, and the mutable signs are flexible. Virgo connects with the 6th house of work, and is ruled by busy Mercury. At-a-Glance Virgo Keywords:
Virgo in Astrology: Hard-working
Virgo is the sign of work in astrology. This sign is hard-working, and wants to have projects to focus on. These tend to be smaller projects though, and Virgo breaks down big projects and tasks into smaller ones to make them more manageable. Virgo connects with the work we do on a daily basis, and this can be our actual jobs and employment, as well as the work we don't get paid for, like chores and housework.
Virgo in Astrology: Detailed
Virgo rules the details in astrology, and this sign pays close attention. Virgo reads the fine print, and the tiny details matter a lot. Virgo can make use of the small details to its advantage, and can be helpful with others this way as well.
Virgo in Astrology: Practical
Virgo is a practical earth sign, and lives in the real, physical world. Virgo tries to see things as they are, though sometimes its mind can run away given it's ruled by Mercury and is a mutable sign. But Virgo tries to do a good job at controlling this as best as it can.
Virgo in Astrology: Structure and Order
Virgo rules structure, order, routines, and regimens. Virgo is the king of schedules! Virgo tries to stick to the schedule it creates, and gets annoyed when others don't. Virgo doesn't want to waste one second of its time, so having some structure and a schedule helps.
Virgo in Astrology: The Mundane
Virgo rules the mundane in astrology, and is a sign that wants to be realistic. It doesn't get caught up in the exciting and daring, and instead sticks to the details, to the practical, and to what it knows well. Virgo doesn't get bored with the mundane like the other signs do.
Virgo in Astrology: Health
Virgo is the sign of health in general, so this sign is focused on health and wellness. Virgo wants to be as healthy as possible, and rules routine maintenance of all kinds, including regular checkups. Virgo needs healthy diets and eating, and to keep physically busy as well.
Virgo in Astrology: Busy
Virgo is a super busy sign thanks to being ruled by Mercury and to being a mutable sign. Virgo doesn't do well resting on its laurels, and idle hands can be a problem, so Virgo can fill up its schedule with plenty to do, and always has something on the mind that can be worked on when there's a moment to spare.
Virgo in Astrology: Perfectionism
Virgo does rule perfectionism, and this sign can demand too much from itself. Being such a hard worker, so detailed, and so focused, Virgo can sometimes take on too much, stress itself out, have burnout, and then gets mad at itself for not being perfect. Virgo has to learn to be more realistic about what it can do, and show itself some grace.
Where Your Virgo Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Virgo, the way those planets express themselves is via Virgo, so they are detailed, practical, and focused. The more Virgo planets you have, the more Virgo-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Virgo, you will have at least one natal house with Virgo. The house that falls in Virgo (has Virgo on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take a detailed, practical approach. If you have no Virgo house cusps, Virgo is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Leo, and your Virgo energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Virgo
When the transit (moving) planets are in Virgo, this can give all of us some Virgo energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Virgo roughly every year from mid August to mid September, and this is Virgo Season, which brings greater focus for us all.
Transit Mercury in Virgo can help us focus on the details and work on small projects; transit Venus in Virgo can make us more attentive with loved ones; transit Mars in Virgo can give strong work ethics and energy for work; transit Ceres in Virgo can help us take care of the little things that improve support and resources; and transit Jupiter in Virgo brings work opportunities and improvement to our daily lives. Transit Saturn in Virgo can bring out issues we have with Virgo, so issues around our work ethic, perfectionism, and handling stress. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt us to work it out. Saturn was last in Virgo 2007-2010 (and won't be again until 2036). Transit Uranus won't be in Virgo until 2045, but we'll experience many changes in our work life, daily life, and with health matters. Transit Neptune won't be in Virgo until 2092, but at that point, we'll merge the mundane with magic. Transit Chiron moves to Virgo in 2043, and we can tackle issues related to stress and demanding too much of ourselves. Transit Pluto was last in Virgo 1956-1972 (and won't be again until 2202), and this brings transformations of our work lives, daily lives, routines, and details. Strong Virgo Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Virgo in your natal chart, this can give you strong Virgo energy in your life and personality. You can be practical, detailed, and focused. This can be the case if you have a Virgo stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Virgo.
You can also feel that you have strong Virgo energy if your natal Mercury is strong, which is the planet that rules Virgo (especially in an earth or water sign). This can be the case if your natal Mercury is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Mercury is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Virgo, this gives all of us a strong dose of Virgo energy all at once. We're all hard-working and practical. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Virgo energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Virgo Sun sign page April 2024 comes with a fiery Solar Eclipse in Aries and a sobering Full Moon in Scorpio. What does this for us? What is a Solar Eclipse?
A New Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New Moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic. A Solar Eclipse occurs when New Moons are within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points where the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic).
What is a Full Moon?
A Full Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full Moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Solar Eclipse in Aries: April 8th 2024 (2:20PM ET/11:20AM PT)
Our first Solar Eclipse for 2024 comes to us in Aries, the very first sign of the Zodiac, and a fire and cardinal sign. Aries is full of energy, enthusiasm, and spunk, and wants to get things going. With Solar Eclipses ruling new beginnings and opportunities, we have the ability to take the initiative to make what we want happen, and this can be bigger than usual thanks to the eclipse energy. We're ready to hit the ground running and go.
This is our second Aries Solar Eclipse in this eclipse set, and we had one last year in 2023, and will have one more next year in 2025. So, we might be in the middle of developments and whatever we're focusing on with this energy. We may have begun last year, continue this year, and culminate next year. This eclipse occurs with Mercury retrograde (appearing to move backward) in Aries, and the eclipse is widely conjunct (aligned with) Mercury retrograde. While Solar Eclipses are times of big new beginnings, new journeys, and new ventures, retrogrades are times of looking back and doing things over. This means this eclipse is absolutely fabulous for a second chance. Is there something you'd like to try again with? You might've tried it and failed, got started but didn't finish, or didn't get off of the ground at all. This would be the time of the year to give it a shot. The energy of this period also says that what passes now is meant to be. So, that second chance? Maybe it wasn't meant to be before, but it is now! On the downside, we do need to be mindful of accidents and injuries (lots more of those), as well as work on keeping our anger and aggression under control (more war?), and there might be a bad wildfire around this time. The Solar Eclipse occurs at 19 degrees 24 minutes Aries. The aspects to the eclipse are: Conjunction: 14 degrees 24 minutes - 24 degrees 24 minutes Aries Semisextile: 17 degrees 24 minutes - 21 degrees 24 minutes Taurus or Pisces Sextile: 14 degrees 24 minutes - 24 degrees 24 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Square: 14 degrees 24 minutes - 24 degrees 24 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 14 degrees 24 minutes - 24 degrees 24 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Quincunx: 17 degrees 24 minutes - 21 degrees 24 minutes Virgo or Scorpio Opposition: 14 degrees 24 minutes - 24 degrees 24 minutes Libra Full Moon in Scorpio: April 23rd 2024 (7:49PM ET/4:49PM PT)
The Scorpio Full Moon is the most serious of the lunations. Full Moons are highly emotional and serious, and Scorpio is an emotional water sign and ruler of the serious. Scorpio is intense, passionate, and unrelenting, and we can have a hard time letting things go with a Scorpio Full Moon. We're really invested, and we're a bit stubborn about it, but we likely need to recognize that it's not doing us any good, and it's time to move on.
There can be developments involving other people's money (debts, loans, inheritances, taxes, joint finances, business finances, etc.), or regarding something that is deeply hidden that becomes revealed. We likely need to work on a major transformation, and this can be intense, but ultimately leads to solutions and frees us. We do need to be mindful of frustrations boiling over with this Full Moon, and especially coming after that Aries Solar Eclipse conjunct Mercury retrograde, yeah there's going to be a lot of fighting energy in April. We need to bite our tongues and try to be rational and think things through before blowing up. This may be a bad month for violence in the world though. The Full Moon is square (challenging aspect, 3 signs away) transit Pluto in Aquarius, and Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio. This means we can struggle with some of this energy, and we may lash out too easily, take things out on someone or something that has nothing to do with the real problem, and shove away our true issues. It's super important that we face reality, are honest with ourselves, and are willing to address the bad. Transforming is often the way out with Scorpio and Pluto, so seek to transform for the better. The Full Moon occurs at 4 degrees 18 minutes Scorpio. Aspects are: Conjunction: 2 degrees 18 minutes - 6 degrees 18 minutes Scorpio Sextile: 2 degrees 18 minutes - 6 degrees 18 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 2 degrees 18 minutes - 6 degrees 18 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 2 degrees 18 minutes - 6 degrees 18 minutes Cancer or Pisces Opposition: 2 degrees 18 minutes - 6 degrees 18 minutes Taurus Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect On March 19th 2024, transit (moving) Mercury is going to conjunct (align with) the transit North Node in Aries! This is an auspicious aspect that is essentially in effect March 16th - 20th 2024, and comes back to being in effect at the end of Mercury retrograde in April. Mercury in Astrology
Mercury is the planet of the mind in astrology. It governs communication and expression. Mercury is engaged, keeps busy, and of two minds. Mercury is a fast planet, and wants to have a variety of focuses.
North Node in Astrology
The North Node is a part of the Lunar Nodes, which are the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic. There is a North Node and a South Node, and they exactly oppose one another in the Zodiac.
The South Node is the past, early life/past lives, and it's familiar and what is already known so it can become an emotional crutch. The North Node is our potential, purpose, and where we find ultimate fulfillment, but it's unknown and so we can be hesitant. There are two positions for the Lunar Nodes, Mean (averaged out) and True (exact). They're usually pretty close to each other though (usually only 1-2 degrees apart). Mercury Conjunct North Node in Aries 2024 Impact:
With the planet of the mind conjunct the North Node, this means we're focused on our ideas, plans, and communication. We can express ourselves more, and we can find new ways of sharing what's on our mind. There can be important news at this time, or important knowledge or information that is shared.
In Aries, we can be enthusiastic and energized by ideas, plans, news, and information. We can be ready to take action quickly and with zeal. We can feel a personal connection to this, and it may feel like it's tied to our identity. But, do remember that the North Node is unfamiliar, so we may want to shy away from this, or even run away. It may scare us, but it can be really great for us if we can push through. We have to be willing to face it and go forth boldly. Chiron is also in the mix for this as it's been conjunct the North Node as well (exact on February 19th for True North Node, March 5th for Mean North Node), and Mercury is conjunct Chiron on March 20th. Chiron is the wounded healer in astrology, and connects to our great wounds, but also to our healing abilities. The ideas, news, information, or plans at this time might impact wounds, healing, and growth, and we have the opportunity to make strides and improvements in a big way if we embrace it. Mercury is conjunct the True North Node at 15 degrees Aries and the Mean North Node at 16 degrees Aries, and is conjunct Chiron at 18 degrees (Chiron conjuncted the True North Node at 16 degrees and Mean North Node at 17 degrees), so aspects to your natal bodies can occur with planets or points between 15 and 18 degrees of: Aries (conjunct; amplifies) Gemini and Aquarius (sextile; beneficial) Cancer and Capricorn (square; challenging) Leo and Sagittarius (trine; beneficial) Libra (opposition; challenging) Also look to where 15 - 18 degrees Aries falls in your natal houses for areas of life you may focus on ideas, plans, news, and information. Whatever that house rules, you may learn something new, talk something over, be more engaging, put together plans, or come up with new ideas. Mercury will also retrograde (appear to move backward) in April, and that retrograde ends on April 25th with Mercury conjunct North Node. It's not exact, but in orb (close). So, whatever we're focused on now likely ties into what we're focused on coming out of the Mercury retrograde, and we can work on moving toward our potential, purpose, and future. That actually goes very well with another big aspect going exact around the same time (April 21st): Jupiter conjunct Uranus! So we've got some big energy pushing us forward. Suggested Reading: Finding Potential With North Node Astrology |