My last Batman villain for the month, Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. Though she isn't exactly a villain, as she says her world is shades of grey. She goes however she wants. But she is one of those elusive chicks for Mr. Bats. They've got major chemistry - so let's explore her astrologically! Catwoman's Sun, Mercury and Rising
Her birthday is supposedly March 15th, which makes her a Pisces. This does make a lot of sense, similarly to why I chose Pisces for the Joker. She's very fluid, and various origin stories show her having to overcome a lot when young and take care of younger females (very Pisces with the compassionate side).
Plus the love of animals, which is Pisces or Virgo. Pisces rules large animals while Virgo rules small animals, and having strong Pisces or Virgo energy can show you have a thing for animals. Since I think Batman is a Scorpio Sun, this would make their Sun's trine, in elemental harmony, giving them an innate understanding of one another. Whenever you Sun is in the same element (fire, earth, air, water) as someone else’s, this can help you get along (along with other placements). I also put her Sun in the 12th house, just like Batman. She hides behind a mask as well, and again, it goes to their understanding of one another. That would make her an Aries Rising, which I like because she comes across as someone who can take care of herself, who is independent and strong. This is also trine Batman's Sagittarius rising, giving more of that elemental harmony. The more elemental harmony you see, the stronger the link - and these two have a strong link! I put her Mercury in Pisces and the 12th house as well, amplifying her Piscean flow. It also adds to her keeping to herself, hiding her true self, and hiding her softer side. Catwoman's Moon, Venus, and Mars
Venus doesn’t travel far from the Sun, so she’d have a Venus in Aquarius, Pisces, or Aries, most likely. I like her Venus in Aries because it makes her not a flower-y type of female, especially in love. This would be conjunct Batman's Mars, and Venus/Mars connections can be super strong indicators of attraction.
The conjunction in particular shows major chemistry. I would put her Venus on her Ascendant because Catwoman oozes sex appeal, and this position tends to do that (think Angelina Jolie). Since I like Aries for her Rising, an Aries Venus makes sense. I feel like we're missing some earthy energy and some Scorpio/8th house energy, so I'd put her Moon in one and Mars in the other. Scorpio Moon and the 8th house might make more sense given her violent home life, and Mars in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) would help give her that earthy sensuality. Asteroid Black
I mentioned in the Batman post that there is an asteroid Black, and that it would probably be prominent in his chart since he dons all black. So does Catwoman, so I'd bet she has a prominent asteroid Black.
Suggested Reading: Astrology of Batman The holidays are upon us! What should you expect? Read on: Aries: You feel serious as November begins, and you focus on being more practical with everything, but midmonth, you want to make things more playful and enjoy yourself. You could travel for Thanksgiving, especially somewhere far. You want to change things up for Christmas, and do something you haven’t done before. You could spend the holiday with your friends or in a big group. Taurus: You want to have fun to start November, and enjoy experimenting with other cultural beliefs and incorporating them into the festivities this holiday season. You’re concerned about making sure the people in your life don’t spend too much, but is that really your responsibility? You want to feel close to your loved ones at Thanksgiving, but want some space come Christmas. Gemini: You’re a little pessimistic and down as November begins, and have a hard time getting into the holiday spirit. For Thanksgiving, you don’t want to be around a ton of people, preferring to spend the holiday with just one or two close people. You could take a trip for Christmas, and want to splurge on your loved ones with lavish gifts, so make sure you can afford it first. Cancer: You want everyone to get together and have some peace to start November, and you can play referee but you’d prefer everyone just get along without interference. You don’t mind pitching in and doing a lot of the grunt work for Thanksgiving, and are happy to help however you can. For Christmas, you’re in a more serious mood, and want to stay away from big gatherings. Leo: You make lots of plans and get through the grunt work as November begins, wanting to get all of the chores done and work through your to-do list. You stay very organized for Thanksgiving, and want to be creative with the food you make and decorations you put up. You want some peace for Christmas, and work hard to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves. Virgo: You’re feeling creative with the festivities to start November, and want to make sure the kids especially have a good time. You enjoy spending time with your family and being comfortable for Thanksgiving. For Christmas, you don’t mind doing a lot of the little chores and tasks that no one else wants to do, and you still find time to enjoy yourself and let out the kid in you. Libra: You focus on your home and family as November begins, wanting everyone to gather together and be as comfortable as possible. You could arrange for everyone to spend Thanksgiving at your house or at your parent’s house, and you get along well with siblings, and have pleasant conversation with everyone. For Christmas, you’re a creative decorator, letting out your artistic side, and want to be comfortable. Scorpio: You make lots of plans for what you want to do this holiday to start November, and talk things over with the people you’ll spend the holidays with, get advice, change your mind, but enjoy the debate. You indulge in way too much food for Thanksgiving, so watch it if you’re dieting. You want to spend Christmas at home or with your family, and connect with them mentally. Sagittarius: You think about nothing but the food as November begins, wanting to indulge in as much pastries and pies and turkey and fixings as you can get your hands on. You’re gregarious and extremely pleasant at Thanksgiving, probably from all of the triptophan and sugar. You want to have lots of conversations and engage with others for Christmas, and continue indulging in sweets. Capricorn: You want to take charge of the holidays to start November, being the one making the command decisions and getting everything in place. For Thanksgiving, you enjoy just sitting back and watching everyone else having a good time, knowing you’re the one responsible. For Christmas, you slow down some and let yourself indulge a little, and you enjoy yourself. Aquarius: You don’t feel like doing much as November begins, feeling like you’ll be drained of all of your energy if you’re around your family this holiday. You can escape with your friends for Thanksgiving, and enjoy the holiday with them. You bounce back for Christmas, and you’re the one calling the shots for what the plans are. You enjoy working in the background for everyone else’s pleasure. Pisces: You want a big group gathering to start November, something that includes all of your family and friends and acquaintances, and you’d like to try something different, doing things in unconventional ways. You’re the mother hen at Thanksgiving, probably at the head of the table or commanding the kitchen. At Christmas, you step back and let others take the reins. Suggested Reading: Your Yearly Horoscope General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
ARIES OCTOBER 2014 October brings with it another Mercury retrograde, which begins on the 4th and ends on the 25th, though we’ll feel the impact of it from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, and you can feel as though you’re at a distance from everyone else. You want an intimate connection, but nothing is as passionate and deep as you want it to be. You can be way too serious, controlling, and intimidating. You can also have problems with other people’s money (taxes, debts, loans, inheritances, joint finances), and have someone suddenly demand you pay them back, not get money owed to you that you were counting on, or get swindled by a business partner. Mercury leaves Scorpio and retrogrades backward into air sign Libra, the sign opposite yours, on October 10th, so it’s not in Scorpio for too long. In Libra, you’ll likely experience issues with your loved ones, those you’re closest to, and any partnerships you have, personal or professional. The lines of communication seem to be crossed, and you have lots of misunderstandings and fights. Just don’t go for the low blow. You can also have trouble with the people you know oppose you openly, and they become an even bigger problem. You can feel as though life isn’t fair, the outcome of a certain situation doesn’t go your way, or you’re discriminated against. Remember that much of what you experience is all a matter of your perception, and what you perceive to be a slight versus what actually is one. Try to not do anything rash during the retrograde. General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
ARIES You’ve got a lot of your focus on your relationships and loved ones this month - but probably for bad reasons! Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in your intimacy and relationship sectors in October, and that can create all sorts of problems with your loved ones. If in a relationship, make sure you think before you speak, and don’t give in to screaming matches that drive a wedge between you. If single, you have a harder time finding someone willing to commit to you. Better luck next month! General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
ARIES The lunar eclipse in your sign on October 8th lets you know if you’ve been making the right or wrong decisions. You reap what you sow, and you can’t avoid the consequences. If rewarded, keep going down the right path, and more will follow. On the 26th, Mars enters your career, goals, and life path sector, and you become more ambitious and focused on your goals. You can take a goal and create a plan of action, then take practical steps to achieve it in a timely fashion, and nothing can deter you. Another Batman villain! Today I'm diving into Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face. I should note that I have a little thing for Tommy Lee Jones. Even with that gruesome half-face. Two-Face's Sun & Rising
This was super easy - Libra! When Two-Face was Harvey Dent, he was a lawyer - that's Libra or Sagittarius. I went with Libra because he's so vacillating, that's Libra all the way (I should know as a vacillating Libra!). He can't make up his mind so he has to flip a coin. It's the fairest way to make a decision, and Libra is so concerned with being fair.
To bring in the Sagittarius energy, I'd say his Sun is in the 9th house. The Libra Sun-9th house combo screams lawyer, and with the 9th house, shows he's intelligent, looks at the big picture, and very tied to his own beliefs. Screw everyone else! This would make him an Aquarius rising, which is interesting because he has an unusual look with his half-scarred face. Two-Face's Moon
I'm going with Gemini for the Moon. Gemini is known for being a two-faced sign (not meant as an offense to Geminis!) because it's a dual sign. The symbol for Gemini is the Twins, and Gemini is known for having several faces.
It would also give him more air energy, an air triad actually, which I feel he has. Air energy makes you live in your head, detached from feeling. With an Aquarius rising, that would put his Moon in the 5th house, making him theatrical and wanting attention (like the Joker with Moon in Leo! it strikes me that villains want attention a lot). Two-Face's Mercury, Venus, and Mars
Since Mercury doesn't travel very far from the Sun, his Mercury can only be in Virgo, Libra, or Scorpio. Since he comes up with such vile plans, and seems to have a bit of a temper, I'd go with Scorpio.
That would also make him more obsessive, dark, and have an unrelenting mind. Mercury would be in the 10th house, which makes him focused on his goals (killing Batman), always planning and trying to be realistic with his plans (to kill Batman). Also shows using words in your career (like a lawyer trying to convince people of his case; in The Dark Knight, Harvey is good with words). This would also make his Mercury conjunct Batman's Scorpio Sun. I'm thinking Leo for Venus, for the same reason I chose the sign I did for the Joker: Leo would put his Venus in the 7th house of open enemies, the enemies you know about, like Batman. It also shows an affinity for Batman, his enemy. In Two-Face's case, the Leo Venus would also add to his need for attention. I put his Mars in Aries or Aquarius because of the scarring on his face. The face is ruled by Aries/1st house, and the Sun rules the self. If his Mars is in Aries, it's opposite his Sun, which can show the violence involving his face. If his Mars is in Aquarius, it's in his 1st house, which again can show the violence with his face. Suggested Reading: Astrology of Batman |