Neptune can be a difficult planet to understand, mostly because Neptune's energy is so foggy. Neptune clouds our judgment and makes us think we know what’s happening, only to be blindsided once Neptune’s departed and the cold light of day hits. With the areas of life ruled by the house transit Neptune is touring in your chart, it can be so difficult to see what’s really going on, and we can be easily fooled. Those areas can get hazy, difficult to understand, and you can be easily deceived or manipulated. Become aware with the houses, that’s key! Transit Neptune usually spends many years (over a decade!) in one house. This brings continuous Neptune energy to the areas of life ruled by that house. You don’t always feel its presence (it usually becomes more obvious under Neptune transits, transits to the house ruler, or other planets going through the house), but it is always there, and the start can be very intense. Surviving Transit Neptune in the houses:Transit Neptune in the 1st House
The 1st house is the house of the self, so having transit Neptune in your 1st house can impact you directly. While you can come across more Neptunian - charismatic, intuitive, and compassionate - you can also be much more easily deceived and manipulated, and have to fight hard to make sure you don’t fall victim to anyone who wants to take advantage of you. You can also wander a bit through life if you’re unsure of what you should be doing.
How to survive: It’s important to work on manifesting Neptune positively under this transit. Explore your spirituality, work on forging a better connection to your intuitive self, and do more to help others. The more solid of a connection you have to your soul, to the subtle energies around you, and to the subconscious motivations of others, the easier it can be to sense who the bad guys are you need to avoid and when you’re being sold on something empty. You can develop such a strong intuition under this transit that your gut can be your greatest guide. There can be struggles with believing it sometimes though, so work on the connection and have confidence in your abilities. Having a strong connection to your intuition can also help you to find your true purpose. Without that, you can feel like a nomad. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 1st house, hard aspects to the 1st house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 2nd House
The 2nd house is the house of money, so having transit Neptune in the 2nd house can impact you financially, and you can be swindled by someone who wants your money or valuables (watch for the Ponzi scheme!). You may have a hard time keeping track of your finances, and this can put you in a bad position financially over and over again. You can also be more insecure, and this can impact your ability to create stability.
How to survive: Being more aware of your finances is important under this transit, and staying grounded financially. Keep rainy day funds - more than one! - to protect yourself if you get hazy. This transit is really about releasing unhealthy attachments to money and possessions, and finding a spiritual connection to them instead. Use your money to do good things for others - donate more to charity, put a relative through college, buy items for a shelter - as well as good things for yourself that enrich your life (taking a class, travel, joining groups to meet new people). If you feel you have a negative view of money or rich people, work on changing that to something positive. Work to let go of the negative feelings you may have toward money or about money. Also work on being more confident and believing in yourself. Having a healthy dose of confidence can help you stay grounded and improve your security. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 2nd house, hard aspects to the 2nd house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 3rd House
The 3rd house is the house of communication, so having transit Neptune in this house can impact your ability to understand and to be understood by others. You may not realize you’re not being clear, or others may feel that no matter what you say, they don’t get it. You may have a hard time dealing with logic, facts and figures, and get lost in your imagination a lot. Focus can be difficult, and dealing with anything you find boring can be a challenge. You can also fall prey to someone who sounds really good, but is really bad.
How to survive: Your imagination is more active, so let it have an outlet. Give it time to run wild regularly. This might mean taking time on a daily basis to write, read, watch a movie, or just daydream. When you give your mind the time it wants to fantasize, it makes it easier for you to deal with the practical here-and-now. This can also help to protect you from the pretty-speaking swindler. As for being misunderstood, this is where having an artistic or creative way of expressing yourself can be a super helpful. Communicating like normal may become too challenging under this transit, so you need to find a Neptunian one. This may be through music, poetry, painting, whatever suits you. When you communicate this way, people are more likely to respond favorably and understand what you mean. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 3rd house, hard aspects to the 3rd house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 4th House
The 4th house rules the home and family, as well as your emotions and internal foundation, so having transit Neptune in your 4th house can make you unrealistic with your home or family, and you may do too much for your home and family and lose yourself, or feel yourself detach from them emotionally. You may get lost in your emotions at times, and while you can be super compassionate, you can also have a hard time keeping your emotions in check.
How to survive: It’s important to be more realistic with matters at home and with your family. If you think every is roses, it’s probably not, so try taking a step back and listening to what your gut tells you. If you’re constantly drained and invested a ton of time with your family or at home, that is something that probably needs to be addressed. If you feel your relationships with family have dissolved, you may need to ask yourself if this is truly the right thing for you. As for your emotions, the more spiritually secure connected you are, the easier it can be to manage yourself emotionally. Without that connection, you can feel untethered. If you have a hard time expressing yourself emotionally, try creative or artistic means (singing, writing, dancing, painting, sculpting, acting, etc.) This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 4th house, hard aspects to the 4th house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 5th House
The 5th house is the house of love, so transit Neptune in the 5th house can impact your love relationships. You may not see the people you love realistically, or they may not see you realistically, and that can cause problems. You can be taken advantage of by people you think you love, and you can fall in love with all of the wrong people. You can give too much to the people you love, and lose yourself a little bit when you’re in love, thinking that’s the way it’s supposed to be.
How to survive: You obviously need to be more realistic with the people you love, so you need to ask yourself constantly if this relationship and person is really healthy and good for you. Take a step back as much as you can and ask yourself if this was someone else, not you, would you think it’s still rosey? If you have a hard time finding any faults with the person or problems in the relationship, this may be a clue that you’re not being realistic. Soul connections can be good to work on under this transit, so work to strengthen yourself spiritual and strengthen the spiritual connection you have with the people you love. Creativity can be a good outlet for you since Neptune rules the arts and the 5th house rules your hobbies, so make sure you have lots of time to spend on creative pursuits. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 5th house, hard aspects to the 5th house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 6th House
The 6th house rules your work, daily life, and health, so transit Neptune in the 6th house can make it difficult for you to focus on work that needs to be done, not wanting to deal with anything mundane or stick to any kind of schedule or routine. If you’re not satisfied with the work you do, you can become even more unsatisfied and want to do something else. You can also experience health issues that are difficult to diagnose, treat, or are brought on by stress.
How to survive: Embrace some changes in your life on a regular basis. If your daily life remains the same, constant, you’re more likely to become more and more restless. Try to do more on a daily basis of the things you love or that replenish your soul. If you’re not happy with your work and you see this transit coming, perhaps prepare to do something else. Work most likely under this transit will be spiritual, metaphysical, artistic, or helpful. As for your health, you have to be very careful with what you consume and come into contact with under this transit. You can become very sensitive to all manner of things that you weren’t before, so pay careful attention to what you eat, wear, clean with, skincare products, makeup, medicine (even over the counter). The more you’re stressed, the more likely this will be, so work to manage your stress levels. Tending to your soul needs and being creative help with that. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 6th house, hard aspects to the 6th house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 7th House
The 7th house rules your relationships, so transit Neptune in the 7th house impacts all of your relationships and the people who come into your life. You may see people unrealistically, and do anything for the people you care about, similarly to the 5th house influence. You may have unrealistic expectations from the people in your life, either because they’re actually not as great as you think they are or because you have some subconscious issues to work on.
How to survive: If there are some relationship or commitment issues you need to work out, this is important to do, otherwise you can continue to have problems come up again and again. Once you’ve cleared that, focus on developing more spiritual connections with people, but try to be clear about what your expectations are from them. If people are continuously disappointing you, this may be a clue that you need to be more realistic about what you expect from others. If you feel like you’re constantly attracting people to you who take advantage, work on forging a better connection to your intuition so you can figure out who to run from faster, and work on elevating your energy levels (working on emotional issues, developing your spiritual self, removing blocks) so you’re naturally attracting better people. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 7th house, hard aspects to the 7th house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 8th House
The 8th house rules “other people’s money”, so while transit Neptune is in the 8th house, you can experience financial problems because of other people, give too much to people who are swindling you or don’t deserve it, or may have a hard time keeping track of the money taxes, loans, business finances, or joint finances. The 8th house also rules intimacy, so you may share too much of yourself with others.
How to survive: When it comes to your finances, you need to make sure you’re staying on top of it, and not just trusting other people to do the right thing by you. That puts you in a bad position to be taken advantage of. Investing may be dicey during this transit, so work to be more responsible and cautious. When it comes to intimacy, you should work on forging a spiritual connection with others, but not rush to act as though you have a spiritual connection with someone. The One cannot come along ten times. This can be a great transit for developing your spiritual side, becoming passionate about your spirituality, and forging a deep connection to your spiritual self. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 8th house, hard aspects to the 8th house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 9th House
The 9th house rules higher education, travel, and your beliefs, so when transit Neptune is in the 9th house, you can have difficulty focusing in school or with learning, especially if you’re trying to learn something you feel is very mundane. You may experience more difficulties with travel as well. And you can be taken advantage of by someone who sounds really good and whose beliefs you buy, but they may just be trying to take and take and take.
How to survive: If you’re trying to learn and you can choose what you’re learning, try focusing on Neptunian subjects (the metaphysical or spiritual, anything artistic or that helps others). If you have no choice but to deal with mundane subjects, give yourself lots of time to for study and practice but takes lots of breaks too so your mind has the chance to wander when it’s appropriate. As for travel, try going to places that are near or on the water, and make sure you know your travel schedule by heart before going, otherwise you might miss something. With beliefs, you should be more cautious with someone who sounds too good to be true, because they probably are. Listen to your own instincts and what your own soul says about what your beliefs are. You don’t need to find someone to follow. Lead yourself. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 9th house, hard aspects to the 9th house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 10th House
The 10th house rules your career, goals, and direction, so having transit Neptune in the 10th house can cloud your judgment when it comes to the goals you want to work on or how to achieve them, the career you want to have or how to make it happen, or the direction your life is going in or how to stay on the right path. People can also see you in a way that’s difficult for you to control since the 10th house rules your public image.
How to survive: Get in touch with your instincts and let them guide you. With a strong connection to your intuition, they can act as a guide to help you figure out what path to go down, what goals to focus on, what plans to make, and what you want from your life professionally. This can be an excellent time to embark on a career that is Neptunian - something to do with the metaphysical or spiritual, something that helps people, or something artistic/creative. You can be more charismatic with the way you come across, and while you can’t control completely how people perceive you, the more confident and secure you are in who you are, the less difficult that can be. You may also be very imaginative and creative during this transit, which can overtake being practical at times, so make sure you’re more grounded so you don’t get lost. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 10th house, hard aspects to the 10th house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 11th House
The 11th house rules your friends, groups you belong to, causes you believe in, and your dreams for your future, so with transit Neptune in the 11th house, you may have a hard time with friends or groups, getting taken advantage of or letting bad people into your life. You may get lost in the causes you believe in, wanting to give too much to others. You may be uncertain of your future dreams, or of how to achieve them.
How to survive: Having more confidence and being more grounded can help you with attracting better people into your life. Don’t be afraid to let people go that are bad for you, and focus on the connections that are healthy and positive. If you start to get a bad feeling about someone, that’s probably a clue. As for your causes, it’s good for you to do a lot to help others and the world, but you need to find your limits and set boundaries so you’re not giving too much of yourself away and stressing yourself out, draining yourself, or feeling resentful. When it comes to your dreams for your future, let your intuition tell you what you should focus on and how, and work on making your dreams a reality rather than a simple daydream. With Neptune here, it can be easy to not do anything about them, but you can achieve a lot more if you work at it. This transit can be more prominent in your life when you have another transit planet in the 11th house, hard aspects to the 11th house cusp or ruler, or a Neptune aspect. Transit Neptune in the 12th House
The 12th house is the house naturally ruled by Neptune, so having transit Neptune in this house usually isn’t as big of an issue as the other houses. Neptune can feel at home here, and you can be more at home with the energy. It can be easier for you to tap into your spiritual self and intuitive side, to be compassionate and understanding, to deal with the past and let go, to be creative and imaginative, and to let your dreams be active.
If anything, it might just go a little too far at times, and you may get lost in your dreams, in helping others, in your spirituality, or in the past. This likely comes out when you have transit Moon, Saturn, Uranus, or Pluto in the 12th house at the same time, a hard aspect to the 12th house cusp or ruler, or a hard Neptune aspect. Suggested Reading: The Survival Series: How to survive transit Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Full Moons, and Mercury Retrograde in the houses, and Hard Pluto to the Personal Planets and Hard Saturn to the Personal Planets Saturn returned to his home turf, Capricorn, in mid-December 2017. For almost three decades, Saturn traveled slowly, steadily, and meticulously, and left his wisdom at each sign’s door, often facing resistance and resentment. With some stops, he arrived to stifle and restrict, while at others, to stabilize and calm. No matter what Saturn was entrusted with, he remained laser-focused with accomplishment on his mind. Saturn’s impending arrival often plagues the psyche with fear. Although his lessons are not always attained with ease, he is the task master who has a job to do. So instead of trying to slam the door in Saturn’s face, give him an invitation to enter your house. A few months before Saturn entered my Sagittarius 7th house, I mentally prepared for his valuable lessons. I am Gemini rising with a stellium in Pisces and two outer planets in Virgo, so surely my life would be quite different going forward. My mind flashed back 28 years, and I cringed as I reminisced about my life in the mid/late 1980s. My relationships with others were, in fact, a disaster back then, and I felt like my life was an uphill battle. With Saturn’s sternness guiding me, I absorbed his wisdom, matured, and slowly climbed that hill. This time around I had astrology by my side, so I invited Saturn into my relationship house and made it my mission to take heed to his lessons. Thanks to Saturn, I mastered it this time with even more insight about communication, money, love, wounds, career, family, and of course, relationships with others. Saturn is very comfortable in Capricorn, so make sure you review your chart regularly and focus on the house/s that will be affected. If you have early degree (0-10) planets/angles in cardinal signs, Saturn will be adamantly knocking at your door for the duration of this year. Embrace your fears, allow Saturn to enter, and work diligently with him. Assert yourself and plan for Saturn’s transits to your personal planets and angles so you can utilize them to the fullest. In addition, the list below includes some Saturn transits that you can use to buckle-down and learn from. *2018 Upcoming Saturn in Capricorn Transits
March 28-29 Saturn 8° square Sun 8°
March 31 Saturn 8°square Full Moon 10° April 1-2 Saturn 8°conjunct Mars 8° April 4 Saturn 9° square Mercury Rx 9° April 7 Saturn 9° trine Venus 9° April 17 Saturn goes retrograde 9° April 26 Saturn Rx 9° square Mercury 9° April 29 Saturn 9° Rx trine Sun 9° May 26 Saturn Rx 8° opposes Venus 8° June 15 Saturn Rx 6° opposes Mercury 6° June 26 Saturn 5° Rx opposes Sun 5° June 27 Saturn Rx 5°conjunct Full Moon 6° July 13 Saturn 4° Rx trine Venus 4° August 10 Saturn Rx 3° square Venus 3° August 14-September 5 Saturn Rx 2° trine Uranus Rx 2° August 25 Saturn 2° Rx trine Sun 2° September 6 Saturn goes direct 2° September 6-14 Saturn 2° trine Uranus Rx 2° September 7 Saturn 2° trine Mercury 2° September 12 Saturn 2° sextile Venus 2° September 23 Saturn 2° square Mercury 2° September 25 Saturn 2° square Sun 2° October 23-24 Saturn 4° sextile Venus Rx 4° October 27 Saturn 4° sextile Sun 4° November 26-27 Saturn 7° sextile Mars 7° December 16 Saturn 9° sextile Venus 9° *Aspects included are close to exact, so the actual energy may occur several days before or after the dates listed. Suggested Reading: Saturn in Capricorn About the Guest Author:![]()
Dawnna Williams, the Aquarian Mind Astrologer, is an astrologer who uses planetary movement to assist with life management. She began her astrological studies several years ago, and her love of astrology and desire to share with others inspired her to begin reading natal charts.
General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries April 2018 Monthly Horoscope On April 19th, the Sun enters earth sign Taurus, the sign after yours, and you can feel most like yourself when you’re indulging, splurging, and getting in tune with your senses. You can work to bring more stability and security into your life, and focus on getting grounded. You may come across as more stable, reliable, or centered. On April 24th, Venus enters air sign Gemini, and you can enjoy connecting with loved ones mentally, and open up the lines of communication with others, especially if that’s gotten difficult over the last month. If single, a mental connection can be most important to you, and you can go for someone you can have long conversations with. If in a relationship, you can work on improving communication with your partner. In a natal astrology, the placement of the Moon’s Nodes tells us where our greatest discomfort lies but also where we can find joy and miracles if we ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. My first astrology professor, Demian Allan, used to tell us that when clients asked about their destiny he looked for their North Node. The Moon’s Nodes are viewed within the polarity of the South Node, which speaks to behavioral patterns that once gave results, but now push us into a comfort zone that handicaps progress. The North Node falls in the opposite sign, encouraging us to do what feels scary or awkward in order to continue growing. Bringing Your Destiny to Life
Jan Spiller published a fantastic book called Astrology for the Soul with coping strategies and paradigm shifts for each of the Signs. For example, a person born with their North Node in Aries and their South Node in Libra could focus on developing the positive traits associated with Aries such as leadership and self-sufficiency. They could leave behind the limiting traits of Libra, such as excessive consensus building, putting others first, or indecision.
The energy of the Zodiac signs can be brought to life visually if we look at each of these within the framework of the four suits in a Tarot deck, which coincidentally, were designed to represent the opportunities and challenges faced by each of the Elements. So for example, the journey of the hero through the watery Suit of Cups represents the emotional intimacy and homemaking that is valued by Cancer, the fear of betrayal but also the deep love of soul mates experienced by Scorpio, and Pisces’ desire to go beyond an imperfect reality to a dream life. How To Approach Tarot Cards
While tarot has been used as a divination tool, the images themselves and the stories told are based on Jungian archetypes that speak to our subconscious in such a way that when reading for oneself, we see what our intuition and subconscious have to say. Our thoughts and feelings provide the messages, and combined with a bit of storytelling, we discover the in’s and out’s of our life path.
Below you’ll find descriptions based on my intuitive understanding of tarot. The relationship between individual cards and Signs is based on work done by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the late 19th century. North Node in Fire This placement relates to the Suit of Wands and an individual’s ability to navigate the world with courage, leadership and passion. If we lay the cards out from the Ace to the 10 of Wands, we follow a story arc that begins with a moment of inspiration and how that idea then develops into a plan of action. We also see the hero of that journey struggle with their self-confidence, with the ability to inspire others to follow them, and with the delicate balance between trusting their own skills and intuition, and the burnout that comes from trying to go it alone. The Ace of Wands relates to the inspiration, drive and passion common to Fire, while the energy of individual Signs can be associated with the following cards:
North Node in Earth This placement relates to the Suit of Pentacles and an individual’s journey through the realm of material success, stability and philanthropy. If we lay out the cards from the Ace to the 10 of Pentacles, we see the challenges associated with embarking on new financial ventures. Having made it through a few rocky patches, we find our footing and can easily satisfy our financial needs, freeing up time and energy to help others. The Ace of Pentacles relates to the practicality and secure foundations of Earth, while the energy of individual Signs can be associated with the following cards:
North Node in Water This placement relates to the Suit of Cups and an individual’s journey through the world of home life, intimate relationships and intuition. If we lay out the cards from the Ace to the 10 of Cups, we see the evolution of a person or a relationship’s emotional development from the early stages of courtship, but also how we deal with emotional upset, including times when we’re intuitively aware that a situation, a relationship or an arrangement no longer supports our growth. The watery world of intuition often pushes us to bring about necessary changes. The Ace of Cups represents the emotional and intuitive nature of Water, while the energy of the individual Signs can be associated with the following cards:
North Node in Air This placement relates to the Suit of Swords and an individual’s journey through the world of logic, thought, communication and social harmony. If we lay out the cards from the Ace to the 10 of Swords, we see the challenges of developing a clear, logical and harmonious mind that is both forward thinking and versatile, without falling into the trap of having too much mental energy (Gemini) and burning out. The Ace of Swords relates to the mental acuity that is common to Air signs, while the energy of the individual Signs can be associated with the following cards:
Adding The Final Touch...
We can connect with the specific cards associated with our North Node’s Sign or Element by meditating on the visuals, by reading up on different interpretations, or by writing about how the images make us feel. And playing to the opposite side of the coin, we could do the same with the opposite sign’s cards (the South Node). By combining creative techniques with the rational side of Astrology, we assimilate the message of the Moon’s Nodes consciously (rational mind) and unconsciously (intuitive mind), so that behavioral changes come about quicker.
Note: The following pairs of Signs are opposites: Aries & Libra, Taurus & Scorpio, Gemini & Sagittarius, Cancer & Capricorn, Leo & Aquarius, Virgo & Pisces. Suggested Reading: A Do-It-Yourself Astrological Pharmacy About the Guest Writer:
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.
You can also find her on: Amazon - Facebook - Instagram |
April's new moon occurs in Aries on April 15th at 9:57PM ET. Aries is high energy and enthusiastic, as are new moons, so the new moon in Aries can be a time of super high energy and enthusiasm. We can be more driven, ready to roll, and want to take action. We can be assertive, positive, pioneering, and spunky. Channel the energy in a positive way!
As Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, this can be a time of new beginnings, new journeys, and we want to focus on all of the new things we can get going with. This new moon occurs on the last day of the Mercury retrograde in the same sign (though isn't conjunct, and the new moon occurs once the retrograde is over). But this can show we're so ready to just run out of this retrograde and be done with it. We've been chomping at the bit, and now we want action!
The new moon is conjunct (aligned with) Uranus in Aries, and Uranus is at the end of his time in Aries. Uranus helps us be independent, pushes us outside of our comfort zones, helps us focus on the future, makes us open to change, and this conjunction can add to the impulsive energy, the energy of action. Hopefully we can use the energy for the common good (Uranus-style). Let's not give in to temper tantrums and aggressive energy, please?
The new moon occurs at 26 degrees 2 minutes Aries. The major aspects to this new moon are:
Conjunction: 24 degrees 2 minutes - 28 degrees 2 minutes Aries
Sextile: 24 degrees 2 minutes - 28 degrees 2 minutes Gemini or Aquarius
Square: 24 degrees 2 minutes - 28 degrees 2 minutes Cancer or Capricorn
Trine: 24 degrees 2 minutes - 28 degrees 2 minutes Leo or Sagittarius
Opposition: 24 degrees 2 minutes - 28 degrees 2 minutes Libra
April's full moon occurs on April 29th at 8:58PM ET in Scorpio. While the new moon in Aries is full of enthusiastic energy, the full moon in Scorpio is full of emotionally intense energy. We can be more passionate, which can help to fuel us, but it can also make us moodier, more sensitive, and prone to fits of rage. We need to have healthy outlets for our emotions, and try not to get obsessed, something Scorpio loves to have us do.
We may become aware or something below the surface, something mysterious may come to light, or we may see the culmination of research and investigation. We can work on transformations for the better, and we may need to shed something important. From the ashes, the phoenix rises.
The full moon is sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) Saturn in Capricorn. This can help us to focus some of this passionate energy in a more disciplined way, and work on making use of it for the goals we're invested in. We can work on taking the intensity we have and trying to be smarter about it. Maybe because we don't think too much with the new moon energy, we want to be a little more strategic with this full moon energy!
This full moon occurs at 9 degrees 38 minutes in Scorpio. The major aspects to this full moon are:
Conjunction: 7 degrees 38 minutes - 11 degrees 38 minutes Scorpio
Sextile: 7 degrees 38 minutes - 11 degrees 38 minutes Virgo or Capricorn
Square: 7 degrees 38 minutes - 11 degrees 38 minutes Leo or Aquarius
Trine: 7 degrees 38 minutes - 11 degrees 38 minutes Cancer or Pisces
Opposition: 7 degrees 38 minutes - 11 degrees 38 minutes Taurus
Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations