Pholus is going to turn direct very soon, on September 20th 2023, in earth sign Capricorn. What does this do astrologically? Pholus in Astrology
Pholus is an asteroid in astrology (there are tens of thousands of asteroids). Pholus links to sudden and/or unexpected events, releasing of something pent up, and is the one who ends it all with familial karma. When you have a strong natal Pholus, you're usually the one who has to break the cycle.
In the natal chart, your natal Pholus can show you where you can experience something major and unexpected, where you have to release and how, and where you may need to end cycles. You can find Pholus in your own chart for free using (in Extended Chart Selection, click on Additional objects, and select Pholus from the menu). Transit (moving) Pholus has been retrograde since April 6th 2023, and this retrograde occurred entirely in Capricorn. Transit Pholus can trigger unexpected and sudden events, can make you release something big, or can aid with breaking the status quo. Direct in Astrology
In astrology, direct means the planet or body is no longer moving retrograde. Retrograde means they appear to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth, and this can throw the energy off. When they're direct, they're moving forward again.
Around the turn direct, the planet or body is hovering in the same spot, and this is called stationing. It slows down as it's gearing up to change direction. Pholus began stationing Sep[tember 13th and lasts until September 28th. Pholus Direct 2023 Impact:
With Pholus ending its retrograde, we can start to get better control over what we're releasing, ending, or adjusting to. We may have been stuck, unable to do so in the last few months, or we may have felt like everything was out of our control. That can start to change, and we can work to get on track. Capricorn rules our goals and direction, so Pholus moving forward again can specifically help us with our goals and our path.
This Pholus direct is widely sextile (beneficial aspect, 2 signs away) Saturn in Pisces and Ceres in Scorpio. Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn, so this is more helpful energy for dealing with our goals and direction. We can find it's easier to take control, and we can be disciplined as we release, end, or adjust. Ceres helps us to make sure we're supported as we go along and do the work we need to do. We can get the support we need from others, or we can give it to ourselves. We can also maximize the resources we have access to, and this helps us to be focused. The Pholus direct 2023 can impact you most in the areas of life ruled by the house in your natal chart it occurs in, and is strongest if it aspects any of your natal planets. The Pholus direct occurs at 5 degrees 43 minutes Capricorn, so the aspects are: Conjunction: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Capricorn Sextile: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Scorpio or Pisces Square: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Aries or Libra Trine: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Taurus or Virgo Opposition: 2 degrees 43 minutes - 8 degrees 43 minutes Cancer If sextile or trine any of your natal planets or bodies, this can give you some help as you work on changing things up, breaking bad habits or addictions, or work to release something that has been building up for some in a positive, healthy, productive way. If square or opposite any of your natal planets or bodies, this can be challenging for finding the right ways to manage the unexpected or anything that is bursting out. You may need to dig deeper and work on having better self-control. Conjunctions are the main aspect to watch with Pholus though, so if this turn direct is conjunct any of your natal planets or bodies, be mindful of potential unexpected events, being put in situations where you have to put an end to something long-standing, or feeling like you're going to burst with something that you've been holding in for too long. Try to focus on the planet or body being conjuncted, and work on ways you can use the energy to your advantage to get out of a rut, transform, or release. Suggested Reading: Asteroid Bacchus in Astrology Comments are closed.