The 12th house rules "hidden things", and so the 12th house rules what we try to keep private in our lives. Everyone is private about something, even the most open-book among us, and this is usually found through the sign on the 12th house cusp and any planets in the 12th house. The 12th house is what we hide. The 12th House in the signs and what we're private about:
With an Aries 12th house cusp, you can be private about taking action with anything, and when you're starting something new, you may feel that you need to keep it to yourself. This can be seen with Mars in the 12th house as well, ruler of Aries.
With a Taurus 12th house cusp, you can be private about your values, which can also be seen with a Sagittarius 12th house (ruler of beliefs) and Pisces 12th house (ruler of spirituality). Taurus 12th house can also be private about your sensuality and the ways in which you indulge and splurge, or about your finances. With a Gemini 12th house cusp, you can be private with your ideas, your plans, and with your knowledge, what you know and have learned throughout your life (also seen with Mercury in the 12th house). With a Cancer 12th house cusp, you can be private with your emotions, with matters at home or with family, and when you're starting something from the ground up (also the case with the Moon in the 12th house, and the Moon in the 12th house can also show someone who feels they need to be private to feel secure emotionally). With a Leo 12th house cusp, you can be private with your creative side and creative pursuits, with your hobbies, or with your playful side. This can also be the case with the Sun in the 12th house, though the Sun in the 12th house can show someone very private with all aspects of their life and self. The Sun and Moon in the 12th house can be the most private people, along with Scorpio on the 12th house cusp or Pluto in the 12th house (which can be fiercely, intensely private, very difficult to open up; Scorpio and Pluto can also show someone who is private about what they hold deep inside, their deepest wounds, fears, and demons). With a Virgo 12th house cusp, you can be private in your daily life, with what you're working on regularly, with your routine and schedule, and with your health. You can be private with details, and you can keep your perfectionist tendencies to yourself. With a Libra 12th house cusp, you can be private with your relationships, feeling that their no one else's business, or keeping affections behind closed doors (also seen with Venus in the 12th house). With a Sagittarius 12th house cusp, you can be private with expansion and exploration, preferring to do so on your own, and you can keep your optimistic side under wraps (also the case with Jupiter in the 12th house). With a Capricorn 12th house cusp, you can be private with your goals and ambitions, responsibilities and direction, which can also be the case with Saturn in the 12th house, though Saturn in the 12th house can show that you need to work on being more open because being too private can hold you back. With an Aquarius 12th house cusp, you can be private with your dreams and hopes, the causes you champion, and with your friendships (so you may be the one they confide in a lot! and this is also seen with Uranus in the 12th house, and you can also be private with changes that you make). With a Pisces 12th house cusp, you can be private with your sensitivity, imagination, artistic side, and intuition (also seen with Neptune in the 12th house). Suggested Reading: The 12th House page Comments are closed.