Black Moon Lilith is getting ready to exit earthy Virgo and move into connecting Libra, to stay until March 2025. What can we expect from Black Moon Lilith in Libra? What is Black Moon Lilith?
First, let's review what Black Moon Lilith is. It's the apogee, or highest point, of the Moon, or the farthest point away the Moon is from Earth in the Moon's orbit.
There are two positions for Black Moon Lilith, Mean and True/Oscillating. The movement of Lilith is really wonky, so the True/Oscillating is the exact position while the Mean is the averaged out position. You can assess both in the natal chart (thought True/Oscillating tends to have more weight for most of us). Mean Lilith is much easier to follow for transits. The standard ephemeris on includes Mean Black Moon Lilith. Black Moon Lilith shows where we speak out, stand up, and hold firm. Lilith was Adam's first wife, and she stood up for herself to Adam in the Garden of Eden, even when it meant getting thrown out! Lilith knew her power and worth, being equal to Adam. Transit Black Moon Lilith can bring this out in all of us in general with the sign it's touring and aspects it makes to the other planets (and personally in the natal house is tours for you and aspects it makes to your natal chart). Black Moon Lilith in Libra Dates:
Impact of Black Moon Lilith in Libra:
Black Moon Lilith in Virgo has been quiet when it comes to standing up and speaking out, and that continues in Libra, but in a slightly different way. Virgo is more timid and shy, afraid of speaking out of turn, while Libra is willing to speak up, but in a way that is pleasant and agreeable.
With Black Moon Lilith in Libra, we can find ways to make our point that aren't too loud and aggressive. We can use our charm and ability to understand other perspectives to win people over. We can also use compromise and negotiation to make what we want happen, and this can be a great time for diplomacy. We're tactful and considerate with what we're pursuing. We may take a stand more often for other people rather than for ourselves. We can have more concern for issues impacting others, and for anything we interpret as being unfair and unjust. We crave more fairness, and we can push for this, but again, in a softer way. With Libra ruling relationships, we may take a stand for issues impacting relationships, partnerships, and alliances. We may step up with a partner, or get a partner or ally to step up. Someone having our backs gives us more confidence when taking a stand and speaking up. I'll also note that Libra often connects with women's issues, so we may see more focus on that. Aspects by Black Moon Lilith in Libra:
I've noticed that the most important aspects that transit Lilith makes are conjunctions. Lilith only conjuncts the three fast planets though, and that starts with a conjunction to Venus on September 4th at 7 degrees Libra. Venus is the natural ruler of Libra, so this amplifies the Libra energy. This makes us even more charming and fair-minded when we're taking a stand, and may give more attention to partnerships, alliances, and women's issues.
Black Moon Lilith will conjunct Mercury on October 2nd at 10 degrees Libra. Mercury is the planet of communication and the mind, so we may talk more about the issues we're invested in, may come up with more ideas to assist our causes, and may get more active in general. Lilith conjuncts the Sun the next day on the 3rd, so we're very active at this point, very focused on our causes and on taking a stand. We might see more protests around this time for something, or an alliance created for something. Black Moon Lilith does conjunct one more position, the transit (moving) South Node, on August 30th for the True South Node (at 6 degrees) and September 6th for the Mean South Node (at 7 degrees). The South Node is a part of the Lunar Nodes, which are the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic. There are two Lunar Nodes, the North Node and the South Node, and they exactly oppose one another. The Lunar Nodes are spiritual/karmic in energy, and the North Node represents unknown energy that needs to be learn in order to manifest our potential, purpose, and ultimate life fulfillment. The South Node is the past; it's energy we already know and are familiar with (seen as connected to past lives or our early life). This is comfortable energy, so it can become emotional crutches and bad habits that we fall back to when stressed and upset. We have to learn how to utilize this energy in a positive way instead of as a crutch. Lilith conjunct the South Node may challenge us to confront ways we've been holding ourselves back, by falling back to old ways that don't serve us anymore, or by continually going back to the habits that have made things worse for us. We need to be honest with ourselves about this, and assess our approach and attitude, and see how we can do and be better now. We may have to face ghosts from the past that need to be exercised. With the conjunction to the South Node coming with the conjunction to Venus, this may show that the issues we have to face revolve around relationships, partnerships, commitments, alliances, or women's issues. Final Notes:
The last time Black Moon Lilith was in Libra was August 2015 to May 2026, so you can look back to that time to get an idea of the impact now for you. What were you focused on standing up with and speaking out with back then?
Special note if you have natal Black Moon Lilith in Libra: You will experience your Black Moon Lilith Return, which occurs when transit Black Moon Lilith conjuncts your natal Black Moon Lilith. There can be lessons that open you up more to speaking out and standing up, and you can become more aware of what you've been held back with and need to fight against. This can be a good time to get in tune with your inner Lilith. Suggested Reading: The Black Moon Lilith series: Intro to Black Moon Lilith Lilith the Witch Transit Black Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith & Love Astrology Black Moon Lilith in Cancer: April 2022 - January 2023 Prominent Natal Black Moon Lilith When You're Cut Off From Black Moon Lilith Houses Ruled by Black Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith in the Zodiac Signs Progressions & Black Moon Lilith Comments are closed.