​Saturn is moving into a new sign on March 21st, air sign Aquarius! Saturn has been in its home sign of Capricorn, and has been a part of the dominant Capricorn stellium for 2020. With Saturn making a move to Aquarius, it's time to look forward. So what's the impact of Saturn in Aquarius? Read on! How Saturn in Aquarius 2020-2023 Impacts You
Saturn in Aquarius takes our focus from the traditional and practical to the unconventional and different. Aquarius likes things to be different, unique in some way, marching to the beat of its own drummer. This is a sign that doesn't like to be boxed in! With Saturn in Aquarius, we may have to address issues that have done just that, boxed us in and kept us from expressing our uniqueness. We're all individuals, and Aquarius wants us to embrace that. While Saturn is in Aquarius, we may be challenged to face old ideas, social norms, and the status quo. If it hasn't been serving us well, then why are we hanging on to it?
Aquarius is ruler of the future, always looking way forward, and this can give Aquarius an objective outlook. Saturn in Aquarius wants us to look toward the future and see how everything fits together as a whole. We can become more concerned about how every piece impacts the next and the next, and take a bigger view of the world and life. There's more than just the here and now. There's infinity! Aquarius also rules our hopes and dreams. As we're looking toward the future, we're thinking about what we hope to achieve and experience and have, and what we dream it'll look like and feel like. Saturn in Aquarius wants us to get serious about those dreams, to come up with plans to make them reality, so they actually are by the time Saturn leaves Aquarius. This doesn't necessarily mean giving up on dreams that are seen as "unrealistic" - sometimes that does happen with Saturn, but it's really more about doing your homework, making smart choices, being responsible, making plans, and sticking to them. This sign is the sign of change, so we may see some major changes happening around the world and in our lives. For some, they may be quick and unexpected, but with Saturn, it's more likely the changes are ones we're working for, planning for, and striving for. They're changes not just for the moment, but for many years to come. Friends and groups are ruled by Aquarius, and some friendships can grow stronger and new friendships can last longer, while others can fade away. Some groups may grow in major prominence, gaining incredible power, while others are torn down and ripped apart. We may struggle at times with coming together and connecting, and need to find our common links. We're seeing some exact interpreting happening with Saturn in Aquarius as we start this transit with social distancing - restricting (Saturn) groups of people (Aquarius) from coming together (sometimes astrology is so-oh literal!). Aquarius also governs charity, wanting us to be more concerned with something outside of ourselves. We can use the energy to become more involved in causes, to work to help mankind, and to take care of the environment. Saturn in Aquarius can make some environmental issues much worse (since let's face it, we've totally ignored and taken advantage of Mother Earth!). Uranus, natural ruler of Aquarius, is in earth sign Taurus as well, so yeah, let's get serious about this, pronto! How Saturn in Aquarius Differs From Saturn in Capricorn
Saturn in Capricorn puts Saturn in the sign it naturally rules. Capricorn and Saturn are traditional, hard-working, and practical. Aquarius is totally counter to that! Aquarius is unconventional, different, eccentric, weird. This sign throws out the rule book! Though we shouldn't necessarily do that (Saturn is involved after all). But we should question the rules that we've been living by and get clear about whether or not they're actually doing us some good.
Saturn in Aquarius also ends the Capricorn stellium, and this can pull back some of the really strong, unrelenting, overwhelming at times, energy we've got cooking. Aquarius is a lot lighter as an air sign, which can help us elevate a little. Special Periods During Saturn in Aquarius
Saturn is in Aquarius until July 1st, and goes back to Capricorn for a few months. When Saturn re-enters Aquarius December 17th 2020, Jupiter also enters Aquarius 2 days later! They're both in Capricorn in 2020, but don't actually conjunct in Capricorn, instead conjuncting early in Aquarius on December 21st (at 0 degrees). This can bring a huge surge in focus on the future, our dreams, what we hope for, and how we come together. All eyes are on the future! It's likely going to change in a very big way.
Mercury retrogrades January 30th - February 20th 2021 in Aquarius (but doesn't conjunct Saturn) and January 14th - 25th 2022 in Aquarius (which starts conjunct Saturn). These are the only retrogrades in Aquarius while Saturn is in Aquarius, so it's not too bad. We may feel extra overwhelmed, have sudden responsibilities, and crave more space to be ourselves completely. The 2022 retrograde may feel strongest, and we have to do things right but still leave room for change. Aside of the early conjunction to Jupiter, Saturn in Aquarius only makes one other major aspect, a square (hard aspect, 3 signs away) to Uranus in Taurus on February 17th, June 14th, and December 24th 2021 (so felt pretty much all of 2021). This might bring some challenges in 2021 with adjusting to changes, with making changes properly and responsibly, and with managing the traditional with the unconventional. We need to acknowledge both and recognize there is a place for both instead of forsaking one for the other. Make practical changes, be unconventional with your goals! Saturn in Aquarius Conjunct the Outer Planets in Your Natal Chart
Generation Z largely has Uranus at home in Aquarius as their defining astrological position, and Saturn in Aquarius comes to conjunct Uranus. This may bring Zers more into the spotlight, and they may take on a more major role in some way. Saturn conjunct Uranus makes you get real about your dreams and future, and take actual steps to make them happen. Now is the time, now is the time.
Many Zers also have Neptune in Aquarius as well, and Saturn conjunct Neptune demands you make your fantasies reality. Z seems to be hit the most by Saturn in Aquarius, and the challenge is about merging dreams and fantasy with reality. How can you make the intangible tangible? Final Notes on Saturn in Aquarius
So Saturn in Aquarius doesn't seem as heavy as Saturn in Capricorn, which may be a relief! But we do have to get serious about the future, and it seems like what comes to pass with the Capricorn stellium is what prompts us to look forward further.
Also, right after Saturn leaves Aquarius, Pluto enters Aquarius! Saturn leaves Aquarius March 7th 2023 and Pluto starts moving into Aquarius March 23rd 2023 (that's sure to be a big month!). So we can use Saturn in Aquarius to lay the groundwork for when Pluto is in Aquarius, setting us up for many, many years to come. Suggested Reading: Transit Saturn page for interpretations for Saturn in the houses and aspects Comments are closed.