Pisces is one of the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology, and this is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac. Each Zodiac sign has its own energy, and this shows how the energy is expressed for different planets, bodies, and other positions. You're likely most familiar with your Sun sign, and a Pisces Sun is spiritual, creative, and fluid. Pisces Astrology & Your Natal Chart
Wherever Pisces is present in your natal chart, this is an area where you're imaginative and spiritual. If you have any natal planets in Pisces, you can feel the Pisces energy strongly personally with whatever that planet rules.
Pisces is a water sign, along with Cancer and Scorpio, and the water signs are emotional and intuitive. Pisces is also a mutable sign, along with Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius, and the mutable signs are movable. Pisces connects with the 12th house of endings and hidden things, and is ruled by spiritual Neptune. At-a-Glance Pisces Keywords:
Pisces in Astrology: Spiritual
Pisces is the sign of spirituality thanks to being ruled by spiritual Neptune, and this is deep spiritual beliefs and spiritual practices. Pisces spirituality is connected to the soul, and may even be carried over from past lives.
Pisces in Astrology: Intuitive
Pisces is a highly intuitive sign, and all of the water signs are pretty intuitive, but Pisces is the most. Pisces is in tune with the subtle energies all around us, and that allows Pisces to have strong intuition. It just needs to trust it and remove some of the junk that can get in the way.
Pisces in Astrology: Compassion and Empathy
Pisces is a highly compassionate and empathetic sign. Pisces can understand other ways of living, other cultures, other views, other experiences, perhaps as a result of having an active imagination, strong intuition, and subconscious remembrance of past lives. It's also deep in its emotions and understands how emotions connect us all. Pisces wants to help as many as it can, and in a personal way rather than a distant way. Pisces tries to use a gentle hand when it helps, not wanting to injure anyone.
Pisces in Astrology: Imagination and the Arts
Pisces is the sign of imagination, which makes it a highly creative sign. Pisces rules fantasy and daydreams, and its imagination can take over sometimes. If it can be productive with it and learn a little discipline, it can create great creative works. Pisces is ruler of the arts, especially music, dance, and painting/drawing/sculpting/etc.
Pisces in Astrology: Flowing
Pisces is both a flowing water sign and a flowing mutable sign, which means Pisces is the most flowing of all the signs. Pisces is highly flexible and adaptable, goes with the flow, and rarely gets stuck. This can be a challenge sometimes though if it leads to instability.
Pisces in Astrology: The Hidden
Pisces connects with what's hidden, which can be secrets, what's literally hidden from you, or the subconscious mind. Pisces has a deep subconscious mind, and stores a lot in there, so it can get lost in it.
Pisces in Astrology: Karma
Pisces is the sign of karma, and can connect with the karma it carries from past lives, and the karma it creates in its current life. Pisces is karmic baggage, karmic issues, karmic lessons, karmic connections, and karmic plans.
Pisces in Astrology: Victim
When not manifesting well, Pisces is the sign of the victim. Pisces can struggle with healthy boundaries, and this leads Pisces to be easily taken advantage of. Because of its active imagination, it can also have a hard time seeing things clearly. And it can assume everyone has good intentions when they clearly don't. Boundaries and being realistic are super important for Pisces.
Where Your Pisces Energy is Found
If you have any natal planets in Pisces, the way those planets express themselves is via Pisces, so they are spiritual, creative, and gentle. The more Pisces planets you have, the more Pisces-like you can be.
Even if you have no natal planets in Pisces, you will have at least one natal house with Pisces. The house that falls in Pisces (has Pisces on the house cusp) can show areas of life where you take an intuitive, creative approach. If you have no Pisces house cusps, Pisces is intercepted (contained) in the house that falls in Aquarius, and your Pisces energy can manifest subconsciously with whatever that house rules. Transit Planets in Pisces
When the transit (moving) planets are in Pisces, this can give all of us some Pisces energy to play with. The transit Sun is in Pisces roughly every year from mid February to mid March, and this is Pisces Season, which brings greater emphasis on spirituality and imagination for us all.
Transit Mercury in Pisces helps us to get in tune with our subconscious minds; transit Venus in Pisces can make us more understanding and gentle in love; transit Mars in Pisces can drive us spiritually; transit Ceres in Pisces can nourish our imagination and artistic expression; and transit Jupiter in Pisces brings opportunities for creative pursuits, helping others, and expanding creatively. Transit Saturn in Pisces can bring out issues we have with Pisces, so issues around past baggage, subconscious issues, and spiritually. Any issues around that, we can struggle with, and Saturn can prompt is to work it out. Saturn is currently touring Pisces until 2026. Transit Uranus was last in Pisces , and brought spiritual changes. Transit Neptune is currently in Pisces, amplifying the effect since Neptune naturally rules Pisces, making us extra compassionate, spiritual, intuitive, and creative. Transit Chiron moves to Pisces in (and was last in Pisces ), and we can tackle issues with empathy and karma. Transit Pluto will start moving to Pisces in , and this makes for passionate spirituality and intense compassion. Strong Pisces Energy in Astrology
When multiple planets are in Pisces in your natal chart, this can give you strong Pisces energy in your life and personality. You can be spiritual, compassionate, and creative. This can be the case if you have a Pisces stellium (3+ planets in one Zodiac sign), or if you have 2 of your primary triad (Sun, Moon, Rising) in Pisces.
You can also feel that you have strong Pisces energy if your natal Neptune is strong, which is the planet that rules Pisces. This can be the case if your natal Neptune is conjunct your natal Sun, Moon or Ascendant, or your 1st house ruler, or if your natal Neptune is a singleton (only planet in an element, modality, or house type). When multiple transit planets are in Pisces, this gives all of us a strong dose of Pisces energy all at once. We can intuit and be empathetic. How we end up feeling this personally is usually focused on the house in your natal chart the Pisces energy occurs in. Suggested Reading: The Pisces Sun sign page Jupiter moves into Gemini next month on May 25th after about 1 year in Taurus, and spends a little over 1 year in Gemini! We're starting a new Jupiter year. Jupiter in Gemini Dates:
How Jupiter in Gemini 2024-2025 Impacts You
Jupiter moves to Gemini, an air sign that rules the mind and communication. Abundant Jupiter means we're going to have a ton of new ideas, new plans to work on, new topics we're curious about, new subjects to learn, new information to share, and new ways to communicate. We can be extra expressive, open with what's on our minds, and more willing to talk things over.
Our mental skills, talents, and abilities can prove more beneficial than usual, and we can put this to good use. Any talents for writing, speaking, teaching, or learning can especially be prized. It can be helpful to improve these abilities as well, and we can see that it's more important. Gemini is an active air and mutable sign, one that can't really sit still, stand still, or ponder quietly. We are likely to be much more active, filling up our schedules, more social and engaging. We may pick up a course of study, share knowledge with others, organize parties, and enjoy meeting new people, both in person and online since Gemini is a tech ruler. Hopefully this is a good transit for kids in school (I know that's been a problem lately!). Gemini rules our communities, our neighbors, and young people, so this is a good period to focus on community projects, getting to know our neighbors and helping them out, mentoring kids, and doing what we can to foster a better sense of community and belonging where we are. Gemini is also a travel ruler, but short-distance travel, the travel that doesn't take long and we can get to by car, bus, bicycle, or walking. We might be doing more travel this way than we have before. Gemini is symbolized by the Twins and ruled by Mercury, who is dual in nature, so Jupiter in Gemini can mean we're more often focused on more than one thing. Everything may come in twos during this period. We're good at multitasking because of this, but we do have to make sure we don't push it too far, otherwise we may break apart. On a personal level, you can experience any or all of this in the areas of life ruled by the house(s) Jupiter in Gemini tours in your natal chart. How Jupiter in Gemini Differs From Jupiter in Taurus
Gemini is much more active than Taurus, who is the slowest of the Zodiac signs. Taurus wants to take its time, not feel rushed, and moves when it wants, not when others want. Gemini, on the other hand, really hates when things are slow (and isn't as stubborn as Taurus, so it can be more accommodating).
Jupiter in Taurus has been a time to get grounded, be present, and get in tune with the physical world. It's connected with Uranus in Taurus,so there has been a degree of major change as well. Jupiter in Gemini can continue some of that change, but makes us more open. Special Periods During Jupiter in Gemini
Mars is going to tour Gemini along with Jupiter July 20th to September 4th 2024, and they conjunct, or align, on August 14th at 16 degrees Gemini. Mars didn't tour Taurus while Jupiter was in Taurus, so this'll be their first meetup since May 2022 in Aries.
Mars is the planet of energy and drive, and when conjunct expansive Jupiter, this is considered a suuuper lucky transit! We're going to be extra expressive, have tons of information and news and knowledge flying around, and it's an important time for communication. Opportunities can be abundant to pursue our ideas and put plans into action. The only bad thing is, Mercury is retrograde when they conjunct! A body is called retrograde in astrology when it appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac, and this can throw the body off. Mercury is the natural ruler of Gemini, so this means the Mars-Jupiter conjunction isn't going to operate in the usual way that it would. And, on the very day they conjunct, Mercury retrograde goes from Virgo to Leo, so it's a highly charged period. This means we might be focusing on old ideas and plans we want to give another shot, review news or information we got before but didn't understand, or take time to re-learn or re-teach or rewrite something. We need to keep an open mind no matter what, and try to avoid letting anxiety take over. We may lash out loudly, but this doesn't help us. We need to be smart and willing to adapt. The conjunction occurs at 16 degrees Gemini, so there can be beneficial energy for you in the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart where 16 degrees Gemini falls. The Mercury retrograde at that point is at 0 degrees Virgo and 29 degrees Leo, so potential complications may arise with the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart that falls. No planets are retrograde in Gemini while Jupiter is in Gemini, but I do want to note that Mars will retrograde December 6th to February 23rd, and the last time Mars was retrograde was in 2022 in Gemini. Issues that may have come up during that retrograde could reach a final resolution that is beneficial and opens up new doors with Jupiter in Gemini, finally closing the books. I also want to note that Uranus begins to move to Gemini shortly after Jupiter exits Gemini, in July 2025, so about one month later. Use the transit of Jupiter in Gemini to set yourself up well for Uranus in Gemini, and this can lead to quick and great progress propelling you toward your dreams. Jupiter in Gemini Conjunct the Outer Planets in Your Natal Chart
No one alive now has Pluto or Neptune in Gemini, and only our super elders have Uranus in Gemini (Uranus will come back to Gemini in 2025-6). This means Jupiter in Gemini aligns with your Uranus, the planet of rebellion, independence, innovation, and the masses, and our super elders can be more in tune with this.
There can be a big change in your life, and you may do something outside of your comfort zone that has a big impact, especially impacting communication, news, information, learning, teaching, writing, speaking, travel, or in your community. Final Notes on Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter in Gemini can speed things up, and this can be welcome after a year of a slower Jupiter. Being at a beneficial angle to Pluto, freshly in Aquarius and setting us on a whole new life cycle, is really helpful and our ideas for transformation can flow in abundance, and we can get excited about it.
Superbrains unite! Suggested Reading: The Transit Jupiter page for general interpretations of Jupiter in the houses and aspecting the natal planets May 2024 brings with it a mellow New Moon in Taurus and optimistic Full Moon in Sagittarius. What does this mean for us? What is a New Moon?
A New Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New Moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic.
What is a Full Moon?
A Full Moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full Moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
New Moon in Taurus: May 7th 2024 (11:22PM ET/8:22PM PT)
The Taurus New Moon is often a time to relax, indulge, and take it easy. We're coming out of a high energy, intense, passionate period with the previous Moons, and this is time to pull back. We can take a break, chill out, and don't want to fill up every moment of our lives with something to do. It's a great time to be more present and reconnect with the here and now.
Taurus is a money ruler, so we can focus on opportunities to improve our financial situations and plan for the future. We can maximize resources we have, and get our hands on new resources. This can help improve stability and security in our lives, and as we improve stability and security, we can get more opportunities for money and resources. They feed into each other. When we take action with something, we can be slow and steady. We're not in a rush, and feel like everything will work out if we're focused and methodical. This might seem like we're not making any progress initially, but over time, it can prove to be pretty smart and put us on the right path. Our confidence can be high with the Taurus New Moon if we feel secure and take it easy. If we don't, we may become stubborn about something, and insecurity can lead to lashing out erratically. The New Moon is sextile (beneficial aspect, two signs away) transit (moving) Saturn in Pisces, and this brings disciplined energy to the New Moon, so while we may not have tons of energy and drive for taking the initiative and working hard, when we do take action, we can do so in a smart, disciplined, productive way. Every moment we put into work can be maximized, and we can feel focused when we get to it. The New Moon occurs at 18 degrees 2 minutes Taurus. The aspects to the New Moon are: Conjunction: 16 degrees 2 minutes - 20 degrees 2 minutes Taurus Sextile: 16 degrees 2 minutes - 20 degrees 2 minutes Cancer or Pisces Square: 16 degrees 2 minutes - 20 degrees 2 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 16 degrees 2 minutes - 20 degrees 2 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Opposition: 16 degrees 2 minutes - 20 degrees 2 minutes Scorpio Full Moon in Sagittarius: May 23rd 2024 (9:53AM ET/6:53AM PT)
The Sagittarius Full Moon is a more optimistic Full Moon since Sagittarius is the happy sign. Full Moons tend to be emotional, but Sagittarius Full Moons don't want to dwell on that. So, we can be more positive with this Full Moon, and don't want to deal with anything too serious. We dealt with that last month, we want a break from it in May.
Sagittarius rules our beliefs, so we can be more passionate about what we believe in and stand up for ourselves and others. This can lead to fights if we don't keep an open mind though, and need to make sure we're listening properly. If we are, this can improve communications and we can feel more understood. Sagittarius is ruler of higher learning, so we can finish a course of study, and can be more passionate about learning, teaching, writing, and speaking. Sagittarius rules long-distance travel, so we can be on the move more, and may see more people traveling (especially by flight). Sagittarius is also ruler of the law, so we can see some important legal news with this Full Moon. The Full Moon is sextile transit Pluto in Aquarius, and this helps us control our passionate energy and maintain optimism. We can transform something for the better, and this can be something that excites us rather than something we're afraid to do. We can work on making strides with our dreams, especially if we get sidetracked in April. One odd note about this Full Moon: At the time it occurs, Venus and Jupiter will be anaretic in Taurus (and conjunct) and Neptune will be anaretic in Pisces. There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign and 29 degrees is the very last degree. This is called the anaretic degree, and is supercharged energy that can be a challenge with the transit planets like this. Venus conjunct Jupiter tends to be a happy aspect, but there can be some major developments regarding something financial or with resources in Taurus (might tie into the Taurus New Moon as well). Venus quickly moves to Gemini after the Full Moon occurs, so we're quick to focus on ideas, news, and plans with whatever passes. The Full Moon might make us more heated when we're debating, so we have to keep in mind proper communication. Especially with Neptune bringing the fog and trying to obscure! The Full Moon occurs at 2 degrees 55 minutes Sagittarius. Aspects to the Full Moon are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 55 minutes - 4 degrees 55 minutes Sagittarius Sextile: 0 degrees 55 minutes - 4 degrees 55 minutes Libra or Aquarius Square: 0 degrees 55 minutes - 4 degrees 55 minutes Virgo or Pisces Trine: 0 degrees 55 minutes - 4 degrees 55 minutes Aries or Leo Opposition: 0 degrees 55 minutes - 4 degrees 55 minutes Gemini Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect Transit (moving) Neptune is nearing the end of its time in Pisces, and will eventually move into Aries. Most of the time Neptune has left in Pisces, it'll be anaretic. What does this mean? What is Neptune in astrology?
Neptune rules spirituality, intuition, compassion, the arts, hidden things, and illusion in astrology. In the natal chart, natal Neptune can show where you have compassion and empathy, are creative, can find spirituality and be intuitive, and where you need to work on being more realistic.
In transit, Neptune's base energy is to dissolve, and it's notoriously foggy when it's challenged. This means we don't see everything that's right in front of us, so we can think everything's fine when it's not. When transit Neptune is behaving well, this can be a time of super intuition and creativity; when it's not, we're kind of delusional! This normally happens with transit Neptune conjunct, square, or opposite a natal planet, especially the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, or Ceres. What is the anaretic degree in astrology?
There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, 360 degrees total (30 x 12). 29 degrees is the last degree of each Zodiac sign, and is called the anaretic degree as it has very high energy.
In the natal chart, the bodies at the anaretic degree have super heightened energy, and this is usually overwhelming and scary so we avoid it (though some go in the opposite direction and play it up too much, to their detriment). In transit, the anaretic degree is crisis energy. It's an *almost always* situation of triggering something really big and important with slow planets like Neptune. Anaretic Neptune in Pisces Dates:
Anaretic Neptune in Pisces Impact:
Neptune is super delusional at the anaretic degree, not gonna lie! Hard Neptune amplifies the foggy energy times a million, and that is extra strong when anaretic, and in Pisces, the sign Neptune naturally rules anyway.
We may think we're seeing things clearly, but we're really deluding ourselves. We may think nothing is clouding our judgment, but that's not true. We may convince ourselves that the past isn't coming back to bite us, while it's biting us! Neptune and Pisces rule karma, the past, and ways we are our own worst enemy, so we may see lots of karma coming home to roost, past issues blowing up in our faces (but we try to act like it's not), and many people may lead to their own undoing. But the crazy part is, we likely won't have one clue about this until this transit is over! That's the nature of the Neptunian fog. It can be right in front of our faces, and it might be obvious to everyone but ourselves, and once we become aware of it, we're kicking ourselves for being so clueless. One thing that makes me wonder if we'll be maybe slightly less delusional is Saturn also in Pisces. Saturn is the planet of reality, the one who wants us to see what's really there. Saturn could try to limit some of the delusion. But, Saturn could also be showing extra punishment for the delusion, so we're still delusional, but we're also being punished for that to the max. Another challenge with hard Neptune like this is, we tend to sway too far in one direction or the other when it comes to empathy and compassion. We can be TOO empathetic and compassionate, and end up being walked all over. This leaves us vulnerable to become victims to those who have bad ulterior motives. We need to remember healthy boundaries are important, and not having them is bad for everyone. Or, we may end up going the other way, and lack empathy completely. Unfortunately, we often see mass atrocities in the world under hard Neptune because of this. We may not be world leaders (or maybe you are, hey what the heck are you doing???), but we can still work to make sure we're exercising compassion with those in our lives and who we encounter. Instead of automatically thinking the worst of someone, lend a hand (with healthy boundaries!). It's important to work on a few things during this period. One is to tether yourself to reality. Work on grounding yourself a loooot more during this period. Walk in nature, stimulate your root chakra. Constantly check in to make sure you're being realistic about things. In what ways are you reading too much into it? Could anything from the past be coloring your view? Second, work on your connection to your intuition. Even if you're making sure you're grounded in reality, it's still likely there will be situations where you don't have all of the facts and information you need. This is where good intuition can be of assistance. What blocks to your intuition do you need to work on? How can you work to strengthen your intuition? Third, and this might be the most important - work on your baggage! Spiritual, emotional, early life, past life. This is actually an incredible period for digging into your subconscious mind, reflecting and being introspective, releasing baggage that weighs you down, and getting a better understanding of your subconscious motivations and desires. Take up journaling, join a support group, try art therapy, etc. Don't be afraid of facing this baggage. This is a huge period for everyone to do so, and that is a blessed opportunity, NOT a dreadful punishment. This will be especially important for anyone who has a natal planet, angle, or other body at the anaretic degree. It doesn't matter the Zodiac sign; I find with the anaretic degree, the aspect doesn't matter, just being at that degree, it'll be lit up. If that's you, give focus on grounding, strengthening intuition, and releasing baggage with whatever the point rules. For everyone, look to the house in your natal chart 29 degrees Pisces falls. The areas of life ruled by that house can be where massive releasing has to occur, where you need to get deep within your subconscious and spiritual self, and where you must gain understanding. Get out of your own way, and work it out. This is likely going to be strongest during three periods, and the first is when Neptune turns retrograde on July 2nd 2024 at 29 degrees Pisces, so at the anaretic degree. Retrograde bodies appear to move backward through the Zodiac, and this can throw them off. When retrogrades start or end at the anaretic degree, everything *really* goes wonky! I think the fog will be especially strong around this time, and we have to be extra focused on being realistic. The second period is with the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 17th 2024. Neptune won't be anaretic by then, but the eclipse is conjunct (aligned with) Neptune, so there is likely going to be a lingering effect, and that eclipse in particular is likely going to be absolutely massive for releasing, karma, and divine plans, so we really need to be on top of it then. I think punishment for delusion can also be strong around this time, and we might suddenly become aware of something that is exposed and brought into the light, and it shocks the system. The third period is March 27th - 30th 2025, when Venus is retrograde and goes to Pisces on March 27th, so it's anaretic, and Mercury is also retrograde and goes back to Pisces March 29th and is anaretic, and Neptune is going to Aries on March 30th, so Venus retrograde, Mercury retrograde, and Neptune are conjunct at the anaretic degree. Can anyone say YOWZA!!!! Holy guacamole, that is going to be huge! We're probably going to see something really important play out in the world, and I worry the lack of empathy might be extra strong. Hopefully we can stay compassionate through it, and don't let cruelty take over. Another thing about Neptune is it rules drugs (legal and not), toxicity, so we may be seeing more focus on this, and perhaps some issue with a specific drug or medication. Neptune also rules water, so we can see water problems (issues with treatment facilities, droughts, and also floods, tsunamis, etc.). One good thing that could come from this transit is we can all experience a major awakening, whether spiritual, intuitive, or karmic. Be open to subtle energies, pay attention to dreams. Signs might be everywhere, but we have to make sure we're both seeing them and interpreting them correctly (not just in the way we wish they were). Aye, we're in for a wild ride! Especially with Pluto also anaretic from some of this, and Uranus on the move to Gemini soon and also anaretic. These are some wild times we're living in. It got started with the Capricorn stellium in 2020 and it's not done with us yet! Suggested Reading: the Transit Neptune page for general interpretations of Neptune in the natal houses and aspecting the natal planets; also the blog articles on Surviving Neptune in the Houses and Transit Neptune & the Personal Planets Amor, the asteroid of romance, Amor, is moving active Aries to slow and stable Taurus soon. How does this impact us? About Amor in Astrology
Amor is an asteroid in astrology, and there are tens of thousands of asteroids, and each connects to something different. Many are simply names, but some like Amor connect to specific energies.
In the case of asteroid Amor, this is the asteroid of romantic love. Amor shows how we express love and romance, and in transit, we can see this via the Zodiac sign Amor is touring, and the natal house it's touring in your natal chart. Asteroid Amor in Taurus 2024
With Amor in Aries, love has been more fun, free, and full of activity. Amor did retrograde for a bit in Aries as well, so that brought out some aggression and frustration. Amor doesn't retrograde in Taurus, and Taurus is more grounded, secure, and stable, so we're in better control of our romantic selves.
Amor in Taurus helps to ground and stabilize love and romance, and we can take our time with romance, not wanting to rush into anything until we're certain that it's what we want. Once we get into it, we can stick with it, and can be more loyal to those we love. We can also show love in more physical ways since Taurus is an earth sign, and we can be more sensual and want to connect physically, but we can also give more gifts to those we're interested in and love (and to ourselves!). Romance can be strong in the dinner category, and we may want to eat something rich and decadent more often. Amor tours Zodiac sign Taurus from April 21st to July 9th 2024. Conjunctions for Amor in Taurus:
Amor in Taurus will conjunct (align with) Uranus in Taurus on June 26th 2024. Amor conjunct Uranus brings out more sudden, unexpected, and unconventional energy with love and romance, and we might experience some sudden developments romantically or some unexpected changes in romance. We may try to fight this with the Taurus energy, but it's better to be flexible and go with it.
Amor in Taurus conjuncts Venus on May 2nd, and Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus (though Ceres is also to be ruler). This amplifies the impact, and we're extra romantic, sensual, and want to connect physically. This would be a great time for fancy dinners, spa days, and massages. Amor in Taurus conjuncts Mercury on May 24th. Mercury is the sign of the mind and communication, so this can help us express love and romance, and we can be quick with words of love, and we can really mean it. Lots of "I love you's" floating around! Asteroid Amor in Taurus for the Zodiac Signs
Aries: Asteroid Amor in Taurus can help you bring stability and security to love and romance, and you can dedicate yourself and be more comfortable with commitment. You can work on stabilizing romantic relationships, and can get grounded via romance.
Taurus: Asteroid Amor in your sign may help increase romance overall in your life, and you can be more romantic with everything you do and work on. You can be more creative and whimsical. and you can seem more attractive to others. Romance can be something that you think about a lot. Gemini: Asteroid Amor in Taurus can make you more romantic behind the scenes, and prefer to avoid public displays of affection. You can be quite dreamy with romance though, and more willing to go the extra mile for those you love. This can also be a period of secret romances. Cancer: Asteroid Amor in Taurus might bring changes with romance for you, and you may want to make sure you have a solid friendship with anyone you pursue anything with first. You can also be more giving with your friends, and more invested in your dreams and future. Leo: Asteroid Amor in Taurus can make you more responsible, practical, and traditional with love and romance, and you may pull back out tried-and-true romantic gestures. You can feel more romantic and creative with your goals, and others may see you as more attractive. Virgo: Asteroid Amor in Taurus may open you up to be bold and brave in love and with romance, and you can go big with romantic gestures. You can make romance more adventurous and fun. You can also greatly enjoy having new experiences. Libra: Asteroid Amor in Taurus can help you take love and romance more seriously, and you can be more passionate and intense. You can strengthen emotional bonds with others, and may transform via romance or find transformation more romantic. Scorpio: Asteroid Amor in Taurus may help you become more committed to loved ones and projects, and you can enjoy romance one-on-one. You may feel more romantic when you feel balanced and are in peaceful environments. You can attract more romantic people into your life as well. Sagittarius: Asteroid Amor in Taurus can help you pay closer attention in love and romance, and you can pursue small romantic gestures that mean a lot to you. You can bring romance into your daily life, in small ways, and find romance helps you de-stress. Capricorn: Asteroid Amor in Taurus may bring out your super romantic side, and you can be loud with love and romance. You may want to make love and romance something out of a movie, and are in love with love. You can also be extra creative and get more attention. Aquarius: Asteroid Amor in Taurus can focus on bringing emotion into romance, and your emotions can guide you romantically. You can prioritize emotional connections in love. You can also bring romantic energy to home and family matters. Pisces: Asteroid Amor in Taurus may help you be more expressive in love and romance, and you can talk about romantic feelings and feel drawn to words. You can come up with romantic ideas and plans, and create romantic scenes in your mind. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Amor in the Houses & Aspects Asteroid Cupido is about to exit quiet Pisces and move into fiery Aries on April 17th, staying until June 7th 2024, so almost 2 months. What is the impact of Cupido in Aries for us? What is Cupido in astrology?
Cupido is an asteroid in astrology, and rules crushes and infatuation. The Zodiac sign and house location in your natal chart of your natal Cupido can show how you are when crushing or infatuated, and what you can be infatuated with (not just people!). It's the early part of relationships.
You can find your natal asteroid Cupido location for free using astro.com (in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add number '763' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart). In transit, Cupido can show how you're experiencing crushes at the moment, and where you may be infatuated in life. Cupido in Aries 2024
Cupido in Aries speeds up Cupido and makes it loud and proud. Cupido in Pisces is quiet and keeps to the background with its passions and infatuations, not wanting any attention for it and feeling a bit shy. Aries, on the other hand, is fiery and enthusiastic, so Cupido's passionate side can be strong. We can take the initiative with what we're passionate about, and can take the lead with crushes.
Enthusiasm and excitement can get channeled into whatever we do, and we can make quick work. We may not stick with it too long though since Aries gets bored quickly, so crushes may be short-lived. Whatever we're passionate about, we can throw ourselves into initially, and we can hit the ground running. We can have a big head start, so even if we don't stick with it for very long, we can still make progress at the onset. BUT we do have to keep in mind at the start that Mercury is retrograde (appearing to move backward) in Aries until April 25th, and even though it doesn't align with Cupido, this can still influence it a little bit, and we may want to reconnect with old crushes, especially ones from our youth. Transit Cupido in Aries conjuncts (align with) transit Chiron on May 24th 2024 at 21 degrees Aries, and this is the strongest aspect for Cupido in Aries. Chiron is the wounded healer and rules our greatest wounds and healing abilities. Cupido conjunct can bring out old wounds involving past crushes, past infatuations, or past passions, and we can work to heal from it now. We can be more vulnerable with anything we're passionate about at the time of the conjunction, and need to make sure we're being considerate of ourselves and others, otherwise new wounds can occur. On the plus side, we can be extra passionate about healing and helping, and this can be a good time for that. Asteroid Cupido in Aries for the Zodiac Signs:
Aries: Cupido in your sign can make you super infatuated with someone or something, and you can be more passionate with whatever you do, though it may be short-lived. You can also be more attractive and others can gravitate to you and have crushes on you.
Taurus: You can have crushes and become wrapped up in something but stay quiet about it with Cupido in Aries. You can be super passionate about it, but don't want others to know about it. There can be a karmic element to whatever you're passionate about now. Gemini: You may feel passionate about changes with Cupido in Aries, and can throw yourself into them. You can embrace the unconventional, and find it exciting. You can be more invested in friendships and groups you belong to, as well as causes you believe in. Cancer: You can channel energy into the goals you're passionate about with Cupido in Aries, and you may hit your stride with something. Others can be impressed with your passion and work ethic, and you can make good impressions and connect with people who are passionate about you or your work. Leo: You may want to dive into new experiences with Cupido in Aries, and can be more passionate about going to new places, doing new things, and learning something new. You can be extra gregarious with others and passionate physically but still want space. Virgo: You can be incredibly intense with your passion with Cupido in Aries, and strong intimacy can be more important to you. This can be a good time to deepen emotional and physical bonds. You can also transform yourself via your crushes and passions. Libra: You may channel passion into commitment with Cupido in Aries, and can dedicate yourself to whatever you're passionate about. You can enjoy working with others one-on-one, and may feel more committed to people and projects. Scorpio: You can throw yourself into little work projects and tasks with Cupido in Aries, and can get more done because of this. In love, you can pay closer attention to those you're crushing on, and you may show your feelings in small, practical ways. Sagittarius: You may be passionate about love with Cupido in Aries, and can greatly enjoy doing what you love and being with who you love. This can be a fun time for dating, if single, and many gravitate toward you. If attached, you can make it exciting again. Capricorn: You can feel passionate with everything you feel with Cupido in Aries, and you can throw yourself into anything that you connect with emotionally. You can also be more passionate about home and family matters, and can develop crushes on those you connect with emotionally. Aquarius: You may get wrapped up in your ideas with Cupido in Aries, and can be more passionate about what you come up with. You can get excited about your ideas and plans, ready to go quickly, and can work fast. You may crush on someone you connect with mentally. Pisces: You can focus on improving stability and security with Cupido in Aries, and can be passionate in a way that is slow and steady. You can be extra loyal, even to quick crushes, and can be more sensual and indulgent. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Cupido in the Houses & Aspects |