Here comes 2019! Man, 2018 seems to have really stunk for most people (no joke, like every reading I did this year, people were in a really bad place, and that's not usually the case!). Guess those retrogrades, Uranus toying with 2 signs, and the temporary fixed t-square messed with everyone! None of that retrograde energy -
Thankfully, those things won't be in play in 2019. There is no Venus or Mars retrograde in 2019, just 3 standard Mercury retrogrades -
- once in March in Pisces (though that one starts with Mercury at a sensitive point, and is in the same sign as foggy Neptune; it'll also be on the heels of Uranus officially entering Taurus, so that might be a wonky month!) - once in July in Cancer and Leo (the last one impacting a fire sign for some time; this retrograde doubles up with the second set of eclipses) - and once in November-December in Scorpio (hello stock market wonkiness! we just had a little glimpse of how stocks were impacted by Mercury retrograde in Scorpio for only a week - and next year, Uranus will already be in money-ruling Taurus, so maybe be careful with investments then! I have to admit, I'm a *little* worried about the economy to end 2019). 3 planets in home signs -
We'll have 3 planets in home signs next year - Jupiter in Sagittarius, Saturn in Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces (they're already all in these signs now).
This can bring some surprising ease, in a way, to how we deal with the energy each of these planets generate, and we may feel like it's a little easier to expand (Jupiter), progress (Saturn), and intuit (Neptune). Jupiter and Uranus changing signs -
Jupiter will move into Capricorn in December 2019 (there's also a solar eclipse in Capricorn in December), and we'll end the year starting the monster Capricorn stellium as Saturn and Pluto are already in Capricorn.
Major surge in ambition, focusing on goals and what we want long-term, how everything comes together and seeing the pieces. Some can reach some great heights, if they've been doing things right, anyway; others may have some long, dangerous falls (you may want to check out the Saturn in Capricorn article HERE). Uranus flirted with earth sign Taurus this year, but officially enters Taurus March 6th 2019, to stay for almost a decade. Before he goes into Taurus, he'll end a retrograde January 6th at 28 degrees Aries, and will be anaretic for a little bit (29 degrees, a point of crisis energy). Meanwhile Mars enters Aries December 31st 2018, and spends about the first month-and-a-half of 2019 in Aries with Uranus at the end of his time in Aries. And we'll have the first set of eclipses for the year in January, adding fuel. Holy energy, Batman! There may be some major surge to get things done, individually, as a whole, around the world (you can focus this in your own life on the areas of life ruled by the house Uranus is touring). Use it well! Then Mars will enter Taurus mid-February, and will be in Taurus when Uranus makes the switch, so we'll get energy right away to make the change (you may want to check out the Uranus in Taurus article HERE). Just gotta be mindful of the Mercury retrograde! In general, 2019 seems like it *should* be easier than 2018 was. But that might be the calm before the storm that will be 2020! Suggested Reading: Beginnings and Astrology Comments are closed.