Asteroid Cupido changes signs in a few days, leaving intense Scorpio or adventurous Sagittarius on February 1st 2023. Cupido stays in Sagittarius until June 10th 2023, which is long because it'll retrograde starting April 7th. Cupido returns to Sagittarius after the retrograde ends August 19th to November 7th 2023. What is Cupido in astrology?Cupido is an asteroid in astrology, and rules crushes and infatuation. The Zodiac sign and house location in your natal chart of your natal Cupido can show how you are when crushing or infatuated, and what you can be infatuated with (not just people!). It's the early part of relationships. You can find your natal asteroid Cupido location for free using (in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add number '763' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart). In transit, Cupido can show how you're experiencing crushes at the moment, and where you may be infatuated in life. Cupido in Sagittarius 2023 ImpactCupido in Sagittarius brings the asteroid of crushes to the sign of the eternal bachelor. This means we may have lotsa more crushes and infatuations, but we're not taking them too seriously. It's a big fling time! We can still be passionate about our crushes, but in a less intense, lesserious way. After dealing with serious Scorpio, we likely need a break, and want to have fun with our crushes. While retrograde, Cupido in Sagittarius might bring out the challenges with this attitude, and we end up taking advantage of someone, or we get taken advantage of. We need to be on the same page, even if it's just a fling, otherwise someone gets hurt. The retrograde begins in Sagittarius on April 7th 2023 at 11 degrees 40 minutes Sagittarius, but this makes no aspect to the other transit (moving) planets. The retrograde actually continues out of Sagittarius as Cupido goes back to Scorpio, and ends on July 14th 2023. When Cupido returns to Sagittarius, we can smooth out the difficulties that arose during the retrograde, and can work on making sure everyone is on the same page. We can also become infatuated with adventure, travel, and higher learning. Asteroid Cupido in Sagittarius for the Zodiac Signs:Aries: You may be more passionate about your beliefs with Cupido in Sagittarius, and you can get really wrapped up in them. You may be more passionate with your crushes, but also want more space from them. This may be a challenge during the retrograde, and you need to work on being clear.
Taurus: You can be passionate with your crushes with Cupido in Sagttarius, and you may have a hard time with anything too light and superficial. You may want to dig deeper, and can be passionate about research. You may go too far during the retrograde, and need to make sure you're seeing the whole picture. Gemini: You may feel more infatuated with your relationships and the people in your life with Cupido in Sagittarius, and you can be more interested in commitment, compromise, and partnership. You may prioritize this too much during the retrograde, which can leave you taken advantage of, so maintain healthy boundaries. Cancer: You can be more passionate about your work and productivity with Cupido in Sagittarius, and you can make big progress quickly. You can organize, stick to schedule, and focus on the work you enjoy most. You may go too far during the retrograde though, and need to make time for breaks to avoid burning out. Leo: You may be in love with love with Cupido in Sagittarius, and you can be passionate about anyone and anything you love. It can be easy for you to develop a crush, though you may not let it on. You may leave yourself in a vulnerable position during the retrograde though, if you don't make sure you have good boundaries. Virgo: You can experience stronger emotions with Cupido in Sagittarius, and your emotions may impact your crushes, so your crushes are ones where you feel an emotional attraction. You may become more invested in anything you feel an emotional connection with, but may need to work on maintaining objectivity as a result during the retrograde. Libra: You may have a passionate mind with Cupido in Sagittarius, and you can throw yourself into anything of interest. You can expand your knowledge, and share with others. Mental energy may run rampant during the retrograde, so try to focus your mind on something productive. Scorpio: You can take time with developing crushes with Cupido in Sagittarius, but you can really have strong ones once you do develop them. You can be more loyal to anything you're infatuated with, and this can be a good thing, but during the retrograde, you may go too far and need to get some space. Sagittarius: Cupido moves to your sign and you may find that others develop crushes on you and become infatuated with you easily, or vice versa. This is a big time for passion and infatuation, and you can see this in all areas of your life. During the retrograde, you may get wrapped up in someone or something, and need to unwrap yourself. Capricorn: You can keep quiet about what you're passionate about with Cupido in Sagittarius, not wanting anyone to know. You can keep your crushes to yourself as well. During the retrograde, you may find that others are draining you, or that what you're passionate about it taking too much from you. Try to get breaks and maintain boundaries. Aquarius: You may feel passionate about someone or something that is more unconventional and different with Cupido in Sagittarius. You can embrace individuality and nonconformity, and you may push yourself outside of your comfort zone in some way. Watch for rebellious energy during the retrograde. Pisces: You can be more passionate about your goals with Cupido in Sagittarius, and want to make more progress quickly. You can throw yourself into goals of interest, and as you make progress, you're more driven. YYou may crush on someone older, wiser, or more successful than you. During the retrograde, you may need to get space from the external. Suggested Reading: Asteroid Cupido in the Zodiac Signs Pluto is nearing the end of its time in earth sign Capricorn, and we'll embark on a journey with Pluto in Aquarius soon. This is going to last for over 20 years, so it's pretty important! Pluto in Aquarius Dates:
How Pluto in Aquarius 2023 - 2044 Impacts You
Pluto is going to spend a while in Aquarius, about 20+ years, and this puts the planet of transformation in the sign of change. Merge them together, and you get a period of massive transformations and changes that propel us into the future, which Aquarius also rules. We're way more future-minded, and way more focused on how what we do now impacts us for decades to come and beyond. This isn't just a concern for the present anymore. What about the future?
This may be concerning in that, this may come for a bad reason (perhaps we see something like escalating climate catastrophes early in this transit and that pushes through massive changes, for example). Pluto is destructive and humans are stubborn, so it's always a possibility. But, whatever we do work to change, we do so with passion and intensity thanks to Pluto. We're pushing through with strong wills, and we're making things happen in the face of blocks and opposition. Aquarius rules groups and the masses, so a lot of our focus can be on the collective, and not the individual. How can we come together in ways that are beneficial for the many instead of the few? This likely won't be so great for the oligarchs of the world, but I'll save my tears (LOL). Aquarius is a science ruler (along with Scorpio), so we may see much more progress being made with scientific advancements (perhaps a big jump with something that has been thought of as impossible; we actually did just have in 2022 that fusion energy breakthrough, and I recently saw something about breakthroughs in reversing aging - maybe we'll solve climate change and live to 500 by the end of this transit! haha). Aquarius is also a tech ruler (along with Gemini), so we may see major tech advancements and developments, though I feel like we're going to see some downfalls here first (watch out tech billionaires!). I think the nature of social media will change, and how we use the internet will also shift in some unforeseen way. Tech will likely expand even more, and become an even bigger part of our lives. In December 2020, we had the Great Mutation. There is something in astrology called the Great Conjunction, and this occurs when the transit (moving) Jupiter and Saturn conjunct (align). This happens roughly every 20 year, and represents a shift. The Great Conjunction becomes the Great Mutation when the signs the Great Conjunction occurs in changes elements, and in December 20202, we went from Great Conjunctions in earth signs to Great Conjunctions in air signs. This change happens roughly every 200 years. That Great Conjunction occurred in Aquarius, at 0 degrees, and I think Pluto moving into Aquarius is going to set it off in a big way. We're embarking on a whole new cycle of life that lasts for the next 2 centuries! We're shifting into a new era, and we're going to become more open, more socially conscious, more aware, and more inspired. Pluto in Aquarius is what gets us started. Saturn has been in Aquarius, and exits Aquarius just before Pluto enters (March 7th 2023). This is interesting because Saturn is the teacher, the one who brings us lessons (or forces lessons on us, really). With this coming right before Pluto enters Aquarius, I think Saturn was giving us an opportunity to learn the lessons we need to learn related to Aquarius, and to clear out the excess sludge, so we can go into Pluto in Aquarius with less baggage and less to stop us. It's like Saturn was paving the way for Pluto, trying to make this transit easier. Maybe because it is such a big shift, the dawn of a new era? Hopefully, you've used 2021 - 2023 to tackle your Saturn issues related to Aquarius (and whatever that was doing to your natal chart). That can make this Pluto in Aquarius transit much easier for you personally. How Pluto in Aquarius Differs from Pluto in Capricorn
Capricorn is the sign of the traditional, while Aquarius is the sign of the unconventional. Capricorn is the status quo, the way things have always been, while Aquarius is change, the way things could be if we ventured outside of our comfort zone. So this is pretty different energy!
One thing Capricorn and Aquarius do have in common is they both see the big picture. Capricorn is more practical about it while Aquarius is more idealistic and hopeful. So, we can become more idealistic and hopeful about changes and the future and what we're transforming into. Pluto in Capricorn really took a hard look at governments, corporations, and institutions, and tore down quite a few of them. Pluto in Aquarius may build on this, focusing on large groups that have gone wrong, or where we've gone wrong collectively. Special Periods During Pluto in Aquarius
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Chiron won't tour the sign of Aquarius while Pluto is in Aquarius, so that only leaves Jupiter. Jupiter will tour Aquarius while Pluto is in Aquarius on:
April 11th - June 26th 2032 November 29th 2032 - April 14th 2033 September 12th - December 1st 2033 The two conjunct on February 4th 2033, just once during this time, at 14 degrees Aquarius. Jupiter last conjuncted Pluto in 2020 in Capricorn, and this brings expansive Jupiter with powerful Pluto. This can amplify the transformations that are occurring at the time, and we can get excited about it thanks to Jupiter. What's really interesting about this period is Uranus, the planet that naturally rules Aquarius, will be changing signs, going from Gemini to Cancer at the same time! We're experiencing major changes at that point in our focus and perspective in Gemini, and shifting our foundation in Cancer. There will also be a solar eclipse on January 26th 2028 that is in Aquarius and bang on conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. This is auspicious energy that can bring major transformations, more shifts. So much shifting energy! Pluto in Aquarius Conjunct the Planets in Your Natal Chart
Pluto in Aquarius is going to be most significant for those with Uranus or Neptune in Aquarius, which is virtually all of Gen Z. The kids are coming of age and taking over!
Pluto conjunct your natal Uranus brings major changes to your life, and big shifts in your future, your dreams, and where you're going. Pluto conjunct your natal Neptune can make you get clear about your dreams, and want to make them real. If you have Chiron in Aquarius, Pluto conjunct can bring massive growth and potential for healing, but this may come with some major discomfort or old wounds re-opening. You can be vulnerable, and have to make sure to protect yourself, otherwise Pluto can be ruthless. If you have Saturn in Aquarius, Pluto conjunct can bring out some Saturn lessons (if you have any major ones left), but also bring out more discipline, more structure, more responsibility, and more success. This can be a great time for progress, but it comes with hard work. If you have Jupiter in Aquarius, Pluto conjunct can be extremely beneficial for you, especially the period where Jupiter is also touring Aquarius in 3032 and 3033. That can bring massive opportunities for you, all new experiences, and a new path for your life can open up. You can make things happen, and your will can be strong, and luck can be on your side (as long as you're ethical about it). The Sun or Moon in Aquarius can mean Pluto conjunct brings a massive transformation of your personality, or of your life. This can be disruptive, but ultimately beneficial. Mercury in Aquarius can shift your outlook; Venus in Aquarius can transform relationships; Mars in Aquarius can find new motivations; and Ceres in Aquarius can bring new resources and ways of nourishing. You'll want to check out how to manage hard transit Pluto aspects to the personal planets, and everyone should check out managing Pluto through the houses. Final Notes on Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto in Aquarius is a huge, important time, and we're making history! Hopefully, for the better, but who knows, ha. Personally, look at the houses in your natal chart Pluto will tour in Aquarius, as the areas of life those houses rule get the biggest brunt of this transit, and can be where you experience the biggest transformations over the next 20 years.
Make sure you're being true to yourself, open to what's different, willing to change, adapting to the changes around you, and keeping a hopeful eye on the future. Let's see where we are in 20 years ;) Suggested Reading: Transit Pluto page for interpretations for Pluto in the houses and aspects Saturn is on the move! The planet of lessons is soon going to leave the detached air sign, Aquarius, where it's been since 2020, and move into Pisces, a spiritual water sign. What does this mean for us? Saturn in Pisces Dates:
How Saturn in Pisces 2023 - 2026 Impacts You
The most important impact of Saturn in Pisces to highlight is the fact that Saturn is the Lord of Karma, while Pisces is the Zodiac sign that rules karma. This means the transit of Saturn in Pisces is going to be extremely karmic, just full of karmic energy, and we may have to dig into the karmic sludge and work through karmic baggage, old karmic patterns, and have a deeper understanding of our karmic lessons.
Pisces rules spirituality, so we can learn more lessons around our spiritual selves, and what it is we believe in spiritually. For some, this may mean ditching what you've thought you believed for a long time, and coming to the understanding that it was hollow and not true to who you really are. For others, this may mean becoming more invested in what you believe, if you feel it's the right thing for you. In general, we may be more practical in spiritual matters overall though, and may want to ground our spiritual energy. Pisces is the sign of compassion and empathy, so Saturn in Pisces can force us to confront issues around this. Where we've lacked compassion and empathy can suffer greatly, and cause us to suffer as punishment. We have to learn this lesson, and develop a better emotional understanding of the plight of others. On the flip side, Pisces also rules boundaries, so those with too much compassion and empathy may have to learn the power of healthy boundaries. If you struggle with saying no, if you're a doormat, if you're always being taken advantage of, this can come back to bite you in a big way, and you have to learn how to protect yourself in a healthy way. Pisces is ruler of the arts and imagination, so this is a highly creative sign, and Saturn in Pisces may push us to be more practical and productive with it. This would be excellent for anyone who already works in the arts or does something creative, and we may see more people flock to do this professionally. Pisces is the very last sign of the Zodiac, so we are at the end of a cycle. This can be a time of major endings, and we see many things from the past finally being resolved and coming to a close that have been building for some time. How Saturn in Pisces Differs From Saturn in Aquarius
In some ways, Saturn in Pisces is very similar to Saturn in Aquarius since Aquarius and Pisces are oppositional energy to Saturn itself. Saturn is practical, realistic, and disciplined, while Aquarius rules change and the unexpected, and Pisces rules imagination and the spiritual.
This means Saturn tamps both of them down, bringing them back to the ground and to reality. With Aquarius, this meant needing to be more realistic with our dreams, more practical with our future, and more focused with change. With Pisces, this will mean needing to merge the mundane with imagination, to bring soft, spiritual energy into our practical lives, and to be more disciplined and focused with our creativity and compassion. Special Periods During Saturn in Pisces
The biggest aspect Saturn in Pisces makes is a sextile (beneficial aspect) to Uranus in Taurus, and this occurs twice on April 4 2025 and again on January 19 2026.
What's interesting about this is while Saturn was in Aquarius, Saturn was square Uranus for almost all of 2021, which is a challenging aspect. The script gets flipped now, and we get these two working well together, which is nice! Saturn is practical, disciplined, and the traditional, while Uranus is change, unpredictable, and the unconventional. At odds, we're ripping things apart; working well together, and we're mindfully making changes that help us achieve our goals, and disciplined about unconventional pursuits that prove beneficial for the long haul. There is going to be a Venus retrograde in 2025, and it partially occurs in Pisces (March 27th to April 12th 2025), and ends conjunct (aligned with) Saturn in Pisces. This is fairly significant, and we can get major focus on commitments, partnerships, and alliances coming out of that retrograde. With Saturn, we likely see ones that aren't going well or we're not invested in breaking apart. If we can work on it, it'll require extra effort and focus. Meanwhile connections that are healthy and strong can grow stronger and we become more committed to them. There will also be two lunar eclipses in Pisces while Saturn is in Pisces, though neither will conjunct Saturn (oddly). These occur September 17th 2024 and September 7th 2025. Lunar eclipses are times of major endings and culminations and results, and have high emotional energy. In Pisces, we're much more focused on finishing cycles, understanding the past, and quietly getting things finished. This is even more the case with Saturn in Pisces as well. There can be very strong karmic energy with these eclipses, and developments may come to pass that seem highly fated. Saturn in Pisces Conjunct the Outer Planets in Your Natal Chart
Most current teenagers have Uranus in Pisces (born 2003 - 2011, so currently ages 8 to 19), and Saturn in Pisces will come to conjunct Uranus in Pisces. Teens and pre-teens now likely start to feel more pressure, and may give much more focus to their creativity, to their spiritual sides, and to exploring deeper parts of themselves. They'll likely be more reflective, and probably quieter (rare for that age group, I know!).
Kids born currently have Neptune at home in Pisces (Alphas, as their generation is called; they definitely have the best generation name), so if you have babies, toddlers, and young children (born 2011 and later), Saturn will conjunct their natal Neptune. Saturn conjunct Neptune usually prompts you to turn fantasies into reality, so your little ones may be more practical with their creativity, and perhaps talk more about what they want to do when they grow up, and may start now to make things happen (early birds!). Final Notes on Saturn in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces should have less of the tumult that we experienced with Saturn in Aquarius thanks to the square to Uranus ending, however Saturn in Pisces is much stronger karmic energy, so we may still feel uncomfortable at times if we're running away from our purpose and fate.
Working through karmic and subconscious baggage, understanding the past, and being willing to let go is going to be crucial to managing this transit and coming out of it on top. If you run from that, Saturn will punish you, but if you embrace it, you can end up in a place that is meant for something great. Suggested Reading: Transit Saturn page for interpretations for Saturn in the houses and aspects Ceres is a dwarf planet ruling nourishment, support, and resources in astrology, while the progressed chart moves your natal chart forward to reflect your maturation and growth, and be used in predictive analysis. So, what is the impact of the progressed planets to natal Ceres? In this article, we're going to cover progressed Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars to natal Ceres. The other planets move quite slow, so they usually won't venture too far from their natal position and from whatever aspect they're already making to your natal Ceres. Progressed Aspects to Natal Ceres:Progressed Sun to Natal Ceres
When the progressed Sun sextiles or trines your natal Ceres, this can be an excellent time for nurturing yourself and taking care of your own needs, especially physically and tangibly. You may get more opportunities to improve your finances, and you can feel more supported and secure overall in life.
When the progressed Sun squares or opposes your natal Ceres, this can be a challenging time for making sure your needs are being met. You may feel like you lack in some way, and this may be physical lacking or perceived lacking. Insecurity can be strong, and you likely need to address the root issue at the core of this. When the progressed Sun conjuncts your natal Ceres, this can be an incredible time for nourishment, support, and financially. You may be presented with a big opportunity that brings lots of abundance into your life. You may absorb some of Ceres energy into your personality, and may be more nurturing, supportive, and resourceful. Progressed Moon to Natal Ceres
When the progressed Moon is sextile or trine your natal Ceres, this can be a great time for feeling emotionally nurtured and understood. You can do what you need to meet your emotional needs and nourish yourself emotionally. You can also be much more emotionally understanding with others, and want to nurture them emotionally as well.
When the progressed Moon is square or opposite your natal Ceres, this can make you feel emotionally insecure and unstable. You may feel like you're lacking support and resources, and this can create anxiousness and despair at times. You may need to work on being more creative with how you meet your needs, as well as work on better boundaries with others, who may try to take too much from you. When the progressed Moon is conjunct your natal Ceres, this can be amazing for emotional support. You can feel stable emotionally, calm, and even, and able to help others in many new ways. You can focus on what makes you feel good and is healthy for you, and you can stabilize your life, or have opportunities to work on something from the ground up. Progressed Mercury to Natal Ceres
When progressed Mercury is sextile or trine your natal Ceres, you can voice your support for people, ideas, and plans more easily. You may work to support yourself mentally, and can get support from others for what you're thinking and planning. You can feel at ease mentally, and take care of your mental needs, wanting to nourish your mind.
When progressed Mercury is square or opposite your natal Ceres, you may feel more misunderstood than usual, and this may cause you to either lash out with your words, or to keep quiet too much. You likely need to get into your subconscious mind to figure out where this is coming from, and work on the issue at hand. If you can get control of this, you can turn things around. When progressed Mercury is conjunct your natal Ceres, you can share your ideas and plans, and get lots of support from others. You may focus on plans and ideas that allow you to be more helpful, resourceful, or nurturing. You may have two different things to focus on that relate to nourishment, support, or resources, but you can manage them well. You may be more pleasant in your communications, and others can take you seriously. Progressed Venus to Natal Ceres
When progressed Venus is sextile or trine your natal Ceres, you can nurture your relationships with ease, and in healthy ways. It can be easy to nourish the people in your life, and you can be quite supportive. You may feel that your relationships give a lot to you, and working with a partner may prove beneficial. This can be a great time for commitment and compromise.
When progressed Venus is square or opposite your natal Ceres, it can be difficult for you to find balance in your relationships. You may be surrounded by takers, and if you lack boundaries, you can give way too much away, leaving yourself deprived. On the other hand, you may take too much, becoming dependent on others for your physical, mental, and emotional well being, and this leaves you in a difficult place. Finding balance and maintaining boundaries becomes extra important. When progressed Venus is conjunct your natal Ceres, you can be super nurturing of others, a major helper in some way, and you can find that this nourishes you. As long as you maintain healthy boundaries, this can be a good thing for you. A big opportunity can come to you that is extremely beneficial for your resources or finances, and leaves you in a prosperous state. There may be something you need to make a big compromise on though, but it can be for the best. Progressed Mars to Natal Ceres
When progressed Mars is sextile or trine your natal Ceres, you can feel enthusiastic about nurturing others, and about nurturing yourself. You can take the initiative with nourishment, as well as with opportunities that improve your resources and finances. This can help put you in a good place for abundance, and you can feel supported as you go along.
When progressed Mars is square or opposite your natal Ceres, you can struggle with finding opportunities when you need them, or taking action with them when you have the chance. You may be impatient and impulsive with money and resources, and this can put you in a bind. You need to control that energy, and not let it control you. If you can do that, you can use the extra energy to your advantage, though progress may be slower than you'd like. When progressed Mars is conjunct your natal Ceres, this can bring great energy and drive for improving your resources and finances, and you may find that taking the initiative pays off for you in big ways. You may also be extra supportive of others, and can use what you have to help out. Others may be impressed by your abilities and your energy, and can look to you to take the lead, which you can be more comfortable doing. Suggested Reading: The Ceres series of articles We're currently in a period where 3 planets are ending their retrogrades: Mars retrograde ended yesterday (Jan 12), Mercury retrograde ends in 5 days (Jan 18), and Uranus retrograde ends in 9 days (Jan 22). What does it mean when retrogrades end like this, and what can we do with the energy? What is retrograde in astrology?
A planet or body is called retrograde in astrology when it appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth. Normal motion is forward, so this can throw the planet or body off.
When the retrograde ends, this is called direct. The planet or body is no longer moving backward, and is either moving forward through the Zodiac or getting ready to. When a planet or body turns retrograde or direct, it slows way down, and this is called stationing. The planet or body hovers in about the same spot in the Zodiac, and this can be a limbo period where we're not certain what to do next, and we're looking both forward and backward, trying to discern our next move while feeling a bit stalled. How to Use the End of Retrogrades Well:
The first thing you need to do when retrogrades end is maximize the slowing energy. Take time to get extra rest, to relax, and to manage stress in a healthy way. This can leave you free to get moving and refreshed when you have the chance.
Go over what has transpired in the last few weeks or months while the planet or body was retrograde. What problems arose that have yet to be fixed, and you can work on now? What did you learn? What do you want to do differently now? Take that information and work on your plans for the coming weeks/months. How can you improve these plans, and make sure you stick with them? You may want to take time to be reflective and introspective. Take stock of what you're feeling emotionally, and of what your mind is focused on. Dip into your subconscious, and see if there's any extra sludge to remove. It can be easy to give in to the temptation to jump into action as soon as a retrograde ends, but this usually isn't the right idea. Instead, you want to go over your plans, gather information, and proceed cautiously. Depending on the planet or body (and whatever other astrology is occurring at the same time), it can take a little while for energy to really pick back up again and to regain forward momentum. Try to go with this, and know that it'll pick up eventually. Just be patient :) Suggested Reading: Stationing & Direct in Astrology February 2023 comes with a Leo full moon that wants to be light but may be rebellious, and a sweet new moon in Pisces. How do they impact us? What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Full Moon in Leo: February 5th 2023 (1:29PM ET/10:29AM PT)
Leo is the sign of love, creativity, and fun, so Leo full moons usually aren't too serious. We just want to goof off, have a good time, and not deal with the serious and mundane stuff.
Leo full moons are great for reconnecting with the heart and with loved ones, and we can strengthen our love relationships. We may prioritize love relationships where we feel a soul connection with the other person, but it can be strong. We may be a little desperate for attention and praise with Leo full moons, so we have to be mindful of acting that way. If we're feeling insecure, we need to address why instead of looking for external validation. Leo rules our children, so if you have children, they may be more emotional and rebellious with the full moon. Try to be understanding, and help them have healthy outlets. Leo rules our hobbies and creativity, so this can be a great time for finishing up a creative project, or becoming more invested in a hobby. Our hearts can lead us, and we can follow (just make sure not blindly!). The full moon is square (challenging aspect, three signs away) transit (moving) Uranus in Taurus, and this can bring out rebellious energy, impatience, and impulsive behavior. We may lash out if we feel we're being boxed in, and this can be irrational and sometimes not even reality. We need to maintain some control over this, and not let impulse take over. Instead, we should try to work on smaller changes that can show results quickly, and work to get out of a rut with something where we've been extra stuck since this energy can be excellent for that. The full moon occurs at 16 degrees 41 minutes Leo. Aspects to the full moon are: Conjunction: 14 degrees 41 minutes - 18 degrees 41 minutes Leo Sextile: 14 degrees 41 minutes - 18 degrees 41 minutes Gemini or Libra Square: 14 degrees 41 minutes - 18 degrees 41 minutes Taurus or Scorpio Trine: 14 degrees 41 minutes - 18 degrees 41 minutes Aries or Sagittarius Opposition: 14 degrees 41 minutes - 18 degrees 41 minutes Aquarius New Moon in Pisces: February 20th 2023 (2:05AM ET/February 19th @ 11:05PM PT)
The Pisces new moon can be great for imagination and artistry. Pisces rules our imagination and the arts, so we can continue with creative energy, and can feel inspired in new ways.
Pisces rules the hidden, so we can shine a light on something that has been hiding in the shadows, and we can work on it with greater ease. This can be external, but it can also be internal with our subconscious mind and soul, and we can feel free of baggage. Pisces rules intuition, so we may trust our instincts better with this new moon. We can focus on connecting with our intuition better, and learning what is our inner guide and what is just insecurity and old hurts. Pisces is the very last Zodiac sign, so we may plan the end of something with this new moon. We can be less emotional about it, and we may feel quite ready, and can see how this makes room for new beginnings soon. Spiritual energy can be strong with this new moon, and we can pursue new spiritual projects and ventures, and explore our spiritual sides, wanting to feel a stronger connection to it. Pisces is the sign of empathy and compassion, so we may take more tangible steps with this new moon to help others who really need it. This can help us feel better about life, and we can help without needing much in return, but rather just because we know it's the right thing to do. The new moon occurs at 1 degree 22 minutes Pisces. The aspects to the new moon are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 22 minutes Pisces Sextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 22 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Square: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 22 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 22 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Opposition: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 3 degrees 22 minutes Virgo Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect |