The sixth house in astrology is focused on service and work. This is a quieter house, but can show some important aspects of your life. Sixth House Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Most astrology charts have 12 houses, and each rule different parts of life. Your natal chart is a snapshot of the locations of the planets, other bodies, and 12 houses in the Zodiac at the moment you're born and from the location you're born at. Your natal houses each rule different parts of your life and personality.
The sixth house is naturally ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind. While the sixth house doesn't correspond to the mind (that's the third house), it is a busy house and does relate to our daily life. At-a-Glance Sixth House Keywords:
Sixth House in Astrology: Work
The sixth house is the house of work, and is one of the professional houses (along with the second house of money and tenth house of career). The sixth house shows the work environment you need, the kind of jobs you do, and how you approach work.
This house also governs the kind of work you don't get paid for, things like tasks, chores, and personal projects. Sixth House in Astrology: Health
The sixth house is also the house of health, and it can show the health ailments that plague us, as well as the approach to health we have. It can show what we need to do to be healthier, and where in our lives we can be most concerned with health and wellness.
Sixth House in Astrology: Service
The sixth house is one of the houses of service, along with the twelfth house. The twelfth house is service through sacrifice, while the sixth house is service through work. This is where we can do things that we don't necessarily get credit for.
Sixth House in Astrology: Routine and Schedule
The sixth house is a practical house, and rules routine and schedule. It shows the schedule we stick to, the regimen we adhere to, and where we need these things, how we approach these things, or if we stick to them at all.
Sixth House in Astrology: Structure and Order
The sixth house rules structure and order. This is a house that is organized and neat. That doesn't necessarily mean conventionally organized though, and sometimes this can look different on the outside but makes sense to the individual.
Sixth House in Astrology: Daily Life
The sixth house rules our daily lives, what we deal with on a day-to-day basis, and our approach to managing day-to-day affairs. It can show what we need to do daily.
Sixth House in Astrology: Maintenance
The sixth house rules maintenance, since this is something that is a part of routine and health. It's the maintenance of our bodies, as well as everything in our lives, from our cars to our computers to our houses and our general well being.
Where Your Sixth House Energy is Found
For everyone, look to the Zodiac sign your sixth house falls in. The areas of life ruled by that sign are where you work, need wellness, and crave structure. Also look to the natural planetary ruler of your sixth house (the natural planetary ruler of the Zodiac sign your sixth house falls in) as this can also connect to the 6th house energy.
If you have any natal planets in your sixth house, this can make the sixth house energy a lot stronger for you. That planet can strongly connect with your work, your health, and your daily life. Transit (moving) planets touring your sixth house can bring some temporary energy for sixth house matters. It can be especially strong when it's transit Mars (bringing lots of productive energy for work), transit Saturn (demanding a lot of work from you), transit Uranus (bringing changes to your daily life), transit Pluto (transforms your work or health), or transit Chiron (focusing on healing, health, and general wellness in daily life). Transit planets aspecting your natal 6th house ruler can stimulate sixth house energy as well, and conjunctions, square, and oppositions by transit Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, or Chiron can be especially challenging and require a lot of focus on improving your health, daily life, and connection to what you do. A Strong Sixth House in Astrology
Some may have a super strong natal sixth house. This can be the case for you if you have:
- a stellium (3+ planets) in the 6th house - your Sun, Moon, or Chiron in the 6th house - your North or South Node in your 6th house - your 1st house ruler in the 6th house - your 6th house cusp or ruler anaretic (at 29 degrees) - retrograde Mercury, Venus, or Mars in the 6th house or ruling the 6th house When you have a strong 6th house, having work that you're passionate about can be very important for you, and without that, you can feel lost. You may need to also find some balance, and make your health a top priority, and manage stress in healthy ways. Stress can be an issue for you, and you likely need to find healthy outlets and to manage frustrations better. You may put too much on yourself though, taking on too many responsibilities, and this can become overwhelming. You may be a perfectionist, but this just adds to your stress and manages your ability to be well. You likely have to learn to go easy on yourself, and be more practical with your demands. Suggested Reading: The 6th House page for general interpretations, as well as the series of articles about the 12 houses: All About the First House in Astrology All About the Second House in Astrology All About the Third House in Astrology All About the Fourth House in Astrology All About the Fifth House in Astrology All About the Sixth House in Astrology All About the Seventh House in Astrology All About the Eighth House in Astrology All About the Ninth House in Astrology All About the Tenth House in Astrology All About the Eleventh House in Astrology All About the Twelfth House in Astrology Comments are closed.