A new year is coming! With a new year comes all new astrology, So what does 2018 have in store? Strong Scorpio to Start
The year kicks off with both Mars and Jupiter touring Scorpio, so this is great energy for anything Scorpio ruled, things like:
- transformations - financial stuff - research and getting to the heart of matters - serious issues - sexuality - mutually beneficial ventures - sharing We can see some good financial news, and gain more understanding about something deep. Mucky Retrogrades
Retrogrades can muck things up in 2018 as we deal with 3 for Mercury in the fire signs (hello hell fire!), a Venus retrograde October-November in Scorpio & Libra (so not great for relationships), and a Mars retrograde June 26th - August 27th in Aquarius & Capricorn.
The Mars retrograde starts in Aquarius and forms a fixed t-square with Uranus fresh in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio, so there's going to be some stubborn, stuck, immovable, ultra-frustrating energy then. While in Capricorn, Mars will be in a stellium with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and this can bring about some major developments with governments, institutions, politics/politicians, and countries at large. Eclipses are:
The eclipses for 2018 are mostly Leo and Aquarius, continuing with the two signs of social connections and generosity, but there's one extra eclipse thrown in the sign of Cancer midyear, bringing us home, reminding us of our roots, and giving us time to strengthen foundations.
The slow-movers:
Saturn is freshly in Capricorn for 2018, having entered in December 2017, and is paired with Pluto in Capricorn. The two most serious planets coming together can make for some super disciplined, unrelenting energy, and we can all learn a lot of lessons in maturity, responsibility, and ambition. Some will likely fall, and it ain't gonna be purty!
Uranus starts to move into Taurus May through November, so we can see some wrapping-up and last-minute changes with Uranus in Aries, some extra hot energy at times (especially when Mercury is retrograde in Aries March/April), extra impulsiveness and impatience and independence. But the move into Taurus hopefully slows down the rapid change energy a little bit. And Chiron, the wounded healer himself, also begins to change signs next year, going from mystical Pisces into fiery Aries. A lot of you who experienced a Chiron Return while Chiron was in Pisces discovered your inner mystic, and Chiron's venture through Pisces awakened spiritual energy for us all; now that Chiron will go into Aries, we'll have to take more control over our healing and be more proactive. Jupiter ends the year in home sign Sagittarius, and Neptune remains in home sign Pisces all year with Saturn in home sign Capricorn. 3 of the big players at home! Strengthening themselves, and hopefully us too. If we can survive the junk in the middle, anyway! Suggested Reading: Your Yearly Horoscopes General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries January 2018 Monthly Horoscope Mercury enters earth sign Capricorn on January 11th, and you can focus on your long-term goals and work on your long-term plans for those goals. You can be more practical with your outlook, and take that approach to whatever you’re focused on. You can be more mentally disciplined and have a better view of the big picture, merging it with the details, and understanding how all of the pieces fit together, which can help you create plans that are realistic and attainable One of the more exciting things about energy healing is the opportunity that it gives us to channel a variety of energies from Mother Earth and the Universe. We can learn to use energy meditations to connect with the Zodiac, bringing certain qualities into our personality or our environment. For example, if we want to bring love, friendship or tact into our lives, we would channel the energy of Libra, or the planet Venus. Gemini and its ruling planet, Mercury, help with negotiation skills and mental agility. Each of the 12 Zodiac signs and their ruling planets has specific spheres of influence. Energy Healing itself is simple, but because the planets are so powerful, it is best to begin by preparing our physical and emotional bodies to receive all of this energy! Step 1: Take Care Of Yourself
Think about how you felt after the last Full Moon. Some of us feel tired while others are full of energy. This is because the Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth is strong. It influences our energy levels, emotions and even our sleep patterns. If we are not well rested, well fed and in reasonably good shape, the same energetic overload is likely to happen when we channel Venus, Mars or Jupiter, or work with the Zodiac for healing. Simple suggestions include catching a full night's sleep, eating well and drinking plenty of water, as intuitive energy is said to travel through the body's water reserves.
Step 2: Lay The Foundations With Chakra Healing
Most of us have heard of the Chakra System - those wheels of light that are situated along the spine of the human body. There are seven main Chakras in the body, beginning with the Root Chakra at the base of the spine, and working our way up to the Crown Chakra at the top of the head. Each of the seven main Chakras is said to influence a different sphere of our lives, ranging from economic stability, our appetite for life and personal power, even our communication and critical thinking skills, as well as a host of intuitive abilities.
When it comes to astrology and planets, the most relevant Chakras are actually located outside the human body in the Aura (details below!), but we need to strengthen the primary seven before venturing out. A simple chakra healing meditation is all we need to get started. My personal favorite is Elliot Jay Tanzer’s guided meditation for grounding, clearing and centering our energy {Amazon}. In an ideal scenario, we would prepare by following a chakra meditation daily for one month, and weekly thereafter. We also have smaller chakras on the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet, which are often used in healing, or to enhance crystals with planetary vibrations. Step 3: Activate Your Earth Star
In addition to the seven main chakras that sit along the central column or spine, we also have several outer chakras. Two of these are especially important when it comes to working with the planets and the Zodiac for self-healing. The first is known as the Earth Star Chakra, and it is located about 6 inches below our feet. It gives us stronger foundations by connecting us with Mother Nature, which is essential if we want to channel the planets in our solar system without toppling over, energetically speaking. Activating this Chakra also makes it easier for us to feel the energy in crystals, which will come in handy when we begin to work with planetary healing & crystal magic.
Activating the Earth Star Chakra is easy! All we need to do is walk in the park, ideally with lots of trees, and visualize a star shining brightly beneath our feet. We can also visualize this star in our Chakra Meditations. Step 4: Awareness of the Soul Chakra
The Soular (Solar) Chakra is located about six inches above the head. It provides a direct link to the planets in our Solar System, as well as to any issues that we may have carried forward from past lives.
When it comes to channeling energy from planets or the Zodiac and integrating it into our lives, those energy healing sessions will be much more effective if the Soul Star Chakra is shining brightly. That said, it is best to let this powerful energy center awaken on its own, so as not to destabilize our energy field. The following visualization will gradually awaken all of your Chakras:
This meditation activates the energy body gradually. The next step is to connect with the planets as they transit their rulerships in the Zodiac (or the Moon, in any sign) to download that energy. With this in mind, let's get started! We have three months to flex our Chakras before the next entry on healing with planets. Suggested Reading: Stars Align: Bring Your Destiny to Life With Tarot About the Guest Writer:
Regina Chouza is an Energy Healer, Angel Medium and author of A Personal Guide to Self-Healing, Cancer & Love and Chakra Healing & Magick. She studied angels, tarot and astrology at The College of Psychic Studies in London, and qualified as an Energy Healer at the School of Intuition & Healing UK. Blogging since 2010, Regina's passion is bringing the qualities of love, joy and empowerment to healing pursuits.
You can also find her on: Amazon - Facebook - Instagram |
General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries December 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Mars, your ruler, enters water sign Scorpio on December 9th, and you can have more intense, unrelenting energy for whatever it is you’re passionate about. You can dig deeper into subjects, ventures, and relationships, and be more investigating. You may focus on the emotional bonds you have with others, wanting to feel closer with the people you care about most. You may think about pursuing a mutually beneficial opportunity, and work on financial issues that involve other people.
Aries December 2017 Monthly Horoscope
Mars, your ruler, enters water sign Scorpio on December 9th, and you can have more intense, unrelenting energy for whatever it is you’re passionate about. You can dig deeper into subjects, ventures, and relationships, and be more investigating. You may focus on the emotional bonds you have with others, wanting to feel closer with the people you care about most. You may think about pursuing a mutually beneficial opportunity, and work on financial issues that involve other people.
January 2018 New & Full Moons: Full Moon in Cancer, New Moon in Capricorn & Lunar Eclipse in Leo
2018 kicks off right away with a full moon on the 1st at 9:23PM ET in Cancer. Cancer is the sign that naturally rules the Moon, and is ruler of our emotions, what we need for emotional security and stability, and what we need to comfort and support us emotionally. So with this full moon, we start 2018 tending to our emotional needs, giving ourselves comfort and support, no doubt trying to recover from the wonky December energy 2017 ends with.
Cancer rules the home and family, the country and homeland, so we may be more invested in what happens in your families, homes, countries, and native lands. Cancer is the roots, the foundation, the core, and we can work on strengthening the foundations of our lives, getting to our cores, or going back to basics and getting in touch with our roots.
This full moon is trine (positive aspect, 4 signs away) transit (moving) Neptune in Pisces, and this can make us more sensitive, gentle, intuitive, and sweet. We can be more compassionate, do more for others, and can be more understanding emotionally.
The full moon occurs at 11 degrees 37 minutes in Cancer. The aspects to this full moon are:
Conjunction: 9 degrees 37 minutes - 13 degrees 37 minutes Cancer
Sextile: 9 degrees 37 minutes - 13 degrees 37 minutes Taurus or Virgo
Square: 9 degrees 37 minutes - 13 degrees 37 minutes Aries or Libra
Trine: 9 degrees 37 minutes - 13 degrees 37 minutes Scorpio or Pisces
Opposition: 9 degrees 37 minutes - 13 degrees 37 minutes Capricorn
The first new moon of 2018 occurs on the 16th at 9:17PM ET in Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of goals, ambitions, direction, and life path, so we can focus on where we're going in life, where we want to be, the goals we want to achieve, and how we can achieve them, whether individually or as a collective.
Capricorn rules our governments, politicians, institutions, and rulers, so there can be extra focus on them (for better or for worse?). We may want more order, more discipline, more practicality, and to see the bigger picture. We can take on more responsibilities, or demand accountability. We can set high expectations, and keep pushing until we reach the top. We know what we're capable of achieving, and we can work harder for what we want.
This new moon is conjunct (aligned with) Venus in Capricorn, helping us to come together, benefiting from partnerships and cooperation and diplomacy, and we can be more compromising, fair-minded, and focused on justice. We can work to get along better, and may focus more on certain connections, relationships, and alliances.
The new moon occurs at 26 degrees 54 minutes in Capricorn. The aspects to this new moon are:
Conjunction: 24 degrees 54 minutes - 28 degrees 54 minutes Capricorn
Sextile: 24 degrees 54 minutes - 28 degrees 54 minutes Scorpio or Pisces
Square: 24 degrees 54 minutes - 28 degrees 54 minutes Aries or Libra
Trine: 24 degrees 54 minutes - 28 degrees 54 minutes Taurus or Virgo
Opposition: 24 degrees 54 minutes - 28 degrees 54 minutes Cancer
The first month of the year closes out with the year's first eclipse, a lunar eclipse in Leo on the 31st at 8:27AM ET. We can feel more creative and inspired by life with a Leo lunar eclipse, and want to be more affectionate, loving, and theatrical. We can be generous, we can be sweet, and we can be a little dramatic at times when we're not getting the attention that we want. But if we feel supported and loved, we can share the love with the rest of the world freely.
We may be putting the spotlight on something intensely, and there can be more focus on the entertainment world, performers, artists, and the like, and we may give more attention to someone or to a cause or passion.
Love relationships can get put under the microscope too, and we can grow closer with the people we feel a strong connection to, especially spiritually and emotionally, and may let go of the people we don't. Some relationships come apart while others flourish and grow.
The lunar eclipse occurs at 11 degrees 37 minutes in Leo. The aspects for this lunar eclipse are:
Conjunction: 6 degrees 37 minutes - 16 degrees 37 minutes Leo
Semisextile: 9 degrees 37 minutes - 13 degrees 37 minutes Cancer or Virgo
Sextile: 6 degrees 37 minutes - 16 degrees 37 minutes Gemini or Libra
Square: 6 degrees 37 minutes - 16 degrees 37 minutes Taurus or Scorpio
Trine: 6 degrees 37 minutes - 16 degrees 37 minutes Aries or Sagittarius
Quincunx: 9 degrees 37 minutes - 13 degrees 37 minutes Capricorn or Pisces
Opposition: 6 degrees 37 minutes - 16 degrees 37 minutes Aquarius
*Note that eclipses have an impact of up to six months before and after
Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations