General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign. ARIES OCTOBER 2014 October brings with it another Mercury retrograde, which begins on the 4th and ends on the 25th, though we’ll feel the impact of it from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, and you can feel as though you’re at a distance from everyone else. You want an intimate connection, but nothing is as passionate and deep as you want it to be. You can be way too serious, controlling, and intimidating. You can also have problems with other people’s money (taxes, debts, loans, inheritances, joint finances), and have someone suddenly demand you pay them back, not get money owed to you that you were counting on, or get swindled by a business partner. Mercury leaves Scorpio and retrogrades backward into air sign Libra, the sign opposite yours, on October 10th, so it’s not in Scorpio for too long. In Libra, you’ll likely experience issues with your loved ones, those you’re closest to, and any partnerships you have, personal or professional. The lines of communication seem to be crossed, and you have lots of misunderstandings and fights. Just don’t go for the low blow. You can also have trouble with the people you know oppose you openly, and they become an even bigger problem. You can feel as though life isn’t fair, the outcome of a certain situation doesn’t go your way, or you’re discriminated against. Remember that much of what you experience is all a matter of your perception, and what you perceive to be a slight versus what actually is one. Try to not do anything rash during the retrograde. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, and Venus enters Scorpio on the same day. You feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re focusing on the serious aspects of your life, getting closer to others, and obsessing over something. Your focus can be strong, and whatever interests you now, you throw yourself into. You can be intense and passionate, especially in love, but need to watch for being jealous and possessive as well. You could embark on a project or job that benefits both you and another person. If single, you’re attracted to powerful people. You may come across as dark, brooding, and seductive. Mars, your ruler, enters earth sign Capricorn on October 26th, and you feel more driven and focused on your goals. Your ambition is heightened, and you want to achieve some degree of success in your life. When you focus on a goal, you have plenty of energy to get it done, but you don’t have much energy for play, only work. You may ignore your personal life for the sake of your professional life. The more you achieve, the more confident you feel, but you need to make sure you don’t identify too strongly to your successes, or you’ll take failure too badly. If you can avoid the downfalls, this is an excellent time for you to make progress in your career, though not a good one for starting anything new with the Mercury retrograde. Work on goals that you’ve already begun. A lunar eclipse occurs in your sign, Aries, on October 8th. When a full moon is in your sign, you reap what you sow, and with a lunar eclipse, that’s amplified. You can achieve everything you’ve set out to do, rewarded for all of the hard, smart work you’ve put in over the years, or you experience total failure and are punished harshly at every turn for bad decisions and irresponsibility. Eclipses can impact you for up to six months before and after, so this is energy that you have to deal with for some time. Live your life right, and you have less problems. No matter what, you will find that you’re more emotional from this eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio on October 23rd, which is the same day the Sun and Venus also enter Scorpio, so it’s a big day astrologically. With the solar eclipse, you can do more over the coming months to benefit you and other people, to get your joint finances in order and settle any debts, and can help yourself financially by taking on a business partner. You have an easier time dealing with serious matters, and can dive into the deeper parts of yourself. Use this opportunity to get to terms with an issue you hold deep inside of yourself that you’ve kept hidden for too long. It’s not so scary to deal with now. Best days of October for Aries for Love: 16th, 17th, 18th Best days of October for Aries for Money: 9th, 10th TAURUS OCTOBER 2014 Mercury is going to retrograde again in the month of October, beginning on October 4th and ending on October 25th, with the impact being felt from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, the sign opposite yours, and you first can experience problems with your relationships. You have lots of little fights and misunderstandings with loved ones or partners, and you can’t seem to find the right way to say things. You’re just not on the same page, or even the same book. You have difficulty with making compromises, and insist on winning, or you let other people walk all over you. You crave balance in your life, but all you get is disharmony, and the peace you desire is nowhere to be found for the moment. Mercury doesn’t stay long in Scorpio though, retrograding backward into air sign Libra on October 10th, and for the rest of the retrograde, you can experience problems with work or at work. You get into it with coworkers, or something goes wrong in your work environment, like mold or flooding. You don’t have the work ethic you normally do, and it takes twice as long to get half as far. You keep missing the details and have to go back over it, doing the same thing over and over again. You need to give yourself plenty of time to get through work, and triple check everything. This period is best for any revising, editing old work, or doing something again you wanted another chance at. You could also go back to work for someone you worked for before, or in a job you worked in before. On October 23rd, both the Sun and your ruler, Venus, enter Scorpio, and you feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re in the company of others, especially those you’re close to. You have an easier time committing yourself to things, and like having a partner by your side to help you. If single, you want a relationship even more, and want to be with someone you see as an equal. If in a relationship, you give more time, attention, and affection to your partner. You benefit from having a partner, personally and professionally. You may come across as charming, compromising, and vacillating. On October 26th, Mars enters fellow earth sign Capricorn, and you’re driven to expand your life and have new experiences. You don’t want to get stuck in the same routine, never having an adventure or doing anything noteworthy. Push yourself to try something different, and have an open mind. With the Mercury retrograde, it would be best if it was something you’ve tried before but weren’t successful with, or that you haven’t done in a long time and would love to do again. This can be a great time to go back to school and study something you didn’t finish studying before. You also can get the urge to travel, so go somewhere far that you’ve been to before and want to go back to. Relearn old tricks, and explore old stomping grounds. On October 8th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries, the sign before yours. Eclipses can impact you up to six months before and after, so over the coming months, you can feel quite serious when it comes to the past, your karma, your baggage, and the things you need to let go of. It all weighs much more heavily on you, and it becomes unbearable to continue to carry it with you. You don’t want to face it, but you have to now. This is a period where you should feel a big letting-go. Release, release, release. It’s an emotional experience, but you shouldn’t try to avoid it just because you don’t want to deal with messy emotions. Face it. You’ll also be more intuitive during this time, so listen to what you instincts are telling you. On October 23rd, a solar eclipse will occur in Scorpio, on the same day the Sun and Venus enter the same sign. Over the coming months, you put more emphasis on your relationships, and like having a partner. You’ll likely begin an important new relationship, personal or professional, and it’s something that opens you up in new ways. You recognize the importance of healthy relationships, and strive to have that in your life. You’re willing to work on improving your existing relationships with loved ones. You’re also more fair, mediating, and try to strike a balance. Best days of October for Taurus for Love: 19th, 20th Best days of October for Taurus for Money: 11th, 12th, 13th GEMINI OCTOBER 2014 Mercury is going to retrograde again in the month of October, beginning on October 4th and ending on October 25th, with the impact being felt from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, and you can have some trouble at work, or with your work. You miss things and have to do projects all over again, or you misinterpret what they want from you. You have fights with coworkers, and trouble with your office, building, or equipment. You can also experience problems with your health, and see the return of a health issue, especially if you haven’t been doing what you’re supposed to be doing for maintenance. Mercury doesn’t stay long in Scorpio though, retrograding backward into fellow air sign Libra on October 10th, and for the rest of the retrograde, you don’t get the time off to have fun that you want or need. You want to abandon work and just run away, but that’s not possible. You have too much to do, and you don’t enjoy any of it. You take pleasure in very little now, and feel no love for anything. Mercury is your ruler, and when your ruler is retrograde, you can be off in general, and have difficulty with every little thing, so that adds to the trouble of this retrograde for you. Learn patience. On October 23rd, both the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio, and you feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re being productive, efficient, and getting through the little tasks that pile up. You don’t want to let things slide, and will sacrifice your time off and weekends to get work done. You try to get organized, bring some structure and order to your life, and keep everything in its place. If single, you can meet someone through your or their work, or who is a coworker. If in a relationship, you can pay attention to the little details with your partner, and do practical things to show your love for them. You may come across as analytical, exacting, and discriminating. On October 26th, Mars enters earth sign Capricorn, and your energy can be slow to start, but once you get started, nothing can stop you. You can be obsessive at times, and your focus in unrelenting. You have a stronger will than usual, are difficult to deter, and will stick with something no matter what. You can be a little too intense at times, and take what you’re doing a little too seriously. You’re passionate about what you do and in your relationship, making for a happy partner if you’re attached, or some serious frustration if you’re single. Sure, you can have casual hookups, but it won’t bring you satisfaction because it lacks the depth you crave. On October 8th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries. Eclipses can impact you up to six months before and after, so over the coming months, you can achieve your dreams, or give up on them. You see how possible they are and are rewarded for the hard, smart work you’ve put in to achieve them, or you realize they’re impractical and unrealistic, and let go of them. If you’ve been irresponsible and making bad decisions, you can see your dreams drift further away from you. You can become more involved in groups you belong to or causes you champion, or you leave a group or abandon a cause, not feeling the passion anymore. A friendship, or several, could come to an end if they’re not really good for you, or you take a casual one and become closer. On October 23rd, a solar eclipse will occur in Scorpio, on the same day the Sun and Venus enter the same sign. Over the coming months, you can take on a big new work project, accept a new job, or are presented with new work opportunities. You can decide it’s time for you to embark on your own, and you try working for yourself, or decide it’s time to do the work that you’re really passionate about and change your job entirely. You can enjoy your work, and are excited about it. This is also an excellent period to improve your health, and you can start a new diet or exercise program to get healthier, as well as work on managing your stress better so you’re not so easily rocked by difficult situations. Best days of October for Gemini for Love: 21st, 22nd, 23rd Best days of October for Gemini for Money: 14th, 15th CANCER OCTOBER 2014 October brings with it another Mercury retrograde, which begins on the 4th and ends on the 25th, though we’ll feel the impact of it from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in fellow water sign Scorpio, and you don’t have time for your hobbies right now. You have to focus on your work, your responsibilities, and the things that you find no pleasure in and don’t care for, but you have to do them. You can have trouble with your loved ones, and if you’re seeing someone, you can decide it’s time to call it quits. An old flame could also come back into your life, and you have to figure out what to do about it. If you have children, they could get into trouble and seem more difficult than usual. Mercury leaves Scorpio and retrogrades backward into air sign Libra on October 10th, so it’s not in Scorpio for too long. In Libra, you can have problems at home or with your family. You can see little things go wrong at home, like a pipe bursting or an outlet shocking you. You can move back to a place or area you’ve lived in before, or decide it’s time to renovate your home. A relative could come back into your life that you haven’t seen in a long time, or you have fights and misunderstandings with a relative and they leave your life. If they do, it’s likely not permanent. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, and Venus enters Scorpio on the same day. You feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re letting yourself relax, have fun, and doing the things that you love most. You want to take time off, engage in your hobbies, go to parties, and go on dates. If single, you have little trouble meeting someone, and you’re flirty and keep it casual. If in a relationship, you can rekindle the old flame and make it feel like it did when you first met. You may come across as warmer, prouder, and friendlier. Mars enters earth sign Capricorn, the sign opposite yours, on October 26th, and you’re driven to focus on your relationships and spend time with those you’re closest to. You want to have a partner with you at all times, and can’t stand being alone. You have more energy, confidence, stamina, and drive when you have someone by your side. You can focus on your relationships, and try to see what you can do to make them better. While you want to focus on your relationships, you may fight more with your loved ones, though little spats more than anything else. You’re more willing to make compromises now, and are excellent at negotiations. You can also fight for the little guy and stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves. A lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries on October 8th. Eclipses can impact you for up to six months before and after. Over the coming months, you can reap what you sow when it comes to your career and goals. If you’ve been putting in hard, smart work, acting responsibly and making good decisions, you can make progress with your career, are offered the opportunity of a lifetime, experience great success, or achieve a big goal you’ve set for yourself. If you’ve been lazy, irresponsible, and making bad decisions, you can have setbacks in your career, and feel that you’ll never reach your goals. A change in direction may be in order, and you assess whether or not you’re on the right path in life. A solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio on October 23rd, which is the same day the Sun and Venus also enter Scorpio, so it’s a big day astrologically. With the solar eclipse, you can enjoy your life more than you have in a while. It’s been a serious few years for you, and you’ve given up on the things you love. It’s time to get them back. Find what you love now. Take up new hobbies, make new friends, or bring back the romance in your relationship, if attached. If single, put yourself back out there and open up your heart. You feel creative, inspired, and want to have some fun. If you have children, they could be presented with a big opportunity during this period, or are in the spotlight for something they’ve done (hopefully good!). Best days of October for Cancer for Love: 24th, 25th Best days of October for Cancer for Money: 16th, 17th, 18th LEO OCTOBER 2014 October brings with it another Mercury retrograde, which begins on the 4th and ends on the 25th, though we’ll feel the impact of it from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, and you can have problems at home, with your home getting flooded, a lamp breaking, losing power for no reason, or any random little thing going wrong. You can also have trouble with your family, and you have fights and misunderstandings with them. None of you are communicating as clearly as you think you are. You can also see the return of a long lost relative, and it’s a good time to repair a fractured relationship with a relative. Mercury leaves Scorpio and retrogrades backward into air sign Libra on October 10th, so it’s not in Scorpio for too long. In Libra, you have trouble communicating with everyone about everything. You swear you’re being as clear as possible, but it’s just not working out. Your head and your mouth seem to have lost any connection. You can have problems with technology, and a gadget dies on you, or you have car trouble. If you have to replace anything, opt for something refurbished or used. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, and Venus enters Scorpio on the same day. You feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re at home and with your family. You feel best in your home, or in the places that are most familiar to you and feel like home, and with your family, or with the people you think of as family. You don’t want to venture outside of your comfort zone, and feel that familiarity is best. You stick with tradition, the things you know, and conventional methods. If single, you can meet someone through a relative, or who has a nurturing energy to them. If in a relationship, you try to connect with your partner on an emotional level. Mars enters earth sign Capricorn on October 26th, and you’re driven to work. You want to get all of the little tasks and chores that pile up done, and cross everything off of your list. You make more lists than usual now, and you try to stay as organized as possible. Your energy is a little anxious and restless, and you need to keep busy. The busier you are, the more you have to do, the more energy you have. It’s like your energy multiplies as your work multiplies. If you don’t have anything to do, your energy is extremely low, and it’s hard for you to feel motivated to do anything. Anxiety sets in and you become an antsy jitterbug (but not cute). You also do best with smaller tasks, and get overwhelmed by bigger stuff, so if you have any big stuff to do, break it down into smaller tasks so you’re not overwhelmed. A lunar eclipse occurs in fellow fire sign Aries on October 8th. Eclipses can impact you for up to six months before and after. Over the coming months, you can work on settling a legal dispute, come home if you’re abroad, or finish a course of study. You also find that you’re beliefs become more important to you, and you either become more invested in them, a true believer, or you give up on them. If you’ve been blindly following, the latter is more likely. You question your beliefs, and can abandon them completely. You need to make sure that what you believe is what you truly feel in your heart and soul, and not just what you were raised to believe, or think you should believe. A solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio on October 23rd, which is the same day the Sun and Venus also enter Scorpio, so it’s a big day astrologically. With the solar eclipse, you can do some major work on your home, or feel that it’s time to make a move. You can spend more time with your family, making them a priority, and feel that your life is better when they’re around. Opportunities can come for you through your family, and the opportunities you pursue during this time tend to be within your comfort zone, are things you’re familiar with and know well, and aren’t risky ventures. You also feel more at ease with yourself emotionally, and can find a way to ground yourself internally so you’re not so thrown when bad things happen. Best days of October for Leo for Love: 26th, 27th Best days of October for Leo for Money: 19th, 20th VIRGO OCTOBER 2014 Mercury is going to retrograde again in the month of October, beginning on October 4th and ending on October 25th, with the impact being felt from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, and you have trouble communicating properly. You think you’re saying what you’re thinking, but it’s not coming out right. You think you’re hearing what other people are saying, but it’s not going in right. All modes of communication can falter, including telephones, cell phones, computers, tablets, the internet in general. You can also have problems with everyday travel, and something breaks down with your car, your bus route changes, or your carpool buddy has their license suspended. Mercury doesn’t stay long in Scorpio though, retrograding backward into air sign Libra, the sign after yours, on October 10th, and for the rest of the retrograde, you can have trouble with your finances. You can have an unexpected expense come up, or you have to cover something that you missed when you were planning your budget. You feel pinched, and it’s a good idea to start saving now so your rainy day fund can cushion the blow. You’ll need to redo your budget, and if you have to make any big purchases at this time, go for something used. This can be a good time to try making money in a way you have in the past. Mercury is your ruler, and when your ruler retrogrades, you feel off in general, so that makes this retrograde more difficult for you. It’s a pain, but you can prepare yourself beforehand so you minimize the damage and walk away without any injuries. On October 23rd, both the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio, and you feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re expressing yourself. Don’t keep anything to yourself, let it all out and let people know what you think, give your advice, and share your ideas. You also want to keep busy, and have a packed social calendar. You can become active in your community, help out young people, or connect with a sibling or neighbor. If single, you can meet someone who is younger than yourself, lives in your community, through a sibling or neighbor, or online. If in a relationship, you can tell your partner how you feel through love poems and songs. You may come across as more analytical, flighty, and scattered. On October 26th, Mars enters fellow earth sign Capricorn, and you’re driven to enjoy yourself more and spend more time on your hobbies. You have less energy to do work and chores, and more energy for fun. When you take time off and give yourself a break, your energy surges and you can do anything. When you focus on your work, your mind automatically drifts, and you barely get anything done. So unlike you, Virgo, but you need time off just like everyone else. If you can take time off, do it, and give yourself a vacation. If you can’t take time off, make sure you make the most of your time away from work. No work when you’re not at work! This is a great time if you’re a creative type, and you can feel more inspired and work on creative projects. If single, you can date more but keep it casual. If in a relationship, you’re more romantic and passionate with your partner. If you have children, they have more energy, and seem more independent. On October 8th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries. Eclipses can impact you up to six months before and after, so over the coming months, you’re more serious and focused on the things you hold deep inside of yourself. If you find that you’re more emotional, it’s because you’re keeping too much inside of you, hidden even from yourself. You need to work on bringing this to the surface and releasing it. It’s not doing you any good, and the longer you hold on, the worse you’ll feel. On October 23rd, a solar eclipse will occur in Scorpio, on the same day the Sun and Venus enter the same sign. Over the coming months, you can have a period full of activity, and you’re going from one thing to the next, keeping busy. You can work on an important project that requires a lot of mental focus. You can reconnect with a sibling, or embark on a big project in your community. Best days of October for Virgo for Love: 1st, 2nd, 28th, 29th Best days of October for Virgo for Money: 21st, 22nd, 23rd LIBRA OCTOBER 2014 Mercury is going to retrograde again in the month of October, beginning on October 4th and ending on October 25th, with the impact being felt from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, the sign after yours, and you can experience some financial difficulties. Maybe you overlooked something in your budget and have to scramble to find the money, maybe you have an unexpected expense, or maybe you have to pay more for something than you thought. It’s always a good idea to have a solid rainy day fund before the retrograde begins. You can also feel less confident, and question your security, but it’s likely just in your head. Mercury doesn’t stay long in Scorpio though, retrograding backward into your sign, Libra, on October 10th, and for the rest of the retrograde, you feel the brunt of it. When Mercury retrogrades in your sign, anything and everything can go wrong. Little things just don’t go your way, and it feels like the universe is piling on. It can be a case of Murphy’s law, and everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. Your timing isn’t great, making it worse. You need to have patience, and give yourself plenty of time to get things done. Try not to start anything new, unless it’s something you tried before. This is an excellent period for getting a second chance in your life, so take it. On October 23rd, both the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio, and you feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re indulging and kicking back. You don’t feel like doing too much, putting too much pressure on yourself, or working too hard, and prefer eating good food, listening to good music, and relaxing. You’re more sensual, and if single, you can be attracted to someone who is practical, reliable, and good with business. If in a relationship, you’re more passionate with your partner. This can be a good time for dealing with money matters, and making some extra money. You may come across as more dependable, stubborn, and practical. On October 26th, Mars enters earth sign Capricorn, and your energy is tied to your feelings. If you have strong feelings, you’re driven to do something, and you can use your feelings to motivate you. This can be good if you’re feeling bad and use that to inspire you to turn things around, but you can also end up giving in to your feelings, and your energy ebbs and flows too much. If you’re sad, it drains you; if you’re upset, you become too blubbery; if you’re mad, you’re enraged. This can be a good time for dealing with your home and family, and you can spend more time with your family, plan a big family outing or gathering, do work on your home, or move. On October 8th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries, the sign opposite yours. Eclipses can impact you up to six months before and after, so over the coming months, you evaluate your relationships, and figure out what’s wrong with them and what you can do to make them better. Several people could leave your life, or one important relationship comes to an end. It’s an emotional experience, but it’s not a healthy relationship anymore and you need to let go. Good relationships can be brought to the next level, and you become more committed. You can fulfill some commitments you’ve made, or give up on them. Having balance in your life becomes more important in keeping yourself sane. On October 23rd, a solar eclipse will occur in Scorpio, on the same day the Sun and Venus enter the same sign. Over the coming months, you can improve your financial life considerably. You can finally get a grip on your spending, rework your budget so you have extra money to play with, or get a job making more money. It can be a good time to take on a second job, side gig for extra cash, or turn a hobby into a money-making venture. You can have financial opportunities presented to you that will give you more flexibility. You also feel more confident, secure, and sensual. Your emotions are more even, and you can stay calm during any crisis that comes about. Best days of October for Libra for Love: 3rd, 4th, 30th, 31st Best days of October for Libra for Money: 24th, 25th SCORPIO OCTOBER 2014 October brings with it another Mercury retrograde, which begins on the 4th and ends on the 25th, though we’ll feel the impact of it from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in your sign, Scorpio, and the start of this retrograde can be very difficult for you, especially if you’re an October-born Scorpio. You have things go wrong at every turn, you think you’ve got it figured out but the rug gets pulled out from under you, and it’s difficult for you to communicate in any way or get through to anyone. You need to keep yourself calm, and not give in to rage. You can get yourself in more trouble with regretful words. This is a good time for doing something you’ve wanted another shot at, so try to plan for that, and avoid doing anything new now. Mercury leaves Scorpio and retrogrades backward into air sign Libra on October 10th, so it’s not in Scorpio for too long. In Libra, you can see the past come back to bite you, and you have to face something that you thought you were done with but finds a second life. A subconscious issue can become important, or a secret comes out and you have to deal with the damage. You feel drained emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, and you need more time to yourself, away from other people who demand too much from you, but you don’t seem to be able to get away. The reverse can happen instead, and you spend too much time alone and are isolated from the world for some reason (like being sick). Try revisiting issues that you want to work on, and replenish yourself in every way. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, and Venus enters Scorpio on the same day. You feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re in the spotlight, getting attention from loved ones, and putting yourself out there. You’re not happy being left in the shadows, and want to come out into the light. You can be recognized for something you’ve done, and presented with a new opportunity, though you should be cautious while Mercury is retrograde, and make sure to do your homework. If single, you have little trouble meeting potential suitors, and seem more attractive. If in a relationship, you’re more romantic with your partner. You may come across as more charming, sensual, and warm. Mars enters earth sign Capricorn on October 26th, and your mind becomes more active. You come up with lots of new ideas, make lots of plans, have lots to say, and give lots of advice. You can’t seem to shut your yap for two seconds. Your energy is excitable, and it’s difficult for you to control. You’re scattered, focused on too many different things and not sticking with anything for very long. You have more energy and can stick with something more easily if it’s a mental task. Anything that requires physical energy will be hard for you. You require more mental stimulation, and without it, you can suffer insomnia and lack focus. You also need to stay busy, or you’ll become restless, agitated, and anxious. A lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries on October 8th. Eclipses can impact you for up to six months before and after. You can experience a shake-up with your work from this eclipse. You leave your job for one reason or another, see coworkers leave, go to a new building, or take on different responsibilities at work. You can demand too much of yourself, and be too much of a perfectionist. Your stress levels can be higher as you avoid dealing with your feelings, but you need to face them or you’ll manifest your stress physically, and find yourself constantly sick or with aches and pains. This is a great time to quit something bad for you, like smoking. A solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio on October 23rd, which is the same day the Sun and Venus also enter Scorpio, so it’s a big day astrologically. With the solar eclipse in your sign, this is a great period for you, full of optimism, opportunity, and new beginnings. You can create opportunities for yourself, take advantage of ones presented to you, and take charge of your life, starting a whole new journey. Best days of October for Scorpio for Love: 5th, 6th Best days of October for Scorpio for Money: 1st, 2nd, 28th, 29th SAGITTARIUS OCTOBER 2014 October brings with it another Mercury retrograde, which begins on the 4th and ends on the 25th, though we’ll feel the impact of it from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, the sign before yours, and you see problems from the past come back into your life. If you avoided something, it comes back to find you. If you thought you ended something but didn’t do it properly, it demands your attention now. You can have subconscious issues cause problems for you if you’ve been running from them. You have to face the past, no matter how emotional of an experience. You can spend more time alone, by choice or by design, and you feel more isolated. Your energy is drained in every way, and your imagination is either zapped or too in control. Watch for being too vulnerable. Mercury leaves Scorpio and retrogrades backward into air sign Libra on October 10th, so it’s not in Scorpio for too long. In Libra, you can question your dreams, and feel that they’re not attainable for you anymore. You experience setbacks and delays, and it causes you to wonder if you’re being unrealistic. Don’t give up hope just yet, even though you probably do feel hopeless. Your future is uncertain, and it’s unsettling for you. You can also think about giving up a cause you believe in, leave a group you belong to, or end a friendship. It is good for joining a group you used to belong to, reconnecting with an old friend, or taking up an old cause. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, and Venus enters Scorpio on the same day. You feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re left alone, by yourself, and out of the spotlight. You feel best when you’re not being grilled by anyone, don’t feel any pressure, and can do things under the radar. When no one is looking, you produce your best work. You need peace, quiet, and solitude. If single, you can begin dating someone secretly, who works in a confined institution (hospital, prison), or who is an artistic type. If in a relationship, you want to connect with your partner on another level, spiritually, soulfully. This can be a good time to focus on your spirituality, and strengthen your spiritual self. You may come across as more sensitive, vulnerable, and imaginative. Mars enters earth sign Capricorn, the sign after yours, on October 26th, and you’re driven to improve your financial life. The better off you are financially, the better you feel about yourself, and the worse off you are financially, the worse you feel about yourself. You want to buy lots of stuff, and are more materialistic, feeling that the more you have of value, the more you’re worth as a person. You need to detach yourself from that kind of thinking. Stuff is only stuff. This is a good time for focusing on your finances and taking on work to earn extra money, or getting a job that pays better. Your energy is more of a slow burn now, and you take your time getting started with things, but once you get started, you won’t stop. A lunar eclipse occurs in fellow fire sign Aries on October 8th. Eclipses can impact you for up to six months before and after. You’re more inspired by the world around you with this eclipse, which is good if you’re the creative type. If you’re not, you may need to take up a creative hobby to serve as a healthy outlet for your feelings. If you have children, something important could end for them. If you’re seeing someone, you can decide to call it quits, or take the relationship to the next level. If single, you can meet someone you’re karmically connected to. A solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio on October 23rd, which is the same day the Sun and Venus also enter Scorpio, so it’s a big day astrologically. With the solar eclipse, you can work on releasing over the coming months. You have an easier time facing the past, your issues, your subconscious, and your karma, and work on letting go. It’s not so difficult for you, and you find that as you let things go, more opportunities come into your life. You can also get the opportunity to do something behind the scenes, in the background, or where someone else will get the credit. This is a good time to focus on your spirituality, and enhance it. Best days of October for Sagittarius for Love: 7th, 8th Best days of October for Sagittarius for Money: 3rd, 4th, 30th, 31st CAPRICORN OCTOBER 2014 Mercury is going to retrograde again in the month of October, beginning on October 4th and ending on October 25th, with the impact being felt from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, and you can have some problems with your friends. You have little fights and miscommunications, and you can decide that you want to end a friendship, though it’ll likely be temporary. You can also decide to get in touch with an old friend, or one gets in touch with you. You can question your place in a group you belong to, or take on a more important role. You can abandon a cause you’ve been fighting for, or become more passionate about it. You also worry about your future, and wonder if the dreams you have are appropriate for you anymore. Don’t make any big decisions yet, like giving up on your dream. It’s not the time for that. Mercury doesn’t stay long in Scorpio though, retrograding backward into air sign Libra on October 10th, and for the rest of the retrograde, you can have problems with your career. You make a bad impression on someone, you have a disagreement with a boss, or experience a block on your way to advancement. You can feel that you’re going in the wrong direction in your life, and want to change your course. This is a good time for going back to a career you used to be in, or taking up a goal you used to have. On October 23rd, both the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio, and you feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re with your friends or in a group. You don’t care to spend much time alone, and want to be with like-minded people who make you feel like you belong. You also like focusing on your future, and what you hope to achieve. If single, you can begin dating a friend, try to be friends with someone first, or keep things casual to start. If in a relationship, you can try to connect with your partner as a friend. You enjoy people that are original and ideas that are unusual, and embrace yourself as an individual. You appreciate unconventional methods and are willing to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. You may come across as more idealistic, charitable, and aloof. On October 26th, Mars enters your sign, Capricorn, and this is a time of great energy for you. You have plenty of energy for whatever you do, but you can lose interest quickly. This is an excellent time for starting new projects and taking action on plans. You feel that you can do whatever you want, and focus on your own wants and needs. You don’t need to search hard for drive and stamina. You can have too much energy though, and you have to find outlets for it. Keep yourself busy, take on lots of projects, and make sure you’re physically active. Without enough physical activity, you can become impatient and impulsive. You can have lots of little cuts, scrapes, bumps, and bruises, are accident-prone, and suffer more headaches/migraines. On October 8th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries. Eclipses can impact you up to six months before and after, so over the coming months, you can end a major home improvement project, renovation, or remodel, or decide it’s time to pack up and leave your home. You can finalize a real estate deal that’s taken a long time to work on. You can decide it’s time to cut ties with a relative, or try to forge a stronger relationship with a family member. Emotionally, you’re more sensitive over these months, and you need to work on strengthening your inner foundation. On October 23rd, a solar eclipse will occur in Scorpio, on the same day the Sun and Venus enter the same sign. Over the coming months, you can focus more on your dreams. You feel that you can achieve them if you just work hard and stay positive. You can achieve a dream you have, or are presented with opportunities to get a lot closer. You can benefit from joining a group, or joining forces with a friend. You also benefit from thinking outside of the box, and being willing to take risks. You’re usually one of the most cautious signs, Capricorn, but you need to push yourself past your usual boundaries and go against the grain. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Forge your own path. Best days of October for Capricorn for Love: 9th, 10th Best days of October for Capricorn for Money: 3rd, 4th, 30th, 31st AQUARIUS OCTOBER 2014 Mercury is going to retrograde again in the month of October, beginning on October 4th and ending on October 25th, with the impact being felt from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in water sign Scorpio, and you can experience challenges in your career or with your goals. You encounter resistance everywhere you turn, and are questioned about your motivations. You can have problems with your bosses, parents, or mentors. You wonder if you’re going down the right path in life, and consider a change in direction. Mercury doesn’t stay long in Scorpio though, retrograding backward into fellow air sign Libra on October 10th, and for the rest of the retrograde, and you can question your beliefs during this time. You wonder if you’re a true believer, or if you’ve had blind faith that’s hurt you. You may decide to go back to the beliefs you had growing up, or try something completely different. If you have legal woes, you can have extra problems. You may feel like you’re being held back in life, and no matter how much you try, your life isn’t expanding the way you want it to, and an optimistic outlook is hard to find. This is an excellent time for going back to school. On October 23rd, both the Sun and Venus enter Scorpio, and you feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re focused on your goals and working hard to achieve success. You can put in the hard work, and you feel that you can achieve anything you set out to do. You make plans that are practical and realistic, and you know exactly what you’re capable of. If single, you can meet someone through your or their career, begin dating a boss, or meet someone who is much older than you. If in a relationship, you’re more distant with your partner, focused more on your work than them. You may come across as more ambitious, cold, and traditional. On October 26th, Mars enters earth sign Capricorn, the sign before yours, and your energy is zapped. You find it difficult to have the energy you need to get work done, and you’re dragging yourself to the finish line. Your energy comes and goes in spurts, and it’s unreliable for you. You’re easily drained by work and other people, and need plenty of time to yourself to replenish your energy. You need lots of rest and relaxation. Your imagination is active, though you have trouble applying it to anything. This is a good time to focus on your spiritual self, and get in touch with your spirituality. You should work on letting go and releasing while Mars is in Capricorn, pushing as much out of your life as you can that you no longer need. Getting rid of excess baggage can be a great help to making you feel better. Also, listen to your intuition, and pay attention to your dreams, which will likely be more lucid and prophetic. On October 8th, a lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries. Eclipses can impact you up to six months before and after, so over the coming months, you can have too much emotion tied to your words. It’s good to say what you mean and mean what you say, but you overly identify with your words, and take the words of others to heart too much. You’re easily wounded by words, and need to protect yourself. Words can hurt, but you don’t have to let them tear you down. This is a good time for communicating your feelings though, and having a greater understanding of your emotions. On October 23rd, a solar eclipse will occur in Scorpio, on the same day the Sun and Venus enter the same sign. Over the coming months, you can work at making strides in your career and with your goals. You can be presented with new opportunities to get closer to where you want to be, or actually achieve your goals. This is a good time for a promotion or getting a better job. You can create a new goal for yourself that you work hard at. You feel that your life is going down the path that it should be on, and you work as hard as you can to get further along. You can benefit from doing things in a more traditional way, and not being so unconventional. Best days of October for Aquarius for Love: 11th, 12th, 13th Best days of October for Aquarius for Money: 5th, 6th PISCES OCTOBER 2014 October brings with it another Mercury retrograde, which begins on the 4th and ends on the 25th, though we’ll feel the impact of it from the end of September through the end of October. A planet is called retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our viewpoint here on Earth; it isn’t actually moving backward, it just looks that way, and things can get thrown off when this occurs. This retrograde begins in fellow water sign Scorpio, and you can feel that there’s nothing to be positive about. You’re pessimistic about everything, and don’t see how you can have an optimistic outlook. You feel stuck in your life, like you can’t break out of the fence around your life, no matter how much you want to. Legal problems can be worsened, and you question your beliefs and if they’re serving a good purpose for you any longer. It is good for going back to school, if you’ve been wanting to. Mercury leaves Scorpio and retrogrades backward into air sign Libra on October 10th, so it’s not in Scorpio for too long. In Libra, your pessimism gets worse. You’re too focused on the darker side of situations, and only focus on the bad. Life probably isn’t anywhere near as bad as you’re making it out to be. You can also have problems with other people’s money (taxes, loans, debts, inheritances, joint finances) during this time. The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23rd, and Venus enters Scorpio on the same day. You feel most like yourself and enjoy yourself when you’re expanding your life and having new experiences. You don’t want to settle for the same old, same old, and want to let out your inner adventurer. You need to roam, be free, and explore. You find other cultures fascinating, and want to learn more about how other people live. If single, you can begin seeing someone from a different country/culture, who is a teacher, or who has a jolly personality. If in a relationship, you want to have adventures with your partner, and are more fiery in love. You may want to take up a new course of study, and are interested in broadening your view of the world. You may come across as more gregarious, bold, and wandering. Mars enters earth sign Capricorn on October 26th, and your energy becomes more mental. You can focus on subjects, and you’ll learn everything there is to learn about it, becoming an expert in record time. Your mind is open to learning, and you’re willing to learn about something totally different from what you’d normally be interested in. You also feel more driven to do something when you’re being pushed by a group or friend, and benefit from having someone with you to help motivate you. This can be a great time to push a cause of yours, and let out your inner humanitarian. You can spend more time with friends, and make lots of new friends, though it’s casual. You focus more on your dreams, and you want to make plans for how you can achieve them. You’re also focused on your future, and are a little idealistic about it. A lunar eclipse occurs in fire sign Aries on October 8th. Eclipses can impact you for up to six months before and after. You can be too easily wounded by what other people think about you over the coming months, and you gauge how you feel about yourself based on how other people feel about you. You lack confidence and self-worth, and need to work on believing in yourself even when no one else does. You can also end an extra gig you’ve been working for more money, or decide to take it to the next level. A solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio on October 23rd, which is the same day the Sun and Venus also enter Scorpio, so it’s a big day astrologically. With the solar eclipse, you can feel that it’s time to embark on a new adventure and see what the world has to offer you. You see that it’s a big world out there, and you’ve been living in such a tiny one. You can do some traveling during this time, or at least do so in your mind. It’s a great time for going back to school and furthering your education. You can focus on your beliefs, and figure out what they really are. Legal issues can go your way, and you feel relief. Generally, you’re more optimistic, or at least try to be, and you have a rosier outlook on everything. This optimism leads to new opportunities for you to have new experiences. Best days of October for Pisces for Love: 14th, 15th Best days of October for Pisces for Money: 7th, 8th Comments are closed.