There's always a lot of talk about Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, even Jupiter, but usually a lot less talk about transit Neptune. Oddly, I keep getting asked about the impact of transit Neptune conjunct a personal planet, so I thought I'd write an article about it. The energy of Neptune in transit is "dissolving", so when transit Neptune is conjunct any planet or point in our chart, we tend to see something fade away from our lives linked to it. It can be literal, but often it's in an abstract, figurative, or metaphorical way. Also note, the personal planets are technically Mercury, Venus, and Mars, but I'm also including the Sun and Moon (they're often included as personal planets but are technically luminaries - just so ya know!). Transit Neptune Conjunct the Sun or Moon
Neptune conjunct the natal Sun or Moon can bring about an increase in intuition and allow us to tap into the intuitive part of ourselves. It can be a spiritual period as well, and we can focus more on connecting to our spiritual selves (not necessarily in a religious way, more in a mystical way). Imagination, compassion, and empathy surges as well.
The downside is we're more vulnerable to deception, more easily led astray, and other people can see us how they want to see us. With Neptune, there's always a battle with reality, which is most a problem with the Sun and Moon, and this usually comes out with the house placement and house rulership of the planet. Transit Neptune Conjunct Mercury
Neptune conjunct Mercury takes aim at your mind, and can be an incredible time for imagination. If you're any kind of writer, speaker, or teacher, you can become much more captivating, charismatic, and everyone can be attracted to your way of communicating (there's just something in the way they speak/write . . .).
You can get lost in daydreams and fantasies, and dream the day away quite easily, so focus usually isn't great with Neptune conjunct Mercury. With this aspect, you have to take care about becoming vulnerable to the beautiful words of others, easily falling for the things people say and not seeing what it is they really mean. Transit Neptune Conjunct Venus
Neptune conjunct Venus focuses on your relationships, and this is one of those aspects where you can either meet your soul mate or fall for the Devil in disguise. Unfortunately, it's most often the latter! We want to see the best in others, so this can be an excellent time for doing work that helps others (let out your humanitarian side and be super compassionate).
But that means we can also be taken advantage of by people we think we love and we think love us, and that leaves us vulnerable to bad people who will leave ugly scars when it's over. It's vital that you work on trying to be as realistic as possible with the people in your life. Transit Neptune Conjunct Mars
Neptune conjunct Mars does work on your energy, drive, and ability to take action. What Neptune conjunct Mars is great for is taking action (Mars) with your dreams (Neptune). The problem? Neptune isn't really active, more like it ebbs and flows and gets moved by the wind, the water, the air, the smoke.
Mars, on the other hand, wants to jump into things and be the pioneer. Neptune can take away the ability for you to figure out what the heck you should be taking action with, and you may find that when you do take action, you don't know what to do next, or you realize you didn't think this through (_it was all too hazy_) and it doesn't go the way you thought it would. This tends to play out in the areas of life ruled by the house Mars is located and rules. It's always about trying to see reality with Neptune, trying to manage the fantasy, the haziness, the fog that sets in. Grounding yourself can be super important and helpful with this, but often, once you're too far gone, you've gotta just wait until it's over, and hope there's not too much of a mess! Suggested Reading: Surviving Transit Neptune in the Houses Comments are closed.