There are four elements in astrology, and each Zodiac sign is assigned to one element. One of those elements is air, and there are 3 air signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The air signs are super social, connecting with others in various ways, and highly intellectual. These are the signs that express and engage. Gemini is the third sign and communicates effectively; Libra is the seventh sign and commits to connections; and Aquarius is the eleventh sign and opens up to all. Air Signs and Work
With work, air signs can work well with others since they rule our relationships. They tend to work best with a partner or group, someone to bounce ideas off of and get feedback, and they tend to want to engage with others in their work environment. This makes them great business partners, and they can be engaging bosses and pleasant employees.
Air signs can work hard, however their head needs to be in the game, otherwise they can struggle. These are the signs with the most active minds, so they need work that engages their mind. If they start to let their mind wander, they won't get much done, and these are the signs that can easily waste a work day on social media. In this way, having someone to work with helps, because they can make sure the air signs stay focused. When it comes to their career, air signs can gravitate toward careers that allow them to use their mind or to work with others. Engaging mentally is super important for Gemini, and engaging with others is super important for Libra and Aquarius. Libra may prefer more intimate connections, working one-on-one, while Aquarius may prefer broader engagement with groups and the masses. Some air signs can be quite ambitious, but others may not be. Since these signs rule relationships, they may prioritize their relationships with others over their professional life, and can be happy that way too. When it comes to money, air signs can take it or leave it. They can be great at saving and investing thanks to their intellect and ability to learn, so they do have the capacity to grow their money by a lot. But again, they rule relationships, so money often doesn't mean as much to them. They can appreciate having enough for what they need, but often aren't very greedy. Where they can spend money is usually on other people, the ones in their lives and those they're close to, especially Gemini and Libra. Aquarius can broaden the scope and may invest a lot in causes it is passionate about. All of this can apply to your Sun sign, however you may find that you most connect with the air signs if your professional houses fall in these signs (2nd house of money, 6th house of work, and 10th house of career). Suggested Reading: Air Signs in Astrology & Love There are four elements in astrology, and each Zodiac sign is assigned to one element. One of those elements is earth, and there are 3 earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The earth signs are reliable, dependable, and practical. These are the signs that slowly build over time, and you can count on it. Taurus is the second sign and builds on what we've begun; Virgo is the sixth sign and tends to the details; and Capricorn is the tenth sign and realizes success. Earth Signs and Work
With work, earth signs are the worker bee signs, the ones who stick to what they're doing and see it through. They can be very practical with their schedule and plans, and want to get as much done as they can when they have the energy to do so. Virgo and Capricorn in particular are superb workers and have great work ethics; Taurus may need some time to get started, but can get anything done once they do.
Earth signs have the best work ethic as a result, and you can count on them to get the work done. The issue with them is, they may struggle with taking the initiative at times, so they may need permission to get started, or some direction at first. Capricorn can have the easiest time, but can still wait a while before getting started. When it comes to their career, earth signs can be dedicated to their professional pursuits. They're a-okay with working slowly but surely, making progress little by little, until they finally achieve what they've set out to do. They don't feel the need to rush it, and can get there eventually, and believe that they will. When it comes to money, earth signs are the savers of the Zodiac. They want to sock money away, making sure they have enough for a rainy day and anything unexpected. If they don't have good savings, they can feel really insecure financially, and this can cause a lot of stress and worry, especially for Virgo. Taurus can have the easiest time splurging, but even they want to make sure they have enough. The earth signs are the signs that naturally connect to the professional areas, with Taurus being the sign of money, Virgo being the sign of work, and Capricorn being the sign of career. This means they are usually the ones that have the easiest time with a professional life, and feel that it's important for their overall well being. Some signs don't need a job and can just be bums or rely on other people, but the earth signs generally enjoy having a job and feeling like they're making a contribution. All of this can apply to your Sun sign, however you may find that you most connect with the earth signs if your professional houses fall in these signs (2nd house of money, 6th house of work, and 10th house of career). Suggested Reading: Earth Signs in Astrology & Love Asteroid Eros will end its retrograde soon on September 27th 2023 in air sign Aquarius. What's the astrological impact of this? Eros in Astrology
Astrology has tens of thousands of asteroids, and one of those is Eros, which is the asteroid of sex. It's passionate and must create, and this usually focuses on sex, but can also be channelled creatively. When you have a strong natal Eros you may have a strong sex drive, or be a super creative person.
In the natal chart, your natal Eros can show your sexual proclivities, what you prefer sexually, what turns you on most, and it can show where you have unbridled creative potential. You can find Eros in your own chart for free using ((in Extended Chart Selection, click on Additional objects, and type number 433 in the Manual entry box). Transi (moving) Eros has been retrograde since June 28th 2023, and it started in Pisces before moving to Aquarius on July 13th. Transit Eros can stir up sexual energy as well as creativity and passion. Direct in Astrology
In astrology, direct means the planet or body is no longer moving retrograde. Retrograde means they appear to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth, and this can throw the energy off. When they're direct, they're moving forward again.
Around the turn direct, the planet or body is hovering in the same spot, and this is called stationing. It slows down as it's gearing up to change direction. Pholus began stationing Sep[tember 13th and lasts until September 28th. Eros Direct 2023 Impact:
With Eros ending its retrograde, we can get better control over sexual and creative energies. We may have had difficulty with this in the last few months, unable to channel the energies properly, and this made us more irritated. That can start to change, and we can get better control over it. Aquarius rules our dreams, the future, change, and friends, so Eros moving forward again can specifically help with passion for our future, changes we want to make, and the friendships we have.
This Eros direct is trine (beneficial aspect, 4 signs away) the Sun in Libra and square (challenging aspect, 3 signs away) Ceres in Scorpio. The trine to the Sun helps with giving focus and attention to how we want to use the energy, and it can be easier to figure out how to express it in a healthy way. The square to Ceres might mean we're more focused on where we're feeling frustrated about a lack of support or nourishment, and we need to be more creative in how we approach this instead of lashing out. The Eros direct 2023 can impact you most in the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart it occurs in, and is strongest if it aspects any of your natal planets. The Eros direct occurs at 7 degrees 42 minutes Aquarius, so the aspects are: Conjunction: 4 degrees 42 minutes - 10 degrees 42 minutes Aquarius Sextile: 4 degrees 42 minutes - 10 degrees 42 minutes Aries or Sagittarius Square: 4 degrees 42 minutes - 10 degrees 42 minutes Taurus or Scorpio Trine: 4 degrees 42 minutes - 10 degrees 42 minutes Gemini or Libra Opposition: 4 degrees 42 minutes - 10 degrees 42 minutes Leo If sextile or trine any of your natal planets or bodies, this can help bring pleasant creative and sexual energies. You can control this easily, and you may feel that you want to create something big and bold. If square or opposite any of your natal planets or bodies, this can be challenging for sexual and creative energies, and you may feel frustrated and stifled. You likely need a healthy outlet for your frustrations. If conjunct any of your natal planets or bodies, this can bring supercharged sexual or creative energy to whatever the body rules. The desire to create something and utilize passionate energy can be extra strong, and you can use this in big ways, otherwise you may become more frustrated and easily agitated. Suggested Reading: Asteroid Bacchus in Astrology Black Moon Lilith is on the move, exiting fire sign Leo and moving into earth sign Virgo in early October, to stay until late June 2024. What does this mean? What is Black Moon Lilith?
First, let's review what Black Moon Lilith is. It's the apogee, or highest point, of the Moon, or the farthest point away the Moon is from Earth in the Moon's orbit.
There are two positions for Black Moon Lilith, Mean and True/Oscillating. The movement of Lilith is really wonky, so the True/Oscillating is the exact position while the Mean is the averaged out position. You can assess both in the natal chart (thought True/Oscillating tends to have more weight for most of us). Mean Lilith is much easier to follow for transits. The standard ephemeris on includes Mean Black Moon Lilith. Black Moon Lilith shows where we speak out, stand up, and hold firm. Lilith was Adam's first wife, and she stood up for herself to Adam in the Garden of Eden, even when it meant getting thrown out! Lilith knew her power and worth, being equal to Adam. Transit Black Moon Lilith can bring this out in all of us in general with the sign it's touring and aspects it makes to the other planets (and personally in the natal house is tours for you and aspects it makes to your natal chart). Black Moon Lilith in Virgo Dates:
Impact of Black Moon Lilith in Virgo:
Black Moon Lilith in Leo has been loud and proud. Leo is a fiery fire sign, and wants to get attention for what it's doing, so we've likely been getting more attention for what we've been standing up with. Virgo quiets this down, and we need to think it through first.
With Black Moon Lilith in Virgo, we're not loud at all, and instead, we take our time with gathering information and facts and evidence. We want this to help us feel more secure and confident in what we believe, and once we are, we can pursue taking a stand, but in a quiet way. We may be methodical, or find small ways to speak up and stand up that don't feel too big but can add up over the course of this transit. With Virgo ruling work and work environments, we may see more people taking a stand for worker's rights, improved working conditions, and we can make more demands. We know our value, and we can fight for it. Virgo is also the ruler of health, so we may see more speaking up around health issues and standing up for greater access, equity, or fairness. And Virgo is ruler of pets (and small animals overall), so we may also stand up more for animals. Aspects by Black Moon Lilith in Virgo:
I've noticed that the most important aspects that transit Lilith makes are conjunctions, but Lilith will only conjunct one planet in Virgo, and that's Venus on October 9th 2023 at 0 degrees. This actually started with Venus in Leo, which conjuncted Lilith in Leo twice, first before turning retrograde and then once during Venus retrograde in August. This final conjunction might tie in, and we may see some relationship issues or developments are finished, finalized, or culminate now. At the very start of a new sign, this may mean we're moving into a new focus or new phase with the relationship, and ready to move on.
At the same time, Black Moon Lilith will oppose Saturn in Pisces on October 11th 2023, also at 0 degrees. Saturn restricts, so we may feel like we have less options available to us to be able to take a stand or speak up, to defend our beliefs, or to know our worth. We may be insecure about something, and this needs to be addressed in order to move through. We have to be smart with how we speak up, do our homework first, and make sure we're doing this for the right reasons and in the right way, otherwise Saturn might punish us. Black Moon Lilith will also oppose Neptune in Pisces on June 28th 2024, just before exiting Virgo, and this comes at a sensitive position with both at 29 degrees. There are 30 degrees in every Zodiac sign, and the last degree is 29 degrees, called the anaretic degree. This is a position of supercharged energy, and can be crisis energy in transit. Lilith is anaretic in Virgo June 20th - 29th 2024, and is essentially opposite Neptune the entire time as Neptune is also anaretic. This is crazy strong energy! But with mutable signs Virgo and Pisces, it might be difficult to get a grip on. Things might be flowing in such a strong way that we can't really stop it, and instead, we have to be flexible and go with the flow instead of trying to force it. I'm a little worried about rising ocean waters and temperatures, as well as bad water events (major hurricanes, tsunamis, poisoned water, etc.). Final Notes:
The last time Black Moon Lilith was in Virgo was November 2014 to August 2015, so you can look back to that time to get an idea of the impact now for you. What were you focused on standing up with and speaking out with back then?
Special note if you have natal Black Moon Lilith in Virgo: You will experience your Black Moon Lilith Return, which occurs when transit Black Moon Lilith conjuncts your natal Black Moon Lilith. There can be lessons that open you up more to speaking out and standing up, and you can become more aware of what you've been held back with and need to fight against. This can be a good time to get in tune with your inner Lilith. Suggested Reading: The Black Moon Lilith series: Intro to Black Moon Lilith Lilith the Witch Transit Black Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith & Love Astrology Black Moon Lilith in Cancer: April 2022 - January 2023 Prominent Natal Black Moon Lilith When You're Cut Off From Black Moon Lilith Houses Ruled by Black Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith in the Zodiac Signs Progressions & Black Moon Lilith October 2023 brings with it our second set of eclipses for 2023, a solar eclipse in relationship-minded Libra and a final lunar eclipse in Taurus. What do they bring us? What is a Solar Eclipse?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic. Solar eclipses occur when a New Moon is within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic).
What is a Lunar Eclipse?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy. Lunar eclipses occur when a Full Moon is within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic).
Solar Eclipse in Libra: October 14th 2023 (1:55PM ET/10:55AM PT)
This solar eclipse occurs in Libra, and is the first eclipse in Libra we've had for a while. This eclipse focuses on relationships since Libra is the sign of relationships, and we can enter into new relationships, form new partnerships, agree to new alliances, and enter into new commitments. We can be more comfortable with commitment, and want to commit ourselves to people and projects. We can see big partnerships and agreements being made in the world, and this can be for the sake of harmony.
Libra is the sign of peace, so we can focus on bringing more peace into our lives and into the world. This may be welcome after the last two eclipses, supercharged in Aries and Scorpio, the signs of war, bringing more violence. This could be welcome news in some parts of the world that have been plagued by warfare and violence this year. Libra is the sign of balance, so we may want to give more attention to areas we haven't had as much time for. We can work to have better balanced outlooks and approaches, and this helps with keeping the peace and staying calm. The solar eclipse is conjunct (aligned with) Mercury in Libra, square (challenging aspect, 3 signs away) Pluto in Capricorn, and opposite Chiron in Aries. The conjunction to Mercury amplifies mental energy, brings new ideas we're excited about, and we can have plenty of new communications. There can be good news with this eclipse, and we can communicate in a more pleasant, diplomatic way. The square to Pluto is a different story, and Pluto might challenge us with the areas we're struggling with. We may experience opposition to our plans, and we may be too discriminating. We have to keep compromise and diplomacy in mind and not give in to lesser instincts to prevail. There may be something that needs to be transformed as well, and this can help. The opposition to Chiron can make us more sensitive, so we really do have to be mindful of being pleasant in our communications. There can be potential for great healing with this eclipse, but it hinges on us not giving in to darker Pluto, and being willing to dig a little deeper. Chiron also links to health, so we may see some health news with this eclipse that seems out of left field, out of control, so we do need to stay vigilant. The solar eclipse occurs at 21 degrees 8 minutes Libra. The aspects to the solar eclipse are: Conjunction: 16 degrees 8 minutes - 26 degrees 8 minutes Libra Semisextile: 19 degrees 8 minutes - 23 degrees 8 minutes Virgo or Scorpio Sextile: 16 degrees 8 minutes - 26 degrees 8 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Square: 16 degrees 8 minutes - 26 degrees 8 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 16 degrees 8 minutes - 26 degrees 8 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Quincunx: 19 degrees 8 minutes - 23 degrees 8 minutes Taurus or Pisces Opposition: 16 degrees 8 minutes - 26 degrees 8 minutes Aries Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: October 28th 2023 (4:24PM ET/1:24PM PT)
The lunar eclipse occurs in Taurus, and this is the third and final lunar eclipse in Taurus for this eclipse set. We've had a lunar eclipse in Taurus every fall 3 years in a row, and we're wrapping this up with this final eclipse.
Lunar eclipses link to endings, so with this eclipse being the last, we may be looking at some major, massive endings coming to pass with this eclipse. We're moving on to other focuses and projects and commitments, so this is the time to put on the finishing touches and then let it go. With Taurus, we've been focusing on changes with what we need for stability and security, with our values, with what makes us confident, and with our resources. We can see developments in any of these areas, and it likely ties into what has come to pass over the last two years. We can benefit from grounding ourselves and taking a calm approach to whatever we do with this lunar eclipse. No need to rush, fret, or push. There can be a degree of things falling into place as they're meant to with this eclipse (but that doesn't necessarily mean the way we want them to). The lunar eclipse is opposite Mercury in Scorpio and sextile (beneficial aspect, 2 signs away) Saturn in Pisces, so both eclipses aspect Mercury, which means we may be in for some big news, important information, or major communications with these eclipses. We can also give more focus to neighborhoods, communities, schools, and young people (ruled by Mercury). The sextile to Saturn is helpful, and gives us a little boost of discipline and focus. We might make some strides with something we've been working on for some time, and can experience some degree of success. We may have more responsibilities now, but we can manage them well and not get overwhelmed or feel crushed. The lunar eclipse occurs at 5 degrees 9 minutes Taurus. Aspects to the lunar eclipse are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 9 minutes - 10 degrees 9 minutes Taurus Semisextile: 3 degrees 9 minutes - 7 degrees 9 minutes Aries or Gemini Sextile: 0 degrees 9 minutes - 10 degrees 9 minutes Cancer or Pisces Square: 0 degrees 9 minutes - 10 degrees 9 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 0 degrees 9 minutes - 10 degrees 9 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Quincunx: 3 degrees 9 minutes - 7 degrees 9 minutes Libra or Sagittarius Opposition: 0 degrees 9 minutes - 10 degrees 9 minutes Scorpio Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect Pholus is going to turn direct very soon, on September 20th 2023, in earth sign Capricorn. What does this do astrologically? Pholus in Astrology
Pholus is an asteroid in astrology (there are tens of thousands of asteroids). Pholus links to sudden and/or unexpected events, releasing of something pent up, and is the one who ends it all with familial karma. When you have a strong natal Pholus, you're usually the one who has to break the cycle.
In the natal chart, your natal Pholus can show you where you can experience something major and unexpected, where you have to release and how, and where you may need to end cycles. You can find Pholus in your own chart for free using (in Extended Chart Selection, click on Additional objects, and select Pholus from the menu). Transit (moving) Pholus has been retrograde since April 6th 2023, and this retrograde occurred entirely in Capricorn. Transit Pholus can trigger unexpected and sudden events, can make you release something big, or can aid with breaking the status quo. Direct in Astrology
In astrology, direct means the planet or body is no longer moving retrograde. Retrograde means they appear to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth, and this can throw the energy off. When they're direct, they're moving forward again.
Around the turn direct, the planet or body is hovering in the same spot, and this is called stationing. It slows down as it's gearing up to change direction. Pholus began stationing Sep[tember 13th and lasts until September 28th. Pholus Direct 2023 Impact:
With Pholus ending its retrograde, we can start to get better control over what we're releasing, ending, or adjusting to. We may have been stuck, unable to do so in the last few months, or we may have felt like everything was out of our control. That can start to change, and we can work to get on track. Capricorn rules our goals and direction, so Pholus moving forward again can specifically help us with our goals and our path.
This Pholus direct is widely sextile (beneficial aspect, 2 signs away) Saturn in Pisces and Ceres in Scorpio. Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn, so this is more helpful energy for dealing with our goals and direction. We can find it's easier to take control, and we can be disciplined as we release, end, or adjust. Ceres helps us to make sure we're supported as we go along and do the work we need to do. We can get the support we need from others, or we can give it to ourselves. We can also maximize the resources we have access to, and this helps us to be focused. The Pholus direct 2023 can impact you most in the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart it occurs in, and is strongest if it aspects any of your natal planets. The Pholus direct occurs at 5 degrees 43 minutes Capricorn, so the aspects are: Conjunction: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Capricorn Sextile: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Square: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Taurus or Virgo Opposition: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Cancer If sextile or trine any of your natal planets or bodies, this can give you some help as you work on changing things up, breaking bad habits or addictions, or work to release something that has been building up for some in a positive, healthy, productive way. If square or opposite any of your natal planets or bodies, this can be challenging for finding the right ways to manage the unexpected or anything that is bursting out. You may need to dig deeper and work on having better self-control. Conjunctions are the main aspect to watch with Pholus though, so if this turn direct is conjunct any of your natal planets or bodies, be mindful of potential unexpected events, being put in situations where you have to put an end to something long-standing, or feeling like you're going to burst with something that you've been holding in for too long. Try to focus on the planet or body being conjuncted, and work on ways you can use the energy to your advantage to get out of a rut, transform, or release. Suggested Reading: Asteroid Bacchus in Astrology |