We all read about how Venus is love, Mars is sex, the Moon is emotional needs, and so on, but they're all about telling you the kinds of traits you should look for in a mate rather than the actual zodiac signs you'll like. So which are the specific signs you’ll prefer? These 3 placements can show the actual signs you like and attract to you. Signs You Like #1: JUPITER
Jupiter is the happy planet, and it shows areas of life we have the easiest (and sometimes luckiest) times with. Your Jupiter sign can also tell you one of the signs you'll like most. This applies not only to Sun sign, but anyone with a personal planet in that sign (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars).
With Rising signs, I've found that you may actually like the opposite sign rising because then their 7th house is in your Jupiter sign, putting Jupiter on the house cusp or in the house. The 7th house rules our relationships. Jupiter in play helps you to genuinely like the other person. You’ll often find Jupiter connections with those you date and you really enjoy being around, but also with best friends, favorite clients, bosses you get along great with, etc. Jupiter just brings out the genuine like. Signs You Like #2: SUN-MOON MIDPOINT
The Sun-Moon midpoint is the exact middle between your Sun and Moon. It shows how we integrate our ego (Sun) with our emotions (Moon), and how we feel most "whole."
So it makes sense we'd be attracted to the sign of our Sun-Moon midpoint, because their qualities are ones we want in our own lives (because their qualities integrate our Sun and Moon). The Sun-Moon midpoint can be a sensitive point, so anyone who triggers it for you can activate the energy. Note that triggering midpoints is not only by conjunction; they’re actually triggered by squares (90 degrees), oppositions (180 degrees), semisquares (105 degrees) and sesquiquadrates (135 degrees). These are all hard aspects, and because midpoints are imaginary, they require some extra heat to be triggered. So, find the placements that conjunct, square, oppose, semisquare, or sesquiquadrate your Sun-Moon midpoint, as you may gravitate to those people. Signs You Like #3: NORTH NODE
Your North Node is one of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon’s orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic), and is on an axis with the South Node. The North Node is a spiritual point, showing the attributes you should aspire to integrate into your life to further yourself as a person.
If someone's Sun or other personal planet is in the sign of your North Node, they're pulling you forward in this life, forcing you to grow. If you're not ready, it's an unsettling experience. This is often the case when we’re young and haven’t grown into the North Node yet. If you are ready, they're the best relationships you'll have. No matter what, you can't go into things with someone who hits your North Node lightly. RECAP: Find those who have a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or Rising/7th house in your Jupiter sign, Sun-Moon midpoint sign, or North Node sign Suggested Reading: The Love Astrology series Comments are closed.