Some planets are more dominant in your natal chart than others, and you feel them strong, deep in your personality and life. What does it mean when it's Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto? How do you know if you have a prominent natal Uranus?
You qualify if your natal Uranus is:
Any of these can make your Uranus stand out and make the energy of Uranus more prominent for you. This is present all your life, but can feel especially obvious when the transit (moving) planets are aspecting your natal Uranus. Prominent Natal Uranus
If you have a prominent natal Uranus in your natal chart, you may feel a lot like an Aquarius, and that can be the case even if you don’t have any Aquarius planets in your natal chart or any planets in your 11th house (the house naturally ruled by Uranus/Aquarius). You can be more original and inventive, independent and innovative, rebellious and aloof, charitable and idealistic.
With a prominent natal Uranus, you can be more intellectual and detached, even if you’re quite watery (lots of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, 4th, 8th, or 12th house); you can be focus more on the future and what’s possible, even if you’re more earthy (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, 2nd, 6th, 10th houses); and you can be more methodical, even if you’re quite fiery (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, 1st, 5th, 9th houses). The more prominent your natal Uranus is, the more you may feel like an Aquarius than your actual Sun or Moon sign (if not in Aquarius). How do you know if you have a prominent natal Neptune?
This is present all your life, but can feel especially obvious when the transit (moving) planets are aspecting your natal Neptune. Prominent Natal Neptune
Neptune is the foggy planet, ruler of deception, vulnerability, the victim. This often makes those of us with prominent Neptunes in the natal chart easily deceived, manipulated, controlled, and victimized. This is often the downside of Neptune.
The upside is greater compassion and empathy, stronger intuition and imagination, and an ability to tap into the subtle energies around us. Those same upsides are the reason for the downsides - we can be so compassionate and empathetic that we’re easily taken advantage of; we can be so intuitive and imaginative that we aren’t as grounded to reality to keep us from floating away and someone else taking over our lives; and we can be so in touch with the subtle energies around us that we don’t see what’s right in our faces. Having a prominent Neptune doesn’t mean you have to be the little lamb led to the slaughter. There is often great power in a strong Neptune, but it requires something that isn’t natural to Neptune - being grounded to reality. This would be Saturn’s domain, along with a little Pluto. If you’ve got a strong Saturn and/or Pluto to go with your prominent Neptune, that makes it easier to find the ways to ground yourself and not get sucked into the Neptune vortex of fog and haze. But even if you don’t have a prominent Saturn or Pluto, you can still use their locations and aspects in your natal chart to find the best ways to ground yourself and be realistic. When you have a challenging Neptune (like at a critical or anaretic degree, a singleton, the squared planet in a t-square, or at hard aspects to your personal planets), this can be trickiest to maneuver. There are extra layers involved that need to be pulled back and dissected, and you usually have to focus on those first before you can start to get a grip on Neptune. It may take longer, it may take more work, but it’s still possible. A challenged Neptune likely means you have some more karma to work through as well (or spiritual or emotional baggage, whatever you want to view it as), so tapping into the subconscious part of yourself can be crucial. How do you know if you have a prominent natal Pluto?
This is present all your life, but can feel especially obvious when the transit (moving) planets are aspecting your natal Pluto. Prominent Natal Pluto
If you have a prominent Pluto in your natal chart, you may feel a lot like a Scorpio, even if you have little-to-no Scorpio or 8th house energy (the house that Scorpio naturally rules). You can be more passionate and intense, more mysterious and deep, extreme and envious, seductive and secretive.
With a prominent natal Pluto, you can be more powerful and strong, even if your very air or water sign; you can be more serious, even if you’re very fire sign; and you can be emotionally deeper, even if you’re very earth sign. The more prominent your natal Pluto is, the more you may feel like a Scorpio, and if it’s super prominent (like meets at least three of the requirements), you may feel more like a Scorpio than your actual Sun or Moon sign (if not in Scorpio). Special note if all 3 are prominent in your natal chart:
For some of us, all 3 of these planets are prominent in the natal chart. What does this mean? I find that people who have all 3 prominent tend to be in tune with the changing times. They usually don't fight it, they embrace it, even lead it. They see the generations come, and understand how one leads to another.
Since these 3 planets are the generational planets, you're someone who flows with each generation! Suggested Reading: Prominent Natal Chiron, Prominent Natal Saturn, Prominent Natal Black Moon Lilith, and Prominent Natal Mercury, Venus, and Mars Retrograde
The 12th house rules "hidden things", and so the 12th house rules what we try to keep private in our lives. Everyone is private about something, even the most open-book among us, and this is usually found through the sign on the 12th house cusp and any planets in the 12th house. The 12th house is what we hide. The 12th House in the signs and what we're private about:
With an Aries 12th house cusp, you can be private about taking action with anything, and when you're starting something new, you may feel that you need to keep it to yourself. This can be seen with Mars in the 12th house as well, ruler of Aries.
With a Taurus 12th house cusp, you can be private about your values, which can also be seen with a Sagittarius 12th house (ruler of beliefs) and Pisces 12th house (ruler of spirituality). Taurus 12th house can also be private about your sensuality and the ways in which you indulge and splurge, or about your finances. With a Gemini 12th house cusp, you can be private with your ideas, your plans, and with your knowledge, what you know and have learned throughout your life (also seen with Mercury in the 12th house). With a Cancer 12th house cusp, you can be private with your emotions, with matters at home or with family, and when you're starting something from the ground up (also the case with the Moon in the 12th house, and the Moon in the 12th house can also show someone who feels they need to be private to feel secure emotionally). With a Leo 12th house cusp, you can be private with your creative side and creative pursuits, with your hobbies, or with your playful side. This can also be the case with the Sun in the 12th house, though the Sun in the 12th house can show someone very private with all aspects of their life and self. The Sun and Moon in the 12th house can be the most private people, along with Scorpio on the 12th house cusp or Pluto in the 12th house (which can be fiercely, intensely private, very difficult to open up; Scorpio and Pluto can also show someone who is private about what they hold deep inside, their deepest wounds, fears, and demons). With a Virgo 12th house cusp, you can be private in your daily life, with what you're working on regularly, with your routine and schedule, and with your health. You can be private with details, and you can keep your perfectionist tendencies to yourself. With a Libra 12th house cusp, you can be private with your relationships, feeling that their no one else's business, or keeping affections behind closed doors (also seen with Venus in the 12th house). With a Sagittarius 12th house cusp, you can be private with expansion and exploration, preferring to do so on your own, and you can keep your optimistic side under wraps (also the case with Jupiter in the 12th house). With a Capricorn 12th house cusp, you can be private with your goals and ambitions, responsibilities and direction, which can also be the case with Saturn in the 12th house, though Saturn in the 12th house can show that you need to work on being more open because being too private can hold you back. With an Aquarius 12th house cusp, you can be private with your dreams and hopes, the causes you champion, and with your friendships (so you may be the one they confide in a lot! and this is also seen with Uranus in the 12th house, and you can also be private with changes that you make). With a Pisces 12th house cusp, you can be private with your sensitivity, imagination, artistic side, and intuition (also seen with Neptune in the 12th house). Suggested Reading: The 12th House page General horoscopes are always meant for entertainment purposes only. For a more accurate view, read your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign.
Aries July 2017 Monthly Horoscope On July 4th, Venus enters air sign Gemini, and you can enjoy using your mind and focusing on projects and ventures that challenge you mentally. You can come up with new ideas, and have an easier time communicating with others, having a more pleasant way of communicating. In love, a mental connection may be most important to you now. Venus moves into water sign Cancer on July 31st, and you can enjoy staying within your comfort zone and sticking to what you know best. You can tend to your emotional needs, and want more support from the people you love, which you’ll give in return. In love, an emotional connections becomes more important, and you want people in your life who understand you emotionally. A full moon occurs on July 9th at 12:07AM ET in Capricorn, and this is the sign that rules our goals and ambitions, so a full moon in this sign usually means we're reaping what we've sown with our goals and ambitions. If we've worked hard, done our homework, and believe in it passionately, we can make progress. If we've been lazy, reckless, irresponsible, or don't care, we can experience delays, setbacks, or failure. We can think more about the direction we're going in as societies, countries, and governments, and how the world is shaping up right now. We may want to make changes with the path we're on, worried that we're going in the wrong direction, or we can feel more confident in the path we're on and push forward more. Capricorn is ruler of governments, so this may be an important full moon for developments with governments around the world, and we may become more aware of something a government is doing/has been doing that's been hidden. Pluto in Capricorn is conjunct this full moon, ramping up the intensity that the full moon has, and making us obsessed with something, uncovering something, getting to the heart of matters, and focusing us on serious matters. This is a very serious full moon, one where we need to be adults and do the right thing, regardless of how difficult that may be. But it may be really, really difficult! This full moons occurs at 17 degrees 9 minutes Capricorn. The major aspects to this full moon are: Conjunction: 15 degrees 9 minutes - 19 degrees 9 minutes Capricorn Sextile: 15 degrees 9 minutes - 19 degrees 9 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Square: 15 degrees 9 minutes - 19 degrees 9 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 15 degrees 9 minutes - 19 degrees 9 minutes Taurus or Virgo Opposition: 15 degrees 9 minutes - 19 degrees 9 minutes Cancer July's new moon occurs on the 23rd at 5:46AM ET early in Leo, and Leo is a fun-loving sign who just wants to let loose and focus on love. We can be more romantic, affectionate, sweet, and inspired, and we can share the love we feel and spend more time with the people we love and the things we love to do. Just make sure it's healthy! We can be more positive about life, and can be more playful, connecting with our hearts and the child within. There can be more focus on children, recreation, and we can come together in joy and fun. It's the opposite of the full moon - drop the seriousness and have fun! This new moon is conjunct (aligned with) Mars in Leo, and Mars is the planet of energy and drive, so we can experience a surge in energy for what we love or in creative energy, and can be more driven to pursue what we enjoy and find fun. We can be enthusiastic in love and romance, and we can be more take-charge in life, wanting to make something happen and take action. This is the first new moon in Leo, with August's solar eclipse also in Leo, so this new moon may signal the start of something that continues into August, and may become much bigger, more important, or experience major developments with next month. This new moon occurs at 0 degrees 44 minutes Leo. The major aspects to this new moon are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 44 minutes Leo Sextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 44 minutes Gemini or Libra Square: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 44 minutes Taurus or Scorpio Trine: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 44 minutes Aries or Sagittarius Opposition: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 2 degrees 44 minutes Aquarius Note that since this new moon is at 0 degrees, aspects may be felt out-of-sign at 28-29 degrees of the signs before (Cancer; Taurus or Virgo; Aries or Libra; Pisces or Scorpio; Capricorn). Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations There are many significant astrological events, and one of those can be when one of your progressed planets turns retrograde or direct. Your progressed chart adds one day to your date of birth for every year you've been alive to crate a new chart reflective of your maturation with age. This chart can also be used for predictive analysis, and can be important for showing when events or developments occur in your life, and when you'll undergo major shifts and periods of change. What is retrograde or direct?
A planet is retrograde when it appears to be moving backward from our view here on Earth, and isn't actually moving backward, but looks that way because of the way the planets move in relation to each other. A planet turning direct means it's no longer moving retrograde, or backward, but appears to be moving in forward motion again. The Sun and Moon are the only planets that don't retrograde.
When progressed planets turn retrograde or direct, it's significant.
When you're born, you may be born while any of the other 8 planets are retrograde, and so this planet will be retrograde in your natal chart. This means that planet may turn direct at some point in your life (unless it's an outer planet and you were born early in it's retrograde since they can be retrograde for months at a time and you may not live long enough for the planet to turn direct in the progressed chart).
When the planet does, this can signal an important period for you where you experience a shift. What exactly that shift may be depends on the planet involved and the signs and houses in the natal and progressed charts. This can also show an important event in your life, again dependent on the planet, sign, and house. You may get married or divorced, start or sell a business, change careers, have a child, experience a loss, make a big move, or any other important event. The same can be said of the reverse, when you're born with a planet in normal direct motion, and it turns retrograde in your progressed chart. Since you're now going backward, this doesn't mean that in this instance, the events and changes are negative or traumatic though. It simply means change, but it may be difficult to manage, especially if you fight it. When you're born with a planet retrograde or direct and that changes in the progressed chart, this can take some time to get used to. You're used to the natal energy. It's imprinted on you, it's natural to you, and now, you have to get used to something else. You still maintain the natal planet retrograde or direct in your personality, always, but you now gain a different perspective. If an event is triggered, it doesn't usually occur right when the planet turns retrograde or direct in the progressed chart. There is a period of time where the planet is stationing, meaning hovering in about the same location, and this can be when you experience the event. The planet can station in the progressed chart for years, so this is partly why the events triggered tend to be bigger and why the shift can be stronger. In this respect, it's more akin to transit Pluto aspects, which last for about 3 years and can cause major transformations in your life. When exactly an event may be triggered during the period the planet is stationing may be seen with transits, returns, or other progressions. If the planet that is stationing is aspected in the natal or progressed chart by a transit planet, other progressed planet, by its return, or by an eclipse (though usually has to be a conjunction or opposition with an eclipse), this can trigger something. You can also experience triggers with other aspects if they're strong enough, mostly transit Uranus or Pluto aspects to the natal chart. Suggested Reading: Progressed Angles Aspecting the Natal Chart |