When you're following the transit (moving) planets through the Zodiac, one event you need to learn about is when the planet or body is stationing, and when it's direct. What does stationing and direct mean? About Retrogrades:In astrology, we experience retrogrades, which occur when a planet or body appears to be moving backward through the Zodiac from our view here on Earth. The normal motion for the planets and most of the other bodies is forward, so going backward can throw the energy off a little, or a lot. The only planets that don't retrograde are the Sun and Moon. About Direct in Astrology:When the planet appears to be moving backward, we call this turning retrograde. When the planet appears to no longer be moving backward and is going forward, we call this turning direct. Direct motion means the planet is going forward. There are 12 Zodiac signs, and they go in a set order. When they're going forward, that order is: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces and over again at Aries When the planet or body is retrograde and moving backward, it goes in reverse like this: Pisces Aquarius Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo Cancer Gemini Taurus Aries and over again at Pisces About Stationing in Astrology:When a planet or body is turning retrograde or direct, it's slowing down, gearing up to change direction. It can't just flip a switch and suddenly change its movement through the Zodiac.
Instead, it slows before changing and moving backward (retrograde) or forward (direct). While it's slowing, it's hovering in about the same spot in the Zodiac. For Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron, it's literally hovering in the exact same spot, the exact same degree and minute placement in a Zodiac sign. For faster planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars, it's not at the exact same degree and minute, but usually in the same degree. This period when it's hovering in about the same spot is called stationing. While a planet or body is stationing, the energy is super strong. We really feel this. We feel the planet is gearing up to change, has slowed down considerably, and this can be a time when we're operating much slower in our lives. We can be uncertain of how to proceed with whatever the planet or body rules, because the energy is going to change, and we feel this instinctively and subconsciously. Sometimes the turn retrograde or direct will make an aspect to a planet or other position in your natal chart. When that happens, you feel the stationing period extra strong. Whatever planet or body is being hit in your natal chart is getting a continuous, steady stream of intense energy from the planet or body turning retrograde or direct. This can often indicate an important development of some sort connected to the natal planet or body being aspected, and how that plays out depends on the aspect being made. If it's a sextile or trine, this can be hugely beneficial for you, and you can create major improvements and positive developments during the stationing period. If it's square or opposite, this can be a big challenge, and you may have a massive problem or block to work through during the stationing period. If it's a conjunction, this sends massive energy from whichever transit planet or body is connecting with your natal planet or body during the stationing period. The energy of the planet or body makes the natal planet or body much more important in your life, and you can see major developments. How they play out depends on the transit planet or body involved and what their energy is, as well as if you have any other aspects being made to the natal planet or body at the same time. Suggested Reading: Progressed Planets Turning Retrograde or Direct You can keep track of various transits with astrology, including new and full moons and eclipses aspecting your natal planets. This can trigger energy and developments in your life with whatever that planet rules. So what happens when the planet is Ceres? What are new and full moons and eclipses in astrology?A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon conjunct (align) in the Zodiac. New moons are times of high energy, enthusiasm, and new beginnings. A full moon occurs when the transit Sun and Moon oppose one another in the Zodiac. Full Moons are times of high emotions, culminations, and endings. New and full moons alternate every 2 weeks or so, so we have one new moon, and then one full moon, and then one new moon, and one full moon, etc. Eclipses occur when a new or full moon is within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic). Solar eclipses occur with new moons, and lunar eclipses occur with full moons. We have eclipses roughly every 6 months. Ceres in Astrology:Ceres is a dwarf planet (like Pluto) who rules nourishment, support, and resources. In the natal chart, Ceres can show how you show support, what you need to feel nourished, and the resources you have. New Moon/Solar Eclipse Aspects to Natal Ceres:When a new moon or solar eclipse sextiles or trines your natal Ceres, this can bring super helpful energy for support, nourishment, and your resources. You can find new resources, have an opportunity to use existing ones in positive ways, or improve on the resources you have. You can feel supported, show support for others, and nurture yourself and others. When a new moon or solar eclipse squares or opposes your natal Ceres, this can bring challenging energy for support, nourishment, and your resources. It may shine a light on difficulties you need to work on in order to have access to the resources you need. Lack can be frustrating, and you may not feel as supported as usual. When a new moon or solar eclipse conjuncts your natal Ceres, you may be presented with a new resource, a new financial opportunity, or make headway with ways you've tried to improve what you have. You can get more support, feel more nurtured, and take care of yourself, but also do well taking care of others. You may be seen and praised for this. Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Aspects to Natal Ceres:When a full moon or lunar eclipse sextiles or trines your natal Ceres, this can help you feel more nurtured and supported emotionally, and you can give that to others in return. You can feel at ease with what you have, and less stressed and more confident.
When a full moon or lunar eclipse squares or opposes your natal Ceres, this can make you more emotional if you're not getting the support you need, or don't feel you have enough resources. There can be frustration with lack, and this can lead to lashing out. The source needs to be found and resolved or understood. When a full moon or lunar eclipse conjuncts your natal Ceres, it's super important for you to nurture yourself, take care of yourself, and tend to your emotional needs. This can help you get further in many areas. You can see the results of work you've done to have more resources, but if you've done things the wrong way or for the wrong reasons, this may lead to setbacks and more problems. Try to plan and think things through. Suggested Reading: Transit Aspects to Natal Ceres Asteroid Amor is about to move into air sign Libra on September 25th 2022, and will stay in this sign until October 25th 2022. What does this have in store for us? What is Amor in astrology?
Amor is an asteroid in astrology, and it's the asteroid of romantic love. The Zodiac sign and house location in your natal chart of your natal Amor can show what you need to display romance and affection.
You can find your natal asteroid Amor location for free using astro.com (in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add number '1221' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart). In transit, Amor can show how you're displaying romance and affection at the moment. Asteroid Amor in Libra for the Zodiac Signs:
Aries: You can be romantic in one-on-one situations with Amor in Libra, and with someone you feel committed to and close to. You can be more affectionate with those you're closest to, and may want more time with them.
Taurus: You can be romantic in small ways with Amor in Libra, and may show affection quietly. You likely don't care for big displays at the moment, and can do little things that show how much you care, and not need too much attention for it. Gemini: You can enjoy romance and have fun with it while Amor in Libra, and can be much more affectionate. You can appreciate your loved ones showing affection back, and may want more attention and praise from them. Cancer: You can connect emotionally in love with Amor in Libra, and want to be romantic in ways that show how you feel. You can be considerate of those you love, and may be more supportive and sensitive of their feelings. Leo: You can connect mentally in love with Amor in Libra, and can come up with fun or interesting ways of being romantic. You can bring a variety of romantic displays, and the most romance may come from simple conversation. Virgo: You can take your time with matters of love and romance with Amor in Libra, and won't be pushed to move faster. You can be more sensual in romance though, and may be into candles, moonlight, fine wine, and fancy dinners. Libra: You can be super romantic and affectionate with Amor in your sign, and it can be easier for you to display affection and enjoy romance. Others may come to you more easily, and your charm can be amplified. Scorpio: You can be romantic and affectionate when you're not around other people with Amor in Libra, and prefer to be sweet behind the scenes. You may go for a big romantic gesture, but do so secretly. Sagittarius: You can come up with new ways of being romantic and affectionate with Amor in Libra, and may not go for anything traditional. You can opt for some unconventional romantic gestures and step outside of your comfort zone. Capricorn: You can be more traditional with romance and how you display affection with Amor in Libra, opting for the conventional route. This can still win you points. You may seem more charming and attractive as well. Aquarius: You can be romantic in big ways with Amor in Libra, and may go big with displays of affection. You may be more adventurous in love, and want to enjoy yourself. You can be more optimistic about love and with loved ones. Pisces: You can be more passionate in love with Amor in Libra, and want to strengthen emotional bonds with those you care about. You may have less patience for anything superficial, and want love to be strong and stand the test of time. Suggested Reading: Asteroid Amor in the Zodiac Signs In astrology, there are thousands of asteroids, and one asteroid is named Talent. This asteroid is literally the asteroid of talent, and shows where you're talented and how you use your talents. You can find the location of your natal asteroid Talent for free using astro.com; in Extended Chart Selection, click on 'Additional objects', and add the number '33154' to the 'Manual entry' box, and generate your chart. Asteroid Talent is moving into Leo shortly. What does this do for us? Asteroid Talent in Leo Dates:
Asteroid Talent in Leo 2022-23 General Impact:
Leo is the sign of creativity, so asteroid Talent in Leo is a fabulous time for focusing on your creative talents. Work on improving them, honing them, and showcasing them. With Leo being a fame ruler, you can get more attention for your creative talents, and can enjoy the attention you get.
Leo rules children, so asteroid Talent in Leo can give more attention to especially talented children, or to talents that kids appreciate (like being an influencer, or a puppeteer). Those who are great caretakers of children may get more attention for this. Leo rules the heart, so asteroid Talent in Leo can help us focus on the talents we feel connected to in our hearts. We can use these talents to be more heart-centric in our lives, and to connect with the hearts of others. Bonus points for cardiologists? haha . . . Leo also rules romance and dating, so asteroid Talent in Leo may be a great time for dating experts, dating coaches, romance authors, and the like. We may want to become more talented with matters of love. Asteroid Talent in Leo 2022-23 Aspects:
So an interesting thing - asteroid Talent won't conjunct any planets while in Leo! So none of the other planets are hooking up with asteroid Talent to have a major influence on talents in general. Instead, we'll have a few challenging aspects that we have to contend with that may get in the way.
The November 16th 2022 Taurus lunar eclipse will square (hard aspect) asteroid Talent in Leo, so we may have hidden issues that need to be addressed that are blocking us from showcasing our talents, or we may have emotional developments that can impact our ability to use our talents. There may be challenges that require us to analyze the talents we're using and how we're doing things wrong, or how our motivations need to change. Asteroid Talent ends its retrograde on March 17th 2023, and will be square Venus in Taurus. This may bring challenges with talents for compromise or diplomacy, and we may have a harder time finding motivation to use our talents Laziness ensues! Asteroid Talent with square Uranus in Taurus on June 7th 2023, and this might bring sudden difficulties when it comes to displaying our talents, and we may struggle with getting the recognition we deserve, or using our talents in a productive way. We may need to think outside of the box, but carefully. All 3 of these squares are in Taurus, which is the sign of stubbornness and obstinance, so part of the problem during this period may be that inflexibility gets in the way. We need to be more open and willing to ebb and flow, otherwise our talents may be wasted. Suggested Reading: Transit Asteroid Abundantia Aspects October brings an Aries full moon and our second solar eclipse for 2022, this time in Scorpio! What does this do for us? What is a Solar Eclipse?
A new moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact same position in the Zodiac (called a conjunction). New moons are related to beginnings, have high energy, and are enthusiastic. Solar eclipses occur when new moons are within 18 1/2 degrees of the Lunar Nodes (the points in the Moon's orbit where the Moon crosses the ecliptic).
What is a Full Moon?
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). Full moons are related to endings, culminations, and are emotional energy.
Full Moon in Aries: October 9th 2022 (4:55PM ET/1:55PM PT)
The Aries full moon is a full moon that comes with a lot of energy. Aries is the high-energy Zodiac sign, so we can feel motivated to take action based on what we feel. Full moons are emotional, and those emotions can inspire us to act. We have to make sure we're not being impulsive about it though, otherwise we may rush into something we regret later.
Aries is the first sign and is associated with new beginnings, while full moons are associated with endings, so we may see the beginning of the end of something, or the end of the beginning of something. We can focus on our own identities, and if we have struggled with being true to ourselves, there can be extra frustration with the full moon. We have to work on opening up more and not rejecting who we are. With there being a lot of energy with Aries full moons, this can be ripe for anger, and some may lash out with violence, so it's important we have healthy outlets for frustrations and not let them get the best of us. The full moon is sextile (beneficial aspect, 2 signs away) transit (moving) Saturn in Aquarius, and this can help us be more in control of our emotions, make progress with our goals, and stick to our plans. We can be practical and disciplined. The full moon occurs at 16 degrees 33 minutes Aries. Aspects to the full moon are: Conjunction: 14 degrees 33 minutes - 18 degrees 33 minutes Aries Sextile: 14 degrees 33 minutes - 18 degrees 33 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Square: 14 degrees 33 minutes - 18 degrees 33 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 14 degrees 33 minutes - 18 degrees 33 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Opposition: 14 degrees 33 minutes - 18 degrees 33 minutes Libra Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: October 25th 2022 (6:49AM ET/3:49AM PT)
Our second solar eclipse for 2022 comes late October in the sign of Scorpio. We haven't had a Scorpio solar eclipse yet in this eclipse set, only in Taurus, and the lunar eclipse we had this year was in Scorpio. Now that Scorpio is getting solar eclipse energy, we can focus on transforming for the better in big, drastic ways. This can have a long-term impact that we're dealing with for years to come. This may be the beginning, the first steps, and we can totally overhaul.
Scorpio is also the sign of depth, so we may be more researching, want to solve problems, and can get below the surface of subjects, projects, and people with the Scorpio solar eclipse. We can keep looking until we uncover even more. Light may be shined on areas, subjects, events, or people that we missed before, and this can bring new information that helps with new plans. Scorpio is passion, power, and control, so the Scorpio solar eclipse may bring extra passion we can make use of, greater comfort and connection with our personal power, and more control in certain areas of life or of the self. This solar eclipse is conjunct (aligned with) transit Venus in Scorpio, and this can be super helpful in our relationships, our dealings with others, and our bonds. We can feel more comfortable with commitment, compromise, and diplomacy, and we can be more charming and pleasant. Feminine energy can also be solid with this eclipse. The solar eclipse occurs at 2 degrees 0 minutes Scorpio. Aspects to this eclipse are: Conjunction: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 7 degrees 0 minutes Scorpio Semisextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 4 degrees 0 minutes Libra or Sagittarius Sextile: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 7 degrees 0 minutes Virgo or Capricorn Square: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 7 degrees 0 minutes Leo or Aquarius Trine: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 7 degrees 0 minutes Cancer or Pisces Quincunx: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 4 degrees 0 minutes Aries or Gemini Opposition: 0 degrees 0 minutes - 7 degrees 0 minutes Taurus Since the eclipse is early in Scorpio, major aspects may also be felt out-of-sign (as if it were late in Libra). Those are: Conjunction: 27 degrees 0 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Libra Sextile: 27 degrees 0 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Leo or Sagittarius Square: 27 degrees 0 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Cancer or Capricorn Trine: 27 degrees 0 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Gemini or Aquarius Opposition: 27 degrees 0 minutes - 29 degrees 59 minutes Aries Suggested Reading: The New & Full Moons page for general interpretations by house and aspect Ceres is marching on and gets ready to enter earth sign Virgo, leaving fun-loving Leo. Ceres is in and out of Virgo for a while to come. What does this have in store for us? What is Ceres in astrology?
Ceres is technically a dwarf planet (like Pluto) but in astrology, we call it an asteroid (as it was before the dwarf planet designation). Ceres is super nurturing, supportive, caring, and there for you. I describe it as a supercharged Moon (maybe mixed with a little Venus).
You can find Ceres in your own chart on astro.com (in Extended Chart Selection, click on Additional Objects, and select Ceres from the menu). Ceres in Virgo 2022 - 2023 Dates:
General Impact of Ceres in Virgo:
Virgo is the sign of work, so Ceres in Virgo can be a time for us to get to work, putting our resources to good use, and working to get more resources. We can work on plans with the resources we have, financially, or with what we want to work on soon. We may break down big ideas and plans regarding our resources or finances into smaller ones to make them more achievable.
Virgo rules the details, so we may pay closer attention to our resources, to financial fine print, and to the ways in which we can nourish and support others. We may also pay closer attention to our own needs, and focus on how we can meet them in small ways. Virgo rules daily life, so we may try to make use of our daily resources, daily financial habits, and our needs in daily life. We can take better care of ourselves and others on a daily basis. We may feel more nourished by the work we do, and if the work we do drains us, we may look to do new work that supports us better. We can have less patience for work that takes too much and gives nothing back. Virgo also rules health, so if our needs aren't being met, we may experience more health issues. If we're stressed, this can lead to physical health problems. We need to take care of our emotional needs, and this can help. Ceres does retrograde partially in Virgo in 2023, so we may feel extra stress, especially about our resources and finances. We may experience extreme lack, and can have lots of worry about health as well. We may need to learn how to be structured, disciplined, deliberate, and precise with our resources and finances. Ceres in Virgo 2022-23 Aspects:
- Sextile Venus in Scorpio on November 3rd 2022 at 14 degrees & Venus in Cancer May 31st 2023 at 25 degrees: Helpful energy for relationships, dealings with others, supporting those you care about, and being there for others emotionally.
- Sextile the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio on November 8th 2022 at 16 degrees: This can help bring attention to resources and finances, and we can work on plans, come up with new ideas, and get creative. We can meet our needs, and feel heard. - Trine Uranus in Taurus on November 9th 2022 at 16 degrees: We can make beneficial changes to improve the resources we have, improve financial situations, or meet our needs. We can be more concerned with the welfare of all, and want to have a broader impact. - Square Mars Retrograde in Gemini on November 22nd 2022 at 21 degrees: This may be the roughest period during Ceres in Virgo, and we may struggle with having our needs met, lack resources, or burn through them, and this can make us much more frustrated. If we feel unsupported, we can lash out in a big way. Watch for potential resources being destroyed or money squandered on something. - Opposite Neptune in Pisces on November 25th 2022 at 22 degrees & April 10th 2023 at 26 degrees & June 10th 2023 at 27 degrees: Coming with the Mars retrograde aspect for the first hit, this can make it so we have difficulty figuring out our next steps, and we may be extra vulnerable and easily manipulated. We need to maintain solid boundaries, but also not lose our compassion and empathy. Balance them. The second hit comes with Ceres retrograde, and this may be extra troublesome and require extra effort. The third hit may be the culmination, and issues may begin with the first hit, reach a height with the second hit, and come to a resolution with the third hit. Lots of foggy energy from late November 2022 to mid June 2023. - Square Mercury in Sagittarius on December 3rd 2022 at 25 degrees: We may struggle to express what we need, to be vocal about our support, or to come up with ideas and plans for resources. There may be bad news. - Square Venus in Sagittarius on December 7th 2022 at 26 degrees & Venus in Gemini on May 1st 2023: We may struggle with helping others, and may feel unsupported in our relationships. There can be money issues, and the resources we thought we had may be gone. This can be stronger with the second hit since Ceres will be retrograde for it. - Trine Pluto in Capricorn on December 8th 2022 at 26 degrees & March 22nd 2023 at 29 degrees: We can work to transform, to breathe new life into stale areas, and this can reveal new resources we had missed, new ways to meet our needs, and help us find solutions to issues that have been standing in the way of our nourishment. This is with the first hit. The second hit with Ceres retrograde may be challenging with the two anaretic, and we have to work on those problems directly, and make use of energy in a productive way. - Trine Venus in Taurus on April 8th 2023 at 26 degrees: This occurs with Ceres retrograde, so we may have good energy for dealing with others and in our relationships, and we may go about showing support and being helpful in new, different ways. - Sextile Mars in Cancer on May 9th 2023 at 23 degrees: This can bring helpful energy to manage resources, increase or improve them, and manage money. We can feel driven to meet our needs, and help others. - Trine the Sun in Taurus on May 14th 2023 at 24 degrees: This can help shine a light on our needs, resources, and how to make improvements. We can feel more at ease and take care of ourselves. - Conjunct Mercury in Virgo on June 9th 2023 at 27 degrees: The final aspect for Ceres in Virgo may be one that brings some clarity, needed ideas or plans, or news that we've been missing. We may speak up about what we've been missing, and we can take small steps to rectify. Final Note:
We need to be super mindful in the second half of November with the Mars retrograde and Neptune aspects! Have solid boundaries, along with some healthy outlets, and a little extra patience.
The opposition to Neptune lasts, and may come with lots of foggy energy that makes it difficult to discern what to do, and we have to be more practical, tether to reality, but also have a gentle hand with others and ourselves. Suggested Reading: Transit Ceres in the Houses |