Saturn is going to turn retrograde on June 29th 2024, and this retrograde starts in Pisces and occurs entirely in this water sign. What does this Saturn retrograde mean for us? Saturn in Astrology
There are 10 major planets in astrology, excluding Earth and including the Sun and Moon, and each rules something different and has its own energy. Saturn is the planet of restriction, responsibility, and lessons, and in your natal chart, can show how and where you have lessons to learn in your life, and can feel restricted until you do.
in transit, moving Saturn can bring limitations and lessons in the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart it's touring, and to natal planets it's aspecting. Work to learn the lessons, and work within limitations in order to get through, otherwise it can become more limiting. If you want to dive deeper into Saturn, check out the article, All About Saturn in Astrology. What is retrograde in astrology?
Bodies are called retrograde in astrology when they appear to move backward through the Zodiac. Normal motion is forward, so retrograde motion tends to throw things off.
With Saturn, its retrograde period tends to double down on the restrictive energy, and we have even less options than usual. We can feel this restriction strongly, and get frustrated by the lack of options. Saturn Retrograde 2024: June 29 2024 @ 3:06PM ET/12:06PM PT
Saturn goes through another retrograde period in Pisces, and it was retrograde in Pisces in 2023 as well. Saturn in Pisces is a time of great focus on the past, baggage, karma, subconscious issues, and what we hide. Saturn retrograde can make these things more challenging if we're not trying to work through them at all. If we work with Saturn and do things the right way and for the right reasons, we can understand and grow. But, it can take time, so we usually don't see things turn around right away. Brush up on Saturn in Pisces with the blog article.
The retrograde starts widely trine (beneficial aspect, four signs away) transit Venus in Cancer and widely sextile (beneficial aspect, two signs away) transit Mars in Taurus and Ceres retrograde in Capricorn. These are all beneficial aspects, so the start of this retrograde can be helpful in many ways. With Venus, we can work together and get help with working through issues; with Mars, we have the energy and drive to push through; and with Ceres, we can find new ways to use resources or get support that helps us. Beyond the planets, the retrograde also begins opposite asteroid Juno, the asteroid of committed love, so we may see some struggles with commitment to people, partnerships, agreements, and arrangements at the start of the retrograde. It's important we work on any underlying issues, otherwise Saturn might expose them and make them worse. Interestingly, Saturn retrograde is bang on conjunct (aligned with) asteroid Pholus under 1 degree (super close!). Asteroid Pholus is the beginning of something major that can seem small at the time but leads to something significant. It's like the first domino falling. As we work through issues, we might experience a breakthrough or realization or learn something new that doesn't seem like a big deal initially, but leads to us making huge changes and personal growth eventually. Something might come out of nowhere with this Saturn retrograde, something unexpected or unusual, that can have a lasting impact on our lives. It may seem small, or even negative at the start, but opens up our lives in a whole new way. This can focus for you personally on the areas of life ruled by the house 19 degrees Pisces falls in your natal chart. Be on your toes, and watch for anything sudden, unexpected, unusual, or even small popping up. Saturn Retrograde 2024 Aspects
The Saturn retrograde starts at 19 degrees 26 minutes Pisces, so the major aspects are 16-22 degrees of:
Conjunction: Pisces Sextile: Taurus, Capricorn Square: Gemini, Sagittarius Trine: Cancer, Scorpio Opposition: Virgo Look through your natal chart and see if you have any planets or bodies located between 16 and 22 degrees of these signs. The aspect will be very strong for you right now, and can be through about August. Suggested Reading: The Transit Saturn page for general interpretations of transit Saturn in the houses and aspects, and the articles Surviving Transit Saturn in the Houses and How to Survive Hard Transit Saturn to the Personal Planets Comments are closed.