Asteroid Juno exits Virgo shortly, going from work-oriented Virgo to commitment-minded Libra. What does this have in store for us? About Juno in Astrology
Juno is an asteroid in astrology, and there are tens of thousands of asteroids, and each connects to something different. Many are simply names, but some like Amor connect to specific energies.
In the case of asteroid Juno, this is the asteroid of commitment. Juno shows how we express commitment and our attitudes around it, and in transit, we can see this via the Zodiac sign Juno is touring, and the natal house it's touring in your natal chart. Impact of Asteroid Juno in Libra 2024
Juno was in Virgo for an extended period thanks to being retrograde, and we can welcome Juno moving into a different sign. The fact that the new sign is Libra is even better since Libra jives very well with Juno (one could argue it's the asteroid Libra most resonates with).
Juno in Libra helps us to be extra comfortable with commitment. We can enter into new partnerships, alliances, and commit to new projects and ventures. We can take our commitments seriously, but not overly so, understanding the right approach. We can find a balance with commitment with Juno in Libra, and work to make sure we're giving attention to everything we're committed to. We may give more attention to the commitments we haven't had as much time for to balance things out more. It can be easier for us to commit when we feel peaceful, calm, and are surrounded by harmony. We may run away from commitment if it's deemed chaotic and out of control. We can negotiate when we make commitments, and we can commit to compromise. We can understand many sides to commitments we make, and we can use this knowledge to our advantage. With Libra ruling others, we may also attract more commitment-minded people to our lives, and we can take them seriously. They can help us with our own issues, and we can appreciate the help and guidance. Generally speaking, this is a great period for commitment, and we may see many enter into new partnerships, new alliances, and take the next step in relationships. Juno tours Zodiac sign Libra for almost 3 months, from August 9th to November 3rd 2024 Important Juno in Libra Aspects:
Juno conjuncts (aligns with) Black Moon Lilith and the South Node on August 29th at 6 degrees Libra. Black Moon Lilith is the apogee of the Moon, and connects with power. The South Node is a part of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic), and represents our baggage, our past, what we need to learn and grow away from. This might mean we're dealing with old relationship and commitment issues around this time that have gotten in the way of having healthy commitment now. We have to work on letting this go. We may also see a relationship scandal, challenges between allies, a partnership fall apart, or some sort of sex scandal.
Juno conjuncts Venus on September 6th at 9 degrees Libra. Venus is the natural ruler of Libra, so this amplifies the Libra energy, and helps make us more comfortable with commitment, partnerships, and in relationships in general, as well as in our dealings with others. This can be a particularly romantic time. Juno conjuncts the Sun on October 16th at 23 degrees Libra. The Sun shines a light, so this can bring more attention to commitment, partnerships, alliances, agreements, negotiations, and compromises. We can feel more at ease with how they're going, and we can connect with it personally. Juno opposes Chiron on October 12th at 21 degrees, with Chiron in Aries. Chiron rules our wounds, so we may struggle with old relationship and commitment wounds. We may need to work on healing and understanding, otherwise we may avoid others. We likely need to work on finding a balance between focus on others and focus on the self, and not do away with one over the other. Juno is square (challenging aspect) Pluto on October 2nd, so right before leaving Libra, at 29 degrees, with Pluto in Capricorn. There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, and 29 degrees in the last degree. This is called the anaretic degree, and is supercharged energy, often crisis energy in transit like this. Some sort of commitment or partnership can be challenged in a big way, and it might even break apart. This can be upsetting, but there is likely something that needs to be transformed about it, or something hidden that needs to be learned. This may seem out of left field for some, but you can take control and work it out in your favor. Asteroid Juno in Libra for the Zodiac Signs
Aries: Asteroid Juno in Libra can help you enter into new commitments, partnerships, and alliances with the people in your life. You can feel dedicated to them, and can find a way to keep the peace and keep everyone on the same page.
Taurus: Asteroid Juno in Libra can help you make commitments to projects, tasks, and chores, so you can be more productive, efficient, and organized. In relationships, you can commit to paying closer attention to the little things. Gemini: Asteroid Juno in Libra can make you more fun in your relationships, and you can take a more light-hearted view of commitment, while also being more committed to the people you love and to the things you love to do. Cancer: Asteroid Juno in Libra can help you commit emotionally, and you can feel more emotionally connected with others. You can commit to your home and family life, to your support system, or to starting something from the ground up. Leo: Asteroid Juno in Libra can make you more committed to your ideas and plans, and you can be passionate about them but also have greater charm and tact. You can commit to improved communication with others, and express yourself. Virgo: Asteroid Juno in Libra can make you much more dedicated to the commitments you make, and you can be very loyal, though you may take your time doing so. You can commit to improving confidence, stability, security, grounding yourself, or to resources. Libra: Asteroid Juno in your sign can be great for commitment overall in your life, and you can commit to new projects, partnerships, and plans. You can be open with the commitments you make, and comfortable with putting them out there for the world to see. Scorpio: Asteroid Juno in Libra can make you commit to doing things on your own and alone. You can commit quietly, without others paying attention, and can commit to finishing something important or clearing something out. Sagittarius: Asteroid Juno in Libra can make you commit in new ways, or you may commit to making changes, or commit to a dream for your future, a friend, or a group or cause. You can exercise commitment in your own way. Capricorn: Asteroid Juno in Libra can help you commit to your goals, your path in life, and what you want to achieve. You can also commit to being more responsible, professionally as well as in your relationships with others. Aquarius: Asteroid Juno in Libra can help you commit to new experiences, to expanding your life in new ways, and to exploring. You can be more open-minded with commitment, and you may be more committed to your beliefs. Pisces: Asteroid Juno in Libra can help you focus on emotional bonds, and you can be more committed to intimacy in your relationships. You can take commitment seriously, and can be more passionate about the commitments you make. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Juno in the Houses & Aspects Asteroid Cupido moves from calm Taurus to active Gemini on August 1st 2024, and stays until March 30th 2025, an extended time thanks to a retrograde period in Gemini. What is the impact of this transit on us? What is Cupido in astrology?
Cupido is an asteroid in astrology, and rules crushes and infatuation. The Zodiac sign and house location in your natal chart of your natal Cupido can show how you are when crushing or infatuated, and what you can be infatuated with (not just people!). It's the early part of relationships.
You can find your natal asteroid Cupido location for free using (in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add number '763' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart). In transit, Cupido can show how you're experiencing crushes at the moment, and where you may be infatuated in life. Cupido in Gemini 2024 - 2025
Cupido is Gemini speeds things up after a slow burn in Taurus, but while it's active, it can be more mind-based in Gemini. We may think more about our crushes, and can become mentally enthralled. We may quickly form crushes, and have many of them all at once, though it may be two at a time that prevails since Gemini is the Twins.
Beyond crushes, we can also be more passionate about our ideas and plans, and we can throw ourselves into them. We can get wrapped up, and are extra passionate about our opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Communications can become more passionate as well, more heated, and we have to make sure it's flowing well. This is super strong when Cupido is conjunct (aligned with) transit (moving) Jupiter on September 18th 2024 at 20 degrees Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so it expands on this energy. Since Jupiter is the happy planet, this can be beneficial, for the most part, if we don't let it spiral out of control. But Cupido retrogrades (appears to move backward) from October 31st 2024 to January 20th 2025, entirely in Gemini. This can be a period where we struggle with our crushes and what we're obsessed with, taking things too far, or not having enough passion to begin with. We have to work on mental blocks and work on talking things out. The start of the retrograde is square (challenging aspect) Neptune, while the end is square Saturn, with both in Pisces. Neptune is the foggy planet, so we may struggle with seeing things clearly and fully understanding what isn't working and needs to be fixed. Saturn is the teacher, so we may come out of the retrograde needing to learn important lessons with our passionate energy. The start occurs at 28 degrees 32 minutes Gemini, while the end occurs at 14 degrees 44 minutes Gemini. Cupido in Gemini only makes one other conjunction, and that's to fellow love asteroid Amor, the asteroid of romance. Cupido conjuncts Amor on November 30th 2024 at 24 degrees, with both asteroids retrograde. In fact, Amor turns retrograde just 2 days before Cupido does, and in Gemini (29 degrees). Romantic love and affection as well as crushes and infatuations can have some challenges to work through, and we likely need to approach them in a different way with both asteroids retrograde. We may also see a lot of people getting back together, especially reconnecting with people you went to school with or that were in your neighborhood (ruled by Gemini). Asteroid Cupido in Gemini for the Zodiac Signs:
Aries: You can be passionate about your ideas and plans with Cupido in Gemini, and you can be passionate in your communications with others as well. While retrograde, you may need to work on improving communication and expression, and it could be a good time to pick back up an old idea or plan.
Taurus: You may take a slow, steady approach to what you're passionate about with Cupido in Gemini, and can be loyal once you dedicate yourself to something or someone. While retrograde, you may want to reconnect with ways that made you feel more confident and secure in the past, and work to ground yourself. Gemini: With Cupido moving to your sign, you can be more passionate, intense, and easily enthralled, and others can be more attracted to you. While retrograde, this can bring out issues around your crushes, your passionate energy, and what you get obsessed with, and you can work through them. It can also be good for reconnecting with old passions. Cancer: You may prefer to focus on what you're passionate about on your own with Cupido in Gemini, and you can have more energy and intensity alone to focus on it. While retrograde, you may need to work on past issues and work on releasing baggage that is getting in the way of you channeling your passionate energy now. Leo: You can channel passionate energy in different ways with Cupido in Gemini, and you can be more passionate about your dreams for the future and changes you want to make. While retrograde, you may need to work on issues that have held you back and kept you stuck in place. It can be a good time to reconnect with an old friend or group. Virgo: You may be extra passionate about your goals and ambitions with Cupido in Gemini, and you can throw yourself into your long-term plans for success. While retrograde, you may struggle with progress, and need to work on removing blocks to your path. It can be a good time to pick back up an old goal. Libra: You can be passionate with your beliefs with Cupido in Gemini, and you can get obsessed with new experiences you can learn from. While retrograde, you may need to work on issues that are keeping you from having the space you desire. It can be a good time to revisit somewhere you've been before, relearn something, or have an experience over again. Scorpio: You can be more passionate in general with Cupido in Gemini, though this can be strongest with transformations and anything that you have to investigate. While retrograde, you likely need to work to get to the heart of an issue that has been festering deep inside, and you can work to solve and transform and move forward. Sagittarius: You can be more passionate with others while Cupido is in Gemini, and you can attract more passionate people to you as well. While retrograde, commitment issues and old relationship baggage may come forward, and you can work through them. It can be a good time to reconnect with someone you were once passionate about. Capricorn: You may find more passion for your daily life and work with Cupido in Gemini, and you can focus on trying to get work done, or may focus on projects you're most obsessed with. While retrograde, you may need to work on little things that have gotten in the way of you having the passionate life you want. It can be a good time to pick back up an old project. Aquarius: You can be extra creative with Cupido in Gemini, and you can be more passionate about your creative energy, as well as about love in general, both who and what you love. While retrograde, you may need to work through old love issues, blocks to inspiration, and reconnect with your heart. Pisces: You may be more passionate emotionally with Cupido in Gemini, and you can also become more enthralled with your support system, and home and family matters. While retrograde, you may need to dig into emotional issues and work to move forward from old emotional baggage. It can be a good time to strengthen your internal foundation. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Cupido in the Houses & Aspects Astrology has rulers for just about everything, including money! There are various rulers for money, and various ways money can be impacted astrologically. Planetary Rulers of Money
The planetary rulers for money are Venus, Pluto, and Ceres. Venus and Ceres rule your own money, the money you make yourself, the money you spend yourself, while Pluto rules money that involves other people. Pluto money matters include joint finances, business finances and business partnerships, debts, loans, mortgages, inheritances, and legacy finances.
The sign and house location of Venus, Pluto, and Ceres in your natal chart can show how you approach these money matters, and where money matters are more prevalent, as well as how you make money and where you spend it most. Aspects that they make to the other planets can have an impact on money in your life. House Rulers of Money
The houses that rule money are the 2nd house and the 8th house. The 2nd house connects naturally with Venus and Ceres, so this is your own money, while the 8th house connects naturally with Pluto, so this is money involving others.
The sign each house falls in can show how you are with these money matters, and if you have any natal planets in these houses, those planets can be significant for money in your life, and how you get money may tie directly into them. The planetary rulers of the signs these two houses fall in can also directly impact money in your life. Transits and Money
Transits can impact money as well, but in a temporary way for as long as they are in effect, rather than one impacting your whole life like with your natal placements. Transit planets can tour your 2nd house and impact your ability to make and spend money and how you approach money in general, while transit planets touring your 8th house can impact money that involves others in your life. You can make important financial decisions, make financial arrangements, start new jobs, or enter into new financial partnerships.
Transit planets can also make aspects to your natal bodies, so when the transit planets aspect your natal 2nd and 8th house cusps, or natal 2nd house or 8th house rulers, or natal Venus, Pluto, or Ceres, these can all impact money in your life. Sextiles and trines are considered beneficial aspects, so under these aspects, you can experience positive developments with money matters. Squares and oppositions are considered challenging aspects, so under these aspects, you can experience difficult money developments. Investments might not pay off, old debts catch up to you, someone can betray you financially, or you may just have less than you feel you need. Conjunctions can be beneficial if joined with other beneficial aspects or challenging if joined by other challenging aspects, and can also depend on the transit planet making the conjunction. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter tend to be positive, while Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto can become challenging. Mars supercharges either way. Progressions and Money
Then there is the progressed chart, which adds one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to create a new chart reflecting your maturation and growth. The progressed chart can also be used in predictive analysis. When your progressed Venus or Ceres change signs, or move into a new natal or progressed house, this can show a significant shift for money in your life, and can often trigger a major job change or sudden money developments.
Major aspects by progressed Venus or Ceres to your natal or progressed bodies can also impact money in your life, and conjunctions, sextiles, and trines tend to show positive developments while square and oppositions may indicate challenges to work through. The progressed Moon is the fastest of the progressed planets, and spends about 2 1/2 years in each sign or house. When your progressed Moon is in your natal 2nd or 8th houses, and aspects your natal Venus, Ceres, or Pluto, this can impact money in your life. You can also give greater attention to money matters when your progressed Moon is in Taurus or Scorpio, the two signs that rule money. Taurus connects with Venus and Ceres so it rules your own money, while Scorpio connects with Pluto so it rules money involving others. Asteroids and Money
One more addition: asteroids! There are over 20,000 asteroids, and some connect with money. A few I like to follow are asteroids Mony (literal asteroid of money), Banks (money management), and Makemake (money manifestation). You can look up their natal planets in your natal chart, track their transits, and see what they're doing in your progressed chart for further money insights.
Suggested Reading: Jupiter-Pluto & Wealth An aspect in astrology is when two planets or bodies are at certain distances from one another in the Zodiac. There are 30 degrees per sign and 360 degrees for the entire Zodiac (12 x 30 = 360), and certain distances by degree are certain aspects. Aspects are split up between major and minor, and two of the minor aspects are the semisextile and the quincunx. While they are technically considered minor aspects, they're more like in between major and minor, so they tend to be used more than the other minor aspects. The semisextile occurs when two bodies are 30 degrees apart, so they are about one whole Zodiac sign apart. The quincunx (also called the inconjunct) occurs when two bodies are 150 degrees apart, so they are about five whole Zodiac signs apart. Semisextiles are considered beneficial, but require a lot more work than sextiles and trines, otherwise they can go away without much fanfare. Quincunxes are considered challenging, and require much more flexibility than squares and oppositions, and can be a little more unpredictable. Semisextiles are BENEFICIAL STRONG EFFORT, and quincunxes are ERRATIC FRICTION. Semisextiles and Quincunxes in the Natal Chart
Semisextiles and quincunxes in the natal chart are usually given small orbs of influence because they are technically minor aspects. They're generally given no more than 4-6 degrees, and many will only use 2-4 degrees.
Your natal chart is a snapshot of the location in the Zodiac of the planets and other bodies at the exact moment you were born and from the location you were born at. The natal chart reflects your personality and all parts of your life. Planets or bodies that are semisextile in the natal chart offer an opportunity for benefit, but this does require a lot of effort. This can show areas where you have to put in hard work and be smart, but it can pay off in the end. Planets or bodies that are quincunx in the natal chart can struggle to have any understanding with each other. Giving each room in their own way without letting it become erratic is important to manifest. Semisextiles and Quincunxes in Transit
The transit, or moving, planets and other bodies can semisextile or tquincunx one another, and when they do, this can give us an opportunity to benefit from hard work with the semisextile, or we may experience unpredictable challenges with the quincunx.
We can all experience this individually with the areas of life ruled by the houses in your natal chart the two transit bodies are located while making the semisextile or quincunx. Whatever those two houses rule can offer an opportunity for hard work that pays off with the semisextile, or they may have unexpected issues with each other with the quincunx. Whenever the slower planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto) are semisextile or quincunx each other, this can impact the world as a whole. We can work hard with the semisextile at something collectively, or we may collectively experience erratic energy with the quincunx. Transit Planets Semisextile or Quincunx Natal Planets
The transit planets can make aspects to your natal planets and bodies, and when they are 30 degrees away, they are semisextile, and when they are 150 degrees away, they are quincunx. This brings beneficial energy for work with the semisextile, or unpredictable challenges with the quincunx, from the transit planet to whatever is ruled by the natal planet or body.
Semisextiles by the transit planets or bodies to our natal Sun or Moon can provide opportunities to work hard and explore new projects, but we have to put in the effort, otherwise it can pass us by without noticing it. Quincunxes by the transit planets or bodies to our natal Sun or Moon can bring some unexpected developments, erratic energy, and we have to be quick to adjust. Transit planets and bodies semisextile or quincunx natal Mercury impact our ideas, expression, and outlook; semisextile or quincunx natal Venus, impact our relationships and connections; semisextile or quincunx natal Mars, impact what we're taking initiative with and how; semisextile or quincunx natal Ceres, impact our resources and support; semisextile or quincunx natal Jupiter, impact our opportunities and experiences; semisextile or quincunx natal Saturn, impact our goals, direction, and lessons; semisextile or quincunx natal Uranus, impact changes we're making and our dreams; semisextile or quincunx natal Neptune, impact our intuitive and creativity; semisextile or quincunx natal Pluto, impact our personal power and control; and semisextile or quincunx natal Chiron, impact our healing and wounds. Semisextiles and Quincunxes and Progressions and Returns
Your progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to create a new chart reflective of your maturation and growth. Progressed planets and bodies move through the Zodiac, but at a very slow pace, so it can be significant when they make an exact semisextile or quincunx to something in the progressed chart or in your natal chart.
This can trigger helpful energy for hard work with a semisextile, and challenging energy that requires you to stay on your ties with the quincunx. Because they are minor aspects, they're impact isn't as long as when it's major aspects. A return occurs when a transit planet or body returns to the exact position it was at when you were born, so when it conjuncts itself in your natal chart. Returns tend to be very important when they occur for whatever that planet or body rules, and we can experience events directly related to it. Close semisextiles to the Return planet in the Return Chart can show helpful energy for whatever the planet rules for however long the chart is in play, while close quincunxes can show erratic energy needing to be adjusted to. Suggested Reading: The Major Aspects: All About Conjunctions in Astrology, All About Sextiles & Trines in Astrology, and All About Squares & Oppositions in Astrology Astrology has something called aspects, and an aspect is when two planets or bodies are at certain distances from one another in the Zodiac. There are 360 degrees in the entire Zodiac, 30 degrees per sign (12 x 30 = 360), and certain distances by degree are certain aspects. Aspects are split up between major and minor, and two of the major aspects are the square and opposition. The square occurs when two bodies are 90 degrees apart, so they are about three whole Zodiac signs apart. The opposition occurs when two bodies are 180 degrees apart, which is about six whole Zodiac signs, and they're in the exact opposite spots. Both Squares and oppositions are considered challenging aspects, with squares being internal friction and oppositions being external friction. Squares are INTERNAL FRICTION, and oppositions are EXTERNAL FRICTION. Squares and Oppositions in the Natal Chart
Squares and oppositions in the natal chart can be given an 8-10 degrees orb of influence, so they're usually on the larger side for orbs. This is because they are challenging aspects and have a lot more energy, which makes them stronger.
Your natal chart is a snapshot of the location in the Zodiac of the planets and other bodies at the exact moment you were born and from the location you were born at. The natal chart reflects your personality and all parts of your life. Planets or bodies that are square or opposite in the natal chart can be at odds with each other. One may try to overtake the other, and don't play with each other very well. They often show areas where you have work to do on yourself, lessons to learn in life, and where you have to be smarter. The work can be internal with squares, while oppositions may feel out of your control and require more flexibility. Oppositions can ping pong between each other, so balancing their energies is often needed. Squares become internalized, and you usually have to work on issues that are more deeply embedded. Squares and Oppositions in Transit
The transit, or moving, planets and other bodies can square or oppose one another, and when they do, this means they're not working so hot together. They can be at odds with each other, and this means we all have issues that we're having to confront at once. This can indicate challenges in the world at large, and we can be more prone to conflict.
This can play out for you personally with the areas of life ruled by the houses in your natal chart the two transit bodies are located while making the square or opposition. Whatever those two houses rule can struggle with one another, and may require more effort from you. Whenever the slower planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto) are square or opposite each other, this can show difficulties in the world, and we can feel restricted, have hard lessons, see unexpected developments, feel things dissolving, or fight over power and control. Transit Planets Square or Opposite Natal Planets
The transit planets can make aspects to your natal planets and bodies, and when they are 90 degrees away, they are square, and when they are 180 degrees away, they are opposite. This brings challenging energy from the transit planet to whatever is ruled by the natal planet or body.
Squares and oppositions by the transit planets or bodies to our natal Sun or Moon can bring frustrations, emotional upset, and personal challenges. With the Sun ruling the self, we can struggle with control with the transit planet, and with the Moon ruling emotions, this can be a source of emotional insecurity Transit planets and bodies square or opposite natal Mercury impact our ideas, expression, and outlook; square or opposite natal Venus, impact our relationships and connections; square or opposite natal Mars, impact what we're taking initiative with and how; square or opposite natal Ceres, impact our resources and support; square or opposite natal Jupiter, impact our opportunities and experiences; square or opposite natal Saturn, impact our goals, direction, and lessons; square or opposite natal Uranus, impact changes we're making and our dreams; square or opposite natal Neptune, impact our intuitive and creativity; square or opposite natal Pluto, impact our personal power and control; and square or opposite natal Chiron, impact our healing and wounds. Squares and Oppositions and Progressions and Returns
all-about-conjunctions-in-astrology.htmlYour progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to create a new chart ref;ective of your maturation and growth. Progressed planets and bodies move through the Zodiac, but at a very slow pace, so it can be significant when they make an exact square or opposition to something in the progressed chart or in your natal chart.
This can trigger a major challenge you need to work on with whatever is being squared or opposed, and the energy of the progressed planet or body and whatever it rules can have a difficult impact on the natal body. A return occurs when a transit planet or body returns to the exact position it was at when you were born, so when it conjuncts itself in your natal chart. Returns tend to be very important when they occur for whatever that planet or body rules, and we can experience events directly related to it. Squares or oppositions to the Return planet in the Return Chart can show challenging energy for whatever the planet rules for however long the chart is in play. Suggested Reading: All About Conjunctions in Astrology, All About Sextiles & Trines in Astrology, and All About Semisextiles & Quincunxes in Astrology August 2024 comes with the joyful Leo New Moon and change-focused Aquarius Full Moon as Mercury retrograde is swirling. What's in store for us? What is a New Moon?
A New Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New Moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A Full Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full Moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Leo: August 4th 2024 (7:15AM ET/4:15AM PT)
The Leo New Moon is traditionally a nice New Moon since Leo is a positive, happy fire sign. Leo rules love, both the people we love and the things we love to do, and how we connect to our hearts and be joyful. This is fun, carefree, and represents our inner child. We want to laugh and play, goof off, and not take anything too seriously. This is a great time for vacations and getaways, for romance and dating, and for sparks flying.
This is also a highly creative New Moon, and we may focus on starting new creative projects and ventures, or bringing creativity into whatever we're already working on. We may want to take up a new hobby, and this can be a creative one, or one that allows us to channel our creative energy into it. This is welcome after the very heavy previous New and Full Moons, and we could use the break from the serious and intense! The day after this New Moon, on August 5th, Mercury turns retrograde (appears to move backward) in Virgo, and Mercury will retrograde back to Leo on August 14th, where it stays retrograde until August 28th. This complicates things since Mercury retrograde likes to throw things off, and we may become aware of issues we have with love, joy, and ways we haven't nurtured our inner child. We may feel we lack a real connection to our hearts, and this can make us pessimistic. But it's better to actually work on the issues instead of letting them fester and grow. Retrogrades are times for do overs and second chances, so this New Moon might bring with it opportunities to redo, revise, revisit, rethink, reconnect, and recover. This can especially be helpful for reconnecting with the heart or with old flames, for picking back up old hobbies or creative projects, or for redoing something that brought you joy in the past. The New Moon is sextile (beneficial aspect, two signs away) transit (moving) Jupiter in Gemini, and this actually helps with the positive focus for this New Moon since Jupiter is the happy, optimistic planet. We generally don't want to get wrapped up in anything too serious or mundane, though the Mercury retrograde might try to drag us down. We can resist and try to work with this energy instead. The New Moon occurs at 12 degrees 34 minutes Leo. The aspects to the New Moon are: Conjunction: 10 degrees 34 minutes - 14 degrees 34 minutes Leo Sextile: 10 degrees 34 minutes - 14 degrees 34 minutes Gemini or Libra Square: 10 degrees 34 minutes - 14 degrees 34 minutes Taurus or Scorpio Trine: 10 degrees 34 minutes - 14 degrees 34 minutes Aries or Sagittarius Opposition: 10 degrees 34 minutes - 14 degrees 34 minutes Aquarius Full Moon in Aquarius: August 19th 2024 (2:25PM ET/11:25AM PT)
The Aquarius Full Moon brings attention to independence, change, and individuality. We can focus on giving ourselves more independence to be true to ourselves, and if we feel boxed in, we can fight back in a big way. This is excellent for getting out of ruts we've been stuck in, but we do need to be mindful of being impulsive, impatient, and jumping without thinking about it first. That just puts us in more hot water, so we need to avoid that.
We can be willing to make changes that we feel will help push us forward in a big way, and we can see progress being made with changes we've already been working on, are invested in, and are going about the right way. Any changes where we're not doing that, we may experience setbacks or blocks, and need to work through that in order to make progress. This Full Moon is opposite Mercury retrograde, and square (challenging aspect, three signs away) transit Uranus in Taurus. The Mercury retrograde begins with the New Moon, but gets triggered by this Full Moon, and oppositions can feel out of our control, so we may experience developments that feel like that. With the square to Uranus, this may seem like it comes out of nowhere, and we're really blown away by it. This can easily throw us off of our game, and we can lose sight of what we're doing. It's super important that we remain in control of ourselves as much as possible with this Full Moon. Emotions likely run very, very high, and this can lead to bad decisions and hasty actions that cause more problems. We need to be smart and not let emotion cloud our judgment. But it truly is fantastic energy for getting out of a rut. We have the drive and desire to break out with this Full Moon, and we can make it happen. Look around at your life and see where you've been most stuck, and how much it's impacted you. This can be where you take action - just be smart about it! The Full Moon occurs at 27 degrees 15 minutes Aquarius. Aspects to the Full Moon are: Conjunction: 25 degrees 15 minutes - 29 degrees 15 minutes Aquarius Sextile: 25 degrees 15 minutes - 29 degrees 15 minutes Aries or Sagittarius Square: 25 degrees 15 minutes - 29 degrees 15 minutes Taurus or Scorpio Trine: 25 degrees 15 minutes - 29 degrees 15 minutes Gemini or Libra Opposition: 25 degrees 15 minutes - 29 degrees 15 minutes Leo Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect |