General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries 2018 Yearly Horoscope Love & Relationships Jupiter remains in your intimacy sector until November, Aries, and you can explore the intimacy in your relationships, working to expand the intimacy you have, and forge stronger emotional bonds with the people you care about. You may have less patience for the people in your life that you don’t feel an emotional connection to, and can focus more on the people who really matter to you. Mars starts the year in this sector along with Jupiter, and you may find you have extra energy and drive to focus on and pursue close intimate relationships. It can also be a good time to focus on the sexual chemistry in your relationship, if attached. If single, you may want someone you feel a strong connection to, and you feel a strong sexual attraction to. Venus retrogrades (appears to move backward) in this sector in October, so you may have some struggles at the end of Jupiter tour in this sector with Venus retrograde, and may want to feel even closer but end up feeling further apart, are extra clingy or have to deal with someone who is, or need to work on intimacy issues and blocks. Mercury retrogrades (appears to move backward) in this sector for the first week of December, after Jupiter has exited, so there may be a brief issue in an intimate relationship, or you may see the return of an old lover. Here comes 2019! Man, 2018 seems to have really stunk for most people (no joke, like every reading I did this year, people were in a really bad place, and that's not usually the case!). Guess those retrogrades, Uranus toying with 2 signs, and the temporary fixed t-square messed with everyone! None of that retrograde energy -
Thankfully, those things won't be in play in 2019. There is no Venus or Mars retrograde in 2019, just 3 standard Mercury retrogrades -
- once in March in Pisces (though that one starts with Mercury at a sensitive point, and is in the same sign as foggy Neptune; it'll also be on the heels of Uranus officially entering Taurus, so that might be a wonky month!) - once in July in Cancer and Leo (the last one impacting a fire sign for some time; this retrograde doubles up with the second set of eclipses) - and once in November-December in Scorpio (hello stock market wonkiness! we just had a little glimpse of how stocks were impacted by Mercury retrograde in Scorpio for only a week - and next year, Uranus will already be in money-ruling Taurus, so maybe be careful with investments then! I have to admit, I'm a *little* worried about the economy to end 2019). 3 planets in home signs -
We'll have 3 planets in home signs next year - Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces (they're already all in these signs now).
This can bring some surprising ease, in a way, to how we deal with the energy each of these planets generate, and we may feel like it's a little easier to expand (Jupiter), progress (Saturn), and intuit (Neptune). Jupiter and Uranus changing signs -
Jupiter will move into Capricorn in December 2019 (there's also a solar eclipse in Capricorn in December), and we'll end the year starting the monster Capricorn stellium as Saturn and Pluto are already in Capricorn.
Major surge in ambition, focusing on goals and what we want long-term, how everything comes together and seeing the pieces. Some can reach some great heights, if they've been doing things right, anyway; others may have some long, dangerous falls (you may want to check out the Saturn in Capricorn article HERE). Uranus flirted with earth sign Taurus this year, but officially enters Taurus March 6th 2019, to stay for almost a decade. Before he goes into Taurus, he'll end a retrograde January 6th at 28 degrees Aries, and will be anaretic for a little bit (29 degrees, a point of crisis energy). Meanwhile Mars enters Aries December 31st 2018, and spends about the first month-and-a-half of 2019 in Aries with Uranus at the end of his time in Aries. And we'll have the first set of eclipses for the year in January, adding fuel. Holy energy, Batman! There may be some major surge to get things done, individually, as a whole, around the world (you can focus this in your own life on the areas of life ruled by the house Uranus is touring). Use it well! Then Mars will enter Taurus mid-February, and will be in Taurus when Uranus makes the switch, so we'll get energy right away to make the change (you may want to check out the Uranus in Taurus article HERE). Just gotta be mindful of the Mercury retrograde! In general, 2019 seems like it *should* be easier than 2018 was. But that might be the calm before the storm that will be 2020! Suggested Reading: Beginnings and Astrology Eclipses! The new year kicks off with the first set of eclipses for 2019 right away, and we have a solar eclipse on January 5th at 8:42PM ET in Capricorn. This is the first of 3 eclipses in Capricorn next year (big for Capricorns!), and we can focus long-term on our goals and ambitions, the directions our lives are going in, and what we want to achieve and succeed. This can play out individually, and we can see it on a global scale. Capricorn rules governments, institutions, and politics, so we may see important events, decisions, actions with governments in the world, politically (oh yeah we've got a new Congress coming here in the U.S.), and with large institutions or corporations. There may be new roles, new responsibilities, and new visions. With Capricorn ruling goals, it's the perfect eclipse to start a brand new year, helping us to get focused, get a little disciplined, put together realistic plans, and figure out how we want the year to go. It may not go exactly according to plan, but we can be practical enough to understand that - and make backup plans! This eclipse is conjunct (aligned with) Saturn in Capricorn, amplifying the Capricorn energy (since Saturn naturally rules Capricorn. It's also sextile (positive aspect, two signs away) Neptune in water sign Pisces, and we can trust our intuition, uncover what's hidden, use imaginations and creativity, and do more for others. The eclipse occurs at 15 degrees 25 minutes in Capricorn. The aspects to this eclipse are: Conjunction: 10 degrees 25 minutes - 20 degrees 25 minutes Capricorn Semisextile: 13 degrees 25 minutes - 17 degrees 25 minutes Sagittarius or Aquarius Sextile: 10 degrees 25 minutes - 20 degrees 25 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Square: 10 degrees 25 minutes - 20 degrees 25 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 10 degrees 25 minutes - 20 degrees 25 minutes Taurus or Virgo Quincunx: 13 degrees 25 minutes - 17 degrees 25 minutes Gemini or Leo Opposition: 10 degrees 25 minutes - 20 degrees 25 minutes Cancer Then comes a lunar eclipse on January 21st at 12:12AM ET in Leo. This will be the last eclipse for a while in Leo, so there may be some finalizing in a way of things that have been shaping up, in development for the last couple of years. Final decisions being made, finishing touches being put on, last chapters being finished before we move on. With Leo, we can be more affectionate and want more attention and praise. We want to come together in love and play, and enjoy ourselves a little bit before we get too serious. This can be great creative energy, and we can feel quite inspired. We can get in tune with our hearts, and can feel more generous and bring joy. This eclipse is super early in Leo at 0 degrees, and doesn't make any aspects in-sign, but will be square (hard aspect, three signs away) Uranus in Aries as an out-of-sign aspect (as if it were in previous sign Cancer). So we may struggle a little with some changes, with sudden developments, with having the independence we want, and can be a little rebellious, restless, impulsive. We need to exercise some restraint and stay focused. The eclipse occurs at 0 degrees 51 minutes in Leo. Aspects for the eclipse are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 5 degrees 51 minutes Leo Semisextile: 0 degrees 51 minutes - 2 degrees 51 minutes Cancer or Virgo Sextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 5 degrees 51 minutes Gemini or Libra Square: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 5 degrees 51 minutes Taurus or Scorpio Trine: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 5 degrees 51 minutes Aries or Sagittarius Quincunx: 0 degrees 51 minutes - 2 degrees 51 minutes Capricorn or Pisces Opposition: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 5 degrees 51 minutes Aquarius Since the eclipse is so early in Leo, it may also make out-of-sign aspects for you (they're just usually more subtle in impact on you). They are: Conjunction: 25 degrees 51 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Cancer Semisextile: 28 degrees 51 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Gemini or Leo Sextile: 25 degrees 51 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Taurus or Virgo Square: 25 degrees 51 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 25 degrees 51 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Quincunx: 28 degrees 51 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes - Sagittarius or Aquarius Opposition: 25 degrees 51 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Capricorn Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations With Christmas fast approaching, I thought it would be fun to put together a holiday gift guide for the Zodiac signs! It actually was fun picking items for each sign. There are multiple options per sign, and I actually recommend you choose based on the person's Moon sign or Venus sign, if you know them. Why? The Moon governs our emotions, while Venus rules what we take pleasure in. If you get something that resonates with someone's Moon sign, they're more likely to have an emotional connection to it, and if you get something that resonates with someone's Venus sign, they're more likely to enjoy it. If you want more options, you can also consider the house location (if you know the person's time of birth); just look up the sign that naturally rules the house (1st house = Aries, 2nd house - Taurus, 3rd house = Gemini, 4th house = Cancer, 5th house = Leo, 6th house = Virgo, 7th house = Libra, 8th house = Scorpio, 9th house = Sagittarius, 10th house = Capricorn, 11th house = Aquarius, 12th house = Pisces). My one caveat: if their natal Venus is retrograde, try to stick to their Moon (Venus retrograde natives may struggle with their Venus placement until they've worked it out, so to be sure, use their Moon!). You can use the Sun if you don't have their Moon or Venus sign, I just find the Moon and Venus to be more accurate for gift-giving. This post did contain affiliate links but they've all been removed. Gift Idea for Aries
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, a cardinal fire sign, so this is usually the sign that wants to be doing something physical all of the time. Gotta use up all of it's energy! So anything that can help them do physical activities:
- they often like camping, so perhaps a tent like this Coleman one - this paracord bracelet has a compass, knife, whistle, and even helps you start a fire (in case this is an Aries who gets lost, cold, or needs to protect themselves!) - if they like hiking/trekking, they may appreciate these anti-shock trail poles - if you can afford a little more and they have the space - a trampoline! (who doesn't love trampolines???) this trampoline even has a little basketball hoop (you know the kids would love that! though their parents might be mad LOL!) If they're not into the outdoors, something they can use indoors may be better, like: - this 20-pound dumbbell set (if they want to get buff) - this exercise ball (I used to sit on one whenever I would print a lot of stuff - not even exercising, I just thought it was fun!) - if they can't get away from their computer, they can try this under desk exercise bike (I need to get that) - if they've got some aggression to work on (common Aries problem!), maybe a heavy bag (or if they don't have the place to hang one, a punching ball on a stand) Gift Ideas for Taurus
Taurus rules the senses - see, smell, hear, taste, touch - so getting them a gift that engages one of the senses is usually going to be the best bet. Food is pretty much numero uno for Taurus, so you can try:
- they've usually got a sweet tooth, so try something like these fancy biscotti cookies - they tend to love food but not overly invested in the work of cooking, so something like a pressure cooker/slow cooker they can throw everything into and then let do the rest of the work! - a nice tea sampler can be great, and maybe add in a pretty teapot (I find that a lot of Taureans love teapots, even if they don't love tea! haha) - a subscription to the Food Network Magazine or Food & Wine magazine to get them inspired If you want to do something away from food, you can opt for something that will indulge one of their other senses, like: - a soft scarf in their favorite color (touch) - some essential oils and/or an essential oil diffuser (smell) - a wind chime (hear) - an art marker set (see) Gift Ideas for Gemini
Gemini is the sign of the mind (what active minds they have!), so something that will help them learn, write, or keep track of information is usually good, so things like:
- a fancy fountain pen to write everything down (and don't forget the ink!) and a pretty journal (this one is beautiful and celestial!) - because they love to keep busy, a planner is usually a safe bet (you can go simple like this elephant planner, sooo pretty like this Katie Daisy planner, or go big with this Happy Planner kit) - since they love to learn but hate having to stick with anything for too long, maybe try a book on learning faster! Gemini also tends to like techie stuff, smaller little gadgets they can play around with, so maybe something like: - a GoPro camera - since Gemini's can be scatterbrained, this gadget can help them if they're constantly losing their phone or keys - are they gamers? try a gaming headset - okay, this may be the best pick out of all of the signs - a little robot companion!!! (seriously I want this, it's soooo cute! and hello, ROBOTS, can't beat that!) Gift Ideas for Cancer
Cancer is the sign of the home and family, so think about things that they can use hanging out at home (or vegging out at home!). Something like:
- a plush bathrobe - soft pajamas and some comfy slippers - a throw blanket so they can wrap up on the couch - some pillows (they love to nap!) - this sign can be willing to do some cooking, so you can get them some cookware, a baking set, a food processor, or a stand mixer (this one fills my dreams!) I also find that Cancer tends to be a closet creative, secretly dreaming of writing, painting, etc. so feed that with: - a sculpting wheel and carving tools - a painting set - books on screenwriting, playwriting, or songwriting Gift Ideas for Leo
Leo is the sign of fun and games, so feel free to go for the fun, kid stuff (even if they're not even close to being a kid anymore in age!). You can try:
- a classic game like Twister, Monopoly, Connect 4, Battleship, or Operation - a super cute stuffed animal - an elephant, unicorn, a sea otter, or of course for Leo, a lion!) - a karaoke machine (they love to be pretend to be rock stars) Some other ideas: - Leo has to take epic selfies, so gift an extendable selfie stick and tripod and a ring light - the lion must take care of its mane, so try a flat iron, curling iron, blow dryer, or some magic hair (ha!) - Leo loves movies, so how about a giant 19-foot inflatable outdoor projector movie screen! (too cool) Gift Ideas for Virgo
Virgo always wants to keep things organized (even if it seems like a mess to everyone else, it’s still a system that makes sense to them!), so something that can help them with that or clear the clutter. You can try something like:
- if they have kids, a magnetic chore chart - to organize their closet, like an organizer with bins, or drawer dividers - for their office, a desk organizer or a file cabinet (I’d ask, is it weird that I LOVE file cabinets, but I do have Venus in Virgo!) - a pan rack or a drawer organizer/utensil tray to organize the kitchen Virgo is also the sign of health, so they tend to be big in tending to themselves, so you can gift them something that helps with that: - a yoga mat - a hand grip strengthener - a juicer - they tend to be big on self-help yet also have overactive minds, so maybe a book on mindfulness or meditation Gift Ideas for Libra
Libra is symbolized by the scales, and prefers peace and balance, harmony and tranquility (hence the love of diplomacy and compromise!). So you can try gifting something that helps put them in a peaceful state, like:
- lavender is very soothing, so you can try lavender essential oil or lavender buds (maybe hand-make sachets!) - a beautiful Tibetan singing bowl - bubble bath or a bath pillow - a little wine cooler (and include their fave wine) I find Libra also wants to have a beautiful surrounding, so you can get them something pretty for their home or office: - an interesting art print - a cool wall decal - a pretty mirror - a gorgeous flower pot - a book on feng shui (so they get some balance and harmony in their space too!) Gift Ideas for Scorpio
I was recently reminded how much Scorpio loves black (they are the sign ruling the dark side after all!), so how about black anything! Try:
- a black leather jacket (or faux for the vegans) - black onyx jewelry - a black purse - a black watch Scorpio also governs what’s taboo, so I find they tends to have a thing for piercings and tattoos, so: - if they have a piercing, you can get them jewelry for that (something for the lip or eyebrow or belly button - won’t even link to the nipple rings! LOL) - if they have a tattoo, you can get them a vegan tattoo butter to take care of it - if they’re piercing and tattoo free, it might be because they’re afraid to do it! So you can get a fake nose ring, a henna tattoo kit, or some temporary tattoos Gift Ideas for Sagittarius
Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer, always wanting to go off to some far away place, even if only in their own head, so you can get them something to bring out their inner adventurer, like:
- luggage or a travel passport wallet (for when they do actually travel outside of their head!) - a travel map (so they can keep track of their travels) - a travel backpack - a compass (every adventurer needs one!) Sagittarius is also the sign of higher communication - advanced learning, publishing, public speaking, etc. - so they may like something that plays into that: - a book on TED talks and public speaking - something to learn another language - a Traveller’s notebook (to write about all of their life experiences) - something they can teach themselves, like this on jewelry-making or or this on crochet or this on calligraphy Gift Ideas for Capricorn
Capricorn is a lover of old things, so you can try to get something antique or classic, so you can try:
- a pocket watch (they’re mindful of time too) - a locket (for the memories) - an antique bottle hummingbird feeder (would be so cute for the birds!) - a vintage-inspired refillable perfume bottle - a victrola (if they’ve got old records) Capricorn also rules careers, long-term plans and goals - got places to go and things to do! So you can gift something like: - a briefcase or satchel - a calendar - a tie for the gentlemen (though I like ties too!) or red lipstick for the ladies (it’s a power color) Gift Ideas for Aquarius
Aquarius is the inquisitive scientist and techno-enthusiast, so this sign might like something like:
- a telescope (so they can discover an asteroid!) - a microscope set - a tech repair kit (since they can fix everything for you) some beaker shot glasses (in case they like science but aren’t up for the experimenting!) - another robot! (so maybe I like robots) this one teaches you to code though (meant for kids, but hey, some of us adults need help coding too!) Aquarius is also the environmentalist - funny because it’s not an earth sign, but this sign thinks a lot about the future, about how all of our actions lead to consequences, and wants to do the right thing not just for now, but generations to come, so you can opt for some eco-friendly or recycled products: - recycled glassware - recycled plastic indoor/outdoor rugs - bamboo towels - reusable metal straws (plastic straws are terrible! though I bite my straws so instead I use biodegradable paper straws or BPA-and-rubber free silicone straws - don’t want to break my teeth on the metal! LOL) And with Aquarius ruling astrology, maybe something astrology-related! Gift Ideas for Pisces
Pisces is the sign of the mystic and spiritualist, deeply in tune with the subtle energies around us, so you can go with some fun mystical stuff like:
- tarot cards, runes, or a spirit board - a book on contacting your spirit guides - a fluorite wand - some taper candles Pisces also governs music (they get lost in it), feet (the last part of the body for the last sign in the Zodiac), art (see music), and water (as a mutable water sign, very fluid!), so some random picks: - an acoustic guitar or piano keyboard - socks (ha, always need them! why do they run away???) - art supplies - a water fountain (or this cool water bubble wall feature) |