You've just met someone and you're trying to plan a date that they'll love. Maybe their Sun sign can help give some clues! Perfect date ideas by Sun sign: The perfect date for an ARIES: No matter what, nothing sitting still. Something where you're moving, active. They love red, so if you're female, wear a red dress, and if you're male, bring red roses. Make sure you're not in one place for too long. Keep topics and the date light. The perfect date for a TAURUS: Taurus is easy since they love food, so going to a restaurant is just fine. Find out their favorite food/restaurant. Maybe only order off the dessert menu. Pampering them works too, so try the spa. Keep their senses constantly engaged. The perfect date for a GEMINI: You can sit the whole date as long as you're talking the whole date. Bring them somewhere you can show off your intellectual prowess, and then somewhere they can show off theirs. Keep the mental stimulation going. The perfect date for a CANCER: Plan something romantic at home or in a really comfortable setting. Don't put on a lot of pressure and let them ease out of their shell in their time. Mood lighting works well. Keep out of action-packed ideas. The perfect date for a LEO: Leo rules drama - take them to a movie or play. Don't forget your funny bone and make sure there's lots of laughs. Compliment them. Treat them like royalty. Keep them feeling important and the date grand in some way. The perfect date for a VIRGO: Nothing too flashy, over-the-top, romantic, or physical, unless it's to the gym. Make sure the food is nutritious. Virgo is insecure, so don't have a wandering eye. Keep trying to find what unwinds them. The perfect date for a LIBRA: Take them to the hottest, coolest place in town. Libra is social and trendy, so make sure the other people around are in with the in crowd, and you better make sure you look good. Well-groomed and stylish clothes only. Keep from saying anything inappropriate. The perfect date for a SCORPIO: Go somewhere dark and dress sexy. Stare into their eyes intensely and hang onto every word they say. Be mysterious. Leave them wanting more. And no day dates, nights only. Keep the mood intense. The perfect date for a SAGITTARIUS: If you can stand the outdoors, do something outside. Go for a hike, walk on the beach, plan a picnic. Don't do the TMI thing or talk about how much you want babies. Keep yourself at a slight distance so they don't feel like you're trapping them. The perfect date for a CAPRICORN: Something traditional, old-fashioned. The guy picks up the girl, holds open the door, pulls out the chair, stands when she leaves to "powder her nose." Keep the first kiss chaste - no trashiness! The perfect date for an AQUARIUS: Something unconventional, different. Nothing stuffy and no rules. And no fancy clothes. Maybe glow-in-the-dark bowling. A group date could work too. Keep them aware of your future dreams and how involved you are in causes. The perfect date for a PISCES: Pisces is the eternal romantic. Flowers, chocolates, candlelight dinner, soft music. Music's important, it helps Pisces mood. Maybe a jazz club or concert. Keep the date and your tone sweeter than sugar. Suggested Reading: When Venus Meets Mars We all read about how Venus is love, Mars is sex, the Moon is emotional needs, and so on, but they're all about telling you the kinds of traits you should look for in a mate rather than the actual zodiac signs you'll like. So which are the specific signs you’ll prefer? These 3 placements can show the actual signs you like and attract to you. Signs You Like #1: JUPITER
Jupiter is the happy planet, and it shows areas of life we have the easiest (and sometimes luckiest) times with. Your Jupiter sign can also tell you one of the signs you'll like most. This applies not only to Sun sign, but anyone with a personal planet in that sign (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars).
With Rising signs, I've found that you may actually like the opposite sign rising because then their 7th house is in your Jupiter sign, putting Jupiter on the house cusp or in the house. The 7th house rules our relationships. Jupiter in play helps you to genuinely like the other person. You’ll often find Jupiter connections with those you date and you really enjoy being around, but also with best friends, favorite clients, bosses you get along great with, etc. Jupiter just brings out the genuine like. Signs You Like #2: SUN-MOON MIDPOINT
The Sun-Moon midpoint is the exact middle between your Sun and Moon. It shows how we integrate our ego (Sun) with our emotions (Moon), and how we feel most "whole."
So it makes sense we'd be attracted to the sign of our Sun-Moon midpoint, because their qualities are ones we want in our own lives (because their qualities integrate our Sun and Moon). The Sun-Moon midpoint can be a sensitive point, so anyone who triggers it for you can activate the energy. Note that triggering midpoints is not only by conjunction; they’re actually triggered by squares (90 degrees), oppositions (180 degrees), semisquares (105 degrees) and sesquiquadrates (135 degrees). These are all hard aspects, and because midpoints are imaginary, they require some extra heat to be triggered. So, find the placements that conjunct, square, oppose, semisquare, or sesquiquadrate your Sun-Moon midpoint, as you may gravitate to those people. Signs You Like #3: NORTH NODE
Your North Node is one of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon’s orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic), and is on an axis with the South Node. The North Node is a spiritual point, showing the attributes you should aspire to integrate into your life to further yourself as a person.
If someone's Sun or other personal planet is in the sign of your North Node, they're pulling you forward in this life, forcing you to grow. If you're not ready, it's an unsettling experience. This is often the case when we’re young and haven’t grown into the North Node yet. If you are ready, they're the best relationships you'll have. No matter what, you can't go into things with someone who hits your North Node lightly. RECAP: Find those who have a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or Rising/7th house in your Jupiter sign, Sun-Moon midpoint sign, or North Node sign Suggested Reading: The Love Astrology series Read on to see what's in the air for you astrologically with a weekly horoscope for September 25th - October 1st. It's recommended you read your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign (or if you have a late Rising, the sign after). General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. Note: This is the last weekly horoscope; monthly horoscopes begin now with October.
Read on to see what's in the air for you astrologically with a weekly horoscope for September 18th - 24th. It's recommended you read your Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign (or if you have a late Rising, the sign after). General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only.
ARIES, the astrological RAM, is the element of FIRE and a CARDINAL quality. Both are ACTION; as the only sign with an action element and quality, that’s why its energy is so active. Used well, the energy is INDEPENDENT and COURAGEOUS, at the forefront of everything on the new FRONTIER. Not used well, it’s IMPATIENT and ACCIDENT-PRONE. The color for Aries is RED, symbolizing VITALITY, STRENGTH, and WILL. It’s the FIRST sign in the zodiac - the astrology NEWBORN! TAURUS, the astrological BULL, is the element of EARTH and a FIXED quality. Both are GROUNDING. Taurus is the only sign with a grounding element and quality which makes its energy very STABILIZING. Used well, it’s PATIENT and SENSUAL; Taurus loves stimulating the senses, feeling at one with its natural self. If its energy isn’t used properly, it’s IMMOVABLE, LAZY, INDULGENT, and SLOW to act. Taurus’s color is GREEN, symbolizing GROWTH and FERTILITY. It’s the SECOND sign of the zodiac. GEMINI, the astrological TWINS, is the element of AIR and a MUTABLE quality. Air rules the mind, and mutable is changeable, so Gemini is constant MENTAL activity. This can manifest as TALKATIVE, ENGAGING, and CURIOUS. On the downside, it can be RESTLESS and OVER-THINKING. The colors for Gemini are VIOLET, for its wonderful IMAGINATION and to calm its over-activity, and WHITE, to help bring mental CLARITY and symbolize the INNOCENCE within its curiosity. It’s the THIRD sign of the zodiac. CANCER, the astrological CRAB, is the element of WATER and a CARDINAL quality. Water is EMOTIONS and cardinal is action, so Cancer has DYNAMIC feelings. This can be NURTURING and SENSITIVE or MOODY and CRANKY. The colors for Cancer are SILVER, having a SOOTHING effect on its emotions, and GREEN, which is RESTFUL and good for its WELL-BEING. It’s the FOURTH sign of the zodiac. LEO, the astrological LION, is the element of FIRE and a FIXED quality. This makes Leo energy DELIBERATE before action and stay on the same PATH. Leo can be LOYAL, GENEROUS, and WARM. On the downside, Leo can be SELF-CENTERED and DRAMATIC (drama queen!). The colors for Leo are GOLD, the color of WEALTH, optimism, and a good life, and ORANGE, symbolizing LIVELINESS, lasting vitality, and sincerity. Leo is the FIFTH sign of the zodiac. VIRGO, the astrological VIRGIN, is an EARTH element and MUTABLE quality. Earth is grounding and mutable is changing, so this energy makes CHANGES that it can stick with and takes time beforehand. Virgo notices the LITTLE things, can be DETAIL-ORIENTED and HARD-WORKING. It can be a PERFECTIONIST and require too much of the SELF. The colors for Virgo are INDIGO, symbolizing SELF-INSIGHT and a BREAK from everyday life, and RUST, which stimulates SOCIALIZING. Virgo is the SIXTH sign of the zodiac. LIBRA, the astrological SCALES, is the element of AIR and CARDINAL quality. Air is mental and cardinal is action, so Libra takes much THOUGHT before action and thinks a lot about their actions. Libra can be SOCIAL, FAIR, HARMONIOUS, and seek BALANCE. It can also be JUDGMENTAL, VAIN, and MATERIALISTIC. The color for Libra is BLUE-GREEN, symbolizing TRUTH and TRAQUILITY. Libra is the SEVENTH sign in the zodiac. SCORPIO, the astrological SCORPION, is a WATER element and FIXED quality. Water rules emotions and fixed signs are grounded, so Scorpio energy is grounded in its emotions, giving it very STRONG emotions. It’s INTENSE, PASSIONATE, and SEDUCTIVE, or JEALOUS, VENGEFUL, and DARK. No happy medium here! Scorpio’s colors are SCARLET, symbolizing POWER, and BLACK, symbolizing the MYSTERY Scorpio loves. Scorpio is the EIGHTH sign of the zodiac. SAGITTARIUS, the astrological ARCHER, is the element of FIRE and a MUTABLE quality. Fire is action and mutable is change, so Sagittarius is a need for CONSTANT change (similar to Aries, but more fluid). Sagittarius energy can be ADVENTUROUS, OPEN, GREGARIOUS, and love TRAVEL. It can also be UNRELIABLE or ERRATIC. Sagittarius sees the BIG picture. The color for Sagittarius is PURPLE, symbolizing its SPIRITUAL quest and giving PEACE of mind. Sagittarius is the NINTH sign of the zodiac. CAPRICORN, the astrological GOAT, is an EARTH element and CARDINAL quality. Earth is stability and cardinal is action, so Capricorn does to provide STABILITY. Capricorn energy can be AMBITIOUS and DEDICATED or COLD and DISTANT. This signs also rules TRAGIC ambition. The colors for Capricorn are BLACK symbolizing SELF-CONTROL, and BROWN symbolizing TRADITION and ORDER. Capricorn is the TENTH sign of the zodiac. AQUARIUS, the astrological WATER-BEARER, is the element of AIR and a FIXED quality. Air is mental and fixed is grounding, so Aquarius is grounded in IDEAS. It can be IDEALISTIC, ORIGINAL, CHARITABLE, and ECCENTRIC, or ALOOF, UNPREDICTABLE, and prone to WISHFUL thinking. The color for Aquarius is SKY BLUE, symbolizing INSPIRATION and HIGH ideals. Aquarius is the ELEVENTH sign of the zodiac. PISCES, the astrological FISH, is a WATER element and MUTABLE quality. Water is emotions and mutable is change, so Pisces is constant emotional FLUCTUATION. Pisces can be ALTRUISTIC and DREAMY or SELF-DEFEATING and prone to ESCAPISM. The colors for Pisces are WHITE, symbolizing KINDNESS and the PURITY of its emotion, and LAVENDER, symbolizing GRACE and GENTLENESS. Pisces is the TWELFTH and last sign of the zodiac. Suggested Reading: Intro to Astrology Houses September 2011 Full Moon in Pisces & New Moon in Libra September is here and the full and new moons for the month are coming shortly. September has a full moon in watery Pisces and a new moon in airy Libra. A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are exactly opposing one another in the zodiac. It tends to signal a time of endings, culminations, and things coming to fruition. A new moon occurs when when the transit Sun and Moon are in the exact same spot in the zodiac, called a conjunction. It tends to signal a time of new opportunities, growth, and optimism. |