The eighth house in astrology is a house that can seem kind of scary when you're first digging into it. This house contains a lot in its depths, and is the darkest of houses. But as always, shine a little light, and it's not quite so scary! (hopefully, anyway, ha) 8th House Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Astrology charts have 12 houses, and each link to different parts of life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at. Each of your natal houses connects to different parts of your life and personality.
The eighth house is ruled by Pluto, master of the dark arts. Pluto is deep, intense, passionate, profound, and sometimes frightening. So, it's no surprise the house it connects with has this air to it! At-a-Glance 8th House Keywords:
8th House in Astrology: Intense and Passionate
The eighth house is a super intense part of your natal chart. It's passionate, just like its ruler Pluto. This can be channeled productively and used in a way that allows you to become an expert at some point. But, it can also be used for the bad too.
This can become obsession, and it can be difficult to let go with the 8th house. Without a more positive purpose, it can kind of eat itself, so to speak. This energy needs direction, and it needs to be controlled as best as it can be. 8th House in Astrology: Transformation in All Ways
The eighth house governs transformations, just as its ruler Pluto does. You'll often hear this house rules death - well, that's just seen as another transformation, going from one form to another. Pregnancy is also ruled by the eighth house, again another transformation (new life). Restoration and renovation, of buildings or cars or other objects, is also ruled by the eighth house (yet another transformation).
You can see that the transformation can be literal and physical, but it also rules the transformations that are more subtle and internal. This house can show where we're constantly evolving, or where we must transform in big ways in our lives. 8th House in Astrology: Sexuality
The eighth house connects to sex. Some will say, oh no that's the 5th house! Well, both houses do. It's sort of seen as fifth house sex is more for fun, it's lighter, and casual sex would fall under the fifth house. eighth house sex is seen as more intense, more serious, and we technically say it rules "orgasmic sex".
The "orgasmic sex" rulership may come from orgasms being referred to as the "little death" (in French it's "le petit mort") - so it could just be another transformation! 8th House in Astrology: Other People's Money
Astrology gives rulership of money to two houses, the second house and the eighth house. The second house rules your own money, so the money you make or have yourself, your own resources and what you spend on yourself. The eighth house rules other people's money, so this is any money or resources that impact or involve other people. Like:
- debt - loans - inheritances - joint finances - business finances - taxes - shared resources Hence this house being called the house of death, sex, and taxes! "Shared resources" can also mean beyond just money. It can be anything that is shared with others. This is another way the 8th house connects to sex (seen as "sharing your body" with another). Also keep in mind with "inheritances" - this doesn't necessarily have to mean "money". Most of us don't inherit money, but we do inherit something else, and that can be seen through the 8th house. 8th House in Astrology: What You Hold Deep Inside
Since the eighth house is so deep, it can be where we house what we shove away, what we don't want to face, what we're afraid to deal with. We push it further and further inside of the 8th house.
The darkness within, the demons inside us all, reside there. The traumas and baggage that we run from live with them. The longer they stay there, the bigger they become, the more they fester and spread, and the worse it gets for us. Obviously this isn't good, and we really need to face it before it consumes us. 8th House in Astrology: Challenging Emotions
With the darkness and intensity of the eighth house, it's no surprise it rules the emotions that we tend to find more challenging:
- envy - jealousy - rage - hatred - hostility - vengeful I describe these as "challenging" and not "bad" because they're not really bad. No emotions are, they're neutral, it's our actions that dictate whether they're good or bad. These just may not *feel* great, and tend to be the most challenging, and we use them as an excuse for bad behavior. In typical eighth house fashion, we need to TRANSFORM these challenging emotions into something beneficial. If you're envious or jealous of someone or something, use that as fuel to inspire you. If you're full of rage and hostility, use that to motivate you to change. If you hate someone or something, recognize where that's coming from and what you can do about it. If you want revenge, look within for why you can't accept what is. 8th House in Astrology: Magical
The eighth house rules the occult, and can be a place of magic. There's a real witchy side to this house. Power is ruled by the eighth house, and the witch can possess a deep well of power. The eighth house also wants to dig deeper, research and investigate, which can lead to great knowledge, so this house not only connects with the magic of the soul, but also the magic of science.
Where Your Eighth House Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign your eighth house falls in. The areas of life ruled by that sign are where you can find the intensity, transformations, and more in your life. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your eighth house (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your eighth house falls in) as this can also connect to the 8th house energy.
If you have any natal planets in your eighth house, this can make the eighth house energy a lot stronger for you. That planet has an extra degree of intensity, requires transformations, considers the darkness, but also some power in it. Transit (moving) planets touring your eighth house can bring some temporary energy for eighth house matters. It'll be most intense when it's transit Saturn, since Saturn wants us to learn lessons, and we can become much more aware of the pain of our eighth house. Transit planets aspecting your natal 8th house ruler can stimulate eighth house energy as well, and conjunctions, squares, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging and require a LOT of focus. A major transformation is usually necessary. A Strong Eighth House in Astrology
Some may have a super strong natal eighth house. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) in the 8th house - your Sun, Moon, or Chiron in the 8th house - your North or South Node in your 8th house - your 1st house ruler in the 8th house - your 8th house cusp or ruler anaretic (at 29 degrees) - retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 8th house or ruling the 8th house When you have a strong 8th house, this means a few things. You may be more prone to hiding things away deep down, running from trauma and baggage. You may be prone to more challenging feelings at times. You may have a lot of power within, but are scared of it. You may share too much of yourself or your resources with others, and not keep enough for yourself. What is most important for you is to transform. Eighth house people usually need to transform, either many times in smaller ways throughout your life, or one or two really huge times (or sometimes both!). It can be a long and hard road, but your potential is often much bigger. But, only if you can avoid total self-destruction! Suggested Reading: The 8th House page for general interpretations, as well as the series of articles about the 12 houses: All About the First House in Astrology All About the Second House in Astrology All About the Third House in Astrology All About the Fourth House in Astrology All About the Fifth House in Astrology All About the Sixth House in Astrology All About the Seventh House in Astrology All About the Eighth House in Astrology All About the Ninth House in Astrology All About the Tenth House in Astrology All About the Eleventh House in Astrology All About the Twelfth House in Astrology Progressions can show you how you're changing and evolving in adulthood, and your progressed Moon is the planet that moves the most in progressions. Every 2 1/2 years or so, it changes signs. What does that mean for you when it happens? The Progressed Chart in Astrology
To create a progressed chart, one day is added to your date of birth for every year you've been alive. So if you're 25, you add 25 days to your date of birth, and that's the new date for your progressed chart.
Your progressed chart reflects your maturation and growth with age. We all change as we get older, and the progressed chart reflects this. Your progressed Sun, Mercury, and Venus, along with your progressed houses, usually only change signs 2-4 times in your life. No part of your progressed chart goes through all 12 Zodiac signs except the progressed Moon. Every 25-27 years or so, your progressed Moon changes signs (when this begins varies though, depending on how far in the Zodiac sign your natal Moon is in your natal chart). The progressed Moon spends about 2 - 2 1/2 years in each Zodiac sign, so you experience all of them if you live to be at least 27-ish. The Progressed Moon in Astrology
The Moon rules your emotions, and in your natal chart, shows how you express yourself emotionally and what you need for emotional stability and security. In transit, the Moon can bring emotional focus to the sign it's touring and whatever it's touching in your natal chart.
Your progressed Moon shows your emotional maturation. It's fitting that we experience every Zodiac sign with our progressed Moon, as this gives us varied emotional experiences. While actual experiences in life are almost limitless, there is a limited number of emotions, and we feel them all. The progressed Moon shows this. When Your Progressed Moon Changes Zodiac Signs:
Before your progressed Moon enters a new sign, it will become anaretic. The anaretic degree is 29 degrees of any sign, and is extremely high energy. About 1 month before your progressed Moon enters a new sign, it will be anaretic.
When the progressed Moon is anaretic, this can be a time of heightened emotion. You can be much more sensitive to everything, and feel much deeper and more intensely. You have to take care of yourself emotionally, otherwise you can get hurt easily. The anaretic degree in progressions also pushes us to take action while we still have a chance (before the planet enters a new sign). With the progressed Moon, this is only for about a month, but you can push for action in a big way (usually with whatever the sign it's in rules). Once the progressed Moon enters the new sign, you can begin to feel a shift. Energy has changed, and you start to feel a little differently about everything. It can seep in slowly, and there's often a period of a few months where you're adjusting. With a new Zodiac sign, this can prompt the desire for something new in your life, so it's often tied to new beginnings, and you may embark on a new journey, new venture, or pursue a new opportunity. As you move into the new sign, you carry with you the energy you earned from the previous sign. Every Zodiac sign builds on its previous sign, so you keep going and going, learning and growing. The second (and third, and fourth) rounds of the progressed Moon through the Zodiac signs gets easier and easier. You can feel more at ease with the energy of each sign emotionally, and achieve greater emotional stability and security. Suggested Reading: Progressed Planets Turning Retrograde or Direct Some parts of your natal chart are more important than others, and one big part is the angles. But not all angles are made equal to everyone's natal chart, and one likely stands above the others as being more important in your own life. Which one is it for you? What are the Angles in astrology?
The angles in astrology refer to the Ascendant, Imum Coeli, Descendant, and Midheaven. They rule the 4 main pillars of your life - the self (Ascendant), the home/family (Imum Coeli), others/relationships (Descendant), and goals/direction (Midheaven).
They usually link to the angular houses (depending on the house system you use). But we all tend to give more attention to one or two of these parts of our lives than the others. Which angle is most important for you?
The most obvious will be when one of your natal planets is conjunct (aligned with) an angle. That almost always elevates it significantly and makes that angle your most important.
The planet conjunct it can be super important for the angle itself as well (sometimes even more than the sign it's in). The planet ends up being dominating energy and really takes over whatever the angle rules. If you have multiple planets in one of the houses that link to an angle, that can make the angle most important for you. The Ascendant links to the 1st house, the Imum Coeli links to the 4th house, the Descendant links to the 7th house, and the Midheaven links to the 10th house. This is most evident when you have a stellium (3+ planets together in one Zodiac sign) in one of these houses, but can also be the case with just the Sun or Moon in one of these houses. Another option can be if the planetary ruler of the angle is elevated in your natal chart. The ruler is the natural planetary ruler of the sign the angle is in. If the ruler is anaretic, part of a stellium, your most or least aspected planet, a singleton - this can elevate the ruler and thereby elevate that angle for you. You may find you have more than one angle that is elevated, and you may find your whole life revolves around those two or three areas. You may have a highly active life, constant activity and busy-ness, but may struggle at times with the slow and quiet parts of life. The most important angles:
When your Ascendant is more important in your natal chart, you may give a lot of extra attention to you as a person, what you want for yourself, how you present yourself, and your identity. You can have a strong personality, depending on the planets involved, and may feel more comfortable alone than with others, and need to work on balancing your needs and the needs of others.
When your Imum Coeli is more important in your natal chart, you may give extra attention to matters of the home and family. Your home and family life can be more important to you feeling solid and secure as a person. Your early life is likely super influential on you, for better or worse (depending on the planets involved). You may care more about the internal than the external, and may need to work on balancing that. When your Descendant is more important in your natal chart, you may give extra attention to your relationships and the people in your life. You may be super helpful, and want to do whatever you can for those you care about. You may feel more comfortable with others than alone, and balancing that with your own needs can be important. When your Midheaven is more important in your natal chart, you may give extra attention to your goals and direction. You can be highly ambitious, and set big goals for yourself in your life. You can achieve a lot, take on many responsibilities, and may achieve status. You may care more about the external, and need to balance that with the internal. Suggested Reading: Planets Square the Natal Imum Coeli & Midheaven March comes with a new moon early in Pisces, and a full moon in Virgo. What can we expect? Let's go! What is a New Moon?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Pisces: February 2nd 2022 (1:35PM ET/10:35AM PT)
A Pisces new moon is great for intuition, and we can believe in our instincts and trust our inner guide. You can pursue spiritual projects and ventures, or anything spiritual that catches our interest.
Pisces is artistic, creative, and imagination, so a Pisces new moon can be excellent for any ventures and opportunities that allow you to flex your artistic muscles, use your creative know-how, and channel your imagination. You can feel inspired and want to make something new. Pisces rules the hidden, so we may pursue opportunities that keep us in the background, or we may keep what we're pursuing quiet until we're ready to put it out there. Work we've already done quietly or in the background can get some recognition now as well. This new moon is conjunct (aligned with) transit (moving) Jupiter in Pisces, and sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) transit Uranus in Taurus. The conjunction to Jupiter helps with opportunities, and we can expand, explore, and pursue what we're interested in, especially with spiritual and creative matters. The sextile to Uranus helps us do things differently, and we can find new ways to take action. This new moon occurs at 12 degrees 7 minutes Pisces. The aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 10 degrees 7 minutes - 14 degrees 7 minutes Pisces Sextile: 10 degrees 7 minutes - 14 degrees 7 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Square: 10 degrees 7 minutes - 14 degrees 7 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 10 degrees 7 minutes - 14 degrees 7 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Opposition: 10 degrees 7 minutes - 14 degrees 7 minutes Virgo Full Moon in Virgo: February 18th 2022 (3:18AM ET/12:18AM PT)
Virgo full moons are generally excellent times to get things done. Virgo rules work, productivity, tasks, chores, and organization, so we can create a schedule that allows us to get more done, we can stick to a routine that helps us tackle everything we need to, and we can finally cut down that list of things to do. It can be a time to clear out daily life, and bring in some structure and order.
The only problem is we can push ourselves too far and cause a breakdown, so it's important to plan for breaks regularly. This doesn't make you lazy, it helps keep you going. If we push too much, we may get stressed out easily, so if you find yourself stressing, that can be a clue to pull back. Perfectionism can also become an issue, so try to avoid demanding perfection of yourself or others. The full moon is trine (positive aspect, four signs away) transit Pluto in Capricorn, and this can help with giving us power and control over what we need to. We can feel empowered, emboldened, and confident in what we're doing. If we need to know more, we can keep digging until we find it, and if we need to transform, we can take the steps to do so. This full moon occurs at 27 degrees 40 minutes Virgo. The aspects made to this full moon are: Conjunction: 25 degrees 40 minutes - 29 degrees 40 minutes Virgo Sextile: 25 degrees 40 minutes - 29 degrees 40 minutes Cancer or Scorpio Square: 25 degrees 40 minutes - 29 degrees 40 minutes Gemini or Sagittarius Trine: 25 degrees 40 minutes - 29 degrees 40 minutes Taurus or Capricorn Opposition: 25 degrees 40 minutes - 29 degrees 40 minutes Pisces Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations White Moon Selena has been in Capricorn since July 2021. It's now going to move into Aquarius, and tours this sign for 7 months. What can be anticipate with White Moon Selena in Aquarius? What is White Moon Selena in astrology?
White Moon Selena is the perigee of the Moon, so it's the closest point the Moon comes. Selena represents protective energy, benefiting us and shining a light on the path we should take in our lives. This is one of the more helpful points in astrology.
White Moon Selena in Aquarius Dates:
General Impact of White Moon Selena in Aquarius:
Aquarius is the sign of change, the unconventional, and the different, so White Moon Selena in Aquarius helps protect us when we're pursuing change, and help us when we're doing things in new, different ways. White Moon Selena can guide the way, and we can follow with protection.
Aquarius is independent and individual, so White Moon Selena in Aquarius can protect us when we're being independent and embracing our individuality. Selena can help us feel comfortable and confident in our ability to be independent and rely on ourselves. At the same time, Aquarius governs groups, friends, and the masses, so White Moon Selena in Aquarius can help us come together better, be more mindful of the collective, and consider how what we do impacts us. We may find we benefit from working within a group, for a large group, or in a way the benefits others at large. Aquarius rules charity, so White Moon Selena in Aquarius can help us to be more charitable, more giving, and more heartfelt. We can pursue what will benefit all, and can leave a better impact. Our hopes and dreams for the future also fall under the domain of Aquarius, so White Moon Selena in Aquarius can protect us as we pursue our dreams, and light the way forward. Divine guidance with our dreams may be strong. White Moon Selena in Aquarius Aspects:
White Moon Selena conjuncts (aligns with) transit (moving) Mars on March 10th, and conjuncts Venus on March 9th. Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on March 6th, and are riding together for a little while, and Selena joins in. This is lovely energy for working with others, benefiting from trusting your instincts, and taking control of what you want. We can feel protected and guided in a strong way. These conjunctions occur at 3 degrees Aquarius.
White Moon Selena also conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius on July 28th at 23 degrees Aquarius. Saturn is restrictive, so we may not feel very protected around then, and we may be extra worried. With Saturn, we need to do everything the right way and for the right reasons, and with what we have done that, we can get some guidance from Selena. But if we've avoided that, we can be extra insecure and cautious. White Moon Selena in Aquarius is square (hard aspect) Uranus in Taurus on June 14th at 17 degrees. This can make it more difficult to deal with the Aquarius energy since Uranus rules Aquarius, and we may feel restless and impatient with change, our dreams, or dealing with others. We have to avoid being impulsive, otherwise we may experience major consequences. Suggested Reading: Transit White Moon Selena Aspects Aquarius connects to the future. It's always keeping an eye on how life will unfold far down the line, and therefore rules change. The areas of life ruled by the house that falls in Aquarius can be areas where you experience lots of change in your life, and you can get restless when things aren't changing enough. About Aquarius:
Aquarius is an air sign, along with Gemini and Libra. The air signs are the signs of the mind, and the social signs. They tend to be more flexible, and want to go with the way the wind blows.
Aquarius is also a fixed sign, along with Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. The fixed signs are fixed in place, so this helps Aquarius to not just get blown around, but actually be able to tether itself at some point and focus. Uranus, the planet of change, is the natural ruler of Aquarius. Uranus brings change, needs change, and learns from change, and opens up opportunities through change. Change is seen as a positive thing to Uranus. Aquarius Houses:
1st house: The 1st house rules the self, so with an Aquarius 1st house, you may be someone who wants to change things constantly, in every way. You may take the reins with change, and you can also focus on changing your physical self often (new hair cut or hair color, new outfits, new styles, new shoes, etc.).
2nd house: The 2nd house rules money and values, so with an Aquarius 2nd house, you may be someone who experiences a lot of financial changes in your life, and money can come in big windfalls and go in big downturns (saving becomes important). Your values may also change throughout your life, and what you feel is worth your time and energy can change. 3rd house: The 3rd house rules communication and the mind, so with an Aquarius 3rd house, you may be someone who changes their mind a lot. You can experiment with ideas, and make changes to your plans on the fly. The ways you communicate may change, and you can change your perspectives often. 4th house: The 4th house rules the home and family, so with an Aquarius 4th house, you may be someone who experiences a lot of changes at home or with family. You may move a lot, constantly redecorate or renovate, and may get restless staying in one place for too long. Your family relationships and the people you think of as family may change throughout your life. 5th house: The 5th house rules love, so with an Aquarius 5th house, you may be someone who experiences a lot of changes in your love relationships. You may fall in and out of love quickly, and those you love may be prone to lots of change. What you love doing, your hobbies and creative ventures, may also change throughout your life. 6th house: The 6th house rules work and daily life, so with an Aquarius 6th house, you may be someone who experiences lots of small changes often. You can make changes to your routine and schedule regularly, and find that change can help you be more productive. The work you do may change throughout your life. 7th house: The 7th house rules relationships, so with an Aquarius 7th house, you may be someone who experiences lots of changes in your relationships. People may come and go in your life quickly, and you can connect with people fast, and commit quickly but walk away quickly too. You may attract people to your life who are constantly changing. 8th house: The 8th house rules transformations, so with an Aquarius 8th house, you may be someone who finds change to be transforming. You can use smaller changes to create bigger transformations, and you can feel strong when you make changes. Change can empower you, and you can take control. 9th house: The 9th house rules higher learning and travel, so with an Aquarius 9th house, you may be someone who changes what you're learning often, and you may be knowledgeable on a lot of random subjects. You can travel on a whim, and travel and learning may be ways for you to change. 10th house: The 10th house rules your goals and direction, so with an Aquarius 10th house, you may be someone who changes the direction you're going in small ways often, or in a big way once or twice in your life. You may need change regularly in your career and goals, otherwise you can get bored. 11th house: The 11th house rules your friends and dreams, so with an Aquarius 11th house, you may be someone who sees friends come and go in your life, and you may enter into friendships quickly and get out quickly. You may have lots of different dreams in your life, and your dreams can change throughout your life. 12th house: The 12th house rules the hidden, so with an Aquarius 12th house, you may be someone who experiences or creates changes quietly, on your own, without anyone paying attention. You can create massive changes this way, and it may not be so apparent on the outside. Your big changes tend to be internal, but can be quite intense. Suggested Reading: Aquarius Houses: Where You're Different |